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AUG 10 lire 

( I 



HYMN I. . ^ 

Sing, AtharvaQa^ at eve, sing loudly^ bring a splendid 
present : hymn God SavitEtr with praises* 

2 Yea, praise him whose home is in the river. Son of 

Truth, the youthfiil, gracious friend whose word is 
. guileless. 

3 Savitar our Glod shall send us many everlasting trea^ 

sures, that both paths may well be travelled, 


For Indra, ministering priests I ran ye and press the 

Soma juice, 
That he may hear his praiser's word, and this my call. 

2 Thou into whom the drops find way as sap pours life 

into a tree, 
. Drive off in thine abundant might our demon foes^ 

S For Indra,, thunder-armed^ who drinks the Soma 
press the Soma out' ; 
He» youthful^ conq^ueror, and l4ord» is praised by alL 

A hymn of pniae to SaviUo; 

1 AtharvcuM: desoendant of the great T^&thi Atharvan; Atharva- 
priest Tlie Adhvaiy u acLdjesaes the Udf^itar or Chanting Priest 

2 River: thei^aof air; tb» heavens, 7<mt\fiU: ever young an4 

S Savitar •. • • thatt undi tavit^ §Api$kai ; a frequentlj recurring 
play upon the. two word% both from the root «i2 to set in motion, Tivify, 
produce. rAal&o(AjMiM<.^ of the rising and declining Sun; smtfbding 
read, as suggested in the St P* Dictionary, Instead of tb» inanifestly 
corrupt nukhtili eulogies. ' ^ 

A hymn in piaiae of Indnk 

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OvAKD 118 the MaratsI Guard os well, O Indra, 
. Guard oa, O Waters* Child, and Rivers Seveb. May 
Viahoii guard us, and the Sky. 

% IImj Heaven and Earth take care of us for victory, 

- may Pressing-Stone and Soma save us fr6m distress. 

Sarasvatt, auspicious Gkxldess, guard us well: pre- 

serve us Agui and his kind protecting powers. 

S Pkreserve us both the Afvins, Gods and Lords of 

Uffht, and let the* Dawns and Night bring us 

. denveranoe. ' 

The Waters* Child protect our house fforo every harm* 
Do thou, Qod, Tvask^r, make us strong for health 
and weslth. 


Mat Tvasji^r, Brahmapaspati, Flarjanya hear my 

holy prayer. 
May Aditi with all her sons, the brothers, guard ns^ 

invincible, protecting power. 

S May AAsa, Bhaga, Varuoa, and Mitra» Aryaman^ 
Aditi, and Maruts guard us. 
May we be freed from that oppressor's hatred. 
' May he keep off that foeman who is near us. 

A hjwom to TMMHM dntiM for pcoteetloo uid prosperity. 

1 WmUri CkUd: % ftsqnentty ooourring sppelUtioD of Agni, bom 
kk Ifcs fofm of Ughtaing from the watarr clouds of the fimiMnent. 
Mimtn Stwm f the Indni^ tlie Fire Rivon of Um Peojibv sad oithor ths 
ftuMfstiortlieKnbliA. Sot 17.6.1 

A Ityna Is TSiioiii deitioi for proleelioQ. 

1 ri9«^:GodofUitisin-oloiid. SosLt.!. AHUwUhmUlm 
m; SOS sols on L 9. 1. 

% A^: ontof ths lditjM.-Ar? soy out or OMk of tlio ij^/mOkf 

BTUN 6.] 



. 3 Msy both the Asvins fbrther our devotion. With 
ceaseless care deliver us, Wide-Ranger I O Father 
Heaven, keep from us all misfortunes. 


AoMi, adored with sacred oil, lift up this man to high 
• estate. 
<.. Endow him with full store of strength and make him 

rich in progeny. 
' 2 Advance him, Indra 1 Let him be ruler of all akin to 
Grant him sufficiency of wealth : guide him to lifa 
and length of day& 

8 Prosper this man, O Agni, in whose house we offer 
M^y Soma bless him, and the Qbd hers present^ 


^ Thb godless man whoever plots against us, Brah* 

Thou shalt give up as prey to me the worshipper 
who pour the juice^ 

8 If, Soma, any spiteful man hath aimed at us whose 
thoughts are kind. 
Smite with thv bolt upon his &ce: he, crushed to 
pieces, vanisheth. 

3 Wid^-Ramger; far-rsaoluDg Hoatoo. F€aUt ifmvem: dfomtkpUmr 
» Zeu pater, Jupiter. 

A pnjor to Agni and Indi» lor the woll-beiog of * prineelj patRm. 
3 U€r€ preutU: BmhoouKUtf^ati being tometimee ideottfied with 
Agni wha is present as the saonfioial fire. 

^ The hjmn has been tnuislated by Lndwig, Ejer Bfgfeda, UL pu MU* 

^ A hjmn for proteetioQ from wioked men. 
i With Ujr holi: more nsuaUjr the weapon of India.. . : 

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. 8 Soma, whoever trouUeth as, be he a stranger or akin, 
'. Deprive him of the strength he hath ; elay him thy* 
self like mighty DyausT 


J- Soma! what pathway Aditi and the three guileless 
Mitras xum, teme thou with help to us thereby. 

1 2 Thereby thou, eonqaering Soma, wilt give Asuras 
to be oar prey, thereby oe ye oar advocates. - 

4 S Whereby ye Gkxls repelled and stayed the powers of 
tiie Asaras, thereby give shelter anto as, 

. Like as the creeper tiurows her arms on every side 
aroand the tree, I 

So hold thou me lA thine embrace that thou nuiyst 
be in love with me, my darling, never to depart 

2 As, when he mounts, the eagle strikes his pinions 

downward on the earth, 
. So do I strike thy spirit down that thou mayst be in 
love with me, my darling, never to depart 

3 Dy9M»i HeaTen; 'the bright skj itself, the old I>7AU8, wor« 
shipped as we know t^ the AryM before they broke tip into separate 
peoplee and languages, and surriTing in Greece as Zeus, in Italj aa 
Jupiter, HeaTon-fii^her, and among the Tentonic tribea as TfrtxA 
JVii.'—>f« If oner, India, ¥rhat can it Ttech net pw 194. 

The kjmift has been translated by Ludwig, Der RigYcda, III. p. 43<K 

A pimyer to Soma and other Qods fbr help and protection. 
1 Tkrtt fwUdm MUrai : Mitra and the two ether Adidas, Yampi^ 
and IrjrawMn, who are usaaU/ associated with him. 



A diaim to win a maiden's Io?e« 

1 Crttpgr: iih^; probably, woodbbe. See Bigreda X. 10. 


II of the three stanias occurs also in I. 54. 6^ and II. 30, 1. 
IHamltiaaalaliooia: That thou majstne?ermore depart, or. 

The kymi haa been tianslated and eiplained by Webei^, Indische* 
^' Y. Ml e%q«;4Mid by .OrlllrHmidert Ueder, pp. 54, Ifi8« • -, 

j/riry lo.] 



i 3 As in his rapid ooorse the Son encompasses the 
heaven and earth. 
So do I compass round thy mind that thou mayst be 
in love with me, my darung, never to depart. 


. DisiBB my body, love my feet» love thoa mine eyes, 
and love my legs. 
Let both thine eyes and hair, fond girl t be dried and 
parched through love of me. 

;;2 I make thee hang upon mine arm, I make thee lie 
upon my heart 
Thou yieldest to my wish, that thou mayst be sub- 
missive to my will, 

3 May they whose kisses are a bond, aJovoH^harm laid 
within the hearty 
Mothers of butter, may the cows incline that maid to 
love of me. 


All hail for hearing to the Earth, to Trees, to Agni, 
sovran Lord I 

2 All hail for breath to Air, for powers of life to Ydyu, 
sovran Lord I 

The hymn is a oharm to win a maiden's lore. 

1 /VmcfyiW/.- said proleptically* 

2 J make: the wish is regarded aa already obtained. 

3 WkouHaaixreabimd: whose loaresses make their calres love 
them. The cows, * the milky mothers,' the patterns of strong affeetioQ, 
are to soften the maiden's heart and fill it with a portion of their own 
passionate love. See Weber, Indische Studien, V. p. 264. 

A thanksgiving for lile^ hearing, and nght. 

1 £artk: perhaps as being a good conductor of soond, and 
nected with hearing, ^btmaa XonI ; of trees an^pknts^ the 
portant productions of the earth. 

2 Fdjrti; as Ckxl of Hl^nd and the air whidi supports lifa 

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THE aruNs or 


- S All hul for TisioQ to the Stars, to Heaven, to SArya, 

sovran Lordl 


- hsffkmk on the Saml-tree. There a male birth is 
There is the finding of a son : this bring we to the 

- S The &ther sows the genial seed, the woman tends 

and fosters it. 
This is the finding of a son: thus hath Praj&pati^ 

% Praj&pati, Annmati, SinlvAIl have ordered it 

Elsewhere may he effect the birth of maids, but here 

prepare a boy. 'I 

I, AS the San goes round the heaven, have travelled 

roand the l^rpents* race. 
I ward tKy poison off, as Night parts all else living 

from the Sun. 

3 Aofv.- the syM of ]mst«il S<brjfat as the Ckxlof light. Ci 'Ifsy 
SAiyt, tofima Locd of ajei, pfotect ms* (V. 84. ft.) 

k to oaiuio Um birth of ft boy. 

1 Tbi prodoolioa of firs by meuii of the drill, the upper psrt of 
^vluob it msdo of Affmttha, and the lowor part or reoeptaola of Sami 
wood, lepreoeoU^iiiiioii of niaaaiBd wife. MoreoTor, the Afvattba, 
which has a maaonlino naiiM^ ■pringing fkom, aiad growing on* tho 
§ ^ftAtAnMk ^fftml-Um^ la ^loal of the nialo ohild in due time to be bonu 

S AwMs*^'* I'^ ^ ^*^ whoie faTouring aid is ioToked on Iheae 
ooosiinni See figreda X. 184. 1, and Athanra-veda V. 86.13. 

3 Ammalti and S^fUM (tee V. 80. 3) are deitiea preaiding over 
diflbieiit phaaea of the mooo and a wo ei a t ed with eonoep^ and child* 
See Weber, Indi«)he Studien, V. pp. 888 eqq. 

The hywn haa been tranilated and elncidated by Weber, Indtabbe 
•diea»V.F.8«4. Seea]eoLiidwig,DerRigireda,III.p.477; ' 


BYkif ii] 



2 With this, discovered in the days of old by Biahmans, 
; Bishis, Gods, 

With this I ward thy poison off, thou Biter! formed 
and forming now. 

3 With mead I minsle flowing streams! the hills and 

mountains shall be mead, 
Parushol and Slp&Ii mead. be well with 
month and heart. 


Worship to weapons of the Gk)dst wor^p to weapons 

of the Kings I 
Then worship to the people's arms! worship, O 

Death, be paid to thee I 

2 Let worship be to thy defence and fo thine aocosa- 
tion paid. 

Death 1 be this worship paid to thy good-will and thy 
malevolence 1 

8 Worship to thy physicians, to thy soroeiefs be 
worship paid I 

Death I let this reverence be done unto thy Brih* 
mans and thy roots. 

8 With tkU : dxvtg or chann, imdentood. 

9 Panuh^t: one of the riven ol the Fanjib^ now eaOed the Rift 
^(pdld: a atream fall of the aquatic plant SfpAla, ftdraki er Avak4 
(Bljxa Ootandra). - * * 

A hymn of homage to Death. 

1 God$: priests, whose weapons are religions fonronr, and the power 
of blessing and oursing. - Tkip4opl^$: belonging to the Yaifjas^ the 
men who constitute the third dase or caste of the community, agrioo^ 
turists and tradesmen. 
; 2 Ikfmo^ and • • « <u«icfa<»Mi;.aIl that ia said in thy favour and 

3 EmU: used in inoantatioos to deetroj enemiea. 

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IBoox ri 

RmoTi then all Dedin^ that hurks witlun the 
I membera and the jomts. 

The firmly-settled heart-disease that racks the bonea 
and rends the limbs. 
S From the oonsumptiTe man I {^ck Decline as Iwere 
a severed part 
I cat the bond that fettmi him^ even as a root of 
S Begone, Consumption, hence away, like a young foat , 
r mat runte at speed. 

Then, not pernicious to our men, flee, yearly visitant 
^ like grass I ' . t 

HYMN XV. ; • i 
Most excellent of all the plants art thou: thy vassaln. 

are the trees. 
Let him be subject to our power^ the man who sieeka 
to iojure ua 
, S Whoever 'seeks to injure us, with kinsmen or no kin 
to aid, 
May I be tippermost of all, even as this Plant ia 
queen of trees. 

* A disnn against ConiumptioiL 

1 Dtduu: haldmm; the gradual wasting away that firequentlj 
loOawa Tskmaa or malarial ferer. See Zimmer. A. L Leben, 386, 387. 
The staan is addressed to some medicinal plant. 

% iU'itMrs a Mimndpairi : muihkafrdm pdtkA; sicut testiculam. 

S Ttarlp wuiUnU Uhtgrau: usnallj preTalent in the rainy season 
when gmss suddenly ^rings up in the greatest abundance. 

' A diarm for power and preaounenoe. 

• S Tltf Ploiil: the Talifiof staan 3, an unidentified shrub or 
tree; mtui, rataa, aooording to Kefava. 

3 Soma: this lamous plant has remained unidentified tiU recently 

a Max Miller, Biographies of Words, Appendix III., quoted in 
Hymns of the figreda, VoL L p. 3). *Dr. Aitchison has lately 
staled that Sooui must be the Spktirm pmek j fda d i^ which in the Haiu 
rad mOcj is said to bear thf name of Ansi, k$ma^ and ffokma. This 




8 As Soma hath been made the best of all oblations 
: ,. 'mid the plants, 

'^ So, as Talte& is the queen of trees, may I be chief 
of all. * 


O Abatu, non-Abayu, dire is thy juice, O Abayu : 
; we eat the gruel made of thee. ^ 

2 Vihalha is thy father's name, thy mother's is 

Yea, verily thou art not he, thou who hast well 
protected life. 

8 Go thou to rest, TauvilikAI This noisy cry hath 
sunk to rest 
Go hence, depart^ Nirftla, thou I the iawny -and the 

supposition is confirmed by Dr. Joseph Bommflller, a botanist long \ 
dent in Kerman, who identifies the Soma plant with some kind of 
Ephedra, probably Ephedra dUtaekfo^ but who remarks that different 
▼arieties of Ephedra are to be foiuid hom Siberia to the Iberian penin- 
sula, so that we must gi?e up the hope of detennlning the original 
home of the Aiyas by means of the habitat of the Soma plant* (Quaiw 
terly Beview, No. 354, October 1894, p. 405). 

Apparently a medicinal chann. 

1 Abayu: a non-identified plant. It seems to have been poisonous 
in its natural condition, but medicmal when cooked and properiy pro* 
pared* NwnrAhayu : no longer retaining thy poisonous properties. 

3 Vihalha and Maddvait appear to be unidentified plants. Tktm 
art not he: thou art no longer the poisonous plant thou wast 

3 TawnUkd: some kind of aniinal or plant. Birdia: said to be a; 
' kind of fish. . / < 

The fourth Terse^ consisting of one line^ is untranslatable: Thoa 
art AlasftU in front, thou art SilanjUi (a weed gxowii^ in com) be> 
hind: NilagalasiU(pn>baUyaweedofsimihurkii|d). , j 

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[BOOK ri 

Stbv as ibis mighty Earth oonoeivedlthe genn of all 
\ ' ' the things that be, I 

80 may the germ of life be laid in thee that thou mayst 

bear a son. 
S Even as this mighty Earth hath borne and bears the 
stately forest trees, 
So may the germ of life be borne in thee that thou 
mayst bear a son. ^ - 

S Even as this miffhty Earth hath borne and bears the 
moontains and the hills, 
So may the germ of life be b<Hme in thee that thou 
mayst bear a'son. 
A Even as this mighty Earth supports tliemovbg world 
*« that dwells thereon, 

So may the germ of life be borne in thee that thoa 
mayst bear a son. 

Thb first approach of Jealousy, and that which fol- 
loweth the first, 
. The pain, the fire that bums within thy heart we 

quench and drive away. 
S Even as the earth is dead to sense, yea, more uncon* 
soious than the dead. 
Even as acorpse*sspiritisthespirit of the jealous man. 

A disna to SDSius eooeeplion sod the birth of a too. 

1 JWn&.*tiio Mother of all: HeaTon sod Earth, Ououios aod Gaia, 
bffng ngaided at tho UmTOvaal P^ynmta. So in the Geoesia of the 
HevZealandert: * The JLeafeoa which are above as and the Earth 
wfaiA liea beneath ne, aie the ^rogeniton of men, and the origin of' 
aB thn^'— Max MBller, India, What ean it Teach nsf p. 154. 

The hjma haa been tnoidated bj Lndwig^ Der Bigreda, IIL p. 477* 

S Utosir leesue. •eL^bratateUna? (Hoiaee, Odea L 31.9)..,: 

MTMJf 30.j 



,Z The thought that harbours in thy heart, the flutter- 
ing doubt that dwells therein, 
- Yea, all thy jealousy, like heat born of the dancOp 
: I banish thence. 

'" LsT the (}ods purify me, letknen purify me with s 

prayer. ^ I 

' Cleanse me all creatures that: exist l| may Pavamdna 

make me pure. ' 

2 May PaTsm&na make me pure for wisdom and for 

power and life, and unassailed security. 

3 Ood Savitar, by both of these, Alter and presdng out 

the juice, purify us that we may see. 

Hb goes away as 'twere from this flerce burning fire^ tf) 
inebriated and lamenting he ^(eparts. , . . \ 

Let him, the lawless, seek another and not us^ 
Worship be paid to Fever armed with fiery heat 
2 To Rudra and to Fever be our worship paid : wonhip 
be paid to Varu^a the splendid Xing I 
Worship to Dyaus, to Eartb, worship be paid to Plantol 

3 I^ heal horn pf iUdoMM: ot, 121 dfiUr, MM wa^g^^M in the Sk 
P. Dictionaiy and adopted bj Weber, be lead inetead ol nHUr 'HkA 
braath hom leathern bag.' -n t -«• 

The h/mn baa been transhtted by Lodwig; Der Bigreda, IIL pu 61i. 
hS Weber, Indiaohe Stodien, Y. p. 335, andby OriU, Hondert Ueda^l. 

A prayer for imrification. 
1 PavawkAna: the deified Soma jidee aa it 
through the filter. 

The hymn haa been tnndated by Ludwig^ Der Bfgreda, IIL pw 43L- 

ia ebrified by panipg 

A oharm against Ferer* 
1 Hm: FeTerperwoified. 
'% Buhra: MM mod&r of 
« L 25. 1. Dymw: fleaTsn. 

diaeaae and death. See L 19. 9. F€9$t: 

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>TBM ETiiirs or 

[BOOK ri 

Z Thoo who, aglow with heat, makest all bodies green, 
to thee, red, brown, I bow, the Fever of the wood. 

Or all the three terrestrial realms the ground is 
• verily the best.. 
^ I fix>m the akin that oovers these gather a healing 

A Thou art the best of medicines, most excellent of 

Plants art thoo, 
. As Soma 'mid the wandering stars, as Varai^a among 

.S Endowed with wealth, denying not, give freely fain 
to give yoor gifts I 
Te stay the hair from Ming off: .ye strengthen and 
increase its growth* it 

Dabs the descent; the strong-winged birds are 

golden : they fly aloft to heaven, enrobed in waters. 
They have^oome hither from the seat of Order, and 

inundated earth with streams of fatness. 

% Ortm: or jdW. See L 35. 8, when Farw it called *Qod of iho 

0/ike wood: otpecially proralent in densely wooded dietrioti. 
'fTU hjmn has been timaaUted hj Lndwig, Der Rigreda, IIL p. 61U 

A diann to atvengUiea hair and promote its growth. 

1 Tkrm UrmtntU reaiwu : the worid ia diyided into heaTon, finna* 
nent, and earth, and each of theae» again, ia aometimea apoken of aa 
tlneefokL Ci IgUgreda I?. SS. 9, and VIL 87. S. TU $kin Ukat eooer$ 
tkm: the aorfaoe of the ground ; the akin on whiqh the planta grow aa 
bMrgrowBontheildnofthehead. \ 

a ^baMi: the Moon. 

% T€itayikikawfr9mfM%n0^: thephmta endowed with theae^ 
iFiftaaa aro left nnaamed. 

TWkjmnhaabeentianaUted,whhnotea,b7 0riI],pp.-60, 160. 

A k jmn to Um ICarata or Storm-Qoda. 

• 1 Tkb atana, wkiek roenii in DL 10. 2S, ia taken fkom . ^igreda^ L . 
It. 47. JHtmiminjoi kird$: ken the Manata. . 

STJiS 2S.] 



2 To make floods rich in milk^ make plants ptropitions, 
what time ye stir, O golden-breasted Mamts 1 ^ 
Pour down your showers of vigorous strength and 
fitvoar there where ye sprinkle mead, Q Mamts, 
heroes I 
8 O Mamts, send ye down, stre^iming with water, tarn 
which, may, Ailing all the sloping valleys; 
Leap like a bold girl in a man's embraces, or like a 
matron tumbled by her husband. 


Hbri flow the restless ones, they flow onceaamg 

through the day and night 
Most excellently wise I call the Gh>ddess Waters 
2. Let the deft Waters, summoned, g^ve permission that. 

we bear them off, 
« And quickly set us on our way. 
8 Let idl the people celebrate the rite of Savitar the . 
Sweet unto us be Waters, Plants propitious L , ' 

2 Ooldenrlroatied: wearing ornionenta of gold on their breaat^ the 
lightning flashing from the atora&j okmda. Cf. |Ug?eda 11^ 34. 2; T. 
65. 1 ; 57. 6. 

8; This itaniff ocmtaina two difllenlt worda, ^U%4 and A^ms, hi the 
aeoond line. ,See ProL Piachel'a explanation, Tediaoho Stndien, L ppr 
82—85. . 

Staana 1 and 2 har^ been tnmalated hj Lodwig^ Der Bigreda, IK 

- A hymn to ^Waters. 

2 Boeartkmof: fetdiing the water leqniMfd? for iHMrifioialpuipoeea 
waa part of ^ rdigioua aerviee, and aooompanied wHb dnly preacribed 
oeremoniea'preoedcd by a pruyer to the Goddenea te their Maent. . 

' '• ■ It * -: 

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o;;i). i-.'/.'t'' 

^:^/ i^!r;:-.HYMN XXIV.' - " - • v - '>'^ -^ 
, ' Forth from the Hills of Snow tbey stream^ and meet 
•*'l ^ in Sindha here or there/ • • :! 

- :To me the sacred Waters gave the bdlm that heals 
the heart's disease. ^ * 

, Jt' Whatever hiptare I have had that injured eyes or 

heels or toes, ^ 

/''All this the Waters, skilfallest physicians, shall OMike 
(;. well agaii^ /! . 

S All Rivers v^io have Sindhn for your Lady, l^ndha 
lie for your Queeo^; ... 

^ Give OS the balm that heals this iill: this hooa let 
\^' OS enjoy from yon. 1, 

. ^,.., HYMN XXy. 

'"' Hat all the five-and-fifty which meet round the ten* 
dons of the neck . 
' Depart and vanish hence away like plaguing insects' 
, . ' busi and hum I 

S Those seventy-and4even which meet round the upper 
-- ^ ' vertebra,- ■ '■ .. '. • * 

Let them all vanish hence away like plaguing insects' 
.t , ^buasand hum! I « ". . .. . ; 

. A bjmn to the BiYem \ 

. li^HKttv: thelndiu. . ^ 

t SkUfuUiiipkpmciam: ef. I. 6. S, 3, and m. 7. 5. 
. S Arjmr £acf|r: SindhaortlMdaitj of the rirer is loinataiiM 
Iwnmind ia lbs VmUl ' ' \ , 

' The bjmn hat beau trmnilatad, with notoa. bj QriU, Hundert Lioder^ 
pp. IS, 161. , 

- ' A diann against Apaehitas, pnatolaa or leiofalona awellinga. Sao. 

BloomSold, KMifika^tia, p. nnr.-Dr. Wiso (Hindu System of* 
- Ifodioino) sajrs: * When many smaU tumours like plums appear in the 

aiilla, node, baok, and groins, th^ are pix)duoed by diseased fat, and 
. phlegm. They suppurate slowly, Mid oontinue to appear and suppurato- 
.lor along period, whea it is. oalled ApachV Cf. AT^ YL to; VIL 74. 


UTUir 37.J 



.8, Those hine-and-ninety which,. combined, attack the 

shoulder round about, . * ; ,: .: 

. ; Let them all vanish hence away like plaguing insects' 
' buzz and hum I ', , , ; . ^ ,. . ^ , \, . » ^ 

; Let me go rfree, Misery : do tiiou, the mighty^ 

pity us. i / ' ' ' 

Set m^ uninjured in the world of happiness, O ICsery. 
'2 From thee, from thee who fliest not from oiEi, O 

Misery, we fly. .;.. *^. , 

Then at the turning of the paths let Misery £GdI on 
> someone else^ * • '' • j'^.' :. / - i >• - 

; <8 May the immortal, thousand-eyed; dwell otherwhere 

apart from us. .. m \ 

ur, i Let him afflict the man we hate : smite. only hini who 

is our foe/ j . J/. . 

\n.y'. / ;.' HYMN XXVIL Z^':: -//•:: 

Gods 1 whatsoe'er the Dove came hither seeking, 
.. sent to us as the envoy of Destruction, 
For that let us sing hymns and make atonement. * 
!' •'. . Well be it with our quadrupeds and bipeds!. ' ' 
^ 2 Auspicious be the Dove that hath been sent us, m 
harmless bird, O Gods, that seeks our dwelling I . 
May Agni, Sage, be pleased with our^ oblation, and 
may the missile borne on wings avoid us. ' /^ 

A hjnm to Affliction. 

1 Miurp : pdjmum; meaning'both nn'aod distrett.' " 

. A obarm to avert threatened miBfortane. ' •' 'T\ 

1 Tlie hymn, taken from ^Ugreda X. 165, it aioribed to the Bislii 

Kapota (Pigeon or Dove) son of . Nirpti .or Destmotioii. A dore^ ie> 
. gaitied as an ill-omened bird and the messenger Of Death, has flown 

into the house, and the Qodsare entreated tcHom the inaospicKMis 
. visit to a blessing. *.. • v ^-^ 

In England the dore who * retorning bore the mark of earth tea- 
tbred to the long labouring ark* (see Genesis S.^ 11), ia .regarded aa ' 
f the veiy' blessed i^irii of peaoe'- and loTO. * - ■-: -. -- 

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' Z Let bet the «rro.w that hath wings distract us. 

' Bedde the fire-place, on the hearth it settles. 
H^y it bring wel&re to our men and cattle: here 
. let the DoTCi ye Gods, forbear to harm us. 


Dritb forth the Dove, chase it with holy yerses: 
« , rejoicing bring we hither food and cattle, <* 
Obliterating trices of misfortune. Most fleet-may it 
fly forth and leave us vigour. 
Ts These men have strengthened Agni's might, these 

men have brought the kine to us. 
... They have sung glory to the .GodsJ Who is the man 

that conquers &em ? 
Si Ba reverence, paid to. him who, while exif>Ioring the 

path for many, first approached the river, 
" Lord oCihis world of quadrupeds and bipeds : to him 
be re vere|i[ice pai/df to Death, to Yama t 


Ov those, mea yonder fall the wingM -missile : the 

screeching oC the Owl b ineffective, 
' And that the I>ove. besiM the fire hath settled. 

AdiumtoaTertthrestoiiadmisforiiuM. See TL 27« 1, and 9lgf«da 

S n<if aus.' ibipriaita 

8 Tk4 Tvmt which Mpumtot ths wcild of life from the home, of 
tliA daad. VYama tnX found for ua the road to tvayel: thia paatoro 
BOfaroan ba takan from ua. Man bom onaarth tiaad thair own 
tiaiha that laad tham whhhar our aadant Fathaia have dapartad* 
(QigradaX. 14. 2), pompari Atharra-^ Vf^^ ^ 13. and Mair,.0. ^ 
Ycit% V. SSS aqq. 

^* A ahaim to ayart thiaatanad mlafortona 

' 1 Piidaa'sand9a^>kaA6iQm9JgT!QdaZ.165.^ /iKfied'iy/onQa. 




2 Thine envoys who e6M6 hither, O Destmction, sent 
or not sent by thee unto our dwelling, . 
The l)ove and Owl, effectless be their visit I , ' 

' 8 Oft may it flv to us to s&ve our heroes firomidanghter, 
oft perch here to bring fiur offspring. 

Turn thee and send thy voice autr :.cry io the r^on 
£Euraway; . ; 

That I.may see tM iii tbe hotii^ df Yama reft of all 
thy power, thai 1 may Me thee impotdiii 


Over a magic stone, beside &trasvail, the Gods 
pIoQfi^hed in this barleV that Was blent with mbad* 

Lord of the plough was Indra, stroi^ with hundred 
powers : the ploughers were the li£kruts, they who 
give rich gifts. 

2 i'hy joy in hair that fistUeth br is scattered, ijrhere- 
with thou subjectest a man to laughter-^ 
To other trees, far from thee will I drive it Grow' 
up, thou Samt, with a biindi^ branches; 

8 AtUpicious, bearing mighty Iciavds, holy ohe^ liur- 
tured by the rain, * . 
Even as a mother to her sons, be gracious, Saml,. 
to our hair. 

3 Ofi wuip iijlp lo fif : maj tha ill-omaned bird baooina an anapi-. 
doua Tiaitant O/Tama: tha King of tha Dapaitad who aentthaa 
forth. ' \ ;."/..":' 

A charm to promote the growth of hair. , \ 

1 7%u 6afif€|f ; uaed in tha sacrifice. 

3 IfanU: Proaopia Spidgera or Acacia Soma,* regarded aa a holj 
treeaaite wood was uaed to form part of the driU4ij which the ■aon->*; 
fibial fire waa kindled. Wiik a kimdred braneka: and ao lymbolical . 
of an abundant crop of hair. 

The hjnm haa been tranalated by Lndwigi I>ar Bigrada, ICL pw.SiL^ 
See alao Zimmar, Altindiachea Leben, pp. 6S, 374. / > 

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T0M tttUSS OF 

[Boox ri> 


This spotted BqU hath oome and sat before his 
"- mother io the east, • • ^ 

< Advancbg to his fitther Heaven. ' 
2 As expiration from his breath his radiance penetrates 
' within. The BoU shines oat through all the sky. 

S He roles supreme through thirty realms — One 
win^^ with song hath made him mount-^ 
Thronghoat ,ihe days at break of morn. 


With butter, in his hall^ where| fire is burning, 
perform that'sacrifice which quells the goblins. 

Bum from afar agidnst the demons. Agni t Afflict 
not in thy fuiy us who praise thee. 

S Let Rudra break your necks, O ye Pis&chas, and split 

your ribs asunder, Y&tudhinasI 
Here, Mitra-VaruQa t may we dwell safely : with 

splendour drive the greedy demons backward. 
. . Iiet them not find a surety or a refuge, but torn away 

go down to Death together. 

A bjmn to SA17S ths Son-God, taken with Tukttkms from Rigreda 
X189. . 

, I TkU^aU$dSM: ^bttSoML i^tt moMm- : Earth, or Dawn. 

3 ntr^fWilMf.* aUthodiTiflkmiof theworid. Om winged uitk 
mmg : paihapa Agni, whose flames ascend amid'the hymns of the priests. 
The reading oi the fiS^^^^I* » • ^^ paUHkgdi^ dktpaitf Song is 
bestowed iqMO the Bird, that is, on the Snn whose morning song repre- 
I ptajer. See Lndwig^ Dn Kgreda, IV. p. 159. 

A diarm against fiends and goiUinSi 

1 GMuu: Yitodhinas; see L 7. 1. Ikmom: Bikshasas; fietce* 
Boetnmal fiends or ogTBS. 

. S FifMa$ : malignant Imps; see L 16. S, note. litira-Vanafa : 
tiie two Ctods add r esse d asadnal dei^, wuirdianufaM, Qrtedpdew^om: 
or *tQskj fisnds,* as^ Fret lias Mailer renders the word. 

JfXMN M.] 



i He who controls this air and men who aid his 
strength, and wood, and heaven, the Io% seat 
which Indra loves. 

2 The bold whose overpowering m%ht the \ boldest 
. . never hath defied,— . 1 

. Fortress4ika, unassailable is Indra's wrath, and fiune^ 
and force. 

3 May he bestow on ns that wealth, fiuvspreading, 

bright with yellow hue. 
Indra is mightiest Lord among the fdk.' 


, Sbnd forth thy voice to Agoi, to the manly hero of 
our homes. 
So may he bear as past our foes. 

2 That Agni who with sharpened flame of fire eonsomea 
the Rdkshasas, 
So may he bear us past our foes. 

8 He who from distance fiur remote shineth aoross the 
tracts of land, 
May he transport us past our foes. 

4 He who beholds all creatures, who observes them 

with a careful eye. 
May he transport us past our foes. 

5 That brilliant Agni who i^as bom beyond this r^oa 

of the air, ^ 

May he transport us past our foes I 

A h/mn to Indra for the gift of ridies. In stanas I and S the 
phraseology is obseore and the oonstmotion loosoi and the eomctetts 
of the text is not froe fitxn SQspicion. ' 7^^ . 

^.^J*°*** ^^ ^ ^ ^^* adopted Ph)f. Geld&ei's cxplanatioii of 
nf«W*wi»th.andpiird;forfa^ fonn rf jprfr. See 

Vedisehe Studien. IL p. 29. • , 

A hymn to Agni for proteetion tern 

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[BOOK n. 

ToBTH from the distance far away Viusvftdara oome 
^ to saoooor qb 1 Agni approach our eulogies I 
S Vu8v4para with friendly thoughts hath come to this 
^ ' our sacrifice, Agni who saves from woe, to lauds. 
S Yaisv&nara hath formed the hymn and laud of the 
' Angirases. To thepe may he bring glorious light 


Holt Viusv&nara we seek, the Lord of light and 
endless life, Ui(» burning One who fiuieth not 

,S He hath dhrected all things; he^ sends forth the 
Seasons in his might, furthering tacrifice's power. 

'% Agni Xftma in other homes shines forth the sole 
imperial Lord of iJl that is and is to be. 


HitbieWabd, having yoked his steeds, came Impre- 
• cation,, thousand-eyed, 

Seddng my curser, as a volf the home of one who 
owneth weep. -^ 

A l^iim to Agm Vai^dLnumi the God of aU liyan m^ 
> Angifom: dflsowidants of the lamout giahi ADgini% the prieets 
iHm bj ming the megioia fiNrmiilas of the Atbenrnr^red* proteot the 
■Mrifioeftom^efibotoof inanspicioaesooideDts. TA«M.**the offioiat- 
\ and the inititiitor of the lao rifi oe. 

A hjimi in honour of Agni Vaifv4nanu 

t B€kaikdineUdaUtkmg§: the deitj who is the ob jeot of wonhip 
^ging 1^ the time of adontion legazded as the supreme God. 

9 AgtUi Mima ; the two Gods being identified henf as in IIL 31* 4. 
SeeMuir, a a Testi» Y. p. 403, and Websr, Indische Studien, V. i^ 

A ehaim to divert Impieoation^ ' 

11m hymn has been tnmshOed, with notes, by Grill, Hondert Lieder, 

pp. 30^161. . 

BtMJf 39.] 



2 Avoid us. Imprecation I as conisuming fire avoids the 

lake. ' 

' Smite thou the man who curses us, as the sk/a 

lightning strikes the tree. 
8 Who curses us, himself uncursed,' Or, enrsed, who 
curses us agidn, ■ ^ ' 

Him cast I as a sop to Death, as to a dog one throws 
a bone. 


What enerj^y the lion hath, the tigeri adder, and 

burning fire, Br&hman, or Siirya, 

And the blest GKxldess who gave birth to Indra, 

oome unto us conjoined with strength and vigour! 

' 2. All energy of elephant and panther, all energy of 

gold, men, kine, and waters, 

. And the blest Gkxldess who gave birth to Indra oome 

unto us conjoined with sti^ngth imd vigour. 
8 Might in car, axles, in the strong bull's couryigep 
in Varupa's breath, in V&ta, in Parjanva, 
In Warrior, in the war-drum stretched for battle, 

-in the man's roar and in the horse's mettle, 
May the blest Gkxldess who gave birth to Indra come 
unto us conjoined with strength and vigour. 

Lit sacrifice, like fame, thrive sped by Indra, 

inspired, well-order^, with a thousand powers** 
To highest rank raise me who bring oblation, me 

who move forth to far-extended vision. 

A pmjer f or sorpassing strengUi sad SDOigy. 

I ThAUuiGoddm: liim. / - 

3 1% Warrior: in Rljanys or K8hatrijs,''one o( the militsiy and 
princelj disss. YTor^msi .* see V.;20. ^ x ^ 

The hjnm hss been translated bj Ludwig^ Der lUgreds, UL p. 840. 

A priest^s pnyer f or power and gloiy. 

1 Uaiieme: the sacrifioe is addressecL /SimesfMdSMf Wmom; mean- 
ing, life oi hag duration. 

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[BOOK 7h\ 

9. We will "iphj sacrifice and wnB wiih worship pur 
glorious IndFa, famoas for his glories. . ^ . 

\C Oije tboa us sway which lodra hath promoted, laid 
in this boon of thine may we be fistmona 

Z Indra was glorious at his birth; Agni, Soma wer^ 
bom renowned. 

1 And glorious am I, the most illustrious of all that is. 


Hni may we dwell, O Heaven and Earth, in safety. 

May Savitar and Soma send us safety. 
Our safety be the wide air: ours be [safety through 
/ ' the oblation of the Seven l^his. I 

2 May the Four Quarters give this hamlet power: 

SiBtvitar favour us and make us happy 1 
May Indra make us free from foes and danger :' may 
wrath of Kings be turned to other places. 

S Make thou us free from enemies both from below 

and frooi above. 
: O Indra, give us perfect peacci peace from behind 

and from before. <- 


For inind, for intellect, for thought, for purpose, 

for intelligence, 
For sense, for hearing, and for iBiight, let us adore 

with sacrifice. 

S ^XofMiif osi // tlM pmjer ii reguded M alreadj fulfiUe^ 
yhm hjnm has beep tnnalated b/ Ludwig^ Der Bigrede, IH p. 340. 

A pmjer lor peeoe and ■eomri^. 
1 &e«i 4IMm; aee IV^L 9. 

▲ piayer lor pllotMlkN^ lei^r lif ^ and Tarioae U 

HtU» 43.] 



2 For expiration, vital air; and breath that amply 

>: Let us with sacrifice adore Sarasvatt whose reach is 

8 Let not the Rishis, the divine, forsake us, our own, 

our very selves, our lives' protectors. 
^ ' Do ye, immortal, stiU attend us mortals, and give, us 

vital power to live the longer. 


I LOOSE the anger from thy heart as* 'twere the 

bowstring from a* bow. 
That we, one-minded now, may walk together as 
familiar friends. 
2 Tc^ther let us walk as friends : thy wrathful feeling 
1 remove. * . 

Beneath a heavy stone we cast thy wrath away and 
bury it. 
8 I trample on thine anger thus, I tread it down with 
heel and toe: 
3o dost thou yield thee to my will, to speak no more 
rebeUiously. , 


For stranger and for friend alike this Darbha-grass 
removetfa wrath. 
. Soother of Anger is it called because it calms the. 
angry man. 

A diaim to effect a reoonoUiation between eetiaoged friends. . 

2 Bmeath a keopy iUme : the tymbolieal action aomewhat xeeembles 
the North-American Iniiane* oiutom of 'burying^the hatchet^ as a . 
sign and pledge of peace. ^ , 

The hymn-has been translated bj Ludwig, Der ftigtedai IE. p. W^ 
andy with notei^ b/ GriUy Hundert Lieder, pp. 29, 163. , ry \ 

A charm to eflfoct the reconciliation of estranged friends. . '^ • 
1 i>arMa; see IL 7. 1. ^ ^ ' '^ 

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{BOOK 7Ii 

% This PUnt that hath abandant roots spreads to the 
place where ¥^ter8 meet. 
Soother of Anger is the name of Oarbha-grass that 
' springs from earth. 

t We draw thine obstinacy fcnrth, set in thy month 
and in thy jaw t 
So dost thou yield thee to my willi to speak no more 

.Fnx stood the heaven, firm stood the earth, firm 

stood this universal world. 
Firm stood the trees that slebp eredtt let this thy 
' malady be stilL .11 

S Of all thy hundred remediesi a thousand remedies 
This b the surest cure for flux, most excellent to 
heal disease. 
S Thou art the stream that Rudra pours, the closest * 
kin of Amrita. 
Thy name is called VishAoakd : thou sprangest from 
the Fathers^ root» removing illness caused by wind. 
• * ■ ■ ■ • 

3 Obftimmeg: tlM nbeUioiis and proirokiiig words that thou hast 

The hjinii has been tiaaalated, with iiote% hy Gxill, Hondert lieder 
pp. 30,163. 


1 Firm Hood Hukfawm: when it had been aepaiated from the earths 
aad eitabljahed in Its present plaoe. See IV. 1. 4. 

3 Ftmx: Sirdwd; see I. 8. 4. 

3 VMdfoid: an unidentified pUnt or tree. Fran HU Faik&$ * 
teoi.* thou earnest original! J Jrom the saints in heareiL Smamng 
iibiem mmmd hif wimd: vditkfitandfu^; wind meaning one of the 
hedOT hommin. The disease is probably rhenmitism, called 6dl in 
Hiadi^ espLsined m llathuii Pmslda Kisra's Trilinflnial Diotlonaiy bT 
e lft i w a y, «4rMf^ and other words signifying wind-disease and wind. 
r—Msr (Altiadisehss Lebeni p. 339) explains differently. 

Thf hjmuk ham besn timnsUted bj Lodwig, Der Bigredsi UL p. 60% 

BTMN 4i.] 




Snr of the Mind, ayaunt I begone! Why safest thou 

what n6ne should say ? 
Gh> hence away, I love thee not Qo to the forests 

and the trees.' My heart is in our homes and cows. 

'2 Whatever wrong we have committed, sleeping or 
wakingi^ by ill-wisht dislike, or slander, 
All these offences, which deserve displeasure, may 
Agni take from us and keep them distant. 

8 Indra and Brahma^aspati I whatever foolish deed we 
plan, ^ 

May provident Ang;ira8a preserve us from the sin 
and woe. ^ 


• Taou, neither quick nor dead, O Sleep, art fraught 
with Amrit of the Gods. 
Thy name is Araru: thy sire is Yama; VaruQint 
bare thee. 
2 We know thy birth, Sleep, thou art son of the 
isisters of the QoAs : the minister of Yama thou, 
thou art Antaka, thou, art Death. 
So well we know thee who thou art Sleep, guard 
us from th^. evil dream* 

A prayer for prsj»rya|4onfam mental sin and pgompti n s» to do wrot^ 

3 Js^vro^/ descended fimntbeandent^i^ Angixas, a priest alter 

the order of AngirtWi especially a name of Bphaspatior Bn i bmapssr a ti 

Aooording to Prof. Ludwig^ Agni is meant See Der Bigveda» UL p^ 

i(43, where the hymn is translated. 

Sjbansas 3j(n4 S.ars ta](eii,,with vaxjaiMii^ fiNXi),fUsfeda X lU. K^ 

A ebarm against eyil dreams. ' ... * 

J Araru: an enem/t M beiiig akin to Desth. VpmuitKit Ansoit 

ii^fYaru9a» , . ^^1 

2 Amtata: thie Finisher. . 

i A ; 1 . 

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t Ab men discharge ft debti as they pay op an eighth 

. and half-an-ei^hth, , 

*^ 'So the whole evil dream do we pay and assign tinto 
oar foe. 


DiAB to all men, all-prosperer, all-creating, may Agni, 

guard as at the morn's libation.. 
May he, the brightly pure one, give us riches: may 

we have life, enjoying food together. 

2 At this our second offering may Indra, Maruts, and 
Visve Devas never fail us. 
Still may the favour of the Gknl^ be with us/ blest 
with long life and speaking words that please them. 

Z We pour this third libation of the Sages who 
fiuhioned forth the cup in proper order. 
Winners of heaven, may they, Sudhan van's children, 
lead our fiur sacrifice to happy fortune. 

■ ■ ' ' ■ ' 

. S Hie italiM is an imitation of Rigreda VIII. 47. 17 : <Ab we collect 
(qi; diadiar^) tbo utmost debt, eTon the eighth and sixteenth part, 
So onto Aptja (Trita Aptja, a mythical being residing in the remotest 
part of heaTon, to whom it was ciistomarf to wish away and consign 
wuj threatened oalamitj) we consign together all the eril dream.' 
• The Igrmn has been translated bj Lodwig^ Der Rigreda, IIL p. 49S. 

A hymn to accompany the three- daUy libations. 
^ 1 /)to0r le«tf MM.* or, VaifTkuuna. 

8 Steomd ^glmmg: at mid-day. 

3 ns S^ignx the 9^1^^ the three sons of Sadhanran who is said 
to have been a descendant of Angiras. They were named sererally 
fnihii, l^bhTsn, and Vaja, and styled collectiTely Ribhus from the 
Basse of the eldest 'Thnmgh their assidnous performance of good 
wofka the;^ obtafaied diTinity, and became entitled to receire praise 
sad adoration > They are supposed to dwell in the solar sphere, and 
Ihsce is an tndistinot identification of them with the rays of the sun : 
bnl^ whether Epical or not, they pvoTO the admission, at an early date, 
ef the doetrine, that men might become diTinities.'-*^Wa«on4 The 
^^bhus aie aaid to have made four sacrificial cups out of the single 
ehsliee that had been fsbricated by Tfashlar, signifying, perhi^M," 
ttai aoaae famofatioii in sacrificial procedure was attributed' to 

BTMS 4S.] 




Thou art the Hawk, GUyatri'a lord : I hold thee fiist 

Happily bear me to the goal of tbb my aacrifioe. 

2 Thou art the '^bhu, lord of Jagatl : I hold thee faat 

Happily bear me to the goal of thia my aaorifioe. 

All bail! 
8 Thou art the Bull, the Triah^up'a lord : I hold thee 

fiist Happily bear me to the . goal] of thia my 

aacrifioe. All bail ( 

A non-metrical hymn' of sacrificial formulas used at the thne daily 
libations or Soma-pressings. . 

1 the Hawk: this yenw is addressed at the morning lihaticii to 
Agni who firom his rapid motion in his form of lightning is called the 
hawk : of. ' I have begotten this new hymn for Agnt, fslcon of the 
sk/ (Rigreda VII. 10. 4). In the n^ of the rape )f the celestial 
Soma by . the fslcon— one of the favourite subjects of tiie Vedic poets 
(see Bigveda 1. 90. 3; 93. 6; IIL 43. 7; IV. Sa 4—7; S7. 3, 4; DL 
73. 3)— the fslcon represents Agni who in the form of lis^tning pen9> 
trates the laden thunderndouds and carries off their heavenly treasure^ 
the ambrosial, life^ving rain. GAyoJbrf^ tard: Agni being identified 
with the Giyatrt metre in which his praises axe sung^ and which is the 
prominent metre in invocations addressed to him ai the morning 

2 TJu$ii>kn: the repiesenUtive of the three Ribhus (see VL 47. 
Z\ to whom this vctm is add re ssed at the evening libation* JagaH: 
this being the chief metre employed at the eveniog Ubation. 

. 3 i^i^ntf: thcMighty One,Indrs, towhomthc verreis addresa: 
ed at the mid-day Ubation. Cf^ < Thine, oo^ tlyne^ is the noonday . 
libation' (ftigveda IV. 35. 7). - 

The hymn has been thoroughly discussed by Pkot BkMmfield in his 
isTtide entitled The Myth of Soma and the fis^^ in the Festgrta 
an Rudolph von Both sum DoktcrJubiliUim, 34 Angusti 1893. r^ 

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.: V.Q Aom» ia iby body man hath never fonnd a .pounded 
\ ,. part. 
^' The Ape devours the arrow's shaft as a oow eats her 

, afterbirih. 

• S Iboa like a fleece contrectert and expandest thee 

. what time the opper atone and that below devour. 

^ Closely compressing head with head and breast with 

. breast he cnmohes up the tendrils with his yellow 

' jaws. 

8 The Eagles have sent forth their voice aloud to 

heaven: in the sky's vaolt the dark impetaoos 

ones have danced. * i 

- When they come downward to repair tiie lower stone, 

thev, dwellers with the Sun, have gained abundant 



DmBor the rat, the pnole,, the boring beetle, cut off 
their heads and crush their ribs, O Asvina 
_. ' 

A hjm& in hoQOor of AgnL 

1 Th* Aft : hogff^; 'der hnxme,* tiie Iwvii.— Lndwig. n* arrmift 
li^ft: th* ned tt whioh tba urow ia made. There aeema to be a a 
jhj on the wocd t^oHom which meani both inflammation and reed; 
Am the monkey ia not injnied lif tho reed or poeaible amnr-ohafk 
iriiioh be obewa, ao nimUe fifo only abeorba additional heat Aoooiding 
to an Indkn latieogja^her i«p4 ia » nune of the Son. 

S neivtptr KoM/ nttoradM (— dial— Whitncij'a Index^ Th« ' 
leading afipean to be eoRupt 

9 ne JSiyto ; the atanat ia taken, with varianta, from ^igreda X 
M. 9 whan lie Xofflm an the raptdly-moring atonee whioh prese ont 
the Soma-jnioaii Tim meaning bare ma/ petfaape be : The mighty; 
loaiing flamaa of Agni liae on high, daric okmda gather and an toaeed . 
•bookm the t^par air, and Anally deaoend hi th* ahi^ of fartiliang 
Sain. n$ <MNr «Am«>.- peifaapa the earth. The atann ia Twy obeooie. 
, UMlqnan hasbeen tnnalated by Lndwig^ Der Bigrada, UL pi. 43& 

A ehaan te the deatmotlon of Tafmitt. 

1 t%t.honiifltttU: (onliai (from t{id, to eat thnragh, or boreT; 
Mtanr,*galnid»-wannt: Lodwig. Aooording to tlir Sb' PManboig 
■»biid(«£ Iatin-tn»luii-sti>nah)-ii-nMat.. .' ■ 

BTJfJr 62.] 


_ Bind fast their months ; let them not eat our bsrlev 

tit"""/ '^?*' ***' ^"^ ^<»n°. hoi noxious 
grub and grasshopper 1 «*«"«• 

As a priest leaves the unfinished sacrifice, so benM 
devounng not, injuring not this comT^ ^ 

female grubl ye rough-toothed verminl I 

Whateer ye be, dwelling in woods, and Di<ii»!n» 
we crush and mangle aS tho«, ^i^ i„£^"*' 


^nlt nn?.''^ *^* ^^^^ ^^C^"** ^•»<* «"»«» Soma pMt 
all our enemies, meet friend of India. "***■* 

2 May the maternal Watew make us Ksdy- cleanse 

us w^h fetness they who cleamn, m^n^T^ 

The Goddesses bear off each blot and tarnish- I 

^me forth from the wate« cleansed InTS^J, 

3 O Varupa, whatever the offence may be. the sin 
^Which men commit against the heavJnly foSl 

iw^ ^r^l^ ""^ **^'^^ 'h*»"«h* ^« folate thy 
laws, punish us not, God, for that iniquity/ 


- ^r^oS^f^s^' ^^""^ '"^"-*' -p^ « 


A pwyer for porifieation and foigirenem of aina. . 

»»'««»«.• addwaeedaa the moral OoTemor of ihe world. Th« 
«««tok«^ with a alight miant, from ?igTed.mJ!lL 

AehamagainatnoKiouaieptileBandinaeota. , ' ' 

1 The ataua ia made up of fcagmenta of fBgreJn I, m. a^ ». ; 


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[BOOK Ffk 

S The kine had aettled in their peo; wild aDimals had^ 
3-' sought their iairs ; . < 

The wavelets of the brooks had passed away, aod. 
^'- were beheld do more. ... - : .-- 

S I have brought Eaova's finnoos Plaot, life^iving, 
and itself iDspired, * ' i< i : 

The medieine that bealetb all; may it suppress my 
hidden foes. 


Mat Heaven and Earth, wise pair, may lofty Sukra 
grant me this thiug by reason of the ^erdonV 

May Agni, Soma mark through tiys hbation: may 
Yiyu, i^vitar, and Bhaga gu4rd ua 

2 Again return to us our breath aud ^irit, again ^me 
back to us our life and vision I ' 

Vaisv&nara, unscathed, our bodies* guardian^ stand 
betwee/i us and every woe and danger I 

3. We Mre again united with our bodies, with . happy 
mindt with spirit, strength, and spleiKlour. 
May Tvash^r here make niom for us, and freedom, 
and smooth whatever is injured in our bodies* 

t The sUms is tsken, with Tmristionai from sUots 4 of the •ams 
KymQ, tbe 9ig^«^ nsdin^ bein^ hetdm jdndf^im^ tba lights of men, 
iastead of 4itmiifo m a df t t dm^ the wnTolete of the brooks. The poet 
meeoe that lie has been bitten or ttuog hj some Tenomons creature' 
sinee stioeet, sod that now with the help of the fising sun and a. magi- 
cal plant he will destrqr the unseen enemies who attacked htm. . 

Z Kofm has been mentioned before (IL S3. SX together with Atri, 
AgasQra,andJamada^ as a celebrated. $ishi regarded as a- master 

A ptmyer for recpyeiy and pr Bse rra tion of health and seeuHy.'^' ^^-^ 
'1 '(^iilvw.' the bright and pm; Soma. Gmrt^: the honorarium—' 
fiVcn lis the officiating priests. • .-\ i'.S : 

<iThs>7aia has besn tnmalatedbjJLodwig; Der Bigreda, UL p. 506. 



. i 

vrjts M.] 




I WIN the love of Indra that his friendmay reach vat 
-• higher state. • , . 

Increase, as rain the grass, this man's dominion and 
his lofty fame, ,,. - .[ . , . , ," 

2 Confirm the. princely power in him, Agni and Soma! 
'<- grant him wealth; . ,. , . ' .^.. 

In all the circuit of his rule make him yet hiffher for 
your friend. ' » « wr 

8 The man who shows as enmity, whether a straiurer 
*•' or akin, , ' * 

Thou wilt grive up entire, to me who sacrifice and 
'- press the juice. • ■ ,. :" 


Or all the many God-frequented pathways that 
i. , ., *'-«/en»e realms between .the earth and heaven. 
Consign me, all ye Gods, to that which Iwdetii to 
perf«)ct and inviolable safety. ' 

2 Maintain us in well-being Summer, Winter, IJew- 

time, and Spring, Autumn, and fiainy Reason, 
Give us our share of cattle and of children. May we 
enjoy your unassailed protection. 

3 Pay to the Year vour lofty adoration, to the first 

Year, the second, and the present 
May we abide in the anspioioos &vour and eraciona 
,.- love of these who claim our worship 

A benedietjoa od % B«irly al^ctod Km y , - . . ; .. T 

' 1 /itcfva«e.- IndraiaaddnMed. - ...•..., ,,t.. 

• 2 F^rjfowfiitnd: for Indn'b lake. - • ' - '• . '■•, ,', 

A prayar for general pratectkn and pnMperi^. • 

^•3 Th4fint rtar, O* Meond, md tUpmrnt: mUag m the crOiot 

thwe lunar yeen U tlie end of wUeh an teU«Su&m,X#2 

•died. See Zimmer, AltindMobea Leben. pu S7Q.^^r' 'TfT,^. 

The Jijrim lias-been (niMUted by Ladwl^-Der Big»«ia, ULp.n9. 

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ir< ^^fSM nruNS or {boos^ fi. 

'{'^Jjn not the serpent slay us, O Gods, with oar child- 
J- ren Mid oar tolk. 
" Let it not close the opened month nor open that 
^ " which now is closed. 

S Be worship pud anto the black, worship to that 
*^' with stripes across I 

, To the brown viper reverence, reverence to the demoii 
^^ broodi 

' 8 I dose iomihex &ngs with 'fang, I close together 
'^'" jaws wiui jaw. 

I close together tongne with tongae. I close together 
month with moath. ! * [ ' 

V ^ ^ This is a medidne indeed, Radra's owto medicine is this, 
Wherewith he warns the arrow off, one-shafted, 
i: • with a^handred tips. 

2 Besprinkle it with anodyne, bedew it with relieving 
*-;. bnhn: ' ; 

Strong, soothins; is the medicine : bless us therewith 
^ ' that we may uve. 

S Let it be health and jpy to us. Let nothing vex or 
X ' injure OS. / ^ ^ 

Down with the wound 1 Let all to us be balm, the 
^ «^- whole be medicine. 

-' A duum sgjUBst iDAkei. 

8 I9U hhek: Asita. With Oripet atrtu: Tiisfdhirijl See IIL 21 3. 
Fy<r; Sngsj tnesning eeeording to en Indian Commeiitato^' self- 
pfodnoed:* ptfliape«LetmTipei», Le.Tiyipsrt, producing ittycung 
n]iT«b or torn the root ewi^ to twist or cling rcMuia. • ^ 

The hymn bas been tnuaelsted b/ Lndwigi' Der Rigreds, III.> 503| 
sad, with ■nnotatJciMi by Giill, HundertLieder, pp, fl^ 162> ; 'i> L 

A chana lor a wound or bmiie. . /.. / \\ ,\{ 

1 Mmdni§mmmMeUu: Bndra being the healer a« win ea Aa. 

fsfiolerof wowidaanddiMSMa Seel. 19.S... : . ^, ..j. ./ 
!S iWi»mttaeiiMm<f/.*ao^(9igTedayUL 30. 36) • Cast. llaraU4 

]h»:the gippad.9«iiiM^siaa'e<iSs^ 







'bll^^l ?»dra Maghavan give me name and dory. 
May Heaven and Earth, this couple, make me 
j;^^ ( famous. ■ 

May Savitar the deit^ make me hononred. Here 
J , may the man who gives the guerdon love me. 

2 Indra from Heaven and Earth receiveth gloir. 
^j, ,f among the plants the Waters have their gloiy ; 

Even so may we be glorious 'mid all {he Universal 
,^ ^, jGrods. . 

3 India and Agni were renowned, fiimoiia wiui Soma'at 
^. w his birth; 

So too am I illustrious, most glorious pt all that is. 
,,-; : First, Arundhatt, protect our oxen and our bilkr 
J)-., kine: .',.*• 

Protect each one that is infirm, each Qtutdinped that 
\, :: yields no milk. , , 

2 Let the Plant give us sheltering aid, 'Arundhatt 
J allied with Gods ; . 

Avert Gonsumi)tion from oui» men and make our 
cow-pen rich in milk. • 

8 I welcome the auspicious Plant, life-giving, wearinir 

Oh- every hue. • . .? 

Far from our cattle may it turn the deadly dart 

- w hich Rudra casts. , : . 

pneat'a prayer for power and glmy. , ... 

Ml The man who givM iU gwrdon : the inttitoter of the Merifiee 

:who paja the eipeneet and refwanla the prieata. i i . 

8 Thia atania ia repeated fnun H. 39. S. j * ; .. It., 

• A charm to protect cattle and men. /" . . . ; . - 

^ ^rwidkait: a medicinal dimbing plants called also ^a^t See 
Iv. 13. 1; V, o. 5. * . ,; 

^ 3 i^iftfrd; aeel. 19.3. .... : . -, r , : .. i 

According to the Kanfiki^tnt k 
o \^^«<1>°8; merchant when about to afart on a trading opedkieii.' 
vSee III. 15, and Bloomfield, Amerieaa Joomal of Philology, vu] 437. 

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^^'^tiii tifUNS Of 
•' HYMN LX. 


AJu/ With forelock loosened o'er his brow bere comes the 
" woo^r of the bride, • . T 

.Seeking a baBbapd for this maid, a wife for this 
unmarried man** /'■■*' 

* '% V^ooer ! thb girl hath toiled in vain, going to others' 
^V''^' marriages^- *"• ■'•*^^' •'.' • ' -' •'' - %. 

; Now to her wedding, verily, wooer t another maM 
,Viv>>j' shall'oome; j •' ■••■• • '-'" '*■/''"'/ :- 

S Dhfttar upholds the spacious earth, upholds the sky, 
oviii upholds the Sun. • : \ ^ 

JDh&tar bestow upon this maid 4 hdsband suited to 
>'ni- * herwishi " * • '" I 

■•'HYMN LXI. " ^.-'^^'•'* 
,q Mf - #1^ Waters seiid me'' what' is sweet' and pleasant, 
'^ ^' ' ' - SAra brinc( all I need for light and vision 1 
«'^'^^'- The deities, aind all of piotis nature;' and Savitar the 
Gkxl affbrd me freedom I 

2 I set the heaven and the earth asunder, I brought 
^i.:ji. all seven seasons into being. ,. ^. . , 

,My word is truth, what I deny is faisehopd, above 
.-iro; celestial Yftk, above the nations. 

c^^'^-Tlielnibjeot of the hymn is the Wooing of a Bride. ^ 

1 Tkn wootr: mryamX; the interoeder or matoh-iOAker whose hnai- 
.{^aisss is to finda soitable.wifo for his friend or employer. See I1..86. 1. 
S IMUItar; here regarded as the ; Upholder;;* of the ssoFRinent of 
mArriage. See IL 36. 2. \ 

The hynm has been translated and annotated bj Weber, Indische 
Stndieo, V. i»p. 236—838^ and by Grill, Hnndert Lieder, pp. 66, 164. 
. \ 2inam also haa tmisiated it in Al t in d isches Leben, p 306. - . 

'^'' ' A piayer lor pfoiperity and greatness. 

1 JWfcfosi; f|ntfeAa«/ literally, expansion, amplitude^ ample rooin. 
£. . 8 Thia and the following stania mast be taken to signify hyperboli*— 
^ /caUy the posses si o n of infinite power. Sknm $ea9on$: the six pairs of 
'months and the thirteenth or interoalary month. Six seasons oi^ly 
*^ tbjaane:seeyi«M.8. * 




3 I jrave existence to the earth and heaven, I made 
'^^ . the seasons and tbe seven rivers. ^ . , - 

^ My word is truth,, what I deny is falsehood^ I who 
. f rejoice in AgDi's,'Soma's friendship.. . ^ ; _, 

''-^ " ' HYMN LXIL..' 1 J-: ;! •V'\^ 

V.^/>.jCtKAN8B US Yaisvftnara with rays^ of splendour I 
With breath and clouds * let quickening YAya 
Jbi^nf cleanse us, .. " ■■.;./. - '■• -'- 

And, rich in milky rain/ let Earth and Heaven, 
vt/o worshipful, holy, cleanse us with their water. ^ 

2 Lay hold on Si&nrit& whose forms and regions have 
oj I>. . fair smooth backs, her who is all men-s treasure. 
' Through her may we, in sacri6cial banquets «(inging 
her glory, be ttie lords of riches. ^ 

^,8^1?or splendour, seize on her whom all men worship, 
becoming pure yourselves, anH bright, and brilliant. 
Here, throi^h our prayer, rejoicing in the banquet, 
long may we look upon the Sun ascending.^ 

V ^ HYMN LXIII. ' : : 
That collar round thy neck, not to be loosened, 
''^' which Ninriti the Goddess bound and fastened, 
I loose for thy Xon^ lif^ and strength and vigour. 
Eat, liberat^,. food that brings no sorrow. .^ 

2 To thee, sharp-pointed. Nirfiti,' be homage I Loose 
r (' thou the binding fetters- wroa^^ht of iron. 
I ^o me, in truth* again doth Yama give thee. To him, 
\u ' to Y^^^ 7^^ -l^^^^ ^ ^™^0^J ! 

^. ,. ' \._, . ' ' " ' ■ ■. - ' ' .••---- ' •■■ ' '• 

,.w :A prayer for punfieationaad.riolMs.. - ; ^ .'..'- ' . , m. 
t S^j^: EzceUenee, Pleasantness, Gladness, or Glofy, personified. 
The etymology and the ezaot meaning are unoertain. Here, in con- 
nexion with Agni and Vlyu, the meaniAg * Dawn' (see IL.MOller, 
Vedie Hymns, I. p. 446) would be suitable.' ,,,*'. t.--,, T; ' 

,^ the subjeet is tke symbolical liberataoa of a riedm from the aim 
1^ iioial,stak<9 representing the recovery of a sick man fnwa a^ dangenma 

•mness.''-'; '•' ".''' ' "''^■■\...;3^;i7',;^";;^l;^.;j\^..H:j^.^ 




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[BOOK rt. 

i' ;V 

% Compassed by death which comes in thousand 
^fr** mianners, here art thou fiuttened to the iron pillar^ 
'^*' Unanimous with Tama and the Fathers^ make this 
e'.^ man rise and reach the loftiest heaven. * : • 

4 Thou, mighty^ Agni, good and true/ gatherest up all 
precious things. ^ - 

^ Bring us all treasures, a^ thou art enkindled it liba- 
' tion's place. 

'^^ ^ HYMN^Lxiv.. ;;;' / ,':'!^. , 

AoRii and be united : let your minds be all of one 
•*' .'*" accord, |- *..••' » . j 

Even as the Gods of ancient days, unanhnous^ await 
their share. r / 

1 The rede is common, common the assembly; common . 
the law, so be their thoughts united. | 
I offer upryour general oblation :; together entertain 
one common purpose. \ ' 

* 8 One and the same be your resolve, 3>e all your hearts 
' in harmony: 

'One and the same be all your minds that all may 
happily consent \ 

3 Lrfli^ hamnm : ths •ammit of humui Mioitji See L 9. 3. 
: 4 Tbe elMMS k taken frooi Rigreda X. 191. L Ai libmiim'i plaa : 
in tKe euiotiiMj wheie libatioiis Me ofleied. , , 

The hjmm hee been tcsneUted b/ Ludwig, I>er Rigred*, III. p. 433. 
• "^"^^ 

^ ^ A bjrmn to pioaote Agreement or Uoanimit/ in en eaeembly. ; 

1 Agr€$ «W k miud: tbe Bigreda hae « Atseriible, uptik together.' 
^ 8 CmMun ike et$$tmhip : this $dmUi$ appears to hare been a general 
mmnMfU the peopb on tome important oeoaeion, each asthe el^ 
taenof aking. '*.,. ^^ 

' The hjrmn, which ie taken, with t*ariants, fhnn ^igreda X: 191. 
S--4, has been tranilatsd, with notee, b/ OriU, Hundert Ue^er,. pp. 
J^ Ul, and by Ladwi|B| Dtf Rigre^ UI^ p. 37?. ^ , ; ,. i ,, , f 



JtYMirSt.] TBt ATBAnVA.rXDA. Ml 

'^.,... - - HYMN LXV. ... f...^,.-,o r; 
'The angry spirit hath relaxed: loose are the arms 
e.. that act with mind. ' -^ J 

Do thou, destroyer, orercomeand drive these foemen's 
y, might away, and then bring opulence to as« y . 

2 The shaft for handiess fiends whioh; Ghnlsl ye cast 
., against the handiess ones,— ,./ ' 

With this, in shape of sacrifice, I rend the. arms of 

3 Indra made first for Asuras the shaft dedgned for 

„* . • handiess foes :;..> / . '. ' -., 

Victorious shall my heroes be with Indra as their 
J , constant friend ... .... ;. ,, i. 



Ml i: 

Handlbss be eirery foeman who assaileth^^they who 
,^'. with missiles come to fight against ns I 

Daah them together with great slaughter, Indra I 
and let their robber chief run pierced with arrown. 

2 Ye who run hither bending bows, bnmdishing swords 
and casting darts,^ .n 

; Handiess be ye, O enemies! Let Indra mangle yoa 

" 3 Handiess be these our enemies I We enervate their 
languid limbs. ' ^ ..n :. ; 

So let us part among ourselves/ in hundreds, Indra I 
all their wealth. ' * ' - '...-;>. .i 

A taonficial diarm againit enemiee. 

1 De9troyer: pdrdfira; Ind^^ oooqneror and doetmyer of Aennw 
who fought againat the Goda, and of the demone who haraie men. . 
T 2 HandUu: who fight without fauinan hands and anna.' The 
magioal miseile employed agamst theso demone ia ^ealled fMiMaflte 
intended foMMrA|/#«<<», or handless» fiends. Cf..nL 1. 1, 2. L ,^ ^ 
. ^ The hjmn has been tnuislated bj Ludwig; Per Rig.ctla,^fn^ ^n'F^ 

.' A bharm for the destruction an ( plunder of enemies. ^ ^ '"' ''^^ 
TiaQsUted bj Ludwigi' Der lUgreda; DL ^VttJ" ^ ^^'^ '^^^ ^^- 

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Ixi/^Imiu. aDdfPAshiin have goqe forth along th6..way8 

^ . on every side. 

u' ijTo-day those boats of enemies must flee bewildered 
£Biraway. r 

^vl Ye foes, oome hitherward dismayed like . serpents 
when their heads are gone* r 

oj 1 Xiet ladra.slay eaob bravest one of yoa whom Agni 
hath confused^ 

^c4 Oird thou A hnllook's hide on these* make those as . 
timid as the deer. . ^ 

;,i ^Xiet the foe flee away, and let his kine come hither- 
ward to us. I * 

ri{: Savitar hath oome hither with the rasor: come 

theu» O YAytt» with the heated water. . 
,: One-minded let Adityas, Rudras, .Vasus moisten the 

hair : shave, ye who know King Soma. 
M 2 Let A^diti shave the beard, and let the Waters bathe 

it with their strength : . 
>}{ Pnjipati restore bis health fur sight and days of 

lengthened lifeJ 

i The razor used by Savitar, for shaving, who knoweth 

Varuoa and royal Soma, — 

1 Even with this shave ye this man, O Brahman. 

LfOt him be rieh in horses, kine, and children. 

' A diarm for the d«ttruotioQ Mi^ plunder of «iMiiii€t. 

t Gird ikmn m kuiUd^* kid^j^m ikem : nuke our nen invulnerable. 
^ThuMkted hj Lodwig, Der Bigieda, III. p. 373. 

:.. A efaarm to Mooinpen/ tbe abairinip of tke beard. 

1 The focaud ahaving may be part of the CkMiinavidhi, the ceremony 
el anointing part of the heaa of a Youth when he hat at t ained the age 
- of Mteen or ei^teen jrean (aee II. 13) ; or it.may be oonneoted with 
the Dikflhi, the religiotta eeramooy of initiation or Ckwifirmation. In^ 
thia eaae tlis operation appeara to be performed on a aiek man (atania 
J) to ipedite hie wat or ation to healths ^ . .^^ ^, ^ 





^v/ Mink be the glory in the hill, in vales, in cattle,- and 

in gold, 
<"" Mine be the sweetness that b foand in nectar and m 
flowing wine! ' ' 

2 With your iielicious honey balm me, Asvins, Lords 
- of splendid lightl ' : -'^ 

'^'^ That clear and resonant may be the voice I utter to 

mankind. ♦ . ' . » 

''3 In me be strength, in nie be fame, in me the power 

of sacrifice: . 

"^'^ Fraj&pati establish tiiis in me as firm as light m 
heaven 1 ^ ^ ^ 

^^^ As mne associates with flesh, as dice attend the ^ 

,/ gaming-board,^^- .*.-—. 

? ^ As an enamoured man*s desire is firmly set upon a 

dame, '' -" 
^ So let thy heart and soul, O Cow, be firmly set upon 

thy calf. .1 _ 

2 As the male elephant pursues with eager step his 

female's track, 
^'^ As an enamoured man's idemre is firmly set upon a 
dame, <;..-' 

So let thy heart and soul, O Cow, be firmly set upon 
thy calf. . : ; 

3 Close as the felly and the spoke, fixt as the wheel-rim (0 
. ;,{ on the nave, . ,^"T"; T""" 

As an enamoured man's desire is firmly, set, upon a 

So let tbv heart and soul, O Cow, be firmly set upon 

v;; thycak • : V . . • 

{i I I 

A prieatfa prayer for power and glorjr. 

A benodiotioD OD COW and calf. *- ' ' 

TWnabted sod aaootated by GriD, Handori Lieden pp. 66,' 16S. 

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fBx atumop 

^ ^7H.. 

inooK ft. 


iftt;^'^^ ^"^ I e»* o^ varied farm and nature,--food 

.whether gold, or horse, sheep, goat, or bullock, 
^.^ ^Whatever gift I hare received, may AgDi the Hotar 

make it sacrifice well^ffered« 
^1 Whatever, sacrificed or not, hath reached me, 

bestowed by men and sanctioned by the Fathers, 
£^ .^.Whereby my heart seems to leap np, may Agni the 

Hotar make that sacrifice well-offered 
,8 What food I eat nnjustly, Qodsl or, doubtful between 

bestowing and refusing, swallow, , 
evj,Through greatness of VaijyAnara the mighty may 

that same food be sweet to me find jblessed li 

Se» AppBNnix« 


^r .Lit Vamoa come hither, Soma, Agni, Bfihaspati 

come hither with the Vasus I 
.'Unanimous, ye kinsmen, come united, come to the 

gloty of this mighty guardian. ^ 

i% Tlie inclination which your hearts have harbour^, 

the purpose which hath occupied your spirits, 
L This r annul with sacrifice and butter* In me be 

your sweet resting-place, O kinsmen. 
-8 Stand even here: forsake me not. Before us- may^ 
. X ' PAsban make your path unfit to travel. 

Vlstoshpati incessantly recall you I In me bd vour 

sweet resting-place, O kinsmen t V 

A pri€ttft benedietkin after eating. --^ 

1 ifel« it «er|^ .- oiake it beneat me ai 4 duly peiformed tacri' 

A Cham piwo m wed Iqr a King to oonfinn the. ftdeUty of diteon^ 
fcoted kintmeii. ; , ♦».^.../ .,.\'- .^ 

1 TkU migkti^gwardiimt meaning himself. ; ; ^ • , ;t. 

^ f ;1 Tk€ m eii im ti m : to d e eort me. , - ,! :..:•, i ,.-. *-,>,.!.;, .^.;' 
'* a fd^lM^JMiit; Loidef th* Home. SometimeaanameolIadiA. 1{ 


jrririf T5.] the atbarva^teda. iw 


^ Close gathered be your bodies i be your minds and 

< vows in unison I ' "^ ' ! - 

' Here present BrahmaQaspati and Bhaga have 

assembled you. 
2 Let there be union of your minds^ let there be union 
;. of your hearts; - - 

^ All that is troubled in your lot with this I mend and 

harmonize. " ' ^., 

^d As, free from jealousy, the strong Adityas have been 
tJie Vasus' and the Budras' fellows, , r 

So free from jealousy. Lord of Three IXWe^ !. cause 
thou these people here to be one^minded. 


Forth from his dwelling drive that man, the foeman 
who assaileth us : 
i Through the Expellent sacrifice bath Indra rent 
and mangled him. - 

2 Indra, Foe^Slayer, drive him forth into the distance 

most remote^ ' ■■ ' ^ . -^ 

\ Whence never more shall he return in all the years 
that are to come. ' 

3 To the three distances; : beyond mankind's Five 

Baces, let him go, ^ 

A ohann pronounoed by % King to eecure the miaiiuiuty and fidelitjr 
ofhis^pfe. '. , ......; 

% "WitkthU: uari&o^. 

3 £ori</rArMlV</M: probably Agni, who ii celled also Vai^ 
and JItaYedaa. 

' A chani) to efibot tbe romf^YsI of an enemj. 

} SxpOlmi $acrifle$f nairbAd^toM (Aae4)/ an oblation to seems 
eipulalon. • * "^r-\ •• .- •*'•• v ■: ^' ■'.-'» ^ /• 

3 Three diitanea : h9j<md earth, ' firman^ent^ and heaven. Tkfu 
«ibe«; aeelV. 20. 1. ;,,.• *v . .» . -. i 

TnuMlated by Ludwig, Der Rigreda, lU; p. 973,ea4by^nl|, 
SundertI4eder, p][ft. 2%"{65»^-< .o^noi; ^ji*; ^' iV.Vi •. »;i;.y\K:v-; o 

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THB atMFsor \ 


(>■- Beyond tlie three skies let him go, whence he shall 
f-j never eome again . •• ' 
9 -Im all the years that are to be, long as the San is in 
the heaven. 


- TkosB who are sittiDg roaDd thb bab^ prjdpare bim 

to be lfK>k«kl upoD« 
Let Afirni thoroughly inflamed with all his ioogaea 
riee from hb^beart 

2 For leogih of life I use the naiue of. Agni the 

CoDsaming God, t j 

^ Whoee amoke the sage who knoiiirs tbd truth behplda 

prooeediag from hia moutb. 
S The man who knows his fuel laid in order by 

tiie Kshatriya ' ' 

c Sets not«bis foot upon the steep .declivity that 

leads to Death. 
4 Those who encompass slay him not:. he goes not near 

bis lurking foes — 
-. The Kshatriya who,, knowing well, takes Agni's 

name for length of life. 


" Firm stands the heaven, firm stands the' earth, firm 
stands this universal world, 
Firm stand the rooted mountains. I have put the 
horses in the stalL \ 

A benedietkHi pfononneed otsr * naw-boni diild 0I the Kthatriys 
or aiilituy and rqjal daat. '^ 

IVmndatsd by Lndwig, Der BigTeds, IIL > 409^ 


AdismtoMngthtcslUeliomt. . . . . .x. 

I ttmn' ^': mtitk^k^km/ fxouk $tki, to stsnd s liUnlly, hstt 

HTMy 78.] 



ii call the Herdsman, him who knows the. way^ to 
drive the cattle forth, j . . /^ ,j 

/'Who knows the way to drive them- home, to drive 
them back and drive them in. 

S P J&taveda9, turn them back : a hundred homeward 

'. ways be thinet 
' Thou hast a thousand avenues > by these restore our . 
kine to. us. . '^ '• • ' , 


Let this man be again bedewed with this. presented 
sacrifice, • *•...: 

; And comfort with tbe sap of life the bride whom 
they have brought to liim.^ ^ 

2 With life's sap let him comfort her, and raise her high 
with princely sway. 
In wealth that hath a thousand powers, this pair be 
' inexhaustible I ^ 

8 Tvashtir formed her to be thy dame, Tvasb^ir made 
thee to be Ker lord. 
Long life let Tvash^tr give you both. Let Tvash^ 
give a thousand lives. . 

3 Tk4 fftrdman: AgnL Tbe tUoai is token, with ¥mmtioii% 
trova fUgreds X. 19. 4. 
TiftodAtad by Lodwig, Der Big]^^ 

. A nnptial benediottoo. 

I Be agaU hetUwed: refresbed and mads tUooger than befoce.. Witk 
iki$ pre$$iUed •aerifin* : or, with this oblatiOD for mi ootm, ^Mitdicsem 
bbAtam bs?i|u'— Ludwig. 'Diuoh disss laftff gs Darbringoag;' thrsugh 
this powsrful offiuing.^Wsber. Sss Qrill's note. ^ . <^ > * 

8 TVod^sf: who dsTslopstbs.smbiyo^ shapes sUfo 

husband and wife for eaeh other. 

. Transkted by Weber, Ind'«ohe Stodieii, r. p. 838, by Lndwig, Dsr 
I^fsda, UL p. 871, and by GriU, Hundert Liede^, pp. 67^ 168. ^ (^ 

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[BOOK 71. 


. y Mat this our Lord of Cloudy Skj, bedewed with 

liquid drops, preserre uuequalled nches iu our homes. 

8 Lord of the Cloudy Sky, bestow vigour and strength 

on our abodes. Let wealth and tmtsure eome to us. 

S Thou, God bedewed with drops, art Lord of infinite 
*^jiroeperity. .* - \. 

Grrant us thereof, giro us thereof: may we enjoy 
this boon of thine. 

Hb flieth in the firmament observii^ all the things 

thatbe: j I 

We with this offering will adore the greatness of the 
Heavenly Hound. 
i The three, the EAlakAnJas, set aloft in heaven as 
they were Ghnls— 
All Uiese^I call to be our help and keep this man 
secure. from harm. 
S In waters is thy birth, in heaven thy station, thy 
majesty on earth and in the ocean. 
We witii this offering will adore the greatness of the 
Heavenly Hound 

A piajer for piosperi^. 

1 iMrd nfCUmipSk^: ^wc\ukj%, God of the nuiH)loiid, on wboM 
§V9wat the groirth of gimn and gnin dependa See I. 3. 1. . 

A piajer for hdp sod pvoteotioQ. 

1 n«ite««iil|firotmi{:iomeooiitpiei]Oiii star, perbaps the I^ 
Soritti, whkh wsa called tAmp by the Gieelpi sod Caok gr CanicuU b/ 
the LetiB% both worJa beiiig eloeel/ eonne ct ed with the SaoBkrit fMdi., 

% KdUUi^: meaoing originallyf bUok-spotted; stan of 

% TkgHrik: Ihe origin of the Heayenl/ Hoimd. So with the 
Creeks SBrins wet eaid to hare been the dog of the great hunter OrioiL 
e»d the Latin Oanie or Canicnla wet the dog of £rigone tranalatea 
with its aietms to the oky« 

Timnilate4 b/ Iindwig^ Der Bigreda» UL p. 373. 




Thou art a grasper, holding fast both hands :^thoa 
:^. drivest fiends away. - • ' - - — ^ ' - • ^ 
A holder both of progeny and richeH hath 'tiiis Ring^ 
become. ' 

;2' Prepare aooordantlyi Q Ring, the mother for the 

infant's birth, 
r On the right way bring forth the boy. Make him 
come hither. I am here. .• . " 

8 The Amulet which Aditi wore when desiroos of ason, 
Tvash^ar hath bonnd npoa this dame and saidp 
Be mother of a boy. ' '•.!.' 


I CALL the name of him who comes, hath come, . and 

still draws nigh to us. 
Foe-slaying Iiidra's name I love, the Vasns' friend 
with hundred powers. 

2 Thus Bhaga spake to me: Let him bring thee 
a consort by the path 
Whereon the Asvins brought the bride SAryi the 
child of Savitar. 

A ehann to faoilitAte ohild-birth. 

1 i?a^»ii^>^6o<4Jbiii<2f.^t]ietuigorbimoeletWM^p 
first on one bend or erai end tben on tbe other; or then were two 
connected rings, r^guded ee one amulet See Kau9Jkft4S6tfa XXXT. 11. 

Thmaleted bj Weber, Indiacbe Studimi, V. p. 319, bj Lndw^;^ Der 
Rigreda, UL'p. 477. . 

. A ohsrm to win a bride. 

1 Of him : of Indra who ia always read/ to oome and help us.* , 
Tk4 Vanuf 'Jriettd: whose associates are the Tasu% sometimes, the' 

QocU in genend, sometimes a special dass of deitiee. See L SO. 1. . 
% Wk4r§om tk§ ApnHi hnmffki tkt hfid*: see IL SO. S, and ^igteda 

Z. 85, whioh contains a full account of SAfyl's wedding* : . 

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ra£ uTMNs or 

[Boor Yi. 

S 6reat» Indra, is : that hook )6f thinei bestowing^ 
-;^,,p treasure, wrought of gold: , . , .^ . -; 

. Therewith, O ^ Lord of Might/ bestow a wife on me 
5^^.,.;- wl^o long to, wed* , . /.. 


^'^ J^KHCiB, Sores 'and Fostules, fly away even as the 

eagle from his home. j . •' .. 

. * ' Let oArya bring a remedy, the Moon shine forth 
and banisKybu. 
S One bright with variegated tints, one white, one 
bhu^k, a oouple red : — ' * '. 
The names ot all have I deolareiL Begone, and 
injure not our men. I < ! 

9 Henee, ehildless, shall the Pustule fieej^ grands 
; '-' - daughter of the dusky one. * 

The R^il shall fly away firom us, the morbid growth 

shall Vknish henoe. '- 
Taste, happy in thy mind, thine own oblation, as 
, . I with ovihA with my heart present it 

% ThtA Aooi: d. *Loiig be th/ gnwpiogJiook wlkerowith thoa '^ 
gimt smpls weslth to him Who aheds the juioe and wonhips Iheo' 
(^igfodi^ yill, 17* 10); tbo- expiMiioD being bonpwed from tho 
cmflQiymeatof shook^dmwdownthehighbniichasof sfhiitrtree, 

ThoMlsted by lAi4wig, Der RigvwUs HI. 470; and with notM, bj{ 
WebtiV Iii4iaAo Stodieo, V. p. 999—941, sod Grill, Huadm Li«der, 
,||i. 87, 167t. ., .;••■,,. . >•.. .^"»r 

A dism sgsiaii soiw sad inistqlM. 
■" 1 Umoi^ Soru midPmhUs$: 4fft€kUu; too VL 25. 1. 

Z BM: gUnHk; mpbwirf in tbe St Petanborg Diotionsij m a 
round Inmpb a wen4ike exoresomipo (|)e|biiiM rektod to gMu$ and 
^iMiia). M^^rM g r wrt k: ffilmU^; Uk mi|a>oim wwd, not iplaitoed 
ia tho 8k FttMsbaig Dietiooaiy, meanings ^ppsfsnt]/, a tamoar of 
■QMS kind. Tkim mm Mmtimf oAnP^d fof» t<io ttf^m puipoM^Qf 
m nof ing thai. &Mi: .tha swlaisatiop, m h»»l.t 

Tiiailalsd by Lsdwig,. JMr Wgmia, UL p, 500.^' 









t: b 

Thou in whose dread month I present oblation, that 
^ v' these bound victims may obtain their freedom. 
The people deem that thou art Earth: I know thee 
thoroughly, and I say thou art Destruction. 

2 Be thou enriched, O Welfare, with oblations,, here, 

amon^ us is thine allotted portion. ^ . . . 
Free — Hail to thee I— from sin those here and yonder. 

3 Do thou, Destruction, thuR, without a rivali release 

us from the iron bonds that bind us. , 
To me doth Yama verilv restore thee. 'To him) to 
Yama, yea, to Death be worship! 

4 Thou hast been fastened to an iron pillar, here com* 

passed with a thousand deaths around thee. 
In full accord with Yama and the Fathers, send.thia 
r. ., man upward to the loftiest heaven. 

HYMN Lxxxv:; - 

Let Varana the heavenly tree here present keep 

disease away. 
The Grods have driven off Decline that entered and 
" possessed this man. ' 

A bharm to aooompan/ tha sTmbolioal looting of aaerifioial Ticttoia. 
1 Bank: ona moaning of tha word nUriti^ Daatmetioa or Daatb, 
baing tha bottom or lowar parts of tha aarth. 

d O W4fam: apparantlj an anphamiatia azpreaaion forDaatmctioo, 
aa tha Otaak Eomanides, OnuHOua Qoddteaas, waa for th6 Fnriaa. PkoL 
Ludwig reads kkAm$^ JBartb, instead of tha hkSiU^ WdCan^ of ths 

ZTkt irm hmi^t iA ^ktu Mat : soma man who has baaadaagar* 

4 ThisstannisrepaatadfromVLOa. 3. . . . .i 

Trsnsktad by Liidwig,.Dar Rigrada, IIL p. 444. . • 

A ahana against Consamptkm or Dadina.- 

1 r4if«9«; tha traaCrataaraBoxbnighii, found in an parts ol India, 
ttsad in madiaina and snppoaad to possess magical ▼irtnas. Saa X. 9. 

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i S We with the speech of Indra and of Mitra and of 
Varuoa, :» 

X- We with the epeeoboraU the Qods will driYeDeofine 
away firom thee. 

t Even as Viitra oheoked and stayed these waters 
^ flowing* every way. 

With Agni, (3od of atl mankind. I eheck and baoish 
thy I^^ine. 

''' Tms U the liord of Indra,. this the Lord of Heaven, 

theliOrdofEaith, 4 l 

"^ The Lord of all existing thingjs : the one and only 
Lord be thoo. 
' ii Tbe Sea ia regent of tbe floods^ Afp»i iaraler of the 
^ . land, 

The Mooa ia regent of the starat tbe one and only 
Lord be i^it; . . 

'9 Thoa sort the King^ of Asaras, the prown and smnrniit 
J. / of mankind: 

Thoo art tbe partner oftbe Gh>ds : tbe one and only 


HcRi art thoa ; I bavo obosen tbee. Stand stedfiut 

and immovable; ' 
Let all the obtns desire tbee: let not thy kingdom 

&11 away. 

A ^otMtoilkm of a nawly ooaaac mt wi King; 

% AmtrmB: tsrUily loidf. 

Tnailstad by Lodwig, 0«r Bigrod^ m. p. 741/ : 

:. A btoedietion sddrened to a newly sleeted King. 

' ^ The l^yma is taken, with flight Tsmtion% trma f^gveJs X. ITS* 

■1-4. ■ - •' -^ *' '"•■ • ' "• "■■''' "''"'" ' 




' 2' Be even here : fall not away : be like a moantain 
unremoved. .. j . ; 

'.n Stand stedfast here like Indra's self, and bold tbe 
kingship in thy grasp. 

<^ 8 This man hath Indra stablished, made aeoore by 

constant sacrifice. 
; i Soma, and Brahmaqaspati bere present bless and 

comfort him I 


Firm is tbe sky, firm is the earth, and firm is all this 

living world; 
Firm are these mountains on their base, siad atedfi^t 

is this King of men. ^ r 

9 Stedfast ma;r Varuoa the King, stedfiist the God 
Stedfast may Indra, stedfast, too, may Agai keep 
I ; thy stedfast reij^n. - 

8 Firm, never to be shaken, crush .thy foemea, under 
thy feet ky those who strive against thee. 
One-minded, true to tbee be all the regions: fiutbful 
f . to thee, the firm# be this assembly! 


This strength that Soma bath bestowed, tbe bead of 
\:; . her who gladdeneth^ — 

With that which thence batii been produced we 
make thy spirit aorrowfttk 

ihonedietion addretsodtosnowl/elaotedKing. StsaiislMidS 
are taken from ^igreds X. 173.4,^. 

4 «ihsrm to wiB * msadeA's lore. 

• a Sima: as Lard U Plants. Of ksr who gtadJimtk: pm^jfih m 

''Apparently tha geaitive case ot pre^ the feminine of pnifi which ia 

found in tlM 9igveda,« (I. 112. 10) with the meaning of 'kmog;* 

;.',friendl7,' derived from .|^ .to pleaae or gkdden. Piepf than may 

plant that possesses the power of awaking iore^-lika 

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m '^THM HYMFS^F [BOOK ri. 

, 2 We make thy spirit aorrowfal/we fill thy mind with 
;v pain and grief. — 

^'- As smoke aodompanies. the wind, s6 let thy &ncy 
\ follow me. 

; S May Varapa and Mitra, may Sarasratt the Goddess, 
^■- may •• • •' ;. 

' The oentre of the earth, and both her liinits bring 
' ■ thee elose to me. ' 


; Thi shaft that Rudra hath shot'ibrth against thy 
membefs and thy heart, | { 
Here do we draw from thee to-day, and tarn it hence 
to every side; 
> 2 From all the hundred ressels spread throughout the 
& J > members of thy frame, 

From aU those vessels and oanals we oall the poison- 

^^ • ous matter forth. 

S Worship to thee, the archer, and, O Rudra, to thy 

levelled shaft 1 ^ 

"" Tea, worship to thine arrow when it left the bow, 

and when It fell I 

Sa^rioo, y«rfaiii| BteO, Mallow, and otiien in Europe. The bead of 
tha Fnqi waa perfaapa dried and powdend and adminiatared in food, 
or in aoaM other way emplo/ad in Um inoaatatioo. 
nandaled by Wobar, Indiaolia Stndien^ Vv p. 342. 

A chann to euro a nuui who haa been poiaoned. 

1 Etdra: the terrible OM whoae shafU bring death or disease on 
■MB and cattle. In thia case the bod/ of the sttfferar has been poisoned. 

S Mmdf^i wma$: fiidm dlUmdnapti^; all the coontleas Tcssela 
and nerfea by meana el which' the difleient funokaona of the body-are 
psrfomed. See Wis^ Hmda System of Medicine, pp. £3, 6i. 

Xha hynui ^ been transkted by Grill, Handert Ueder, pp. 14, 168. 







-\r. ..,..: ' HYMN.XCI... .,-.::,.., 

Thbt made this barley ready with a team of eight, 

',«<;..' a. team* of six.-.":' . ■- v .--.w • -m .- 

With this I drive to westward, fiur away» thy bodily 

.. ;c • disease. . • 

2 y&ta breathes downward ifrom above, and downward 
' SArya sends his heat; : 
Downward is drawn the milch-eow^s milk : so down- 
ward ifo thy malady I 

8 The Waters verily bring health, the Waters drive 

disease away. 
' Tbe Waters care all malady: may they bring medi- 
cine for thee. - - 

HYMN XCIL •^: . ; 

" Bs fleet as wind. Strong Steed, when thou art har- 
nessed; go forth as swift as thought at Indra'i 
Let the possessors of all wealth, the Mamts, yoke * 
thee, and Tvasbfar in thy feet lay swiftness. 

2 That speed, that lies concealed in thee, O Charger, 

speed granted to the hawk or wind that wandered," 

Therewith, Stron|^ Steed; saving in shock of battle, 

endowed with might by might win thou the contest* 

A charm against disease. 

1 Tktif mad$ tkii harUif r$ady : prepared the gronnd by ploaghing 
for the growth of the grain used in the incantation. The nnmber of 
oxen employed has increased the efficacy of the corn. 

S Tkt WaUn eurt all maiadp: cf. III. 7. 5. So Pkstor Kneq^N 
the famous Bavarian water^doctor, maintains that what cannot be cured 
by water is altogether incurable. Water ia the panacea. Hydropathy 
is the one saTing principle which can be applied in sv^ry Case. * 
'^_ TransUted by Grill, Hundert Lieder, pp. U, 16S. 

A diarm to strengthen and ins^firit a War4iorM. 

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THE HrMurs OF 




t' EtMring thy body, Charger, may thy body ran bless* 
(ir ' log us and wianing thee proteetibn. "^ - 

Hay he, unswervingi to uphold the mighty, stablish 
lus. lustre as a God in heaven. ^ 


YamAi Death direly fatal^ the Destroyer, with bis 

black crest, Sarva the tawny archer, 
And all theGoils ui>riseh with their army, may these 
on every side avoid our heroes. 
S'With mind, burnt-offerings, butter, and libation, 
to royal Bhava and the archer Sarva, 
To these tiie worshipful I paylavj worship: may 
' they turn elsewhere things with deadly venotn. 
S Save us, All-(}ods and all-possessing Maruts, from 
murderous stroke and things that i^y with poison. 
Pure is the might of Varuoa, Agni, Soma. May 
VAta's And Parjanya's favour bless us. 


Wk bend your minds in union, bend in harmony your 

hopes and plans : 
You there, who turn to sundered ways, we bend and 

bow in unison. 

S This ttADsalt taken, with TMrianta, from (Ugreda X. 56. 2, a funeial 
hjmn, mod is there addreeted to the spirit of the departed, Vijin 
(strongs atroiig steed, ehaiger or raoer) being either, the dead man's 
name or meaning * hero.' The second line Is obeoure. . 
'\ Translated by Lndwig, I>er Bigreda, IlL p. i|l^. 

A pmjer for proteotton from poison. 

1 Tmwm : the King of the Departed, distinguished from Death the 
Destroyer. Ifarva: a deity, senerally mentioned together with Bhaira 
(see Iv. dS. 1). Hii name does not ooour in the J^reda. 

S Mtnti : a dei^ attending on Rudra : in later mythology a name 
«r kfm of 9iv» whose eooBort is the awful CkMldess BbatAnL _ 


A eharm to reooooile a.Kiii|^s disQontented jwople. 
TnuMkted by Ludwig, Der Bigreda, III. p. 514. , 

ntUN 96.] 



:2' I with my^ spirit make vour spirits captive : these 

with their thoughts follow my tiiought and wishes. 

o' >I make your hearts submissive to mine order: dose- 

ly attending go where I precede you* 
Z I have invoked both Heaven: and Earth, invoked 
divine Sarasvatl, . . „ , 

Indra and Agni have I called :, Sarasvatt, so niay we 
.. ;. thrive I 


In the third heaven above .us stands the' Afvattha 
tree, the seat of Gtods. 
.There the Gkxis gained the Eushtba plant, embodi- 
ment of endless life. 

_»2^Tfaere moved through heaven a golden ship,, a ^p 
.' with cordage wrought of gold. 
, Xhei^ Qods obtained the Kusb(ha plant, the flower 
of immortality. 

8 Thou art the infant of the plants^ the infitnt of the 
Snowy Hills: 
The germ of every thing that is : free this iny friend 
from his diseAse* 


Thi many plants of hundred shapes and forms that 

Soma rules as King, 
Commanded by Bphaspati, deliver us from grief and 

woe J 

▲ ohann to remore disease. 

1 This and the following stann an repeated frooi V. 4. 9^ 4. * 

A prayer for deltTeranee from sin and sorrow. 
1 CimtMnd^: or, oommissioned, or, engendered. iThe line is 
Uken from lUgreda X. 97. 15. 

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Let ihem release me fjrom ibe ettiM atid from the 
;... nooeeofVaniQia, . . r:-. 

JPree me from. Yama'a ietter^ and firom every aia 
^ against the Gkxis I ^ i 

From «yery fimlt in looki m word, In spirit that we^ 

awake or sleeping, have oommitted, 
May Soma, with his godlike naturoi cleanse qs« 

liyMif xcvit 

Tn sacrifice is victor, Agni. Victor^ victorious is 

Soma, Indra conquers : \ i j : ' < 
So will We bring obUUon Unto Agni; this sacrifice 

that I may win all battles. 
Praise to you, Mitra^Varuoa, hymn^ingers I . Here 

swell with meath dominion blest with children. 
Far into distant regions drive Destruction, and even 

from committed sin absolve us. 

In this strong hero be ye glad and joyfrd : cImvc ye 

to him even as ye cleave to Indra, 
Victorious, kine^winner, thunder-wieldefi who quells 

a host and with his might destroys it. 

^ S TslMa»'#ith a TsriMit, feom |^g¥sds X. 97. 16. 

IVradftled bgr Lodwig^ D«r Rigreda^ IIL ^ 506, and bj OriU, Hiin 
r,ppw3S^168. : 

A pmjtf for tlM giiooM aiid proqperitj of a King. 

1 Hut ttansa m ipoken by the inttitutor of (he laorifioe for.tuoeea; 
ia war. 

8 Thk and ilia foUowing ttania are sj^oken bj the officiating prieek 
/irfw:eMH£lur;heraaiMrlfidal einlemation, like Sfih4« AM hail 

S Addnned to the King's enbjeoti. 

ThuMkted by Lndwig^ DerRigreda, lU. p. 460. ^ 




^.i HYMNXCVIIL ^ i U ^ 

Indra be victor, never to be vanquished, to reign 
r: r among the Kings as sovran ruler I . ^ ' 

Here be thou meet for praise and supplication, to be 
.revered and wuted on and worshipped. _ 

, . 2 Thou fain for glory, an imperial ruler, . hast won 
dominion over men, O Indra. .' . 
Of these celestial tribes be thou the sovran ; long- 
lasting be thy sway and undecaying I 
. 3 Thou govemest the north and eastern regions, Indial 
^ ' fiend-slayer I thou destroyest foemen. ' 

Thou hast won all, fiur as the rivers wander. Bull, 
called to help, on our right hand thou goest ;^ 


^ ' Indra, before affliction comes, I caU thee from the 
wide expanse. .. 

The mighty guardian, bom -alone; wearer of many 
names, I call. 

.; 2 Whatever deadly missile launched to^y flies forth^ 

to slaughter us, . 
^^ . We take both arms of Indra. to encompass .us on 
every side. / * ... .^^ r , . 

3 We draw about us both the arms of Indra, our 
deliverer. May they protect us thoroughly. — 
O Savitar, thou Gk>d, O royal Soma, make Uiou me 
; ' pious-minded for my welfiure. • . /•* 

▲ bjmn of piaiie to India. 

2 The$e eeUiiial iribu: the hearenlj Ck>di. 

S Bull: or, Strong. '^' 

A hjmn for pfotootioo in liattle. . .. m 
1 Bamalam: peerless from thj birth. 
^ i/«i» Mote .* each of you sepeiatel J. 
Translated by OrOl, flundert Lieder, ppw IS, 16& 

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[BOOK ri. 

\ The Qoda and 36pya gave the giU, the Earth' and 
^^^ ' Heaveo bestowed tbe booo. 

The Ihree Saratvatla in full accord bestowed the 

'^« That Water, TJpajtkisl which Gods poured for you 
_ .^ on thirsty land, ' ^ ,. 

With that sane water sent by Gods, drive ye away 
this poison here. 

"i The daughter of the Asuras art thou, and sister of 
theGoda i I , 

Thou who hast sprung from heaven i^d earth hast 
robbed tbe poison of its power. > ' 


Sn Afpsmdix* 

A duunn agiMiistpeiMB. 

1 TkrmStumivatU: the moltiplioatiioii U MuOogoiu to tliAt of tlio 
thne bsaf ens and three Mrtha SeoIY. 20.2. ^ 

2 QMt/IMt; tendtM or white ante. See note os II. Z. 2. • Whenoe 
^ Iheee Ante get their moislun f Our houee WM built OS a havd ferru- 
^iaoiM OiMigkNiieiate, is order to he out ef the way of the White Aats, 
but thejeaise despite the precaution, and not only wen they in thie 

*siiltiy weather able badiriiuaUy to moisten aoU to the oonsistenej of 
■BOftar lor the fonnation of galleries « . .-. but when their inner 
flimialien were laid open, these were abo surprisinglj humid ; yet 
there was no dew, and the house being pkoed on 4 rock they oould 
h»Te no subtemmeaa pessage to the bed of the river, which ren about 
thne hundred yards bebw the hHL Cka it be that they hare the 
power efeombbiog the oiygen and hydrogen of their Tegetable food 
by TitaliorBe[so]astofonnwaterf' (Quoted from Dr. Liringstone's 
weiMnown work by the Rot. J. G. Wood, ^'Strange Dwellings," p. 280.) 
3 Addrsssedtosomemafl^ herb, probably Arundhati or SiUcht 

^wbiehiseaIled«Mlsr</<A#^Meiiny.6.1. Jfums .dirine beings; Gods. 
IVsMlated by Ludwig, Der Rigreda, IIL p. 511. 

ffTJiJr 101] 



- , HYMN CIL ; 

ErsN as this ox, O A^vins, steps apd' tarns together 
with his mate, 
; So let thy faoey torn itself, oome nearer, and unite 
with me. 

. 2 I, as the shaft-horse draws the mare beside him, draw 

thee to myself. 
. Like grass that storm and wipd bav^ rent, so be thy 
mind attached to me t 

S Swiftly from Bhaga's hands I bear, away a love- 
compelling charm 
Of ointment and of sngar-cane, of Spikenard and the 
Kush^ha plant. 


BftiHASPATi and Savitar prepare a rope to bind yoa 

Let Bhaga, Mitra, Aryaman, and both the Asvina 

make the bond. ' 

2 I bind together all of them, the first, the last^ the 

^ Indra hath girded these with cord : bind them 

together, Agni, thou 1 ' . . . 


' A oharm to win a maiden's lore. 

1 The Afrins am addressed as having )>een the first teaohefs of 
ploughing (ItigreJa L 117. 21 X snd idso perhaps as groo m s men and 
oooduotora of the hride at Sftiyi's weddhig ?BigTeda X. 85. 8^ S). 
The seoond line is addressed to the absent maiden. . • 

2 Gram: <r^Kun (Whitn^s Index Yerborum) instead of IfCfSHi of 
the text Ci II. 30. 1. 

' 3 J^JU^sAondt; Bhaga beingadeiqrwhoprendes ofsr lofs and 
inarriage. , '^ • ^ 

Translated by Weber, IndiM^e Studien, V. 24% and by GriU, Hiin^ 
dert Cieder, ppw 54, I69* 

*A oharm to ohedL the approach of a hostilie armj. ■ ' "' ^ " ' ' 
TransUted by Ludwig, Der Bigreda, III. p. 518. >'^;ii ^^^^ 

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\raM BTMSs orw 

\ V 


S Those yooder who approach to 6ght» with banDers 

.^^- raised along their rankt, , . , ^ .-, r 

lodm hath girded these irith cord: .bind, them 
ijjjt together, Agnij thou! ^ ., ,/ 


^^'^Wb bind ow foemen with a bond that binds them 

close and holds th^m fast 
^ '" Their breath and respiration I dissever^ and their 

lires from life. 
S This bond, made keen by Indra, I have formed with 

heatof holvaeaL i 

'^y- Secoreljr hind our enemies^ O Agoi^ who are stand- 

ing hereu ^ . ' 

3 Indim and Agni bind them fi^st, Soma the King, 

and both the Friends I 
\ Hay Indra, girt by Harots, make a bond ^ to. bind 

oor CTcmi^a, 


Rapidlt as the fimcy flies forth with conceptions of 

the mind, 
So following the fimey's flight, O Cough, flec^ rapidly 
. away. 
S Bapidly as an arrow flies away with keenly-sharpen- 
ed i^int. 
So swiftly flee away, O CoQgh, over the region of 
theearth! ' \ 

3 Rapidly as the beams of lights the riays of S^a, 
.flyawav, . \ ^ . . 

So^ Coughl fly npidlly away over the corrent of the 

^ A chftm to ohsdk the appioadi of a hottflo smy.. 
: S-JbUOiiVMMli/ifilmsAdyiuravs. 
lVMMlaodbyLodwig,I>orB«T«fa,IILUa. / 

A chftmlo osio Covgh. 

IVMMMod Iqr Udwigp Dor KgTwiA, m. > 510. 






Lit flowery Dil^vA grass grow up about' thine exit 
' ' and approach. 

There let a spring of water rise, or lake with 
blooming lotuses, 

8 This is the place where waters meet, here is: the 

gathering of the flood t 
:^rr Our home is set amid the sUtk0 iMm thou thy jawa 

away from ii r . . . 

8 House^ we compass thee Ikbout .with coolness to 

envelop thee, ^ * . 

. , Cool as a lake be thou to qs. » Iict Agni briqg us 

healing balm! it r 
HY^NCVII. . , 

Entrust me, Visvajity to Trftyamft^l - * 
Guard, Triyam&Q&, idl our men, guard all our wealth 
of quadrupeds. 

2 To Visvajit entrust me, Trftyamftol 
O Visvajit, guard all our men, etc. ;. 

3 To Visvsjit entrust me, O KalyAoL < . 
Ouard', O KalyAott.ftU our men, eta - \ • 

.i - J. ■ .. ■■ '* I . f ■ . ■ 

A ohoim to ptotoot a iMNne f|N)qi fii«. 

1 JHk^grau: Fuiioiim Daot^Ion ; nonepinggimarwith «iowor- 
bearipg Iwuiohflo.oioet BjffifW moot oommoo and uaolul giMi la 
lQ4ts. It gmwo OTOiTwhore obiifi<laotljt spd ilowon oU tbe Tcor.*— 
Roxbuygli. In HiDdfistin! it ii ooQed AU. Tho ^ookor io odd i^iina 

9 Tkou: igoi or Fin h9Mxmeif 71m h jmn nay bs ooaapoiod 
with 9igvodaX 141 6—8* 
Tnmlotod hj Grill, Hundort Uo4oiv pp. 63^ 170. 

of oa 

A ohorm to );)1K>teot m«n Al^ oottle, 
' 1 rtf»q)fi^;All^b4tiii9g; onepithotof Iiidia;a^ 
dMa or ooo^sj Morifioo pcof onood in tba oome or tlio pmwmmm^mmm, 
s MOm (too I. So. 4) or prokNigod Soma aaorifioo lasting a whqlo jcar. 
JW.yofiii9d: Piotootiots; tho namo of a modiotnal plant. 

S Malgdtfi: Pkopitious ono; tho nana of a loguiniiioiis ahrab, 
G^oino Mbilis. : • - * 

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4 To Sarva»id ontmit me, O K*ly4*t. 
: * O S*rvavid, guard all our meft, guwd att par w«alti» 
of qtutdraiwds. 
y HYMN CVllt 

-:,«. MHM finfc W na with store of horaes 

. S TW firanerodt iatelHgeaoe, laaded by ««ea. .ped 
..: T.St5^yBraha««h«rl..forti{e4o«rofthe(i^ 
S Tbat'^iellentliitenigedce which JKbhoa know.. and 
; IntS^ce which »gw know, we caa«, to enter 
4 1)1"^% Agui. a»te me wi-e thU day with that 

WbiSttiJrertive ^iahia, which the men endowed 
with wisdom knew. 
'6 loteingence at e^e. at mom. Ifitelligetfce «t noolt 

V^ibL Son's beams, and by our speech we plant 
in va Intettigenoe. • ^ 

4 StnufU: OtaMMii •» •^*t»t<^ ^ 

atUIt 110.] 

r/rjr AtBARTA-rMDA. 


^- ' "• ^ ; ••HYMNdX.;. '•-' ''>=^^- ^r > 

^\ The Berry heals the missile's rent, it' lieals the 
deeply-piercing wound. 
The Gods prepared and fiuhioned it. This bath 
saffioient power for lifel 

H When from their origin they came, the Berries spake 

among themsel res : - ' 

*M:The man whom we shall find alive shall never suffer 

injury. ^ 

.8 Asuras buried thee in earth :, the QoAb again 

uplifted thee, * i 

;^ Healer of sickness caused by wounds and healer of 

the missile's rent. 

^; HYMN ex. V — ^ 

Tea, ancient, meet for praise at sacrifices, ever and 

now thou sittest down as Hotar. 
And now, O Agni, make thy person friendly, and 

win felicity for us by worship. 

. 2 'Neath Jyaish^haghnl and Yama's Two Releasers this 
child was born : preserve him from uprooting. 
He shall conduct nim safe past all misfortunes to 
lengthened life that lasts a hundred autumns.' 

A chana to beal poDOtttved woundf. 

1 2!IU i^my ; j»/tP^/ ^ 'rait of the AfratUu^ ftppd or FMpalr- 
the Fioos Religiota, or Holj Fig-tree. See UL 6. 1. , _ • 

2 /iromtilftr oiv»a; in>ia the handftof theirC^^ Whamw$ 
shall flnd alifn: to whom we am brought before hie life is extinet^ - - 
' 3 Aiura$: fieada. Buriid tks$: to preTOiit thee from aaTiaig homav 
life. Cf.IL 3. 3. 

Timnslated by Ludwig; I>Dr' Rigreda, UL 509, and bjr Snuanv, 
Altindiachee Leben, p. 389: 

' A benediotioQ oo a new-bom ehild. . . , ^ « ' ^ 

2 Jpai$(hagkMi: or Jjeeh^ghnf: the. lizteeatir lunar manner' 
oalled Jyeeh^ in XDL 7. 3. Yami^i TWo JUUaun: two auB^ieioiia 
•tan whoee rising releaaee from Death • and disease; Tiebfitan. 8ew 
II. 8. 1. Frwn iqfrooiu^: mUlahdrkaifdi ; a plaj upon the word, the' 
asterism being called also^lttlabaifaavL i^#; Agnir ' 

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^ Bora on the Tiger's day was he, a hero, the 
ConstellatioDs' child, bora brave and manlv^ « 
Let him not wound, when grown in strength^ his 
' father, nor disregard his mother, her who Mre him, 

TJiTBiHD and loose for me this man, O Agni, who 
' bound and well restrained is chattering folly.- 
> Afterward he will offer thee thy portion when he 

hath been delivered from his maaness. 
t Let Agni gently: soothe thy mind when fierce excite* 
ment troubles it. 
Well-skilled I make a medicine thatjtiion no longer 
mayst be mad* ' ! 

I Insane through sin against the Gods, or.maddene4 
bv a demon's power— . 
WeU-skilled I make a medicine to free thee from 
1 Hay the'Apsarases release, Indra and Bhaga let 
Hay all the Oods deliver thee that thou no longer 
mayst be mad '^ 


. I^ not this one» O.A^i, wound the highest of 
these : preserve thou him from utter rain. 

Tnnslsted by lAidwig Der BigTcda, III. p. 431. 

A flhsm to eon iimuuty, \ ^ 

4 Apmratu: who m QoddetSM of gsmbliiig; *dioe4oT«i% mad* 

of tho mind* (IL 8. 5X maj bavo ostuod the inmuty. 
Tkmndstad by Zimmar, Altindijcihes Leben, p..S93, joid ,by GrilL 
Ll«br, pp. 11,170. J . . . . 

;' A hoalthndham for nuui, woD^ 

I 1 TkU m$: mifdm, thl% hie, ttanda withp^t a aubatantiTO. Dr. Qrillf" 
aocgaala that ffim, ha60> thia (■he-fiand), abound ba read..n# kigk$t$l 
tlMlMh«r,thaahialofthahoiiaahokL TU9k4'JUmd:,0rdM.S9%U,9.\./ 




BTMS 111] 



T Elnowing the way do then nntie the nooses of the 
she-fiend : let all the Gkxls approve thee. 

2 Bend thou the bonds of these asunder, Agni I the 
threefold noose whereby the three were fastened. 
Knowing the way untie the she-fiend's nooses : free 
all, the son, the fitther, and the mpther. 

8 The elder brother*s bonds, still left unwedded, fi^tter- 
ed in every limb and bound securely, ' » ^ 
Loose these, for they are bonds for loosing : PAshaOt 
; . ..turn woes away upon the babe-destroyer. 


' This sin the Gkxls wiped off and laid on Trita, 
and Trita wiped it off on human beings. 
Thence if the female fiend hath made tiiee captive, 
the Grods by prayer shall banish her and firee theeu 

2 Enter the particles of light and vapourSi go to the 
rising fogs or mists, O Evil 1 
Hence 1 vanish in the foams of rivers. PAshan,' wipe 
woes away upon the babe-destroyer I 
8 Stored in twelve separate places lies what Trita 
hath wiped away, tne sins of human beings. 
Thence if the female fiend hath made thee captive, 
the Grods by prayer shall banish her and free thee. 

d Ofiktut father, mother, and eon. 

3 F4tlkm: aa the Qod who oheriahea and mnltipliea Ufa -Bah^- 
JiOrayir : the fiend who kiUa the unboni babe. See II. 86. 4. 

Tranalatedbj Ludwig; Der Bigireda, III. p. 409, and bj Grill, 
Hondert Lieder, ppw 1G» 171* ^ ' - 

whom nnpleaaaat tiiinga ava 

A oharmto baniah the fiend Oriht 
. 1 Triia .* the myaterkma being to 
epnaigned. See V. L 1. 

3 Trita'a repoaitory maj be eompared to lliltoii'a'^Ihnbo (Faimdiae , 
Loat, III. 490) hkto whieh foUiea and ^vaaitiea ' upwbiiied aloft Flj 
o'er the baokaide of the world f|r oA' ' ' 

JIVmnalated by Lndwi^ Der BigVedn,. IIL n..444, and bj GriQ, Hub^ 
4ertWeder,pp.l5bin. ....,1 ...: 

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[BOOK 71, 


aAHTHAWTiB God-proToking wrong we prieste bave 

; done, O Deities, . ,.. i\^ x,! • vi 

• , Therefrom do y» deliver xm, Adityas I by the right 

.. - . ofL»w. ;•■:-■ '■■•■ ■■ ^- ■'- ■' '■■'■.• ^ 

',% Here set ns free, O boJy ones, Adityas^ by the right 

t •■•• of Law, .• I-. ..1 ■ ■ • ,' ■■■ "';'., j,'r •ID'' 
■ : When strivbg, bringing saonfiee, . we iwled to offer 
7'" itarighL ;,, . . .. .-.^^'.-r,- ^ 

.».„With ladle full of fiitness we, worshippers, poanng 
holy oil, • 'r : . .„ 

^ Striving, have fiuled, O all ye Gpds, against our vill, 

to offer H. J . r ^ . 


^.."Whawv** wrong we wittingly or in our ignorance 

have done, ■ r* '% ' » 

Do ye deliver us therefrom» O all ye Gods, of one 

accord. , . 

2 If I, a sinner, when awake or sleeping have oommit- 

ted un, L 

' Free me therefrom as from a stake, from present and 

from future guilt. 
S As one unfastened fix>m a. stake, or oleansed by 

bathing after toil, . , 

As butter which the sieve hath oleansed, so aU ehaU 

■ purge me from the siu. ^ .>,>,<<<* 

'a pwy« tfH«y pudm tat hxiU vai mm* ^\ «*• pwfomuiio* 
af aMriftot. 

Mds. SmIIL8.3; 10. «. / 

TkmniUtea by Lodwig, Der Rigrcdm IIL 443| wndbj CWl, H. L. 

^^in. ' _^;^;; .': .V. ^- :_ 

- j^ pnmrMkkigptidoii for fill.* .' -fn-.v* /-. .^' -v. ••>■•/)*. 
. Tfmiiikttd by LwlW* Dar Rlgrrfii, lit ^ 443, ani by* OriU H. 


-.- • ^'; 


zrriTii^ 117.] 



' ^ ' X Thi wealtb wbieh htisbaiidiiien aforetime, digging, like 
men who find their food with knowledge, ouried, 

/ \ This to the Eiogt Viv-asvin's son, I offec Sweet be 
our food and fit for sacrificing I 

';2 May ke, Vaivasvata, prepare' onr portion/ May lie 
whose share is mead with mead oesprinkle 
'Our sin in hasty mood against our motiier/or guilt 
whereby a sire is wronged and angered. 

/3 Whether this sin iate oar heart kath entei^ed regard* 

ing mother, father, son or brother, 
' Aaspicious be to us the zeal and spirit of alt the 
£ttbers wko ara kere among ns. 

'That wlilch I -eat, a ^e%t whick still is owing, 

the tribute due to Yama, wkick supports xne. 
Thereby may I be free from debt, O AgnL Thou 
kaowest bow to rend all bonds asunder. 

2 StiQ dwelling here we p^^e again this present; 

we.send it forth, the livmg from the living. 
Throwing away the grain whence I have Mteii, 
thereby shall I be free from debt, O AgnL ^ 

3 May we be free in this world and that yonder, in the 

third world may we be unindebted. ' 
May we, debt-free, abide in all the pathways, in all 
the worlds which Gk>ds and Fathers visit 

X pimyer for pardon of tui a^^aiott motliar, father, ■on, or brother. 
i YTeo/Ur ia the shape of eeed-oom. Vi9a9UtCttm: Tama,) 
of ISm Departed, eom of VivatHii or the Sun. 

3 VaivamKLia : eon of ViTaevin. . ■ i m . ^ 

Tnuulated by Ludwig, Der Rigreda, IIL p. 444. . * - ^ '^ 

A player for freedom from Debt 
I />«# <o raaia : lee VL 116. L 
Z In the third wwfid: in heaven. Uuimdtkied: 
which new-eofflen have to pay. See IIL $$. h u 
Tiaaalated by Ludwig^ Der lU^eda, liL p. 444. 

line ^£ram the tax 

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t a 


Ir we have sinned with both our hands, desiring to 

take the host of dioe for our possession, 
May both Apsarases to-day forgive ns that debt» the 
fieroely-oonquering, fieroely-looking. 
S Stem viewers of their sins who rule the people, for- 
give us what hath happened as we gambled. 
Not urging us to pay the debt we owed him, he with 
* a oora hath gone to Yama's kingdom. 
S My creditor; the man whose wife I visit, be, Oods I 
' whom I approach with supplication, — * 
. Let not these men dominate me in M>eaking. Mind 
this, ye two Apsarases, GkHls*^ Consorts I 
.Tn debt which I incur, not gaming, Agni t and, not 

intending to repay, acknowledge, 
. That may Vaisvftnara, the best, our sovran, carry 
away into the world of virtue* 
S I cause., Vaifvftnara to know, confessing the debt 
whose payment to the Oods is promised. ^ 

He knows to tear asunder all these nooses : so may 
we dwell with him the gentle-minded* 
S VMSvftnara the Purifier purge me when I oppose 
tlieir hope and break my promise, 
Unknowinfif in my heart With supplication, what- 
ever guut there is in that, I banish. 

A pnjer aaking faigireneis of oheatmg at play. 

T. 430) UgmjitandUgfampatylaretheiMUDmorthetwoApMkrMat. 

S rMaemT/ tokaepusboiuidasdebtonintlieotlittrworid. . 

S 6KM2iPCWDni:wiTMoftlieMlMtialGaadharTas. SeeII.3.8,iiot«. 
• IVaadalsd by Lddwig^ Dor Bigreda, in. p. 456. 

A p my er fo e relaaae from dabttincttn^ without inttBtionrt 
-^ I /ftt^Oiifoi^q^vutiii.-notlmputii^myaotkmtoiDeaiafaull^^ 
iTS jr^Mf/bondlofaabt. * 

a IMr AcgMf •• i^f ocoditon^ hopea of paynient 
Tninshtad by Loiwig^ Der Bisrada, m. p. 442. ' 



MtUN 141.) 



If we have injured Air, or Earth, or Heaven, if we 

have wronged our Mother or our Father,' 
May Agni Oftrhapatya here absolve us, and bear us 

up into the world of virtue. 

,i Earth is our Mother, Aditi our birth-place :; our 
brother Air save us from imprecation I 
Dyaus, Father, save ns, from the world of Fathers! 
My world not lost, may I approach my kindred. 
3 There where our vurtuous friends, who left behind 
; i.; them their bodily infirmities, are happy^ , 

Free from distortion of the limbs and lameness, may 
we behold, in heaven, our sons and parents. 


Sprsading them out^ untie the snar^ that hold os,- 
^ Varuoa's bonds, the upper and the lower. 

Drive from us evil dream, drive off misfortune ; thea 
let us go into the world of virtue. 
2 If thou art bound with cord, or tied to timber, fixt 

in the earth, or by a word imprisoned, . 
' Our Agni G^rhapatya .here shall free thee, and lead 
thee up into the world of virtue. 

A prayer for forgiYeneaa of tina and for felid^ harMffeor. 

1 Agni Gdrkapatpa: the aaored fire i>erpetiiaUj maintained by a 
kottteholder ($tiAigM(l«X reoeived from hie Iftther and tnnimitted la 
hieeon. ' ^ ' 

2 Mf wifrUt: my home in heaven. 
, 8 Compare XXL 2S. 5. eqq. 

Translated by Lndwlg, Der Bigreda, ni. pw 44S, and by Orai,Hnnderl 
Lieder, 72, 123. See also Muir, 0. a Tezti, V . pp. 41, 299, SOS. 

A prayerfor feliei^ in the other worid. 
1 Uniu: addroaaed to Agni G&ihapatya,. the .deity oi.tliV 
holder'a aaored fire. ^ . .i./. 

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- {BOOK vr. 

name is called 

:.8' The two auspioioos stars whose 
Beleasers have gooe up. 

■\:('^"t^'S^i^'^ '' eome fre.ingthe captive 

V4 Open thyself, make room: firom bonds thou shalt 

release the prisoper. 
;- ' Freed, like an infant newly born, dweU in all path- 
'. . way* where thou wilt. : «^ P*"* 

• This portion I who understand deliver to Visvakari 
man nist-born son of Order. 
So may we follow to the end, unbroken, beyond old 
•ge, the thread which we havd giilen. 
« This lons^rawn thread some follow Who have offer- 
ed in ordered course oblation to the Fathers : 
- Some, offering and giving to the friendless, if they 

can give : herein they find their heaven. 
8 Stand side and range yourselves in order, 
ye twol The &itbful reach this world of Svawra. 
men your dressed food hath been bestowed on Ami. 
to guard it, wife and husband, come together I \ 
4 DweUing with zeal I mount in spirit after the lofty 
saonfioe as it departeth. * ^ 

. 3 JMwMrfMM n. & I, 

4 Lb tb« fint line ijnrit^ tlie Water of Life, i. addnned. ud m 
aeMooDdtheperaonwhoutolwbMMfited. «"-•««. mo w 

'RMMhted ly Ladwjft Per Bigreda. HI. p 44«. 

A pnjrw Hmt fUioHgr in the other world. 

IWfwifame* . tfc, Onmlfio; the uehitootof the tuirene. » deitr' 
^«%rrBM«Wi«g IVjiipitti the Lori of Life M«I often noTtotinJ^ 
■hrffrm hm^ ^k* a»ml wUch w, kav* gi^, the thwedTltfe 
wfcMtwehMdooto onr ohUdfw.. " Lot not my thieX whAi I 

« r« liio.. the inetitutor «!f the •aorifioe and hie wife.* 

afJTf i**?*'* »?« wwMd their performer on hie arrinL Cf 
¥«wJ»X.14.^«dAthm..wdaVLlM, 2;XL hZii^T^i.^^ 



( . 

prMjr W3.J 



:> Agni, may we, heyood deeay, invited, in the third 
heaven, feast and enjoy the hanqaet ^ . 

£ These women here, cleansed, purified, and holy, 
. ., I place at jrest, singly, in hands of Brahmana. 
Hay Indra, Marat-girt, grant me the blessing Ilong 
for as I pour yoa thisBbation. - •: -l . - .: 


n HYMN CXXIIL r ^ ' 

Ts \dio are present, unto you I offer tiiis treasure 

brought to us by J&tavedas. ' '. ' 

Happily will the sacrifioer follow : do ye ac)cnowledge 
' iiim in highest heaven. 

2 Do ye acknowledge him in highest heaven : ye know 

<the world here present in assembly. 
: .' In peace wiU he who sacrifices follow : show iiiiB the 

joy which comes from pious actions. ; \: 

^ Gk)ds are the Fathers, and the Fathers (}ods. I am 
' the irery man I am. • 

'4 I cook, I give, I offer up oblation. From . what 
I gave let me not be disparted. '- * 

5 King, take thou thy stand in heaven, there also 
let that gift be placed. 
Becognize, King, the gift wblch we baye ^ veo, and 
be gracious, Qod I 

'5 Tim: Vi^vi^karnim, Agni, and Indnu ^ / ^ ; 

• TnnsUiad bj Ludwig; Der Rigreda, IIL p..i3S. ^ \ 

A prayer for folipt^ in heaTeii. . ./ 

1 yistfAo oiv j»fiei€iil: Gods vhostt«Qd Um tserUlM. FMomtii^ 
tiCATen, and onjoy the rvward of hie Merifioe theie. fte VL 128. 4., 
. i'ThM j(^ wkiek comsi from piaui aetiaiuJ Mn^^^^trtdm; eee -IL 
12. 4. note.' / • ".,",'.;. ^1 ,- ; ::.•.-.,,•*;'* 

* J^ OJSjuig: Tains ae King of the Departed. ^ :>;..{ 

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fMM tituita OP 


} twn tbe liigh finnaineH yea, otit of lietfren « 
',; • ^•^toNlrop with dew on me hath fiUIen. 

I, Atfml share the merit of the pious, with Tieoar^ 
L milk, and hymiu and sacnrifioeb 

/* ^*. j" » frnj* *t*°7 *^«« ^*^ dropped it,«bieath. 
»' ^n» the sky it hath descendei 
Where it hath touched mf fcody of my gaftnent, 
. tbenoe may the Waters dnyeDestmotionbaokwanl- 
» It is a fragrant ointment* happy fortune, sheen all of 

gold, yea, purified from bleonah. . 
^ Spread orer us are all purifications. Death and 
Mahgnity shall not subdue 08.- 1 


.i^^'i^?'*' P ^««' ^ fi"n »«le«l in body, our 
inend that rarthera us, a goodly hero. 

;, Put forth thy strength, oompaot with thonn of 
leather, and let thy rider win all spoils of battle. 
a. Its mighty strength was borrowed from the heaven 
and earth : its conquering force was brouffht from"* 
- . aovransofthewood. ' 

Honour with sacrifice the Car like Indra's bolt,' the 
Car girt round with straps, the vigour of the 

Z Thou bolt of Indra, Vanguard of the Haruts, dose 
knit to Varuoa and child of Mitta,— > 
As such, accepting gifts which here we offer, receive, 
O godlike Chsnot^ these obktions. 

Am Oomb fraa th* iky. 
■ fcMtattdbjr Ladwlfc D« Bigwig m. p. 49a. - 

OloriSoKtioii of a Wai^diutot. 

VTU Im^ fa itkm tmalfignit VL 4T. Se-M. 

^/]itmOjr,loido(tb«irood: tbediuiot. 

^1i3rLndwtgkI>irJlig««da,m.p.4ft», » 

Truf — 




SiND forth thy voice tfload through earth and heaven^ 
t and let the world in all its breadth re^ird thee. 

Dram, aooordaot with the Gods andlndrai drire 
thou afar, yea, very &r, our foeioen. 

:2 Thander oat strenffth and fill as foil of vigoar, ye% 

thunder forth ana drive .awav misfortonear 
. ..;, Drive hence, O Dram, drive thou away mi8cfaajDoeft« 
Tiioa art the fist of Indra» show thy firmness. 

; .8 Conqaer those yonder and let these be victors. 4.' Let 
the Dram speak aload as battle's s^al. : 

: s Let oar men, winged with horses, fly together., .Let 
oar oar-warriors, Indra ( be triamphaoL , 


• ' Or abscess, of decline, of inflammation of the eyea^ 

O Plant, 
Of penetrating pain,' thoa Herb, let not a partide 

' 2 Those nerresof thine, ConsamptionI which stand 

doisely hidden in thy groin — 

1 know the balm for that disease: the magic care ia 

. Glorifioatioii of tlM War^ram. 

1 The hjnm It taken, with variant^ hom 9ig^^Tl* 47* 89— 31. 
- .' 8 Thou: tbeenemx. TUh: ourdmi 

^ A oharm to haoish Tarioaa dieeaaea* . .. , 

t 1 Al9e€$$: 9idradkd; probably the tame as UdnaMi; 'tntenial 

abioeaaea of the abdomen.'— ^Hae^ Hindu Slyatem of Mediobeb p. SIO. 

Dtdim: baidia; aee IV. 9. & h ^amm atUm </^ lyct/ MiUu 
iPituiratmgpam: viidlpaJM. . \ 

• 8 Theaiokmankaddieaaedythei^pastrophetopenoiiiiledCkNiaa^ 
^tion being paienthetioaL iJf^pMfm ••• appaientllj aomo nnkiioWB Urn or 

plant. The w^^doeanotooeorelaewhera. • «., ; •:;: 

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[BOOK ri. 

' ,j3/;We draw from thee the piei^iog paiQ that penetrates 
/Tj '. and racks thy limbs, . vt /i; V: > -r^ 

vo Zhat * pie^)ce8 ears, that pierces eyes, the abscess^ 
v'/.k'. jand che heart's disease. !v -v,'. .:vK:vi. ; 

Downward and fiuraway from thee. we. banish that 

^^ unknown decline^ ^ : 

';::vWhat time the hearenly bodies chose, the Weather 

' Prophet as their King; : > j. : 

:^' j.They breaght him favonring weather, and, Let this 
be his domain, they said. ^ j^ \ \ V 

fi Ifoy we have weather fiEar,;at noon, liiay, we. have 

weather fair at eve, ( J .; / 

.Fair weather whe^t the morning breaks, fa^ weather 
'"when the night is come. ' ' . 
^ S Fair weather to the day and night, and to the stars 
* ' * and sun aqd moon, ,;. 

. , Give favonrable weather tiioa, Eing, Weather 
Prophetv unto OS. 

" ' ' S Vmknowm d^Um: ^nita^kthmd; see UI. 11. 1. ^» r^ 
. - The hjmii» with ezoeption of the iMt . line which sppean to be a 
' later addition, hae t>eea tranriated, with muoh informatiOQ ngarding 
the diseaeea mentioMed, in AltindiMshea Leben, p. 3S6. 

A pimyer for Fair Weather. * 

1 TK9kiaw€9Uphodi€$: ndhkatr^i; the itare and oonstellationa 
f^gaided as the eontsoUen of the weather^ 'The moon ia, eren now, 
shnilarij regarded bj aoae ' pec^le. > ' Tk$ WmUkersFrophei ; ftkadkU-^ 
mam; literaUj •him of the 4ung.«moke^' one Who foretells the 
weather bj the way in whioh smoke rises bom a fire of oow^ung.- 
;The ^akadhAma was an old Brihman, who^ as supposed to hare the' 
>ower of foivteUfaig the weather, was naturally regarded as i to 0^^ 

Tbeiijrmn ispmoribed in^ the Kaufika^Satia, XXX, 13, as part of 
the ritual of a merchant when about to start on aa expedition. It has 
.been tnmskted and thofoughlj disoussed bj ?tot Blo(»nfield (Ameri- 
^ui Journal W PWWogy, VU. pp. ,484-^468), See also Weber^Omina ' 
^ '^'***?!^ P^ ^i?» f?* ??WWV JUtindisdies Uben, p. Z^Z,- ^/^ ,,^ . , 

BT3fN iZO.] 



4 Be worship eve? paid to thee^O Weather Prophet, 

King of Stars, .-i .:....- A-^^ow^.uu . 

.ii. Who gavest OS good weather line the evemng ana by 

night and day I — f- - >^ ^ *^' 

: With fortune of the Sisu tree— with Indra as my 

> friend to aid-^ --^ -^^ ^^„: 
■::: I give myself a happy fate. 'Fly attd^ begone, 

■■ • Malignities I * '' ' •'^•' ^^'.-^/'^^ V';-.!.:.. 
2' That splendour and felicity whei^with'thoo hast 

• excelled the trees— ' ' ^ "^ ' ;^y^ ]' '[ • 
-Give me therewith a happy fate; Fly and begone. 

Malignities! . : : 

J Blind fortune, with reverted leavi^s that is deposited 
'^ .' ID trees-— - ^ ■ ^ 

: Give me therewith a happy fate;-; FIjt^ikI^I^^ 

:. Malignities. :^ ;. ' -v '.'/so'-'-j ''viO 

'''^ " / HYMN CXXX;;.:; .::v,:;/- . 

This is the Apsarases* love-spell,^ the conquering 

resistless ones'. \1 . . : ^ ' ,^^ • ' '^ * 

I Send the spell forth, ye Deitieal Let him oomsume 
i with love of me. > ; * .. » '/r i j .kv - 

A oharm to obtain saooess snd happiness. ^ • 

' I Bitm: Dalbergia SRsu ; commonly spelt SissoorasCtteTy timber 
tree oommon in Bengal and Northern indiai For- rapid growth,* 
beauty, and usefulness few tiees can be compared with it 

\Z WithrtmUdUaivu: x^enixigioihBj!^ 

lY 19 ■ .-'•;.•'-■■' •'•■>' • ' --^^"'^ '-'■ "'' '''"'' 'I, 

■ ■'i^'Woni»n'ilot»<lwnn<' '.i'^'': '■'• ^■"■' ' '• "' "'' ■■."■■'•'■ 
•IT*. «)«j«mny rettitlm ont^ : rttthiffUim rMatiiUjfMm ; Hit 

wbid. a« hardly wpHcable; ' See OriU. who r««le inetewl «<M««^^' 

«,.M<irt««.4«, Md ttwisUte. • Der •Itgewohnt •umohtigeii. ._ " 

Trindated by We^er,' IndiichlB S<udSim,-T. p. SM, "by Lading, Dir 

Bigred^ UL p. 516, »nd by OriU, Huadert iieder, pp M, 114. 

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2 I pray, may he remember me, think of me, loving 

and beloved. 
^ Send forth the spell, ye Deities I Let him consume 

with love of me. 

t That he ma^ think of me, that I may never, never 
^ .. ( think of bun, . : j 

Send forth the spell, ye Deities I Let him oonsame 
with love of me. 

4 Madden him, ](Carats, madden him. Madden him, 

• madden him, O Air. 
. , Madden him, Agni, madden hioL Let him oonsame 
with love of me» 

Dowv upon thee, from head to foot, I draw the 
pangs of longing love. 

Send ibrth the charm, ye Deities I Let him consume 
with love of me. 

% Assent to this, O Heavenly Onu>e I Celestial Pur* 

pose, guide it well I 
; Send forth the charm, ye Deities I Let him consume 

with love of me. 

t If thou shouldst run three leagues away, five leagues, 

a horse's daily stage, • - 
.^ Thence thou shalt come to me again and be .the 

fikther of our sons. 

S ll<NNm^^>r«M: Aniinisti;7sTeiiroftlieCk>di. SoeL IS. S, note.- 
OdmMLFynptm: lUti; Plaii or IntentioimMnoiiified as a Godden. 

^ Lm^mk: tiM >^|knMiN, tOmatiiiiM ngaided as a diitanoo of four 
er Sts mOi^ k aoro ooRSoUy oitinMftod U f(wr ArofM or iboib 

T^andiiled I17 WoW, IndiMlis SM^ p. 344, Aodligr OiiO^ 




HYMNCXXXII. . >; :c 
The Philter, burning with the pangs of yearning love, 
which Qods have poured within the bosom at the 
floods, .. ' 

t That spell for thee I heat by Varupa's decree. :: I 
9 The charm which, burning with the pangs of love, 
>'"■ the General Qods hi^ve poured withiu tbe bosom 
of the floods. 
That spell for thee I heat by Yarupa's decree. - '" 
8 The Philter, burning with the pangs of longing, 
which Indrftut hath eflbsed within the waters* depth, 
That spell for thee I heat by Yaruua's decree^ 
4 The charm, aglow with longing, which Iqdra and 
Agui have e^Pi^sed within the bosom of tbe floods, 
That spell for thee I heat by Yamua's decree, 
a The charm aglow with longing which Mitra and 
Yaruua have poured within the bosom of the floods, 
Tbat spell /or thee I heat by Yaru^a's decree. * 


JBr the direction of that God we journey, he will 

seek means to save and he will free us ; 
The God who hath engirt us with this Girdle, he who 

hath fastened it^ and made us ready. 
8 Thou, weapon of the ^ishis, art adored and served 

with sacrifice, . '' "" ' 

.yir»t tasting of the votive milk, Zone, be a heror 

slayer thou) . ../i / : . v 

- A won^tf>'« loTMhaniM 

^ 9 Omerai Oodi: the Tvfwe Dotm or All-Godi. ; 
Tnodated by WoW. Indkdm Studion. Y.p.Mk 

The hymn is a glorification of the nored Girdle. ^ 
} Jaunui^: jmrnie oqr ooone fbrough lifo, ..v: .^] 


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[BOOK rir 


As I ftm now Death'iB Brabmaoh&ii olaiming out of 
ib^ living world a man for Yaniar '^• 

• * So with Austerity and Prayer and Fenroar\ I bind 
this Girdle round the man before me. 

4 She hAtb beeome. Faith's daughter,: sprung fron» 
Fervourr(Mie sister of the world-creating l^isliis^ 

As such, O Girdle, give us thought am wisdom^ 
give us religious seal and mental vigour. 

Sf Thou whom primeval If^i^his girt about them, they 
v< who- made the world, 

'As such do thou enoir«de om», O Girdle, for long dayi^ 
of life. ' i 


^ Tbis TbunderboU shall take its fill of Order, scanr 
life away and overthrow the kingdom, 
Tear necks in pieces, rend the napes asunder^ even 
' as the Lord of Might the neck of Vptra. 

5 Down, down beneath the conquerors, let Kim' not 

rise, concealed in earth, but lie down-smitten with 
the bolt 
Z Seek out the fierce oppressor,., yea, strike' only the 
oppressor dead' 
Down on the fierce oppressOTli bead strike si taW 
length, O Thonderboit I 

S /V«U'« JraiUi#eiJK: a rsBgibiii sUidM 
Miitgru, the <3od of DmUu 

4 £IU; tiM gircQa^ Wwrld<f§a^ fitkU: see IIL 3S. I; IV. I. X 

TteMlafeed by Lndwis, Oer Bigred^ IIL p. 433. 

A prieiC^s pimyer for power to poniah wnmg-doevi. 

I TkU Tkimidmholi: this Morii&oe, whioh when emplojed against 

eBsmies is as powirful a weapon as the bolt of liidim. So Ifiltoo 
speaks of ^sermoa, pnyen^ said fulomiatioos.' and George Heibert 
eaUaPkaver «rsverMthttuder.' JUrdafMigJU: Indxtu 

\ Ptajer ^rsrerM thttuder.' Xertf ^fMigfU: 
S Him: the wieked man. 
Tmaskted by Udwig, Der Bigreda, HL p. 44a 


'''''■' ' ■ HYMNOX3i3tt»' "'^ ^ '• ' '-' 
Whatb*bb 1 eat I turn to strength, and thus I ffrasD 

' " th6 Thutidetbblt, 

{tending the shoulders of thlit man as Indra shattered 
Yritra^s neck. 

• 2^ t drink together what 1 drink, even as the sea that 
'* " SWalloWs nlL 

Drinking the life-breatl^ of that man, we drink that 
man aiid swallow htm» 

. 8 Whatever I eat I swallow up, eVen as tfa6 sea that 
swallows all 
Swallowing that man^s vital breath, we swallow him 
completely up. 


Born from the bosom of wide Earth the Ghxldess. 

godlike Plant, art thoir: 
So we, Nitatnt ! dig thee up to strengthen and fix 

£st8t the hair* 

2 Make the old firm, make new hair spring, lengthen ' 

what has already grown. 
8 Thy hair where it is falling off", and with the roots is 

torn away, 
; I wet and sprinkle with the' Plants the remedy for 
all disease. 


Thb Plant which Jamadagn! dug t6 make his 

daughter's locks grow long,- ^ 

A priest^s fnlmmatioa against an enemy. 

. ' A obann to ptomote the growth of hair. 

1 l^itatM: an unidentified plant with deq^ ioot% and therafote siip> 
poaed to strengthen the roots of the hair. 

* TnmsktedbyZimmer, Altindisches Lebeb, p. 68. and hf QaSL 
bondeii lieder, pp. 60, ITS. ^ ^T 

A oharm to promote the growth of hair. , 

I Tke PlatU: Nitatat; see VL 13d. 1. Jamadamd: see IL SS. 3 
yUaha\ijid: an ancient Kshi, the seer of 9%Teda Vl. 15^ hen Rgantr 
ed as a magician as ViigU was in the Middle Ages. "iisOa: aeeLl4.i 


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{BOOK rii 


This same hath -Vltahavya brought to vm firom Asita's 
abode* - • -. 

S They might be measured with a rem, meted with 
i;. both extended arms. 

Let the blaek locks spring thick and strong and grow 
/ « like reeda upon thy hcML > 

* 8 Strengthen the roots, prolong the points, lengthen 
.. . ' the middle part, O Plant 

Let the black Jocks spring thick and strong and grow 
, . * iike jreeds npon thy head* 

I^HT, thy fiune is spread abroad; as best of all the 

herbs that grow. ' 

Unman for me to^y this inan that he may w^r the 
- * horn of hair. 
' S Make him a eunuch with-a horn, set thou the crest 
;' upon his head. 

Let Indra with two pressing-stones deprive him of 
' his manly strength. 
8 I have unmanned thee, eunuch t yea, impotent I made 
thee impotent, and robbed thee, weakling! of thy 

• Upon his head we set the hiom, we set the branching 

^fc— ■ 1 11 ■ I ■ I 1 11 — — ■ I ■ 

^ 8 1^ ; the lad j^t looka 

TfMMkted bj Ladwig^ Der Hlgrada, IH. n. 518, \gj Zhamar, Altin- 
4Mbm L^MOp ^ 68, sad ligr Onll, Hiindeit Lied«r, pp. 50^ 1 7d. 

A woniMi't impraoBtioo oo lier anlRithfal lov«r. 

1 Tk€ hum qfkair: the apa^ memins » honi4ike ftrnuigeaieDt or - 
etiMneiit of the hair ! hen vQgMnied M a niarit of effiso^^ 

. 8 Tkiorul: kuHha; apparmtlx the aame aa the c;|Mf4. See V. 81. 8. 

8 Tkikam: i4mba; another woid with the aame meaning aa <»aat 
muAhiHHu See Gekber, Yediache Stndieo, pp. 130-188. 

For staoaa 4 and 5 aae Appendix. 

Hm hymn baa been timnalated bj Weber, Indlaehe Stodien, Y.p. 





Thoi» hast grown up, a source of joy to bless me with 
i' prosperiW. : ' 

A hundred are thy tendrils, three-and-thirfy thy 
c\ descending shoots. - 

. With this uat bears a thousand leatea I dry thy 
i?; : heart and wither it^ : ^ . . 

2 Let thy heart wither for my love and let thy mouth 
t" be dry for ma » 

J^arch and dry up with longing, go with lips that 
love of me hath dried. 
^ 8 Drive us together, tawny I &ir I a go-between who 

wakens love. 
. Drive us together, him and me, and give us both'one 

heart and mind. ^ 
4 Even as his mouth is parched who finds no water for 
his burning thirst, 
. So parch and bum with longing, go with lips that 
love of me hath dried. 
,5 Even as the Mungoose bites and rends and then 
restores the wounded snake, . 
So do thou, mighty one, restore the firaotuie of our 
severed love. 

' Two tigers have ^wn up who long to eat the 
mother and the sire : 

r ■ -'.■■■ ^ . - . 

A woman'a lore-diann. 

1 A 90wre$ ^fjof: nyatUht; the meaning of the word ia unknown. 

pqpnlarij beliered to proteet itael^ and oove its wooikU raoeired hi 
enoounten with anakea, bj meana of a medldnal pknt; but it la not 
now oredited with the ohiTakooa generoai^ here aaoribed to It. 

Truudated by Webei^ Indiaahe Stndien, y. p. 847, and by Ladwig; 
Der BUgreda, UL p. 516. r , * 

A bleaaing on a ohild'a fint two teeth.' . 

' Tranalated bj Oiill, Hundert Liedei^ pp. M, 178, and bv^Zimaii^* 

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m : t^mmtMifs or < x$oqk f* 

. . Soothe» BrahmaqaBpati, aad thou, J&tavedasi hoVk 

s'/' ^^^^ ■' ... 

2 Let rioe and barley be your food, eat alao. beaqs and 
N This 18 the share allotted you, to be your portion^ ye 
\ ; tvro Teetl^ Qarm UQt your mother and your gire. 
Z Both fellow teeth hare been invoked, gentle . and 
f\-- bringing hf^ppipess^ 

Elsewhither let the iSeroeness of yournature turaaway, 
(> Te^th t Parm uQt;y0ar mother or your siro^ 

^ VAtu eoUeoted these: to find their sustenance be 

Tyashtar^s care : 
' Mav Indra bless and comfort them, and 9^idra look 

that they increase. 
% TelkB thou the iron axe and make a pair by marks 

upon thdr ears. 
^ This sign thA Afvins have impressed: let these 

increase and. multiply. « . 

' V Eren as Qods and Ajiuiras,, even as, mortal men hate 

done, ^ ' 

Do ye, that these may multiply in thousands, Afvins I 

make the mark. 

^ SniHo high, O Barley, and beqoipe mud^ though 
thine own magnificence: * 

, AUMringoo citlls. \ 

1 Vijiu9oU*eUdihm: €LlLV^lp fforttaf^i ^. at. tbs CM wbo 
fluihfoliet wtUs. -— 

. Ikandilidtl^ I«dwig^ DiKBigT«d^ nL p. 46^ 

. Ji pim7«.ior s ptaoliMharvMt. 

1 BwrUMtk$ntmU: fiU sU the luqe;* «>^i^t^ Jm> ^ ^^^^ ^ 
sin it HofodtOlth^ bunt with tliewai^t. — 

IVMMkltd hj Ln^irjft I>er Bigredis IIL p. 469^ by Zimmer, A)t» 
*' * Ltbifi,^JSVsndl7aia^ . 




B7US 149.] 



Burst all the vessels ; let the bolt from heaven forbear 
to strike thee down. 
2 As we invite and call to thee, Barley, a Gk>d who 
heareth us. 
Raise thyself up like heaven on high and be exhaust- 
' less as the sea. ' ^ 

8 Exhaustless let thine out-turns be, ezhanstiess be 
thy gathered heaps, 
Exhaustless be thy givers, and exhanstless thoM 
who eat of thee. 

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'if> I 

J' '■• '-- :.' o^.j^'s r. 


. -1 

: ^ 



',;,. THKt whobythoaght have gaided all that Speech 
hath best, or they who with their heart have 
uttered words of truth. 
Made stronger by the strength which the third 
prayer bestows, have by the fourth prayer learned 
the nature of the Cow. 
• 2 . Well knows this son his sire, he knows his mother 
well : he hath been son, and he hath been illiberaL 
. He bath encompassed heaven, and air^s mid-realm^ 
. and sky : he hath become this All ; he hatii come 
nigh to ua 

This introduotoiy njmn is a glorificstion of ths power of pnjer 
.sndofAgnL • • / . . 

\ Or: not disjunotire liere^ both clauses vefening to tho same per- 
sons. Third I • • • • fomik praym': 'mjetio fonaulaa of keaTenlj 
Pnyar.'— Ytotor Heniy. rAeiiaficre</<&« Coir.* wtlma (iMune) mean* 
ing here mystio oharaoter, esaenoe, or nature. The Cow it Yftk, Yoioe^ 
Speeoh, espeolally Prayer. Cf . ' The MUchrcoVa eariieat name tl|^ej 
oomprehended' (^igveda IV. 1. 16). 

2 rAiffoit.* Agni, theofiEkpringof Heaven and Burth. IlUberal^ 
this IS the meaning of the word piitiarmaffhaJ^ in the <mly other Yedio 
hymn (Athar?a-Teda Y. 11. 2) in which ''it ocean, and it may refer 
to Agni's flight from his aaorifloial duties (^Y* L 65. 1 ; X. 46. 2. ^ 
and general reluotanoe to appear, that is, the diffloulty of obtaining 
fire by means of the wooden drilL The St. Peterabuig Diotionaiy gives 
^ opposite meaning to the word in this places explaining it| inaocoid- 
anoe with an Indian oommentator, not as *illibend,* but at * jropeated^ 
ly granting gifts,' which is Agni's usual character. 

The hymns of this Book have been translated anf nommiMited \j ^ 
It Yictor Henxy (J.' Maisonneuve ! Piuis. 1892). Pkofessor Ludw^^ 
has translated some thirty-five hymns m Der Kigvedsv UL» slid Dr* 
Cknlt fifteen in his Hundert Ueder des Atharva-vedlt 

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[BOOK rii 

iHTon for na, proolaim in sundry plaoes, the kins- 
. man of. the Gods, our sire Athiurvan, 
His mother's ^rm, bU father's breath, the yonthfolt 
who with bis mind bath noticed this oblation. 

fii, in ihiis manner showing forth his expl6its-»for- 

he, bright Gkxlv is onr broad way for ohooaing— * 
Bose up to ndeet his stay, the mead's best portion : 

of his own self he sent hia body forward ' '- 

' HYMN IV. I i • • 
WrrQ ibine eleyeii teama, to aid bar ! wjabea» yea, 

with thy two-apid-twentv teama, O V4yo, 
With all thy three«and-thirty teama tor drawing, 

here looae theae teama,, thoA who ^. pix^mpt to 


Fkmise of Atbsrfta. 

1 AikttrwoMf of. IT, 1. 7. AUMUPfsn, ss tibs cUaooy^iw <if fire siij 
tfM«itf]ies&fii»friMl^i«thelaliMrorAgDl,«^ ideQ^ 

lified with him. Tkt f(nU^fia ^ % tK9%xi»^!dj ooc^^ 
•i hoiag contiaqdllj i^prodiioed. 

4hRftisa of Agni as the Sun. 

1 ifM «fa|ri£|K^Qi|t 11 eelled the meet * eioeUeut pillar of the hesTensi* 
isid < sqiUiiw of tbe skj ' (^igreda IX. 108, 16, and 

Aeooffdmg to the Kauflka^tn, XV. 11, the stania is to, be eo^ 
fkjjred in a ohaim for Tiotoiy in battle^ the King ^aa4 hi^, ebaikiteejp 
be^ mounted oq a new oar, ' ^ 

A ^jmnto Tlju the CM of the Wind* 

1 Tiawf$: ^ifigkkU; need instead of (aceofding to. the St, P, 
Dietioiiaiy a ISdee vt^ing for) tUrMkU th» usual word in the 9ig. 
tedaiorthehqrMa of Vkf% 'the Tiewleea eoumeia of the^ wind.* 
AsMloirimAM: tohelpuetoeu^oeea, The redt^ttion of . the stanifi 
^ree tfanes teadudee the oeremopj of bleeiing tb^ hoviee^ (Kan|ik%j 
66tm 30X36). See Yie^^ ;,. vTTo.. 





- Tai Gkids adored the Sacrifice with worship:, these 

were the statutes of primeva) agea 
' Those mighty ones attained the oopeof heaven, there 
where the S&dhyas, Gk>ds of old, are dwelling. 
2 Sacrifice was, was manifest among ns : it sprang to 
life and then in time grew stronger. became the deities' lord and mler: migr it 
bestow on us abundant riches, 
a Where the Gods worshipped Gh>ds ifith their obla- 
tion, worAipped immortals with immortal spirit, 
There in the loftiest heaven may we be happy, and 
look upon that light when Siiiya rises. 

4 With their oblation, Purusha, the Qods performed a 


- A sacrifice inore potent still they paid with the 

invoking hymn. 

5 With dog the GKids, perplexed, have pmd obhttioii, 

and with cow's limbs in sundry sacrifices. 
Invoke for us, in many a place declare him who with 
his m|nd hath noticed this our worship. , 

The hTom is a glorification of Saenfioe. 

1 The etansa ia taken, witha diange in the meaning^ from figreda 
1,164.50. Itappeamahoin9^,X.90. 16. AfdAjrot : meaning pnn 
babljr, 'thosewhoaMtobe propitiated.' According to TAaka 'the 
CkKls whose dwelling-pkoe is the. ^' In the AmarikMhm thej aie 
named among the minor deitieei but thej aeem lather to be^ the* most 
ancient o£ the Ck)da. . 

4 ra4<A«roMi<^7VnM&a;8ee9igTedaX. 90, the Poraiha- 
8Akta or hjmn which deecribes the sacrifioe of Poroahat embodied spirit^ 
or Man peiwmified and fsgarded as the aoni and original eooioe of the 
nniterw, the peisonal and life^ving prinoipje in all an&nated befaigs • 
a pantheistic^ hjrmn which appeam to be an atken^ to LumoniM the 
two ideas of laarifiee and creation. ^ 

6 WUh^: no legend referring to this extnoidinaiy eaorifiee has 
IfMrvired. J^fjitowf; it'e^eaiB imfKMriUe thst sMt^dUII.(pesplsiidt 

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[BOOK' vir. 


I'^Aditi is the sky, and air^s mid-regioD, Aditi is'the 

father/son, and motber, 
Aditi all the Oods and the Five Nations, Aditi what 

is now and what is future^ 
We oall for help the Queen of Law and Order, great 

mother of all those whose ways are righteous, . 
Far-spread, onwasting, strong in her dominion, Aditi 

wisely leading^ well protecting. 
S' Sinless may we ascend, for weal, the vessel, rowed 

witii good oars, divine, that never leaketh. 
Earth, our stronff guard, incompaijahle Heaven. 

Aditi wisely leading, well protecting. 
4! Let us bring hither, in pursuit of riches, Aditi with 

our word, the mighty mother. 
Her in whose lap the spacious air is lying : may. she 

afford usHripIy-guarding shelter 1 . 

infUoated) oui'be ths right reading here. A sabstantiTe in the ingtru- 
nentd cue is required by the context M. Victor Heniy reads mUt^ 
tfM; with the head,' that ii, with the horae's head given to Dadhjaoh^ 
whioh,aoeordhigtalf.Beigaigne(BeligioDy^ne^II.Ik 458) Mjitk^ 
bdiaes Agni or Soma. * That migh^ deed of yoon, for gain, hen>ea» 
as thmider henddeth the ndn, I publish, when bj the horw^ head 
Athanran's ofitoring Dadhjaoh made known to 700 the SomaV sweets 
nem'(9igTedaI.116.12). Accordingto )L ^otor HeniVs suggested 
leading the transiatioQ would be: With head, with dog the Ooda 
hate paid obUtioa; but the meaning o( the line is stUlobsoure. Him 
pnbMj AgnL 

A-pnjer to Aditi lor help and protection.* 

I AdUi: Infinite penonified. See L S. 1, note. The stansa» taken 
^igniM L w. 10^ la used in the ritual and bi charms and inoan^ 

. S The stanm is enq^ed in the benediction of boafcs^ in the prepare 
ration of the dome st io fiw^ in blessbig the marriage .bed» in funerals^ 
•ad in oUier ceremonies. See 1L Yk^tor Henry's note. 

S Tiiken, with a tarianti bmn ^^greda Z. 6d« 10; According toi. 
Sljaoai the dirine vessel is a meti^horical expression for sacrificei 
bi|t Adhi, iMliiii|ng heaven and earU^ is intended. 
: Tk$kjmn has been tmnslated hgr. Lodwig^Der BlgTeda,'IIL p.- 53a»^; 






1:0 I HAYB sung.pndse to DiU's sons and Aditi's, those 
very lofty and invulnerable Gods. 
! For far within the depths of ocean is their home/and 
in the worship paid them none exodleth these. 


Gk> forward on thy way firom good to better : Brihas-^ 
pati precede thy steps and guide thee 1 

Place this man here, within this earth's endosore, 
afieur from foes with all his men about him. ' 

Praise of the Iditjas. 

1 The poet giies two mothen^ Diti and Aditi, tothe Idttjas. The 
former is a personification, distinguished by no special charact^, and 
unknown to the poets of the JBUgreda. She is mentioned again in XL 
3. 4; Xy..6. 7, and 18. 4. The name is erdlfed from Aditi in the same 
waj as Suns a Qod, is fiom Asura. a demon. Tk/m: I omit to notice 
dva which in this place is unintelligible. H. Tictor Heniy snggjesta ' 
niea, nine^ although the number. of the Jldityas is at mosteiipht. 
IntmUim^M*: I can make nothing of the anarsidfdsi of the text whicl^ 
read OMpormdadsi, would mean 'fkee torn ophthalmia.' IL Henij 
divides the word a-narsiifdsi, a word of his own coinage^ which might 
signify * who do not sport and trifle.' I think one maj as well change 
the Word into gftarsdydsi (unscathed, unassailed, invuhicrable) which 
is toquently applied to the Gods in tiie^igveda. OsMii/theseaof aia 
M. Heniy translates ; 'for their n^TSterious essence Is that of tii^. 
^estial Ooeaut' 

Ck)dspeed to a departing tmTolleiv 

1 Place: addressed to Bphaspati. 
' The hymn' appean^ with TaxiatiooSy in the Aitarqrs-Brfthmapa, IrSL 
IS, as an address, bj the Hotar to the . sacnrificer, the words 'finW 
good to better^ meaning from this world to hearen. Bj'the second line, 
the Sotar^nakes the Soma renudn in the sacrificial court, and so^da 
t|ie e^en^ who would injure the sacrificer.. 
/ Translated I7 Ludwig^ Per Bigreda, IIL p. 4S)< . ... . c. y . ! .: 

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;;:.., PftsHiH was bora to move on distaiti paibwayi, on 

roads remote from earth, remote from heaven. 
1 To both most lovely places of assetablj be travels 
\^ and vetams with penect knowledgOr 

2 P&shan knows all, these realms: may he oondaot as 

by ways that are most free from fear and danger. 
^^ Giver of blessinffs, glowinc^i, all heroib, may he the 
wise and watohftil go before ns. ' 

S We are tby praisers bere» PiUhan ; nciver let as 

be iDJnred ander thy protection. . 
-^4 From oat the distance, far and wide, 'may Pftshoil 

stretch his right hand forth. 
^ Let him' drive bade oar lost to as, let as ri^torn with 

what is lost 

• . HYjiN X. 
. That brea^ of thioci^ exhaostless and delightfal, good 

to invoke, beneficent^ free giver, 
. Wherewith thoa feedest all tUngs that are ehoic^t^ 

bring that, Sarasvatt, that we may drain it 

A ptijw for pBotootkn And iBouvwy off kMt ymtj^ttttj*- 

1 MaAm; i^tht Sun, aM Mning, gttidt off tmvettw^ and gaardiaii' . 

offoitUiMidprapwtyiBgeiieniL ilo<AjrfMct^aMMi^:liiftT«i and 

Motk 8lnia» 1 aad S sr» IdMO iram Biigpra^ 
S FrH$eUm: or dominion, This and tlio ioUow&jr tfeAaift «NF 

talmifiomfigfodsVLHS, lOb^ ^ 

A pn^or lor tlio IftTOiir off SiiMTatt 
m—ifftrM: fBffl^, paniiing the ha% is nninteUigibli here^abd 
itnmktethtf' mdiogfifc^ of tho ^^S^^sdk^ hynuii Bat mo If.' 


Hit oliiia^ tik«n» with thii tirianti iMai ^igtoda L 104; 49, If 
I to oootho on mlMit teiied bjr Jottbho» thst^ li» piKAMfy^ Whoti^ 
tooHifaig Sooantobd^noit. 


^rriffv Hi 

rta ATBASTA^ntDA. 

u : That fSur-«pread thooder, sent i&om ihe^; which 
coroeth on all this world, a high celestial signal-^ 
- Strike not, O Ood» ^onr growing .com with lightmng, 
nor lull it with tbe burning rays of Sfttyft^' ' 

""•' HYMKxiL*- ' ;'^ :;;'■ '^ 

c ^ ; Xv. 9on0pvd. majr Pntj4pa1i'& two daoghters^ Gathering 
and Assembly, both protect me.^ 
May every man I meet respect and Vud me. Fair 
be my words, O Fathers, at tbe me^etings. ; 
;jt We. know thy name, O Conference: thy name is 
^ interchange of talk \ 

I^t all the company who joiti the Conference agreie 
with me. ' . '^ '. 

'8 Of these men seated here I make the spfondonr and 
the lore mine owO. 

' Indra, make me conspicuous in all this gathered 

4 Whether y6ur thoughts are turned! away,, or bound 
and fSftstened here or there, 
Wb draw them hitherward* again : let your mind 
firmly rest on me4 

' A pnyer to piotoot oom fkom QgbtiilQg «ad dvooc^ 

God: oddreesed to Indift. 
^ TkmndAted bgr Ludwigb It£ 4«d^ andVCbcfll, S6; ITS; 

Ap»)roror.oham,£ormfliienooat.d«IiborMi^ raUgioas. 

1 Gaikmng: $ahhd^; meeting <tfthopeopIo off a. yiOago. Amrnhig'T. 
tdmdiii; a oonggggation for eecriftoial end religiom pm^oiMk . 

' 3 C^/^wvMot.* orGethering, . /. ' liair, 0. a Tezti^ T. 439, bj Lndwig, IIL 2Sa^ end. 
by Qrill, iBi 178. See alio Zimiaer„Altindieohet.Leben» ^ 17&. . . 


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imM BTMifa or 




X ;::Ab the San^ rising, taketh to himself the brightness 
of the stars, . . , 

. So I assame the glory of women and men mine 

enemies;^ . 
S All ye among my rivals who behold me as I oome 

to yoQ, 
V 1 seiae the glory of my foes as the Son, rising, theirs 
who sleep. 

I FRAisi this Qod, parent of heaven iind earth, ex- 
ceeding wise, possessed of real energy^ giver of 
treasare, thinker dear to all, 
*2 Whose splendour is sublime, whose light shone 
brilliant in oreaUon, who, wise, and golden-handed, 
^ ' in his beauty made the sky. 
,S As thou^ God I quickening, for our ancient fkther, 
' sentest him height above and room about him. 
So unto us, O Savitar, send treasures, abundant^ day 
by day, in shape of cattle. 

' A dkAim to win lopsriority ofor foet and riirals. . 

S Tktir$wka$Uip: tlio oompsriaon or fllustimtion is Tagoo. Tlie 
iii«MiiDgis,piobsblj,M)C.H«ii7is7s: Ihsve suprised my rivals 
I7 taking thoir^o^ to nijsdf in the samanianD^ as ths sun sttr- 
tmmm lato alospsnk ; "^ 

Tkaoslated I7 Lniwift UL p. 241^ and hj OnU, Himdert Lieder, 

*Aptay^ft)rprosp«i^.toSaTitarastheFivifiororCfcm^^ .. 
1 Stanns 1 and 8 aio taken tern SamaToda L Y. iL S. 8. 2%M 6W: 
&ntar, the Son. P^irmi: wnMtm. Of kmm and earth: P9j^- 
a^; Ittsnlfy, two bowls used in Oie prapaiatioo of the Soma jumQu. 
and, 4giiiatitelj, heairen and earth ra^^itded as two hemispheres. In 
kkhmat^: If^ as so^gested in PkoL Whitens Indes Yeiboniin, 
BMitbwiiadliMtsadolthelnpAol the text 

' \ 


f I 

■ 'i 


.A;Savitar, God, our household friend, most ^predous, 

hath sent our fathers life and power and Tiches. 
. Ziethim drink Soma and rejoice when worsiiipped. 
/ ^ Under his law even the Wanderer travels. 

I OHOosi, O Savitar, that glorious favour, with 

fruitful energy and every blessing, 
Even this one^s teeming cow, erst milked by Ka^va, 

thousand-streamed, milked for happiness by the 


Incrbasb tlus man Bphaspati I Illume him, O Savitar, 

for high and happy fortune. 
Sharpen him throughly though already sharpened : 

with glad acclaim le|t all the Gods receive hun. 


Mat the Ordainer give us wealth. Lord, ruler of the 
world of life : with full hand may he give to us. 

; 4 Th€ Wanderer: the San who journeys round the sl^. 

The hymn abounds in plays upon the root MS from whidi &TiCar, 
and tdviman (creation) are formed, and which means * to piess or poor 
out (Soma juice)* as well as *to send.' Hence in the ritoal <Jthe 
Atharvans the two stansas are redted, during the purificatioo of the 
Soma juice, by a priest who hdds gold in his hand or weais a gold 
ring with reference to the ^oMMlondkr of the teit 

A charm for divine favour and felidty. 

1 Thuan^e: Sayitar's. Oaw:. the emhlSmof j^tj. 1m«; the 
famous 9ishi of the 9igveda. 

A prayer for prosperity. 
^ The stanza is employed in various Incantatiooi^ and also in the 
ritual to wake the sleeping priesU: brihatpaU mtUarid mmaio 
^^f ^**if°J^^^-^- Intheli^ttercaseaa«kw,«ias»(huno) 
wiUbe«thisaod,'thatis,AgnL See IL Heni/s noteT^ ^ 

A prayer for wealth and childien. 

1 7A0(^Mier.- Dhitar r^gaided in this hymn more espedalfyas 
tbe Upholder of the sacrament of mairisge (see IL 86. 2, and notel 
and the giver of chUdien. ^ ~ > . , ^ -» 9» 

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fMMBtli»3 0P 

[iook m 

*l iCayDh&tftr ijpra&t thd wotohipper henoeforth im« 

perishable life. 
* iCftj we obtain the jbyotir of the OocI who glteth 

eveiry boon. 
S To him may Dh&tat grant all kinds of blessings whO| 
i oraring children, serves him in hii dwelling* 

Him may the Qods inrest with life eteMal, yea, all 
t the Gtods tod Aditi accordant 

'4 M^ this <«r gift please SavitU, It&ti, BhAtar^ 
Praj&pati, and Agni Lord of Treasures. 
May Tvash^r, Vishqo, blessing l^im with childreni 
' gnre store ofriches to the sacrifioer.] 


BuBsr open, Priihivl, and deave asunder thiff celes« 
tial cloud. 
. Untie, O DhAiar-^for thou canst— the bottle of the 
breast of heaven. 

-ft Let not the Sun's heat bum, nor cold destroy her. 

Let Earth with all her quickening drops bu^Tst open. 
: Even for her the waters flow, and fiiiness : where 

Soma is even there is bliss for ever. 

4 AM/ gift; tteOUstfaopenoDifiodMaOoddeiMk 

A ptsysr foriftin. 
1 PfMfK: 

: liert nd &rt]i personified, bat a deitgr ol 
lU middle sir or firmMneDt: <Mr4^j)f^^ Sl/i^s: Frithitt 

hMtwdontt. 'TlMNi,ofstralh,OPritlut^beMM« the tool thftt 
Mode the liillerllMoarioh in toftvnti who with might qttiokeneet 
Siitfc,0mi8^t70Qe^(9igiredaV.8i.lX TJUhoiiUqf ik€ trmUo} 
km9m: ':Who esn number the oloiids in wiedomi Or who esa ttny^ 
the bottlee of hesTonr (Join 88. 87.) 

SiferxEirth. - 

' 11m liymil is employed alio fa di^^ dee 

I slHlfth ^tt i cm: ^ end WeWs Omina and Portents, p. 86Sb 


MXliS M.}; 



.^ o 

. PrajApatx 6ti;^tidfew earthly cdf^Hatei: za&y ihe 
-'' beUeVoi^t OMIaTtfer fonni theln, . 
Having one commoa womb, and mindf, and spirit. . 
HtfWhoisLotdofl^Ieuty giveme{>leiity.f ^ ' 

J ' •' HYMN XX. • 

Anumati approve fo^y cfof dacrifiee' ddlioug the 
Gods I 
. May A^hi bestf > mine: offerings away . for me the 
worshipper/ . 

i Do thouy Anumati t apfp^v^, ilad gtiftni u heUlth 
and balppuleeid^/ * ' 

Accept the offered Siacfrifio6^ and, Qoddessi give ns 

8 May he approving in riotorn accord ds wealth in* 
ezhanstible with store of children. \ 

Never may we be subject to his anger, bat rest in 
his benev6lenc6 and tieroy. ■ . Z 

4 Thy name is easy to invoke, good leader f appitoved, 
Annroati i and ricfe in boanty^ 
Sotiroef of i^' boons! fill up therewith' otct wbfs&ip, 
and, Blest Onel grant us ^eilth with g^oiodly 
hei^oetf^' ■'•'.' • ^ •-. . 

A piuyer lor prospefit|]r« 

• 1 fftft^^M eoMn^' w&Mf: or,- Onis oommon wotdb (or somee) 
have thejr : tlie sdjeotiTe tdj^Mdfou beiag-fa the noa^tstife < 

A piayer for pro^rity snd hsppinessw 

I Awimaii:F9i,roar, or di?iiie Orsoe pewoniiied. See L 18. S^ note. 
A' {be ritualists Ahumsti is also the pexsonifieatioii of t&s. 
fifteenth day 6fth«MbonVage, and sometimes )heNeiriiooiv ; .^^ 

S tie: Bodia. 

As Annmati is a deity oonneoted with pioewatiop the hjmn is nsid 
in ohanns to remove steiilitj ia^deWBi' - ' - > ' ......A. 


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5 Anomatt hath oome toTthis our worship well-formed 
! .'. to giye good lands ^and vaUaniheroes : 
^ For her kind care hath blessed tis. Qod-protected» 

may she assist the sacrifice we offSar. 
< Anomati. became ;this All, whatever standeth or 

walketh, everything that moveth. 
May we enjoy th^ gradoos love, O Goddess. Regard 
. ^' us» O Anomati, with £Etvoar. 
' Wmprajer oome all together to the Lord of Heaven : 

he 18 the peerless one, far-reachin^i gaest of men. 
,; He, God of ancient time, hath gained a recent thrall : 

to him alone is tamed the paw which all most tread. 


Urto a thousand sag^es he hath given sight t thought, 
light is he in ranging alL 
S The Blight One hath sent forth the Dawns, a closely 
gajthered band. 
Immaculate, unanimous, brightly refulgent in their 

.r Thi fearful dream, and indigence, the monster, the 
malignant hags. 
All female fiends of evil name and wicked tongue 
we drive afiur. 

A stMim to be vadtad St s fanenL 

1 Tk$Lardqfkm9m; liera Tarn* must be metiit Ar^emiikraU: 
tfae maa whoM fansnl rites sie being performed. 

To SsTitar, or to Tema inyeeted with some of Ssyitsr^s attributes. 

1 U; as M. Viotmr Heniy thinke, Tama is the God of the hymn, 
mgki meana life in the world of the departed* The hjrmn is veij 
diffionltiaiidnoaenaeeanbemadeof it without' alteratkma of the 
tnt I ha^ adopted those proposed by M. Henry, Le LiTre YU de V 
▲tharv»'?eda, p. 6S. "■ ' 

to baniah fiends and troableSi 


BTJOir 26.} 




What treasure hath been dug for us bj Indra, by 

Agni, Vi^vedevas, tuneful Maruts, 
On us may Savitar whose laws are fiuthful, Fraj&pati, 

and Heavenly Grace bestow it. 

Ths early morning prayer hath oome to Vishuu and 

VaruQa, Lords torougb might, whom none hath 

Qo6b by whose power the realms of air were stablished, 

strongest and most heroic in their vigour. • 
2 The early prayer hath ever come to Vishnu and 

Varuoa by that Ood's high power and statute 
In whose control is all this world that shineth, 

all that hath powers to see and idl that breathetiu 

I Wit2i declare the mighty deeds of VishQU,* of him 

who measured out the earthly regions^ 
Who propped the highest place of congregation^ 
thrice setting down his footstep, widely striding. 
2 Loud boast doth Vish9U make ofthis achievement, like 
some wild beast, dread, prowling, mountain^roaming. 

May he approach us frozn the fisirthest distance. 

t— ^^^^^^^ ^^— ^.— _— ^_^^.^_^_^___i__^^ ^ , 

A prayer fdr riehea. 

Tim^; alluding to the wild mnsio of the wrnds, the ^thnadeiw' 
psalm' of the Storm-Gk)da. 

A prayer of praise to Viah9U and Vamofl. 

2 That ChnPi: SAxya the Son-God is intended. 

Tkanalated by Ludwigi Der B^veda, IIL p. 429. - \: 

In praise of Vishnu. 

1 The stonia is found in 9igTeda L 154^ L ine ii^JUi< ji2ffe« <^ 
ttmgrtgaium: heaven, where the Ctoda are assembled. Tknot: Mk 
risings oulmination, and aetdng; ^^sImiu being the Sun. 

2 The stansa is a oombination, with iraiianti^ of Bigreda L 15i. 2 
sndX.180.2. ;' ^ ' • 

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» Thou within whose three wide-extended paces all 
:. ' worldaand creatorea have their habitationy ^-^^ 
' Drink oi]» thoa homed in oil I promote the sacri^cer 
■ m9re and more* 

4 Through all this world strode Tishoa : ihrioe his 
. . footbe planted/ and the whole. 

^: Was gathered in his footstep V dost., ^ ^ 

5 Vishoa the guardian, he whom none deeeivethi made ^ 
* three steps/ thenceforth \ 

Establishing these high decrees. 

6 Look ye on Vishmi's ijfprks, wljef;e^y the friend of 

Ipdn, dapehallied, 
. Hath lei his hoLywi^ be seen. 

7 The princes erenHore^ behold that loftiest place where 
!. . Yisb^ans, 

Like an extended eye in heftven. 
'8 From heaven, O Vishnu, or from earth, Vishnn, 
or from the great &r-spreading air's mid-region, 
Pill both thy hands full of abundant treasures, 
and from the right and left* bestow them freely* 

STIiefint]iiieoooiinln9(gT«lail54.9i JSTonwrf •» u^j dweO- 
iqg in the mohen batteriiMd in Morffioe. . ' v • 

4 TUs itMim and tiie thwe that follow it MeVoand in ^igreda L 
M. 17— SO. U hi$fioUt^$ duu: ip nrfghty ww viah«iu, that, the 
dnattalMdbyhiatootrtopaanveiopadthawholawoiid, or the oarUt 
waa fomad from the dust of hii itridM. 

' 7 ndpfmou: Sftria, Wealthy hooaefaoUm who inatitate' ■aoifiMa 
and raflavmata the offieiatiqg prieata* 

^i^'2:\^^^F' «^ «^:wh«a rtwipa I-7aiatian*ttad*' 
and thoroosMy dfieaswA - 

t : 

: ] 




Mat I^ with her statute dwell beside us, die in 
whose place the pious purge .and deanse tiiem. 
,^ Bhe, mighty, Soma-decked, whose loot drops fatness^ 
meet for All-Gods, hath come to aid our worship. 

Blbst be the Broom, may the Maise bring ablessingp 
and may the Altar and the Hatdiet bless us. 
r Worshipful Oods, may they accept this wonhip, 
lovers of sacrifice, and sacrificenk ! . 


TniA is your glorious might,- Agni and Viflbvut Ye 
drink the essence of the mystic butter, ^ 
, Placing in ^yery home seven costly treasures. ; Let 
your tongue stretch to take the offered fis^ess. * 

2 Ye love the great law, Agni VishQU 1 joying, ye feast 
OD mystic essences of butter. 
Exalted in each house with &ir laudation. Let your 
tongue stretch to take the offered Satness. 

' < ■ ■■ " ■III, t»—i — ^.^.^— ^ 

A prayer to Idft, CkKldesa of DoTOtiaii.- 

1 I4A: also I]i and lift, neually mantionad in oonnezioa with 
fiaraaTatt, and Ki&ratt or liaht, aU being daitiea of eaorad apaeol^ 
prayer, and pnuae. See Y. 13. 8. 
. fler pfaog la Uie aanotoaiy or ohapei in whidi llbatfcna and aagifiaea 
ai^ ofieiad. i > ...• ^ '..'*.• r . 

. Tranalated>ylAdwig,.IIL^4S3. . i 

In praise of the aaorifioial utensila. 

Broom: «e(ii«/abanoh of atiffgrMM tiednp foriweeping tha|4oa 
ofsacrifloe. , .. . 

ifoM; to keqp off improper Yiaitants. ^'bdSi: the aaorifioial imple* 
mentfl^ deified. , . ' »v ,'.,,/:. i ,^ * " : .. 

A hynm to Agni and Yishpo. /.j. v\: 

1 Seifm: used indefinitely for a great number, raw ^ongmi the. 
■Mfifidal fixe. ., . 

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[BOOK rii 



HiATiv, Earth, and Mitra here have caused mine 

eyes to be anointed wellt 
Savitar, BrabmavMpati take oare that they be doly 


Bousi 1^1 tthdav O Indra, Maghavan, hero, with 

tby best poesible and varied suocoura. 
Kay he who hateth as (all low beneath us, and him 

whom we detest let life abandon* 


Wi bringing homage 'have approached the ftiend 

who seeks our wondering praise, 
Young, strengthener of the sacrifice* May he bestow 

longjife on me, 

Ijit PAshan, let the Maruts, let Bphaspati pour 

forth on me ; . ^^ 

This prescQt Agni pour on me children and riches 

in a stream t 
May be bestow long life on me, . 

A ohaiu Moomptnying tha anointiiig of c^yet. 

The tUim k naed in aaointiiig *the TApi^ or wcriftouJ pott (VaitAiyir 
8AlmX5);MidintlioGodiiiaiiioonmoD7(A. V. IL 13), whoa tho 
yimth'a ojat sif mointocl m pari c( ti»s 'pfooadmo (KsofOuirSAtni 


A piBJiT lor tho ofoiiluow of i 

Tbo ttaiw lii UkoQ, with Tarianti, from Bigroda UL fiS. 21. 

A pn^ar for kng lila^ addvaned to AgoL 

na ataaaa ia takaiw aioaptiiig tha final pAda, itom f^gfoda-IX, 

A pvi^w te loag lih^ Afldno, and riohaa. 

. I 

■ ] 


'STJlffil.]^ tBE ATBASVA-VED^A. -j^ 

Aoirtt^rive off my rirals bora and liifiDi!. repel ihuse 
yet unborn, O JAtavedaa. f~ ««««» 

Caat down beneath my feet mine •dvewariefc In 
Aditis regard may we be unless. 

"STODut with conqnerine might his other rivals, those 
yet nnbom repel; O Jfttavedas. ^^ 

Por great feKoity protect this kingdom, and in this 
man let all the Gods be joyfoL • . 


SwuT are the glanoes of our eyes, onr fitoes are as 
smoothes balm. 

"Within thy bosom Wbonr me ; one spirit dwell in 
both of OS I . 


With this my robe, inherited from Mann, I envelop 1/ 

So that thou mayst be all mine own and give no ' 
thought to other ^amfw ^ ' ■ • 


A pnjar lor fiwadom from aia, and tha ovorthrow of 

A piajer f or the proeperity of a King and hia kingdom. 
Stanma 2 and ShaTO»totaUydiflfewnt object See AppendiZi. 

A ohaim to he pnmoonoed by bride and biidflgioom. 

BmwitkiuJHam: the pair anoint eadi othei^a ejea aa part of tha 
lUAniage oeremonj (KAU|ik»43atia LXXDL 2). 
. Tianaktedb3rCWll,pp.W^179. 

A nuptial oharm, apoken by the bride. '^ ^^ 

/Vxm IToiiii > the lather of manldnd. Man, the Old German 1^^ 

with lefeienoe to the great antiqnitx of the ooatom. 99^U.Bmrf% 

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I mo.ihi9 Hmliiig Ulerb 4Mt m^k^ ^7 ja^er look 
on me and weep ; 
^ , That bids the parting friend re^r^ and Idndl/ g^te 
*' him as he comes. 

5 This Sferb wherewith the Asorl drew Indra down- 

ward from the Oodsi . . . ; 
. , With this same Herb tdfn^w tikw joh^ Hb/^ I V^7 

be most dear tp thee. : ; . ? 

3 Thoa art the peer of JSomat yeat thou wt the ejnal 
of the Sun/ ^ 

The peer of all the Qods art thou ; therefore we call 
tiiee hitherward* - ' 

y i I am the speaker here, not thoa : «peak thoa wbere 
the assembly meets. 
Then shalt be mine and only mine,, and never men- 
'''' tion other dames. ; . . 

6 If thoa art fiur away beyond ^he rivers, £Bur away 

trom men, 
, This H^b »hall seem io bind dtfacgi .&at and bring 
thee back my prisoner. . , ^ . 

Mat he establish in oar home the msster of riches, 

- .. gladdening with rain in season, 

Mightv, strong-winged, i>0le^al,4rQppingj^oistorei 
Ball of the plants and embryo of waters. 

I - - - _^_^-. ' . , , — ^^ , ^ 

' A BMidea't Iflhre-chsniL \ 

S Th€ JiuH: a female (lend, named TUiateAgi a eo or dini^ to the 

kgeod. See Weber, Indieohe Stndien, V. p. 350. 

' '3 ^f%eti;'addrai8edtotbeplant. 

i Addreitedtothemanehelotee. - ^ i 

ThuMlated bv Weber, L 8. Y. 949, V hatMg, UL 515^ and by 

OnD, pp. 59, 179. . • 

A eaetfllAial diaita for iraln and proepeiil^. 

- \1 Hcmit ^09k{lk4; litenJljr, Ibid or pen for eatUe. IftuUr^riekea 

^ : 

' : 




• '•: BYJONXU ' 
Wi call Sarasvia, onder whose proiedtion all cattle 

wander, to preserve and aid in, : ., :: 

Him in wbose ovdinanoe abide' ijbe WAiecs, to whose 
. .: ^KMnmaod the Lord of Plenty listens. 
2. Abiding iiere lef tis invoke' Sarasvftn, the seat of 
riches, glorioas, wealth-iocreaser. 
Him who inclines And gives to him. who wcfishjpi^ 
the xieh possessor And the Lcrdjof Folaessi 


. Obsbrvino men, and viewing home, tiie Falcon liath 

' deft his swift way over wastes and wateni, : 

woid 18 uncertain. Prof. Ludsdg tranelates it hy •aoe^ler.ntti^ •hook 
near at hand;' Ptof. Orassmann by * vom Wolkennuune^' 'frantha 
region of doud,' and tf. Heniy dianges It to a5Af^ald« « thoee who 
: eome toliim.' firoppm^f maUtum: oi^ milkHexuding t pa^tudm bpinff 
another obeoure inrordL opcnrriqg in only one other linage /A. V. I^ 
14. 6) where it is applied to a slan^tered victim^ anS appean to 
Aiean * full of julcee,' Aooording to the «t. Petersburg Dictionajx Ae 
wotdi8acorruptioi^of«d$fa«lM,gr^bird, of the Bigreda ^^^^ 

nei" (R. v. VII. 101. «). Neariy the idiole etansa is token from fiiJv^ 
1.164.53: 'The bird celestial; Tast, with noble pinSon, Wlbrelj 
«erm of plants, the germ of watm, Aim who dflJIghteth ns inth lain 
<<n season, 'SMBsvAn I Invoke that he may help us.' Sansfin in this 
place is not the Birer^Sod, consort of Saiasnttl, Imt may he taken ^ 
an epithet (rich in water) of Paijany^or any God who sends the tain. 
According to the Kausika^dtra, XXIY. ^, the stansa is to be le- 
cited at the sacrifice of the omentum of %%xSi to India. The ffumfified 
'bull (Ae of the first line) is to estoblish the Bain-God, who ia ate 
called a^NiU or chief, in the home or oow^^en of ^le wonhi^en- 

A prayer for prosperity. Bequel to Hymn XXfiX. 
' 1 Swramfdn: rich ih water; the God who sends tlie tain ; Pta'anya. 
. ZcfYl o/FUn^: here, probably, PAshai^ tba nourisher and Incmser 
of cattle and jooperfy In ganmL . * ' ' 

Apntyertopfoq>eri1y. ~*^ . ; ••• ' i 

V 1 ^AeAieoa; the swift Sun; with aSurion also to the fiJeon who 
brought the Soma from heayen. See Hymns of the B^eda, Oeneral 
fndei. Baika^kU$mfiua^:li:U9mxyinxiaMi^m^ pidadlfi^ 
ently: * hath pieioed the arid deserts and made the watsnspSflostk* 

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[BOOK Til. 

, May he, with Indra for a friend, aospioioiie, travers* 

iDg all air^s lower realms, come hither. 
i Xhe heavenly Falcon, viewing men, well-pinioned, 

atrength-giyer, hondred-footod, hundred-nested, 
^ Shall give us treasare which was taken .from us. 
^ . Hay it be rich in food among our Fatheni. 
< SoAnnt and drive away. Soma and Bodra, the sick* 
ness that hath come within our dwelling. 
Afiur into the distance chase Destruction, and even 
^. from committed sin release us. 
S Lay on our bodies, O ye twain, O Soma and Rudra» 
aU those balms that heal disealsea ! 
Set free and draw away the sin committed, which we 
have still inherent in our persons. 

SoMi of thy words bode weal and some misfortune : 
thou scatterest them all with friendly feeling. 

% Htmdr^'Jooied: eioeedinglj gwift HMMdrtd-metied : visiting and 
verting for a while in oountlen plaoess JNdk in food: supplying the 
SMuis of oflbring libalioiis to tha Mmim of oor aaoMt^ 

Ob tliootnngth of tho woid AotM or boaM in the fixit line, th^ 
is need in flie eeiemoQ J of Ueoing the oonstrnotion of* new lK>iise 
(K s«ti ka 43Atam XLIII. $\ and poiillying the gnmnd on whioh it is 
tosland. See II. Hmut's note. 

A piajer lor delifeiy from sin and sickness. 

1 Thehjrmnistaken,withTariatidos,from9igvedaVI.74.S,S.^Kl 
09m/romcoma ntt 4 i 9mr^Ua$$tu : taken from ^igveda L 34.9:— the 
ot;gtealhjmn(VL74.3)has: 'majonts be excellent and happy gkirieSi* 

A ehaim agsinat Ufl^tnmg^ addressed to Paijanja. 
Whnb: mntterings of the thmiderHsload. Wml: in the shape of 
.snln. Jftf^brlwie; in the shape of destmotire lightning. WMimtkis: 
CSV Um: the elood or the God. TkrM^9ard$: denoting thunder, nun» 
Hghtning. GL the hymn to Fsijanya (R. Y, VIL 101. 1) wheie three 
woflds are said to draw down the nectar from the dead. Otukatk 
k ^: a msBS dap of thmider has been heard, which passed %wa^ 
', rain or Hghtning. 
.' A(eeosdfa^toKanfOEa^traXLVLl,thestanaaistobe lecited «a 

' i 

^ ; 

jsmur 46.] 



> I>eep within this three words are laid : among them 
one hath flown off even as the sound was ntteied. 

. . Yi twain have oonqnered, and have not been van* 
qaished : not either of the pair bath been defeated. 
Ye, Indra VishpUy when ye foogbt yoor battle; 
prodnoed this inBnite with three divisions. 
Bbouoht hitberward from Sindho, from a folk of 

every mingled raoe, 
Fetohed from afiur, thou art I deem, a balm that 
cureth jealousy. 
8 As one with water qnencheth fire, so palm this lovei^s 
Like heat of fire that bumeth here, or flame that 
rageth through the wood. 

O BBOAD-TBESSiD Sipiv&ll, thou who art the sister of 
' the Gods, 

Accept the offered saorifioe, and, (Goddess, grant ua 

In praise of Indra and Ylshpu. 

TkUu^fiMiUwUkikrmdiwiiiMu: the Test wotid with an ita eras* 
tures; the three dlTisions are h6aven» firmamsnti and earth. 
/ The stansa, taken with Tariants from 9. y. VI. 69. 8^ i% aeoording 
to Kau^ca^tra XLQ. Q, to be «sed as a ehaim to leoonoOe tm 

A ohann against Jealoiiiy. 

1 SMku: the Indus. From ^fitr: obtained with diffiballjf, and 
therefore more efficacioos. ^ 

Translated by Weber, Indisohe Studien, Y. p. W^ by Lndwtg^ HL 
514, and by Qnll, Hnndert Lieder, pp. 39, 18a 

. A ohann for ofibpring and prosperity. 

1 Stansas 1 and 3 aie taken from ^igreda IL 33. 6. 7. AKsleM .• 
a Inner CMdess, the day of New Moon peiaoQifM, who aids the birth 
of children. See 11.36. 3. . : ^ y 

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^ T&M VTMJK or 


S Present (Uie siicrifiee to her, toSinU&Ii, Qoeeaof nieD, 
>.. J3eaati|al-fio|;ered, ; b^ely-Armed, proUfiCi l>earing 
\ ' many a child* - 

;^ !rhon who as Qneen of men art Indra's equal, a (Sod* 
^, dess. coming with a thousand tressei^ 

To thee our sacriBoes are performed,. 6 Consort of 
'^ Vishpu I Goddess, urge thy Lord to bounty! ' ^ 

Oft in this sacrifice with fiEiYouredcry I call JGuhA, 
benefioent Ckxfdess, skilled in all her works; 
. May ahe youdisafe us wealth with every boon, and 
give a hero meet for praise who gji vesta hundred gifts. 
S £i^i^ the Queen of Gods and immortality, called 
assist, enjoy this sacrifice of ours I 
Jjet her, •desirous of our worship, hear to-day : inay 
she, intelligent, give increase of our wei^th. . 

. vl 4UIL on Hftkft with fair laud and vevaront' cry : 

may she, auspicious, hear us and herself observe. 

. fWith.neyer-bteaking needle may 4B(he sew her work, 

and send a glorious man who gives a hundred gifts. 

.S All thy kind favours, RftkA I lovely in their form, 

wherewith thou grantest treasures to the man 

. . who ipves, 

With &ese come thon to us this day benevolent^ 
O blessM one, bestowing wealth of thousand sorts. 


A pnjar for wealth aod the bkth^ a ton. 

1 XMk4: the Qodden ol the Waning Mood, "pttMivziaw cISid' 
bMu tniefbaMfof theliooQiepveeeiitedbjKididaQd olhe)r lunar 
Ood do we e vaiy oonaidMab^, as they were not preoiaely determined 


A prajer lor proeperity and the birth of a eon. . 

1 The hjmnia taken, with vanationa, franBlgveda Q. 8i. 4.6..^ 
JM&i.' a OoddcM ateonkilied with childbirth anci pneiding otot the 
Hetttri day 0l/allaiooQ, AnoBMUi (eeeA .186. 2) beingatriody the God- 
deal o£ the pieoeding day when the moon lieoe one digit lean t^ ||iU, 




'■' HYMN'XLix ^ ^ /:•■:. / l' 

Mat the GFods* Consorts aid us of their own free will, 

help us to offspring and the winning of the spoiL 

May Gbddessea who quiekly listen sfaelt^ ns, both 

' . those Oft earth and they within the. waters' realm. 

2 May the' Dames, wives of Oodi^ enjoy our presents^ 
- B&$, As viol, Indr&ul, and Agn Ay 1 ; . 

May Rodasi and VaruQAni hear ua,i and Gh>ddesse8 
Qome at the matrons* season*. • 

V i ' At^ erermors tixe lightning itaah strikes; irresistible, 
the tareiB, . 
So^ irresistible,^, may I conqueV' the gamblexa. with 
the dice. 
'% From every side^ from hale and sick, impotent to 

defend themselves,, ^ • 

^ May all the fortune of the folk as winnings pass into 

my hands. 
8 I pray, to Agni, him who guards hia treasure:;, here, 
won by homage, may he pile our winnings. 
As 'twere with racing care I bring my presents : duly 
with reverence, let me laud the Man^ttt; 

"A prayer for ohUfdren And boo^. 

1 Mdt: thenameofaGodde8e,theBric^t<)lie,a!ua; erthewotd 
may be an adjeotiTe qualifying Jfnnt: 'Afrinl 'the eoTereign : *-* 
Homy; JfvM iv the obnaort of the Afvins, ^^ii^fl of Agni, iKoce«( oT 
Budnu . I 

. The hymn ia taken from Qigreda V. 46. 7,. 8. 

A gamblex^a prayer for. snooesa in gaming. 

2 Ftwn hale and tick: or, from quiok and alow ; tra» pUyen both 
good, and bad alike. 

3 Taken, witii a variant, from ^Uifyeda T. 60: t. IWy, wUk rmiy 
mse$: prudakiku^: literally, tiimed rightwaid^; making rererentitf 
lilatatioo l^diroomambulation from loft to right; the GaeBo ilmtC^ 

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TBM BTMiraor 


4 With thee to aid its may we win the treasure: 

r . do thou asMst our aide in every battle. - 

Give us wide room and easy way, O Indra; break 

down, O Maghavan, the foemen's valour. 

6 I have completely cleaned thee out, won from thee 

what thou keptest back. / t ^ ^t.^ 

As a wolf tears and rends a sheep, sodoltearthy 

stake aiMray. , x- 

6 Yea, by superior play one gains advantage : in time 

he piles his spoil as doth a gambler. 
He overwhehns with wealth's ii^hei^Bnt powers the 
devotee who keeps not back his riches. 

7 May we all, much-invokedl repel with cattle want 

that brings sin, hunger with store of barley. 
r May we uninjured, first among the princes, obtahi 
possesions by our own exertions.^ 

8 My right hand holds my winnings fiwt, and in my 

left is victory. . . 

I would that I were winner of cattle and horses, 

wealth and gold. 

9 Dice, give me play that bringeth fruit as 'twere 

a cow with flowing milk 1 
• And, as the bowstring bifids the bow, unite me with 

a stream of gains. 

4 Takaa from flgreda L 103. 4. 

a Ihm tmpUidf dmnid Om imi: a ooniaotiwl timMkaoo 
«| thb line to stttlukfcOMi be giren; the precise meMung of idMlt^ 
, ptobsbly teofanicel or deag es^rnnioiii. bei^ 

a TUi and the foOowing stem «» teken» ^* ▼srienti, ftoor 
^LV.X.iX9tl«. »;tliedie. See Ludwig. IlL 456, end Grill, 


t J 





B91HA8PATI protect us from the sinner, from rearward, 
,^ . from above, and fit>m below us 1 

May Indra firom the front and from the centre, as 
mend to friends, vouchsafe us room and freedom* 


< QiVB us agreement with our own, with strangers give 

Do ye, O A$vins, in this place join us in sympathy 

and love. 
2 May we agree in mind, agree in purpose : Ictus net 

fight against the heavenly spirit 
^ Around us rise no din of fr^uent slaughter, nor 

Indra'a arrow fly, for day is present I 

As thou, Brihaspati, from the curse hast saved us, 

from dwelling yonder in the realm of Tama, 
The Asvins, leeches of the Gh>ds, O Agni, have 
chase!! Death far from us with mighty powers. 
2 Move both together ; do not leave the bo4y. Let 
both the breathings stay for thee united. 

A pmyet foF pioteoUon« 

The itaDsa k teken, with a variant^ from ^igYeda'X. 4S. 11. 

; A pxayer f or peaoe and conoord. 

3 The keawetUff tpirii: whioh inipires^ oonooid. See IL Henoy^ 
note. For dap i$ prtunt: we are no longer ezpoeed to danger mn 
nootomal fienda, and oan ei^qx the lafety end Mmiingi of dayU^^t^ 

Truialated bj Lndwlg^ Der Bigreda, UL pw 488, and bj QiiU, Huk-: ' 
dert Lieder, pp. 31, 181. 

-^^_ ..." f 

A oharm to recover a liok man at the point of deeth, or to lertotw 
animation to one apparent^ dead. 

1 Bfika^pad: as Lord of Player inolnding inee n ta tion i. Lmckn ' 
^Oafi^ocff/ * And may the AfTine, the divine pair of phyiioiMii,eend ' 
ne health' (?L V. VHL 18. 8X . 

3 irovi^oaifl^KiiW: thetwo bieathingi,. irnqpimtion and tqpii»» 
tion, are addreeied. 

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WaziDg in strengtB Bvi^ thdit a hundred antamns. 
/ : Tby noblest goardian and tby lord- is Agni^ --- 
i Betarn, thy lifer noir vtaisbed i^tadistadce t Betum^ 
r*. ihobrenth tbon^drawestand exhaTestl 1 

.r.A^'baih snatched it firony JDesttootion^a bosom: 
into thyself agiun I introducer it. 
^4 'Let not /the vital breath he draws, forsake^ H^r 

let hot his expiration part and leave feiok^ , • 
• r I give him.over to tfao Seven l^ishis } let tfiem con* 

daei him to old age in safety. 
j^ Enter him^ both ye breatfasyc like ;two draagbt-OKea 

entering their sMl. 1 1 

\ Let him, the treasure of old age, sti)! w^ m strength, , 
iminfiire^r here.r , . : < 

5 I send thee back thy yiial breath ; I drive Consamp* 
tion fiir from tbiecr . . - ^^ 

'^ Itay Agn^ liere, most excellent; sosiaiiit oar.kfe on 

^ . ' efvery side. 

7 From Out the depth^of dariness, we^ ascending to the . 
higjb^t heaven, 

"^ Have come io iho snblimest light, io^ Siirya^ 
God among the Gods. 

*7 HYMN" LIV. 

W» worship holy Verse and Song/ by wjEuch they 
carry out tlieit acts. - 

Shinii^ in Order's seat .thes» twain pn^nt the 
<' : sacrifice to Gk>ds^ • 

aiti% sad Jsantdaffav MproMnt^^ 

TVunlsted by Mnir, 0. a Teit% V. p. 443^ attdby Chrill, Huiuiert» ' 
liedsr, pp. 15^ 183. .^ - 

" A c&sim to o&ism liDflnirfedg« of tbe V 

1 Verm:r(ekam; rDotted Tene or bjinn of praiM, odntamed^ in t&e ' 
T^g^fiadk. AMjor.'' nfini/ gttxig or ob«nt«f hymt^ oontained in tbe 
flknafwlc. tkei^'Mi^matki&^tMti taoa petfonn thio rited of divitid^'^ 
wotship. /» 0rde$'$9e(U: in the place of aatorifice: The' text hikg ottly' ; 
-^'^— 'r in-the iesH,^ nmoinQi spedsUy,^ r eertalnrshed eieioted ii^ t&o 

i^rjfy 56.]: 

TiTjr ITBAErA-mA. 



As I have asked about Verse, Son^, ' Sacrifiddi 
. strength, force, Yajas-text^ ; . .. . .. ^ 

So never let this lore that I have sought forsake m% 
Lord of Might I 

HYMN LV.'^ ''[■' ^• 

Tht downward paths from heaven, whereby thou 

hast raised all the world to life. 
Give us in gracious love, good Lord I ... ^ , • ; ^ 

' HYMN LVI. ."". ' ' i "'.''i ^ ^ 

WHBtH£R it came from viper, from black snake or 

snake with transverse stripes, 
Or Kankaparvan's bite^ this herb hath made the 
. poison powerless. .... . 

Honey -born, honey-dropping, rich in honey> honeys 

sweet, this herb 
Is medicine that heals the wound and kills the gnat 

that bites and stings^ 
Whatever .bit, or sucked thy blood, we sutnmon 

thence away from thee • ^ 

The ine£teptual poison of. the little sharply-stbging 
- gust -^ • . . .' 

\ 3 A$k«d : my teacher S<ter%flee^ thtnfftk: saerifioe whioh is eti^eiigth 
or makes the siorifioer powerfuL 7ajut4exi: saerifioial fonnnla, eon* 
tained in the Tajur-Veoa,- which gives foroe to him whb emj^oys it. 
i^orcf of Might : ^aehtpate ; Lord of fdeht, power, afterwards persooi* . 
fied as the spouse of Indra. Lar€ : vedd^ ; (from iH to know) soienosb 
especiallj saored knowledge, ritual and theolpgioal lore. 

A charm to ensure a prosperous joumej. ■ , . 

. Thy: ihe stanza is addressed to the Son* In t^e third ptfeb the 
Ubhih of the text is superfluous. It mars the metre, and appears to 
have heen inserted to eorrespond to yMir^ whereby, of the seoona 

' '^' •- w -"' • ■-> 

A charm against poisonous bites and stings. ^ v 

1 Konhapanfon : apparently the name of some spedeii of pbisonoos 
eiiake. •* . : ■ ' - ■/■ ' ;• ••'* 

2 Thtgnai: moihika; Latin, mnsoa; moequito; ffiadf, ma<fehha[tf » 

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[j^ooK rm 

,4. Thou here wjlio orookest wioke4 jawsi thou tortuoiui, 
jointless, limbleBs thing, - 

5 .These jaws thoo, Brahraaoaspntit shalt bend together 
like a reed. 

5 This scoiipion here that creeps along, low on the 

• < ground and powerless— 

' I OAve removed his poison and then utterly demol- 
ished him^ , ^ 

6 No strength in thy two arms hast thou, nor in thy 

head, nor in thy waist : 

• . Then what is that small thing thou so vidously 

bearest in thy tail ? { i 

T The emmets make a meal of the^ aod peahens tear 

and mangle thee : 
All ye are crying out» In sooth the scorpion's poison 

hath no strength. 
.8 Thou creature who mflictest wounds both wiUi thy 

month flfhd with thy tail, 
.^ Ko poispn in thy mouth hast thou : what at thy 

tail's root will there be ? 

HYMNLVII. . / ^ 

Whatitbb trouble hath disturbed and shaken me — I 
speak with hope, I move, imploring, 'mid the folk— -^ 
i What harm my body in myself hath suffered, now 
let Sarasvatt relieve with frtness. 

i Crookui mekedjam: aooording to M. Heniy, twistett the hctm 
(offlMo) Mk«w. Brahmaifatpaii: as the God of oharma and pim jer. 
JSkail hmd toffelUr: socxntling to U. Haniy^ to nstoie them (men's 
iMeo) to their liatand ehapa . 

' 7 iVdUM.* the inreteimte enemies of snakes. Tk€ 960fpM$ pcitom 
4s«4 so flfwi^ : taken from 9igT^ L 191. Id. 
^TVallBlated by Lndwig, Der Bigfeda, UL p. 50% anl bj Giill» 
rIiedeiVFp.0bll^ - 

;^*4> chaiBiloraoipepl^aioa) c^fovder.- . -* 

i IVoii6ff.*;disocderorthebodj. Iw^pUmngs asking help. E$Ui9^ 

{ . 



.2 Seven flow for him, the youth on whom the Maruts 
wait : the sons have taught the Father everlasting 
* ■ laws. . 

Both worlds are his : both shine belonging unto him. 
': Both move together: both, as ms possession, 


Trub to laws, Indra VaruQa, drinkers of the juice, 
quaff this pressed Soma which shall give yoa 
rapturous joy I - » 

^ ' Let sacrifice, your car, to entertain, the Gods, 
approach its resting-place that they may drink 
thereof v 

2 O Indra VaruQa, drink your fill, ye heroef, of this 

r effectual and sweetest Soma. 

This juice was shed by us that ye might quaff it. 

' ^ On this trimmed grass be seated and rejoice yoo. 

ItfiKi a tree struck by lightning may the man be 

withered from the root. 
Who curseth us who curse not him, or, when we 

curse* him, curseth us. 

2 Taken, with Tarients, from Bigreda X. IS. 5. Sevm: riveri, nn- 
dentood. TU pouik: Indnu Tke mm$: the Marute. Th* Faiker: 
India. £verla$tiMff taw$: which inculcate liberality. The flow of the 
loll riyen symbolicee generosity, and the Ckids of itom and lain are 
represented as having taught India the divine law of liberali^» and 
indneed him to shatter the elood and poor down the treasoree of the 
iky. See M. Henry's note. 

Translated by Ludwig^ ]>er Bigveda, IIL p. HiJ 

An iaTitation addressed to Indra and Vanipa. ^ 

1 The hymn is taken, with Tariants, froiKk ftigreda YL 68. la II. 

^utra Faruna: indrdmuru^: s compound in the diffX number t^ ' 

signify the dual deity. 

An imprecittion. ,• 

tH. VLS7.3, • " ..K 

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Tttx urjitrsor 



}" Iffmjbtvtt bringing power, a treasnre-winneri with 
' *. amicable eye that strikes no terror, 
*' Come, praisinfl^ and kind-tbongbted, to these houses: 
be not afraid of me, be glad and joyfiiL 

5 Let these delightful Houses that are rich in power 

.and store of milk, " - , ^ 

*' Replete with wealth and standing firm, become aware 
^ of our approach. 

; S These Houses we invoke, whereon the distant exile 
sets his thought, 
Wherein dwells many a friendly heaijt : let them be 
. ware of our approach* ' * 

4 Thus jgreeted, ye of ample wealth, frienda who enjoy 

delightful sweets, 
. .Be ever free from hunger, .free from thirst I Ye 
Houses, fear us not* 

6 Kind greeting to the cattle here, kind greeting 

to the^ goats and sheep t 
Then, of the food within our homes, kind greeting 
^ to the pleasant drink t ^ 

€ Full of refreshment, full of charms, of laughter and 
felicity, ; 

' Be ever free from hunger, free from thirst! Ye 
Houses, fear us not 

7. Stay here, and oome not after me : prosper in every 
form and shape. n 

With happy fortune will I oome* Qrow more abun- 
dant stui through me t * 

/ A psrtiog tnmUei's sddrMi to tbs tiooMs of hit vilUgs. 
it Bmom§^twar€^wttQppr99tk: thsi ii^ vtoogniie sod wslooms us 
^rh«i we letuni. 

4 Asr «• not / gladl/ wdooanr na ' 

Ths hjmn is uaed ss a ohsna to insugusts tfao'oopttmotSoa of a 
id oa starting on s journ^* 

' J 

STMV tL\ ; 



SiKOE, Agni. with our fervent seal we undergo 
austerity, ^ . • * j 

Mav we be dear to Sacred Lore, may we be wise and 
live long lives. • ^ 

a Agni, we practise acts austere, we undeigo austerity. 
So listening to Holy Lore pay we grow wise and 
full of days. ^__ 

. Like a car- warrior,' Agni here, grown mighty. Lord 
of the brave, Chief Priest, hath conquered footmen. 
► Laid on earth's centre he hath flashed and gUttered. 
Low may he lay our enemies beneath us. 

We call with lauds from his most lofty dwelling 

victorious Agni, conqueror in battles. 
May he convey ^s over all diHtresses, may the Ood 

Agni bear us pietst our troubles. 

From all that woe and trouble may the Waters save 
and rescue me, " 

A prsyer for tlie soqmsitlon of ssowd knowledge sad its fruits. 

1 M. Henry translates the first line differonUy, takfaig «rf/«^^ 
Torb: * Since; O Agni, thou hast warmed itlie world) by (thy) heaty 
(we also) we practise austerity.' " 

The stania is employed in the religious initUtion (ypamarMm) of 
» nofioe, and in the ceremony called godAmam (see IL IS. 1). 

A prayer for the overthrow of adTersaries. 

CAi^Ff^ert: ini»x«*M; dually, the dom^ 
seUor^snrince. ^HA'i e«Ur» : UteraHy , on th* eentee, on the earthj 
meaning the fire-receptade or altar. ^ 

The stansa is employed at the preparation of thedosMStie «»• ;• 

'a prayer for deliTeranoe finom afBiotion. ' • 
The staan is em^oy ed at the preparatioo of the 

dooisstiff Jw^r 

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THK BfiiNs or 


, WhateWihe Rayeo, blaok of hue, flying out.hither- 
ward, bath dropped 

.S/May AgQi Gftrhapatya save and set me free from all 
'-'' thiagailt ■ '' 

Which the black Baven with tby mouth; O Nirriti, 
hath wiped away^' . 


With retroverted fruit hast thou/ O ApAmirga, 

sprung and grown. 
Hence into distance most remote drive every curse 

away fit>m me. ^ : 

•8 Whatever evil we have done, whaitevir vile or sinful 


With thee, O Ap&m&iga, who lookest all ways, 
we wipe it off 

S If with the cripple we have lived, whose teeth are 
black and nails deformed, 
With th^e, Apim&rga, we wipe all that ill away 
from us. 

y 'A chftim to avert an eri] cooml 

1 Bawm: fsMiM/ a Wrd, aspeouJlT » Ui^e eanuv<m>iit biitL 
vvlturaortheUlM. The epithet *blMk^ pointo to tlie layen or the 
eMfion erow* 

. ^jf^* ^4»*^P«^; the aaored fife of the h<Muebolder. See V. SL 
S. TOjf wurtOL that i% the imven ^uumI/, the eTU-boding henOd of 
Mnfortane. liatk wiped awap : on himeelf , and eo etUl Vf i bh to hXi 
apon the ep^er. See IL Heniy's note. 
' Tnndated bj QriU, Hondert lieder, pp. 41, 1^6. 

A charm against impteoatione and threatened e? Ua. 

1 4pto4iy«; the jOant Aohjianthca Aapeia. See IV. 17. 6. 
VT ^^^^^ oUwa^,: the branohea tending in one dixeotion and the 
froitmuiother, the plant ia regarded aa theaymbolof vigilant oir- 

S Tk*tnppU:}L Heniy obaenrea: *Thia lame and hideooa peraon- 
m theuoanatkm of ain and diaeaae^ atrongly leaemblea our popular - 
deffl. Wewifowap: with allnaion to the derivation of An&mixBa 
»« wrrt to wipe, with the partiolea i^w and tf piefiaedr ' ^^^ 

l^qiMiM«dlqrCUilVHiini&tLieder,pp.38^ -. 

■ \ 




Ii it was in the wind or air's mid-region, if it WKs ia 

the trees or in the bushes. 
To meet whose utterance forth streamed the cattle, 
;' may that Celestial Power again approach us. ' 

Mat sense return to me again, and spirit return my 

Sacred Power and my possessions 1 
Again let fires, aflame on lesser altars, each duly 
-'. stationed, here succeed and prosper. . ' 


SarastatI, in thy defcrees, GMdess, in thy celestial 

^ Accept the offered sacrifice, and, (Goddess, grant ua 

iZ Here is, Sarasvatl, thy fat libation, this sacrifice 

passing to the mouth of Fathers. 
^ These most auspicious offerings have ascended to* 

thee : through these may we be full of sweetness. 
8 Be kind and most auspicious, be gracious to US, 

Sarasvatl May we be ever in thy sight. . . 

Aprajerto Vik.. 
* TheCeUiiial Power: for whose return the poetpraja iathefint 
Woid, the fint emanation of the Eternal, the omnifio Logoa, the type 
^f which ia VU (see IV. 30. 7X in thifplaoe the Toioe of thnader 
l^hioh calla forth the oattk^ the impriaonea wateia in the olonc^ 8ee 
If. Heniy'a note. 

A priestfa prayer to the Agnayo Dhiah^yi^, the Agirfaor fireaoo- 
the aide altan. Saered Power: brdkma^am/ *the aaored loraMiIa. V- 

A prayer for ohildren and proaperity. 

, The hymn ia employed, aooordmg to the VaitlnarSfitim.> obktlta 
tothei^illMoonand ^ the FifT^ I)eY% and. aooo^^ini^ ie^ th« 
Kaiifik»^4ti»i in the funeral ritoaL ..;j .tr .;^ ^ - .--.a /^^j^U 

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[Boor rih 

^* .Mat fKe wind kindly breathe on as, may the Son 
warm os pleasantly. 
May days pass happily for us» may night draw near 
delightfollyy may dawn break joyftil^ for as! 


^^ WHATirn saorifice that man performeth with roioe^ 
mind, sacred formula, oblation, 

' May, in accord with Death, Destruction nun hia 
offering before it gain fulfilment. | 

S For him may sorcerers. Destruction, I demons strike^ 
and prevent ftilfilment through their. fitlseboodL 
lict Gods, by Indra sent, destroy his blotter, and let 
his sacrifice be ineffective. 

8 Let the two Sovrans, swift to oorne^ like fidcooa 

• swooping^ on their prey, 

^ . Destroy* the butter of (he foe whoever plots to injure 

4«I seise thine arms and draw them back^ I bind a 
' ' bandage on thy mouth. 

I with the anger of the God Agni have killed thy 

f Behind thy back I tie ttine arms, I bind a baadaige 
on thy mouth : 

With the terrific Agni's wrath have I destroyed thy 

• sacrifice^.; 'A 

A piajtrte pf M pf i^^ 

▲ oliMmtolinitlmteaodiulatlienMrifioeofifer^ bj an aoaaiy^ ^ 
^ V n$iw0S§ w rm u : Pe»fli tnd Pettraetiwv Mptyu snd IHry^ " 

XnnOMML IjiUAwig^ Dor^f^d^ U^F 3K ^^ hi QbXK 
Wuim^UOm. jf. a, lit. . / . £ 

ETJiJT 7$.J 



Wi set thee round us as a fort, victorious Agni I 
thee a sage, 
. Bold in thy colour day by day» destroyer of the 
. treacherous foe. - 

Bisi up and look upon the share of Indra fixt by 

ritual use. 
Whether ye poured libation dressed or took delight 

in it uncooked. 

2 Libation is prepared. CSome to us, Indra : the Sun 
hath travelled over half his journey. 
Friends with their treasures sit around thee, waiting 
like heads of houses for their wandering chieftain. 
S Dressed in the udder and on fire, I fiincy; well 
dressed, I fancy, is this new oblation. 
Quaff thickened milk of noon's libation, Indra, well 
pleased, O Thunderor, famed for many an exploit t* 

Implamid is Agni, Heroes I charioteer of heaven. The 
caldron boils : the meath is drained to be yoiir GmmL 

In praise of AgnL 

The ttansft it taken, with one Tariant, fx^xuk fUgreda X. 87. %% 

The hymn is an inyitataon to Indra to drink the mid-daj fibatkwv 
I The whole hymn is a repiodootion, with Tariants, of flkprede 

X. 179. Eiu up.* the Hotar oalls upon the Adhvaiya priests (sse I^ 

11. 1) to rise and milk the oow for nulk repaired, for the libation. See 

yaidba4Sati» XI?. dL 
3 J>re$9$di the milk is twioe dressed or oooked ; first matorsd fia 

the oow's udder and then heated in a oaldroQ on the file. 

An iyitation to the A^ins to oome to the morning BhationL 

1 Utrou: themanj mighty aotaof the Asnns are reooonted ^ 

9igTeda 1. 112, lie, 117, US, 119, 182 ; VIL 68 ; X. 39, 40. Tkf 

mldnm: in whidi the milk for the Mbationia heated. 1^40^ .-MAftir*- 

the sweet fluid; milk: , . -...^ 

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[BOOK rii. 

.. For we, Asvins, siogen Bprang from ifiaoy a house, 
•^' ^ invite you to be present at our banquetings.- . 
S Asvins, the fire is all aglow : your oaldron hath been 

heated ; oome I 
Here, even now, O Heroes, are the milch-kine milk- 
ed. The priests, ye mighty ones I rejoice. 
S Pure with the Oods b saorifioe with cry of Hail I Tbat 

is the Asvins' cup whence Gkxls are wont to drink. 
Yea, the Immortal Ones accept it, one and all, and 

come to kiss that cup with the Oandharva's mouth. 

4 Milk, molten butter offered when the mornings break, 

—this is your portion. As vins I Oome ye hitherward. 

. ^ Lords of the brave, balm-lovers, guards of sacrifice, 

drink ye the warm libation in the light of heaven, 
.ft. lict the warm drink approach you with its'Hotar- 

priest : let the Adhvaryu come to you with store 

of milk 
.Come, O ye Asvins, taste the meath that hath been 

drained, drink of the milk provided by this radiant 


€ Come hither, quickly come, thou milker of the kine: 
into the caldron pour milk of the radiant cow. 
Host precious Savitar hath looked upon the heaven. 
After Dawn^s going-forth he sends hb light abroad* 

I invocate thb milch-cow good for milking, so tbat 
the milker, deft of hafad, may milk her. 

liay Savitar give goodliest stimulation. The caldron 
hath been warmed. Let him proclaim it» 

3 Wiiktk4 GandkarvaU mimik: that k, hj maMia of Agni, tlw 

rilioiAl file wbioh bewi obUtion to the Goda^ 

l( rt£a tit ifator j^mil •• whoM duty it b to pnMot the libati^ 

7 l imwtaH Au miiek^am: this it raolted b/ the AdhTuyu when 
Ibe cow it te be milked. The eteiiift is taken, with Tarianti^ hom 
i L ISi. Se. In the original bjmn, whioh from beginning to^ 

I in a aecieiof enigmlM^ theeow may, aocoiding to Sivapa, be the laii^ 
tfceaMlkbeiag the min and the milker Yljn the Ctodof Wind who cauee^ 
U to Mow. 


t ) 



li 'She, sovran of all treasures, is come hither yearning 
in spirit for her calf, and lowing. 
'May this cow yield her milk for both the Asvins, 
and may she prosper to our great advantage. 

\^ As dear house-friend, guest welcome in tbe dwelling, 
to this our sacrifice oome thou who knowest. 

'' And, Agni, having scattered all assailants, bring to 
us the possessions of our foemen. 

10 Show thyself stipng for mighty bliss, O Agni I Most 

excellent be thine effulgent splendours I 
Make easy to maintain our household lordship, and 
overcome the might of those who hate us. 

11 Fortunate mayst thou be with goodly pasture, and 

may we also be exceeding wealthy. - 
Feed on the grass, O Cow, at every season, and, 
coming hither, (Uink tbe limpid water. . 


Black is the mother, we have heard, from whom the 

red-hued Pustules sprang. 
With the divine ascetic's root I pierce and penetrate 

them alL 
2 I pierce the foremost one of these, I perforate the 

And here I cut the hindermost asunder like a lock 

of hair. 

' 8 Taken, with Taiianta, from ^igreda L 164. 37. In the original 
hymn the calf is the world longing for the rain to USL 

9 Taken from ^igreda V. 4, 6. ^ 

10 T^kken from Bi^eda V. 28. S. Make m$y to mmmiom omt 
houiekold lordMp : aeoording to SijiQikt Pttfeottbe weU4nitboiii 
of wife and husband. 

11 Taken from ^igreda L 164. 40. 

' A charm to euro postoles or sorofoloui tomoon. 

1 FwftmUi: <iqpaMuu; see VL 86. 1. Scrofolous or Inil a mmatnn r 
swellings affiMtmg the glands of the nedc, gaf^atmdU or king^a^r^ 
appear to be intended, rib ifmiM ciM<M^« ivoC : thero is no doe to the 
Bsme of tbe root or of its diTine disoorerar. 

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[BOOK Tin\ 

*t.Witb- spell that Tvashtar sent to as I have dispelled 

thypealoasy. • 

v^ We mitigate and pacify the anger that thou feltest, 

Lord I 
;4.Ijordof religious riteSy by law, anointed, shine th<%a 

forth here for ever friendly-minded. 
tr) So may we all with ohildren, Jitavedasl worship 

and humbly wait on thee enkindled 


Lit not a thief or wicked man possesf you : let not 
^ ' the dart of Rudra oome anear yon, ' 

Prolific, shininfi^ in the goodly pabttu^i drinking at 
pleasant pools the limpid water. 
S Ye know the place and rest content, close-gathered, 
called by many a name. Come to me. Goddesses, 
with Gk^s. 
Bedew with streams of fisitness us, * this cattle-pen, 
and all this place. 


Bapiolt dropping, quick to drop, more evil than the 

evil ones. 
More sapless than a dried-up bone, swifter than salt 

to melt away : 

• ■, ' 

A hliming on oQwa 

1 The itanm it taken, with vMriatioiis, from Bigreda VI. 3a 7.' 
n$4aH^ Bmira: •Farba t||T dart that kOleth men or oattk V 
(Vigreda 1114.10.) 

S 0idde»9$$: ao ia the hymn from which stania 1 ia taken the oowa , 
tie add w ued aa deiSed bemga : ' Froeper my house, ye with anapici^ 
ooitoieea. Toorpoweria gk>rifiedin our asMmbliea;' and ^TouMf 
theeowa seem Biaga, th^ seem India, th^ seem a portion of the 

A charm to eore aorof olooa puitolea. * .— 

. 1 Mmpidliff droppimgf quick to drop : 4* »Mmrd$ah nmiUa / the text 
appeals to be eomipt Pirof. Bloomfield nropoaea to read 4* mtrdt^ 
gmHkuHl, won awift to fall then what Jalk fi8t,.whioh woaM rmton 

UTIflr 76.] 

rffs ATBAtri^rBPA. 


'2 Pustules that rise upon the neck, Pustul^ Upon the 

*' Pustules that, falling of themselvesi spring up oa 

every twofold limb : 

8 I have expelled and banished all Scrofula harboured 
in the head, 
And that which bores the breast^bone through, and 
that which settles in the sole. 

'4 Scrofula flies borne on by wings : it penetrates and 
holds the man. 
Here is the cure of either kind, the chronic and the 

5 We know thine origin. Scrofula 1 know whence tholBt 
Scrofula, art born. 
How hast thou then struck this man here^ him ia 
whose house we sacrifice t 

t)ie metre withont, howerer, dispoeing of the auperilaoaa dl M. Henry 
suggests a canaatiTe verh oMirato^ thou (the remedy) haat canaed to 
hUf with which the prefix ^ might be oonatrued, inatead of Miriwu 
TThe diying and falliog off of the puatoles ia a aign that the diaeaae h 
yielding to the remedy. Afore tapUti than a drted-^ bom: WXeni* 
roMdfard ; the text ia nnintelligible and prr>bably corrupt^ $^ku mean* 
' ing, not bone^ but aome internal oigan of the body* although the St. 
.Peteri!>uig Dictionaiy girea the word in thia poasage the meaning of. 
'a certain dry material.' IL Henry reada aroM. onudktrd^ drier than 
the dry. » 

' 3 Oh onry ittt^ld Umh : tydmni/ on the lege and atma. * Erop* 
tion that appeara upon the twofold jointa* (fUgveda VIL 50. 9). 

3 SeroJuU : *Jdydkya appeara to be the general aorof nloua habit of 
. which the apackUa$ or puatulea are the eztenal manifeatation.'-* 

Henry. I adopt M. Heniy'a reading nir doi^atn in place of tifkdkaif^ 
of the text.. • |^ . . 

4 Tks ckromeand tie trantimt: I read mihikUatf wHh VtoL 
Ludwig inatead of mik$haia9^ 

' ;6 Scro/ula^ art bam : jdydnj^a jd^jfOHj a play on the wovda^ boA 
from the root /on, to generate. ' 

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\BOOK rti 

,6^ Boldly drink Sonoia from the beaker, Indra I hero m 
war for treasure I Vritra-slayer. 

;/ fi*ni thyself foU at the roid-day libation } thyself pos- 
sessing riohes grant as riches. 


. , Yi Marots, fall of fiery heat, accept, this offering 

1 brought for yoa 

. To help i^s, ye who slay the foe. 

2 MamtSi the man who filled with rage against us be- 

yond our thoughts would harm us, Q ye Vasus, 
; Ma;^ he be tangled in the toils of Mischief : smite ye 

him down widi your most flaming ^eapon. 
S /Each year come, friends to man, the tuneful Maruts, 
dwelling in spacious mansions, trooped together. 
Bxhilaratmg, gladdening, full of fier^ heat^ may they 
deliver us from binding bonds of sin. • 
I Fan thee from the cord, I loose the bond, I loose 
the fastening. 
' Even here, perpetual, Agni, wax thou strong. 

%1 with celestial pra;^er appoint thee, Agni, main- 
tainor of .this man in princely powers. 

... Here briffhtl^ shine for us with wealth : declare thou 
to Qoos tms favoured giver of oblations. 

. • The stsna, tdun from figtada VL 47. 9, bo no appsront ooo- 
andon with the object of the oharm. 

TVuisktodbjLiidwi&I>erBigfod%IIL>50p. See alio ZimoMr, 
Ateadfechee Lebsn, p. S77. 

An hussBtetkni tgiimt sa enemy. 

i Staims 1 and S sie taken, with vmrisnti^ from ^tigreda Yit 09. 

S lfMdU<^; or Mie of the melioioiis spirits celled Droba. 

A ehana lor a prinovs prosperity. 
,, 1 Tk9$s aecofding to the Vaitloa^tva IT. 11 the atania ie vadteA 
i^ea tlM iQnaboUcal band k JceoMrved fraa the eacrificer's wife* - 


BTMN 80.) 


-r HYMN LXXIX. ^ r . ^ 

NiOHT of €be New-bom Moon^ whatever fortune the 

' ' GKkIs who dwell with greatness have assigned thee. 
Therewith fulfil our sacrifice, all-bounteous t BlessM 
One, grant us wealth with manly o£fspring. 

2 I am the New Moon^s Night, the good and pious are 
my inhabitants, these dwell within me. 
In me have Gods of both the spheres, and SAdhyaa, 
with Indra as their chief, all met together. 

8. The Night h&th come, the gatherer of treasures, 
bestowing strength, prosperity, and riches. 
To New Moon's Night let us present oblation: 

Souring out strength, with milk hath she come 
ither. . 

.4 Niffht of New Moon 1 ne'er hath been bom another 
* Uian thou embracing all these forms and natures. 
May we have what we longed for when we brought 
'V thee oblations : may we he the lords of riches. 

' Full in. the front, full rearward, from the middle the 
Full Moon's Night hath conquered in the battle. 
In her may we, dwelling with Gods and greatness, 
feiMt in the height of heaven, on strengthening 

^ A hymn to Ihe New Moon. 

1 Night <jf iks I!few4>0T% Mbom: amdiodt^ (from tot, to dwd^ and . 
aeid; together, ia the night daring whioh the moon dweOa together 
iRthor in the came qoarter aa the son ; Night of New Moon pefsoni* 
fledaaaCMdeaa. . . ^ 

3 ^tt(24/flr« : a chMC of andeat Gods. See YH ft. 1. 
' 4 Cf . itania 3 Of Hymn LXXX. 


A hymn to. the Full Moon. 

1 FrcmtJUwUddU: otibf^hmBf, 

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TOM HI airs OF 


2 To him, t)i6 Fall Mooa's mighty Bull, we pay oor 
.. ' solemn sacrifioe. 

May he beatow upon us wealth un wasting, inexhAQs^ 

t No one but thou^ Pri^4pati| none beside thee, per- 
. fading, gave to all these forms their being. 
^' Grant us our hearts* desire when we invoke thee : 
may We have store of riches in possession. 

4 First 'Was the Full Moon meet for adoration among 

the days and in the nights* deep darkness. 
♦ Into thy heaven, O Holy One, have entered those 
pious men who honour thee with worship. 

Forward and backward by their wondrous power 

move these two youths, disporting, round the ocean. 
One views all living things, and thou, the other, art 

born again arranging tio^es and seasons. 

5 Thou art re-born for ever .new : thou marchest, en- 

sign of days, in forefront of the mornings. 
Marching thou dealest to the GUhIs their portion. Thou 
lengthenest, Moon 1 the days of man's existence. 
S O spray of Soma, Lord of Wars I all-perfect verily 
art thou. "^ 

Make me all-perfect. Beauteous One t in riches and 
in progeny. 

- 2 Aftf : the God of tha Moon. 

tea later additkm to the originslhTmn. 

A li jmn to the New Moon. 

1 TJie InttoduotoiT etanfat 1 and 3 are taken, with Tariations, 
«K» ?igjeda X. 85. 18^ 19. 2W rniO* ; Saiya and 8oin% 
Moon. OMs/ofair. 

3 A4^^iefl^;ieferriiig to the waning moon which pra^^ 

8 iprof rfSfma : Soma the Moon identified with Soma the plaati 
-XWe^ Wmn: pvobabljr becaoee the first quarter ol the moon was 
eonsidsfed a faToniaUe timlf for pradatoijr eieiinioas^ 

' \ 

-' i 




4 Thou art the New Moon, fair to see, thou art com- 
plete in every part. 

: May I be perfect; fully blest in every way in steeds 
and kine, in children, cattle, home, and wealth. 

] 5' Inflate thee with his vital breath who hates vai and 
whom we detest. 

\. ■ ' May we grow rich in steeds and kine, in children^ 
cattle, houses, wealth. 

V6 With that unwasting stalk which Gkxls, unwasting 
Gods, increase and eat. 
May VaruQa, Bphaspati, and Indra, the Lords and 
Guardians of the world, increase us. r . i 


SiNO with fair laud the combat for the cattle. Bestow 
' upon us excellent possessions. 
Lead to the Gods the sacrifice we offer :• let streams 
of oil flow pure and full of sweetness. 
2 Agni I first appropriate with power, with splendour, 
and with might. 
I give myself children and lengthened life, with Hail I 
take Agni to myselfl 

4 New Moon: darfd$^ Fair to iee: darfaid$. Tkom oH eompUu.* 
said eaphemisticall/ and prolepticaUy. 

6 Stalk: the Soma plants identified with the Moon. Inerta$e: 

^ydydyanU; this Terb, here in the indicattre and in the second 

' line in the imperatiye^ is used with a quibbling refersnoe to dpifd^famt 

(causing to swell or increase), a technical word for a part of the 

procedure followed in preparing Soma juice. See IL Heniy's note. 

According to the Kausika^&tra XXIV. 18, the hymn is to be vecit* 
ed on return from a journey. 

A hymn in praise of AgnL 

I The stansa is taken, with variants, from 9igveda 17.58. 10. iSlM^.* 
ahhydrehata; addressed to the singers. The ^^sdalias abkj^itnhata^ 
addressed to the Gods : * Send to our eulogy aherd of cattle^' aboord- 
ing to S&ya^a. Bettaw: addressed to the QodB,Oil: molten butter. 
'2 With Hail I: that is, while I offer saerifioa.and utter the pfes- 
eribed exclamation Syfthii Ate^ or Haa 1 - '" -- ..-^i.. 

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T.BX. SrjfJTS OJf 

[BQOf TUf 

.» Even her« 4o 4hou, Q Affni, stablish wealth : lei not 

oppfessora injure thee by thinking of tbee first. 

. Xight be thv task of ruling, Agni, with tby power : 

may be who worships tbee wax strong, invuioible. 

4 Agni hath looked upon the spring of Mornings, looked 

on the daysr the earliest JAtavedas. ; « 

..'. So, following the gleams of Morning, SAiya hath 

entered heaven and earth as his possession. • 
• * Agnihath looked upon the spring of Mornings, looked 
on the days, the earUest JAtavedas. . : 

So he in oountless places bath extended, fnll against 
heaven and earth, the beams ,of S4rya. 
6 Butter to thee in heaven thy binie] O Agni 1 Mana 
. thie day bath kmdled thee with butter/ 
Let the Celestial Daughters bring tbee butter': let 
^^fspour butter forth for thee, O Agni. 

. Stabushid amid the waters is, King Yamna. thy 
golden ^ome. ' ■ 

Thenoe let the Sovran who maintains the statutes 
loose all bindinor cord& ■ 

3 Henoe free thou as, King YaruQa, from each suc- 
cessive bond and tie. 

«5ii^*!f.22I!]ir*tiJ* ^ th« wicked, MitioiimtiDg our vonjiip, 

;: i^tfniw; tluityAgdutlieSaii. \ \ 

JnliSi'Ii ^Jta^ MwpwwmUtiTe of Mana n«ud«d ay the fint 

}^J^^~^f^>ymm, <l<»d,<i« th.e'«t»«|y fimunent and t£* 

. 1 




- Asr we-bavB ^ied» O Varaoat bare said, The Waten^ 
they are kiiie^ thende set as fireei. O VaruQae 

.9 Loosen the' bonds^ O Varuoa^ that hold iia». IcfO&ei^ 
the bond above, between^ and under., 
So^ before Aditi may we be sinless onder thy &yoiu^ 
ing auspices, Aditya I 

'4 VJBkruiya, free us from all snarc^r that bind'ukK^ VitfiiOA'c 

bonds, the upper' and the lower: 
i' Drive fiom U9 evil dream, drive^off^misfiniuiiir: ihea 

let U0 pass into the world of virtue. • 


V ^ >Hoiii>SR of sway^ shines here* refulgent, AgoU iirruici- 

ble, immortal JfltaTedas, 
[. With succours friendly to mankind; au8pieiou% drir« 

ing away all maladies; guard, our dweUing. 

2 Thou, Indra, lord and leader of the- people^ wast bom 
for lovely strength and high dominion. 
Tiiou dravest off the folk who were" unfirie&dly;- and 
madest for the^ Qods' wide-room^ wd freedont 

r>"" < k 

2 Have eried^ Forifi^ / : have* invoked' thv nann. S%$ W^Oen, 
4h€y are kine^' hkre glorified the waten in whiol^. tbote' dwAeei hj 

. likening^t|i«^ .^ . 

3 The stansa is taken from ^igyeda^L Si. Uk 

. 4. Bopeatedni with;<yamnlef £roni)A. Yv V],..1S1. 1. , 

According to the Kau^tka^tsa.GXXVXLA. the hjpHn^li to'Wteedt- 
«d together with other ferBceof the AthanrnrTeda ajb » prophaatOKJ 
eaorifioe when a comet hat darkened^ the consteUatioii of the Serea 
^ishis or Ursa Mejor. See Web«»^M)ndns!aDd['BDCtM(te( |k' S87t Aots 
«>f the hymn are mlaoito^he.recllB^ igi ingintatioai>va^^ipife> dwyv, 
a disease espeoiaUj attributed to tS^'diroleaaariir of Yamna. See 
^igredaVILSer^ . ^' , 

▲ pr^er fM<prot»eiaoii; ' ... - ' \ 

•d^eotiveastand; iA>lfee4teMain»lgpwi^ 

lliTllis andtliM-follo^rtng^itanBa^af^^ 

Stania 2 was veoited at the ofi^^^Miion <^ 

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THJt'STJijrs or 

[BOOK fll. 

'8 Like a' dread wild beast roaming oh the monntain, 
may he approadi as from the forthest distance. 
f-- Whetting thy bolt and thy sharp bUwle, O India, 
... ^'""'^ ^^^"^ ^^ ^<^^ '^ scatter those who hate as. 

, , This very mighty one whom Qods urge onward, the 

conqoerorofoars, ever triumphant, 
r> S^ft, 'fleet, to battle, with aiiinjured fellies, even 
TArkshyafor our weal will we call hither. 

'i' iBBiu.the resetter, India the helper, Indra the biave 

who hears each invocation, 
*•': ^akte I csU, indra invoked of many. May Indra 

Maghavan jntisper and bless as. 


rrrTo Badra in the fire, to him who dwells in floods 
to Radra ^ho bath entered into herbs and pUnts. 
- -%•?!?. ybo.formed and fiuhloned all these world's, 
.-.**> .5»,°». %» »«<*». yea, to Agni, reverence b^ 

A olwna to conue raooeM in buttle. 

:?i?*^.:«f *^ l*^ ^f^ d^mioM M » kind of cttmS^ haE™ 

. •/••v*;. ■ ; .^ ........... • — --.;, -' 'v . -.^ :■ ■; 

A pniTar to Bodn u Agm. 

*••*».• li«^ M in ctfcer pMwge^ wgMiUdM •'«oBn ol Agni. 
* '*^* t^**"*"* H.iba^wf*^ A>fe»^ th. wntenof th. 
•ojM^,^ .«(f«. m4pUmt$ifmbUkA9oi «ton intU fom .F 

J ■ 


Brum ^] 



DxFART r thou art m foe, a foe. Poison Wfih pbiison 
hast thoa mixt. Yea, verily poisoa hast thoa mizt» 
' Go ta the serpent : strike him deacL 


Thb heayenlj Waters have I ranged: we haVe been 

sated with their dew. 
Here, Agnr, bearing millb, am L Endow me wi& the 
gift of strengths 
2 Endow. me witL the gift of streng^ with diil^n,. 
and a lengthened lile. 
May the G^s mark this prayer of mine, may ^ Indra 
with the Bishis mark. 
3' Ye Waters, wash away this stain and whatsoever* 
taint be here, 
Each sinful wrong that I have done and every harm* 
less carse of mine.' . . / 

4 Thoa art the wood, may I saoceedt fuel, may I be. 
glorified I splendour,, give sple.ndour unto me. . .. 

A ohann to core a make-bitei 

The stansa is. apparently adctrested to tEe- poison in t&e woan^ 
Potion with poiiom : thou hast made tbysell dooblj strong. Aooorjl- 
ing to M. Henry, who oonsiders the literal meaning to be Teiy Tagoa 
and inapplicable to the procedure prescribed in. Kaufika436tpt XXIX. 
.6; the words are adsbessed to the'bkde of gi«s%. used in the ohaim, 
which has become impregnated, with the pmson which by its means 
has been eztrscted £rom the wound. M. Henry accordingly tmnslatii s : 

' In the poison thou hast filled thyself with poison.' 
Transited by Ludwig, Der Rigreda, UL p. 611.^' 


A prayer for purifiostioa and prosperi^; 

The hymn isiecited in the'ceremony of purificaticn withkoly^watj^ 

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[[JMOX ¥il. 


HYlfN XC. 
• TiiB CluHi arapder, m of <>Icl| like tangles of a ereep* 

jog plant Demoliab tho9 th^ DAsa's might 
S Hay we with Indnt'e help diyid^ the gathered irea* 
sore of the foe. 
1, hy the law of Yarapa, bring down thy pride and 
; wantonness. ~ - 


. X^T Indra with hishelp» Lord of all treasnres, be 
unto OS a carefal gooa protector. 
Drive off our foes and give as peaoe and safety* 
' '- Ifay we be lords of goodly stdre df heroes. 


'^ Hat this rich Indra as oar good prqiteotor keep even 
fiur away the men who hate us, 

' .' ICay we enjoy his &vour, his the holy ; may we en- 
joy his iuessM loving-kindness. 

With Indra's and with Manya's tad may we subdue 
our enemies^ resistlessly destroying foes.^ 

i to pnrmkt the luooeit of a rival in lovt. 
1 1 sad 3 are takm, with variationa, from ?ig?oda Vin. 4Q. 
S^ anfl ais oitgiDallj part ol a piajsr tp India and Agni lor Yiotory 
Oferhoctila nattT^aof tba UtA .Aooording to, the Kaufika^tra, 
ZXXVL 36 aqq^ the hjnm is to be used, with certain preeoribed oert« 
laiak^as aehmagainstarivaL For stansa 8 see Appendix. 

AiwiTif Inrumtifltinni '• 

. The staosa .•oamiw with variant^ ia l^igreda VI. 47. IS; aa4 

A pnjeir for pv^^eooon* 

n« ataaM OMa% with rviuOM, fa firndtYL it IS, aa4 Z. 
MLT. „..••..,.,,., . . ~ . . . 

A pn^w tor nwoMi in Iwttk. 
^IfJnnftm^: ^ jM^ ^QhIOw J^afft. ^ Baf* ffnaaiM. Sm 

i ', 

!• ' 

HYkK XCtV. ;. . 

• Wb ieid ihe wnstont Soma bii witli coiwUnt Acn- 
fioial gift, , •. , , . . , 

• That Ihdra ihiy make aHl the tiSbea unaaimotift and 
only ouw. 

To heavebi as 'tiirere, hav^ soared this iWto's two 

vultures, staggering, dusky hued, . , 

The Paicher and tlie Drier-up, the pair who parch 
and dry his heairt . . 

i i verily have stirred then! up like oien rfestiiifc after 

I^ike two Ibud-sMirling curs, or like iwo wolve* who 
waibh to make their spring : 
d Like two that thrust, like two that pierce, Uke two 
that strike with mutual hlows. 
I bind the conduit of the man or dame who hence 
hath taken aught. . > ; . •; > 

A oh»m to eii«u*4he obedienM of •abjiott. _ 

object <tf U- origiii.1 ky««« bemg the bencdidian <rf • aw^r -^ 
King. , .. ■■ . '••>■• ■', ' ,, , 

An intmitfit^^ .gtint an uaOiMeaftfM thiat " - • 

1 The •Uai» it nntotdligjble. . ^ _^^ 

2 Stirred ««. .p : M. Heniy •trikes 6at ^ wWA i«»tfc.«»U^ 
»nd tMOiUtM :♦ I h»w i^«<»* **»""*• '°™**"*^* 

iik,^LxLvill4<Ms, which o«tt*!««i«.^*]'*gJ^£* 

water, doe. not tilbiituihiigkt on ihto i«y <*.««*• IM*»t.boii. 

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. Th» kineare resting in the stall, home to her nest 
hath flowo the bird, 

The hills are firmly rooted : I have fixed the kidneys 
m their plaoe. 

. 'As we have here elected thee, skilled Hotar I to^ay 

as this our sacrifice proceedetb, 
, Come to the firm place, mightiest I yea, come firmly. 
Knowing the sacrifice, approach the Soma. 
^ ^*?J^^^® connect us, and withspitit, Indra J Lord 
of Bay Steeds, with princes add with favour, 
With the God-destined portion of the Brahmans, 
and the good-will of Gods who merit worship. 
« Tlje willing Gods whom, God, thou hast brought 
. hither,^ send thou to their own dwellinif-place. 
O AgnL o r. f 

When .ye have eaten and have drunk sweet juices, 
endow this man with precious wealth, ye Vasus. 

4 Gods, we have made your seats of easy access, who, 
_ pleased with me, have come to my libation. 

. B^rine and bringing hitherward your treasures, 
after the rich warm beverage mount to heaven. 

5 Go to the siunifice, go to its master, Sacrifice I To 

thy birth-place go with SvAhl 

. An iiu»QtotioD agamst an undlsiMTerod thiel. 
The stsnis it s sequel to Hymn XCV. 

Ths hymn ooneisto of sieries of sacrificial fonnulat! "^ 

I The stania ia taken, with variaUoDs, from Big?eda IH 29/16. 

To iksjirmpha: the sanctoaiy. Or the translation may be : Como 

tonly, O most mighly I yea, come firmly. 
S Taken, with Tariations, from ^igreda V. 42. 4. * - 

4 3m»ft ^aeem: that Is, « we hare kindled Agni' in order that he 

nay ahow OS the way toheaTen.'— Heniy. 
9 StMiMs 0^-a are noMnetrical in the original 

JjrjriT 99.] 



6 This is thy sacrifice with holy hymnal. Lord of the 
Rite, Sv&h& t and fraaght with vigour. 

7. Vasha^ to paid and yet unpaid oblations! Ye Gods 
who know the way, find and parsae it I 

8 Lord of the Mind, lay this our sacrifice in heaven 
among the Gkxls. S v&h& in heaven I S vfih& on earth t 
Sv&h& in air I In wind have I paid offerings.. Hail t 

Balmkd is the Grass with butter and libation, with 

Indra gracious Lord, and with the Maruts. . 
Hail I let the sacrifice go forth anointed to Indra 

with the Gods and Visve Devas. 

Strew thou the Grass, and spread it on the Altar : • 

rob not the sister who is lying yonder. 
The Hotar's seat is green and golden : these are gold 

necklets in the pliu)e of him who worships. 

6 Fravghi with v%g<rttr: bringing ua the streDgth of heroes. 

7 To paid and yet wipaid oUationM /: or, to thoie (Gkida) who hare 
been worshipped, and to those who have not (yet) been wonhipped, 
with oblations. 

8 Lord of tU Mind: Lord of theqiental powers and life of men; 
here^ AgnL 

Transited by Lndwig, Der Bigreda, IIL p. 429. . 

The subject is the anointing of the Sacred. Onuis. • 
1 ir»<A/pu2r(i: graced by the presence of Indra. 

. The subject is the preparati<m of the Altar. 

Strew: on the floor of the sacrificial chamber for the Gkids to sit ml 
The iitter : the. altar, regarded as closely connected* with the priest 
Green andgoiden: being strewn with fresh bright grass. Theee: the 
tufts of grass. In the place of him who worMpt: in the sanctuaiy or 
place of sacrifice. See M. Henry's note for an exhaustire discossioii of 

Translated by Lodwig, Der Bigreda, IIL p. 434. s 

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r -I TVRH away from evil dream, from dreua of sin. 
ftatik ibdigdii6d. 
1 make the ^H,jei mine inmost friend. Hence t 
toftoring dftainy phantadiebl 


Thi food that in a dream I eat is not perceived 
at early moi^o. 
- May all tbat food be blest to me becaose it \i not 
seen by dajr. 

HYltfNGIL 1 I 

Whin I bave Worshipped Htoveii tod J^Sarth, rever- 
eneed Firmament and Death, 
, I will make water standing ap. Let not the Sov* 
rtoi iojulre tii6. 


What princely warrior^ seeking higher fortune, will 
free us from this shameful fiend of mischief ? 
' What friend of sacrifice ? what guerdon-lover ? Who 
winneth 'mid the Gkxls a long existence ? 

A dumn sgaintt I^ghtmare• 

Thtfitlated by Lodwig, D«r Bigf eda» til. p* 4i& 

A chsim agsinsi ni^itmil^ 


Tk4f9od: dzMUAlQg ol aaton food it onlookj, and nquira a purifi. 

A oharm to obtain pardon for an indooent aot 

Tba stania la oontiooM io be one of tlii mniiga^akdi or diaimS'to 

- Mceen. Sea Ksofikitaatni LH. 15. 

Tha 617 ol an niittDkj^loyed ^rieal. 

hmwrn as the nwaid of the ■aorifieea whioh I am nady to pttforia 
te any emplojei^ H^ Liidwilb I>ir lt^4da, ilL.^ 

VTMS 107.] 




Wtto will prepare the dappled Cow, good milker, 
ne er without calf, whom Vamva gave Atharran, 

And, joying in Bphaspati^s alliance, arrange accord- 
ing to his will her body ? : 

Leayino humanity behind, making the heavenly 

word thv choice, / 

With all thy friends address thyself to furthering 

and guiding men. - 

Each thoughtless ill that we have done^ Agni, 

all error m our conduct, J&tavedas ! 
Therefrom do thou, O sapient God, preserve us. • 

May we thy friends, for bliss, have iilB eteraaL 

Thi seven bright beams of SArya bring the waters 

downward from the sky, 
The streams of ocean : these have made the sting 

that pained thee drop away. 

A prayer for pnMperi^. 

ITIo.- what God. 7^ 4fa?>;»WCW; the symbol of Plenty. Wk^ 
rartuiagav$Aikarvan: 999 Y.lh > 

An initiation fonnoUu ' ^ .^ 

The stania is spoken by the Aohiryu or spiritoal teacher in iU 
upanayana cerenumy, when he inTests the leligioas student with the 
aacnfioial thread, instruota him in the Teda. and ffivea him anthoritr 
to teaoh. » o / 

• A pxayer for pardon. 

Agni is entreated tapreserre the priests Irwi the oonaeqnenoea of 
^ any error in oondooting divine worship. j,, \' 

, A ohann against oongh. f^ 

' The sunbeams mav be said to cause the wnten to descend inas- 
muchas they have first drawn them up fai the shape of vapour. TIm 
water is to be used in rinsing the mouth of the patient TJU tUmg: 
tho pricking or tiddin^g sensation in the' thhjat. - -^ .. 

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[BOOK ilf^ 

Whoso hj stealth or openly would harm ns/a friend 
' "^ who knows us, or a stranger, Agnil 

May the strange she-fiend armed with teeth attack 

* them : O Agni, theirs be neither home nor children I 

2 Whoso oppresseth us, O J&tavedas, asleep or waking, 

standmg still or moving, 

V Accordant with Vaisv&nara thy comrade, O J&tavedas, 

meet them and consume them. 

Mt homage to the strong, the brown, the sovraik 
lord among the dice I | ) 

, Butter on fi[iui I bestow: may he be kind to one like me» 
2 Bear butter to the Apsarases, O Agni, and to the 
Dice bear dust and sand and water. ... 
The Qods delight in both oblations, joying in sacri- 
ficial gifts apportioned duly. 
8 The Apsarases take pleasure in the banquet between 
the Dun and the libation-holder. 
With butter let them fill my hands, and give me, 
to be my prey, the man who plays against me. 
• 4 Evil be mine opponent's luck i Sprinkle thou butter 
over us. 

— : f , f 

^ A pnjer f or proteotion. 

S ir»(4 raifi^iiani; Agni in AootherolMuneter being he^ 
JM a lepanite dei^. 

TimiMktad bj Ludwig, Der Rigreda, III. p. 517. 

A pimyer to ensure snooese in gambling. ^ . 

1 71^ hrwm: the nuts of tbe Vibhtdlau^ or,' later, Vibhitaka, tree 
(Terminalia Bellerioa) were uaed as dioe in early times. See Rigreda 
3L 34. 1. JCali: the die^ or aide of a die, whidi is marked with one 
point; the aoe (perM»ified as an eril genius in' the p<tem of Nala). 
Kali is propitiated with saorifioial butter on aeoount of his ruinoua 
power as the wont throw. 

i ToiU Aptaram: who cnreside over dioe and influence the gam* 
Uttf'slaek. See IL S. 5; lY. 38. 1—4; VI. 118. It 2>mI : appmntJ/^ 
the dice^ after being dipped in butter/ were dried in sand, and then 
washed with water. See M. Henry's note. * 

9 Baw^m lib SmandHUUbaiio m ^kMer: that is^ in midrair.. 








Strike, as a tree with lightning flash, mine adVersaiy 
i in the game. 

5 The Gkxi who found for us this wealth for gambling, 
to oast the dioe and count the winning number, 

• May he aocept the saerifice we offer, and with Gan« 

dharvas revel in the banquet. 
' 6 Fellow-inhabitants, such is your title, for Dice with 

looks of power support dominion. 
As such with offerings, may we serve you, Indus I 

May we have riches in our own possession. 
-7 As I invoke the Ghkis at need, as I have lived in 

^ May these, when I have grasped the Dice, the brown, 

be kind to one like me. 

HYMN ex. 
Resistless, Agni, Indra, smite his foemen for the 

For best foe-slayers are ye both. 
.^2 Agni I call, and Indra, foe-destroyers, swift moving, 
heroes, Oods who wield the thunder, ^ 

Through whom they won the light in the beginning, 
these who have made all worlds their habitation. 

• Z The God Bfihaspati hath won thy friendly favour 

with the cup. 
With hymns, O Indra, enter us for the juice-pounng 
w<>rshipper. ^. 

5 Oandharvoi: as the husbands of the dio^loring Apsaiasea. 
\' 6 Fdlow-inkahittmU: tdmvatava$; equivalent^ aec oi ding to IL 
Heniy, to the Etrusoo-Roman Dii Consentes. Aooording to PkoL 
-Ludidg * Containers of all wealth.' ItUhu: diopa of Soma juioe. 
M. Henxy would read <i!n«d; Gods 1 

7 Lived in ckoiHigf led the ohaste life of th^.BrahmanhlHvOr 
religious student. 
. Translated 1^ Ludwig, Der Rigreda, nL p. 45^ \ 

A prayer for suooess in battle. 
'. 2. ril^iM»a#fi^/ the God9 obtained the light of ^^ 

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'7j» BTjrxs or 



BnxT of Indra art thoot Soma-holdari th# reqr soul 

of Qod^ and human beings. 
.Here l>e the sire of offspring, thine here present! 

Gei!e be thejf gla4 in thee who now are elsewhere* 
RipiAHT light are Heaven and. Sttrth, whose 

gntoe is nigh, whose sway is vasic 
Seven Ooddesse% have ^owed to us; may they deliver 

u^.firom woe; 
Belease me from> the. ourse'Q bond and plague that 

comes from Varu^a ; | j 

Free me from Yama!s. fetter and from ever^ %in 

against the Gknis. 

Rough Plant, thou rough rude parasite, out thou 

that map, O Rough and Rude,, 
That thou mayst hinder from his act: that man in all 

his manly strength* 
, 2 Thou^ rugged Pl^t, art rude and: rough, VishA, 

Vish&tul art thpu^ 

\ , •. :. . . . - -.-^ - ■ -1 ■ ■• 

A pimyer for progeny. 

S^ m a Mde ri the reeenroir oootainitig- theclarified Soma juioe is 

. addiened as .the repreeeptatiTe of the deity. J/er€fre9eni.: dira, here, 

inatead of dni^ in these females. The reading of the text, may be tiaoed 

to the employment of the sUnm at a 9p9koUargaf the libe^pation 

' of a boll (aooording to some authorities, with four- heifezs) on the 

oocaaion of a saeriSoe or as a religious obserranoe ^enendly. See If. 

. JS^nyiry^s.iiote^ JR^MKAm: in the other workL 

A player for protection, and. ftreedom ftmn sin. ."^ 

1 SevmOptUetm: the. Seven RiTors.. SeelV. 6. 2. .^m^: a gjoss 
rUuA mars the metre : ^should be read. See 11 Henry's note. 

i This stsjijpai tajun firon^ ^tigred*; X, 97. 16» ooours.also inA^ V. 
'VL'W.2." * ' \ ' 

^ A woman^ inoantation agabst a rivaL 

1 The woman appears tp^ddms some anti-aphrodis^^ ' ^ 

S VMdf VukMkt: some^nnknown herbs: 'Poison and Prison*'*' 
dimo^t^ aooofding to Prof. Weber. The second line is addressed 
ta the absent rivaL A harnm torn: oaaoconnt of' great^age, 

I hynrn hss1>aMiitgMisislsdly*Wibei^ ItdipcheJitadieii^T. p.J52* 


fityiae 115.1 

I^ ^EJ^Rfl^V^J^. 



That thou mayst \>q qast^ ^ by. I^ SiS \fj ^ 

barren cow. 


I HAYB extracted from thy side^i I hay^ ej^tracted 

from thy hearty 
I have e^trapted frpm thy &C9 l^he /strength and 
^ splendoui; that V^re thine. ^ 

2 Let pain and suffering pass away, )et^ca»^ ami eursea 
vaijiish. hencor : 

Let Agni slay, the fien(dUsh hags, 3f>!9^v^.^M»^^^ 
' trouble us. 

Hekcs, Evil Fortunp ! fly away, i^anish from this 

place and from that^ 
We fix thee i^rit^^ an iron, hpok; u^to tiie man who 
hateth us. 
2 Granting, us riches,, Savitarl golden-handed, send 
thou away from ua to other regions 
That Fortune n^ho, flying, abominable, hath,^ as a 
creeper climbs a tree, assailed me. . . 
3^ One aqd a hundred Fortunes all together, are aihia . 
birth l^orn with a mortal's body. 
Of thesQ we send away the most unlucky: keep 
lucky ones for us, O Jitavedasi ' . 

Conclusion of the inoantation in Hjnui CXUL 
1 Addressed to the bewitched liyaL 

S FtmdM hagt: said with r^erenoeto the woman who has been 
her rivaL- ' / »• * ' • ' ' 

k charm against Misfortona 

1 BvU FortwMi Lakfibmt; mfxn nsoaUj tlie Goddess of goo4 lu^ 
See L 18.1. ' ' ^ ' " ' ' ' .' 

3 Oii€ oluf a AiMcfrecf.- see Y. 18. 13. 

According to the procedure prescribed m the Ean^SrSAtni, JLYill. 
16—18, a hook is to be attached to the left leg of a black. Inrd 
(explained by DAiila as a crow), a rice-cake is to be.hnng.oii. the hook, 
jmd the bird M to be let fly as the fint stansa Is redted. 

Translated by Muir, 0. R T^rts, V. p. 348; Lndwig, Der Kgvedat 
nip. 49^;; and GiiU, Huhdert Idecten pp. U, U?/"^ ' * 


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[BOOK rtt. - 

4 I have disparted these and those like cows who stray 
CO common land. - . ' 

.. Here let aospioious Fortunes stay: hence hare I 
banished evil ones. 


HoifAoi to him the burning one,shaker,exoiter,violentl 
Homage to him the cold who acts aocordinir to his 
> ancient will I " 

* ^y,,**®'. ****.'*'''"" °°®' ^l»o oomes alternate or two 
foUowing days, pass over and possess the frog. 

Com hither, Indra, with bay steeds, joyous, with 

tails like peacock plumes, f ' . 

Let none impede thy way as fowlers stay the bird : 
pass oer them as o'er desert lands. 

Tht vital parts I cover with thine armour: with 

immortality King Soma clothe thee I 
varuqa give thee what is more than ample, and in 
. thy triumph let the Gods be joyful 

A duma agkiiMt Farer. 

«ia«/xy ; whiob oooapiok u importMit phoe in the attandant 

wlwAhMtwo diffewot ooloured abinga tied raond U, nlieraaS 
pMiantofhiadiaeaaa. Sa> VI L M. s jlwto. •» "^^w"* 

An anapioioaa fonmila toanaon BRwparitj. ' 

v«a» LiiLiLl. 4,andILTiiLiiLl. ^^ 

AbanedidtionooaWkRion • ' 

tlJ^iiSS*k*L?^t*°" ?«Toda Vt 75. 18, the deified objeota of 
tha an«^ hymn being annoar and muliln weapona, obajfoteer. 
«hi^bo«ja,aadt«taIa2^tiea. It ooc«« al«, iTsimMSSa^ 
^T.5l ■•i^IT^j'.*'^ •'*'**" or ooat of maa protected the ahoold. 
lT^iri.±5^'°r*.»*^."'*^ •»«»/• HnotB»deolniS 
itwaaatnagthaBadandadoaMdvitknetdofaoaMkiiid. -^^ 

: < 





HoaiAOK to Death the Enderl May th;^ brei^khings, 

iaward and outward, still remain within thee. 
Here stay this man united with his spirit in the 

Sun*s l*ealm, the world of life eternal I 
2 Bhaga hath lifted up this man, and Soma with his 

Indra and Agni, and the Gods the Maruts^ raised 

him up to health. 

8 Here is thy spirit, here thy breath, here is thy life» 
here is thy soul : 
By a celestial utterance we raise thee from Destruo* . 

tion's bonds. 


4 Up from this place, O man, rise! sink not downward, 

casting awa^ the bonds of Death that hold th^ 
Be not thou parted from this world, from sight of 
Agni and the Sun. 

5 Purely for thee breathe Wind and M&tariyvan, 

and let the Waters rain on thee their nectar. 
The Sun diall shine with healing on thy body; 
Death shall have mercy on thee : do not leave ost 

6 Upward must be thy way, O man> not downward : 

with life and mental vigour I endow .thee. 
Ascend this car eternal, lightly rolling ; then (utl of 
years shalt thou address the meeting* : . 

•• ^"T .. .,>^ .^-: :^ 

.The hjmn b a charm or incantotioa, detignad to rebover.a nka 
who is at the point of death; or eVen to recall the departed spirit. 
. 5. Mdtarif9an : here a name of Vlju or Wind. See V. 17. 1. ^ 
6 ieeiiMf (jUf ear.* be bocne back to life by onr incaatatioCL 

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rns BTam or 

[BOOK rut. 

Let not ihy soul go thither, nor be lost to us : shght 

not the living, go not where the Fathers are. - 
ILiet all the Gods retain thee here in safety. 
Yearn not for the $leparted ones, for those who lead 

nien far away. 
^ Rise ap from darkness into light : come, both thy 
hands we-olasp in ours. 
9 Let not the black dog and the brindled seize thee; 
• ' two warders of the way sent forth by X^a^A. % 
Come hither} do not hesitate : with mind averted 
r ;; stay not there. , 

10 Forbear to tread this path, for it is awful : that path 

i ,\ I speak of which thou hast not ^rav^lted. . , _ 
Enter it not, O man ; this way is darkness : forward 
-I is danger, hitherward is safety. 

11 Thy guardians be the Fires within the Waters, 
;.: ' thy guardian be the J'ire which men enkindle. 

Thy guardian be Vaisvdnara Jitavedas : let not 
celesti/d Fire with lightning burn thee. 

12 Let not the Flesb-Consumer plot against thee: 
.. ; , . depart thou far a. way from the Destroyer. 

*. ' £te Iieaven and Earth and Sun and Moon thy keiepers, 
/ and from the dart of Gods may Air protect thee. 
18 May Vigilance and Watchfulness protect thee, Sleep- ; 
less and Slumberless keep guard above thee I 
' y Let Guardian abd let Wakeful be thy wardero. 
1.4 Let these be thy preservers, these thy keepers. 
,\ '.. All hail to these, to these be lowly worship I 
-i^ May saving SavitM*, VAyu, Indra, Dhdtax restore 

- thee to communion with the living. 
\ ■- Letnbt thy vigour oir thy breath forsake thee*: we 
recall tliyUfe.. ' , 

. _i ra»o tMri^ / tee y. 50. 6. 
' 13 7iMFU$k^<m$vmef: Agai Kr%Tyia,Uxe five of tlie 'fanenl i^e^" 

- %Jm» 111* 21. V. ' ' ' 

IS y^fiUmoti Waie^fiUiUuiMM thiB oUienr an the Genii of Jiving men. 

STMSr I.] 



16 Let not the fiend with snapping jaws, nor darkness find 
thee: tongue, holy grass : how shouldst thou perish ? 
'^ May the Adityas and the Vasus, Indra. and. Agui 
, ' raise thee and to health restore thee.. . 
.17 The Sky hath raised thee, and the Earth, PrajApati 
.; hath raised thee up. ' js <•' ^ 

The Plants and Herbs with Soma as their King have 
rescued thee from Death. V' ' .^ 

18 Here let this man, O Gk)ds, remain : let hiin tiot go 
' ' to yonder world. '^ ' "^'\ / - ' ' 

' . f We rescue him from Mfityu with A pharm that hath 
\ a thousand powers.. \ ; • , . • • ^ • 

19. 1 have delivered thee from Death. ^ Strength-givew 

smelt and fashion thee 1 \, ,-.] , m, ., ; rr * 
' ^ Let not she-fiends with wild loose locksi or fearful 

howlers yell at thee. ^ i;v / iri I 

20 I have attained and captured thee : thou hast ifetora- 
ed.restored to youth, .. .; '; <^ t r^^ ; 

' - Perfect in body : so have I found all thy sight and 

.., all thy life. . , ..^, I . 1 . j T.r 

'21 Life hath breathed on thee ; light haUi come ; dark- 
ness hath past away fix)m thea . . ' ji 1 
Far from thee we have buried jDeatK buried De- 
,, , ■ struction and Decline- , , > . ; j - : ^j 

'^ * 16 The fiend VfUk mapping jam': Jamhhih 9dmkanuij wo It 4. i. 

Tongnte, holy gran: the oonatruotioii snd meAning are oteoiuce^Ptot 

Ludwig Buggesto dbarm inatead of harhO^, and traMlatea 'nidit die 

sunge ausioh reiszen.' 

19 Strength^vtrM meU a$ut:fathion tku: Imay .tl» vjpwwa.blpatfie. 

upon the«.'— .Muir. See VUL 2. 4. ^ , >•:, . : ., \ / 

21 Z)«c/fii« ; jr<(il«A«a, pulmonaiy oontumptio^ . f/ 

Translated by Muir, 0. S. Texte, V. 444; and Liidwijj,,I)0r.Big^ed», 

ra. p. 490. .^ V ^ ;^ ^ ,.^; ,;.^ ^, ii'i^ZY Ui'Vr^ \ • 

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iEB Efk'sa dr 

[sdoi nn. 

HYMN il. 

Siisi io thyself ihiB trust of life for ev^r : ihine be 
^' ' lOd^eVity which lioibibg sborteDS. ^ 

Thy spirit itnd thy life agaih I bribg thee : die not^ 
< not* vaniBh into mist and darkness. 
2 Come to the light of liirinff men, come hither : 
I draw thee to a life of handi^ autamns. 
Loosing the bonds of Death, the corse that holds 
.^ thee^ I give thee age of very long duration. 

8 Thjr breath have I recovered from the Wind/ thy 
. .vision from the. Sun. . . , 1 

Thy mind 1 litkblish and Secure withid thee : feel in 
t^y members, use thy tongue, cod versing. 
4 1 blbW ti^n ^66 with the bi*eath of bipeds and 
quadnipsds, as on a fire new-kindled. 
'V . To theoi O J)eatU, aiid to ifay sight and breath have 
I paid reverence. 

'fi;liet ihis-uuUi. Iiv4^ let him not die: we raisd him, 

we recover him. 
f ,, I make for him a healing balm. Death, forbear to 
day this iiian. 

6. Hers for sound health I invocate a livinig animating 

^ Preserving, auellet of dikfitso, iri^ribns; full of 

power lUid might; . . ^ 

7 SeiM him not^ but encourage khi A&M him-: here 
let him stayi thoug^h thine^ in ah his vigour. 
fihava .and Sarva^ pity and protect him : give him 
lottlife ani drive away misiortunes. 

Ajobam or inoaatation designed to ' leoom a mao wib b at tSe 

S ri^lMa; ait deaOL like gCM l(o iike: 'TbetuiimieiVe thine 
mjm (or AT rightX &• «£itf % ejSni^ (j^gVedi Jt le: ^}. QL also 

T Mkmm md§€KnHki wm note oa IT. 2a L '-'-.vv^ i.. 

ffTl/jr 8.] 



8 Comfort bifn, Death, and pity him : let him i^?ise 

and pass away. 
Unharmed, with all his members, hearing well, with 
eldi may he through hundred years win profit 
^ * with his souL ;, * , . 

9 MaytbeGbds' missile pass thee by. I bring thee safe 

from the mist: from death have I preserved thee. 
* Far have I banished flesh-consuming Agni : I place 

a mmpart fpj tihy life's protection. 
IQ Saying him from that misty path of thine which 

cannot be defied, . 
From that descent of thine, Death, we make for 

him a ^ield of prayer. 
Ill give tbee both the acts of breath, health, lengthen* 

eA life, and death by age. . 

• AH Yami^'s messengers who roam around, sent by 

Vaivasvata, I chMC away. 
12 Far off we drive Malign!^, Destruction, Pis&chas 

banqueters on flesh, and Grfthl. 
• And all the demon kind, the brood of sin, like dark* 

ness, we dispel, 
is I win thy life from Agni, from the living everlasting 

This I procure for thee, that thou, undying, mayst 

not suffer harm, that thou mayst be content, that 

all be well with thee. , • 

14 Gracious to thee be Heaven and Eartii, bringin|f no 

grief,and drawingnigh I ; .. .- 

9 Fle$k-€OH$uming Agni: tbe fire of the funerml pile. A rampoH: 
eL ' Here I eveet thia mmpi^ for ih$ Uxioi^ ({^igy^. ¥«..1S. 4); a 
line of demarca^ limiting the jurtedloti^ ^tDmtf^ lu^tQ Um natond 
time for hit approaeh. .. .^ .„. ,., 

11 Fatvcuvato; Viy^?ln't son, Tama. , •. ... i 

12 /^ifdcAof; tee L 1*. 3. OrM;, jt^lJL^^.l.^ ..;.,. ..- t^. : 

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tax B7MN8 OF 


''■ Pleasantly ahiDe the Saa tor thee, the Wind blow 
. sweetly to thv heart I 

Ijet the oelesUal Waters full of milk flow happily for 

15 Anspioioos be the Plants to thee t I have upraised 

thee» borne thee fix>m the lower to tiie upper earth: 
Jjet'the two Sons of Aditi, the San and Moon»- 
protect ihee there. 

16 Whateirer robe to cover thee or Bone thou makest (or 

We make it pleasant to thy frame : may it be soft 
and smooth to touolu i 

17 When, with a very keen and cleansing rasoFt our hair 

and beards thoa shavest as a barber, . , 

. Smoothing our £ioe steal not our vital forces. 

18 Auspioioas jmto thee be rice and barley^ causing no 

' painful sickness or consumption. 
These two expel consumption, these deliver from 

19 Thy food, thy drink, whate'er they be, com grown by 

cultivation, milk,— 
Pood eatable, uneatable, I make all poisonless for 

20 We gtye- thee over as a charge to IDay and Nighty 

in trust to both. , 

Keep him for me from stingy fiends, from those who 
fain would feed on him. \ 

21 A hundred, yea, ten thousand years we give tbee, 

ages two, three, four. 
Hay Indra, Agni, all the jGMs, with willing &vour 
look on thee. 

15 JTma? ^llie Moon k not btheTedMgwMnJly reckoned 
te IditTii^.— Mair. 
IT ncii ilUmMl ; CMsest lit to ahsva M a sign of nMmnii^ 
21 il^:|riyiitlieraiii6ftniQgpiolMUyg6Deitil^^ 



H7MF ^ V 

22 To Autumn we deliver thee, to Winter, Spring, and 

Summer's care. 
We trust tbee with auspicious years wherein the 
plants and herbs grow up. 

23 Death is the lord of bipeds. Death is sovran lord of 
, quadrupeds. 

Away I bear thee from that Death the ruler : be not 
thou afraid. 

24 Thou, still uninjured, shalt not die : be not afnud ; 

thou sbalt not die. 
Here where I am men do not die or go to lowest 
depths of gloom. ' : 

25 Here verily all creatures live, the cow, the horse, the 

man, the beast, 
Here where this holy prayer is used, a rampart that 

proteoteth life. 
Let it preserve thee from thy peers, from incantation, 

from thy friends. . ^\ 

26 Live very long, be healthy, be immortal : let not the 

vital breath forsake thy body. 

27 One and a hundred modes .of death, diEtngers that may 

be overcome,— , 

May Grods deliver thee from this when Agni, dear to 
aJl men, bids. 

28 Body of Agni prompt to save, slayer of fiends and 

foes art thou, * 

Yea, banisher of malady, the healing halm called 

27 Ontandahmdndmodu of death: we note on V. 18. 12. 

S8 PiUwim : tbo Kha lin (Acacia Gatechn), or, aodordiog to othei% 
the Dovad&ru (PiDua Deodar). Moir and Zimmor* write 'PuU^ni,' ^ 
which ia said to be a name of the Faltta (Butea Fiondosa). 

Timntlated bjr Muir, O. S. Texts, V. p. 447, and bjr Lalwjg^Div 
Bigveda, UL p. 496. 

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. Iil« \ 


[BOOK 7111. 

I BALM with oil the mighty demon-slayer, to the most 

fiuDOos frieDd I comefor shelter. 
Enkindled, sharpened by our rites, may Ami protect 
rj : US in the day and night from evil. 
2 O Jfttavedas, armed with teeth of iron, enkindled 

'with thy flame, attack the demons. 
. Seize with thy tongue the foolish gods' adorers: rend, 
:- ^ put within thy mouth the raw-flesh-eaters. 
:8 Apply thy teeth, the upper and the lower, thou who 
hast both, enkindled and destrpyinjg. 
Boam also in the air, O King, arodnd us, and with 
thy jaws assail the wicked spirits. 
4 Pierce through the YAtudhdna's skin, O Agni ; 
let the destroying dart with fire consume himl 
Eend his joinU, J&tavedaa I let the eater of raw flesh, 
seeking flesh, tear and destroy him. 
♦^Where-new thou seest, Agni JAtavedasI a YAtudhAna, 
standing still or roaming, 
Or one that flieth through the air's mid-region, 
kindled to fury as an archer pierce him. 
6 Bending thy shafts through sacrifices, Agni I dipping 
thine arrows in the hymn to point them. 
Pierce to the heart tlierewith the YfltudhAnas, and 
break their arms uplifted to attack thee. 

TIm hjimi k a pnjer for the d«ttruotion of d^^ 

1 Stannt 1— J3 are toketi, witii tnuupositions and other Tariatioii^ 

iram ffgreda X. 87. 1— SS, Muribed to the $iihi Pt/u and eddreteed 

to Agni Ratahnhi, th^ flUy^r of PAV^^fli^n, 

9 i^meiM.v YitttdhAnae (eee 1,7. l)eziiUioed by Sl/avs at RAk. 
■ham. Fooluk god^ adin-tn: mUradivdti: eoooiding to SAya^a* 
mdm^aMfdM^ Reporting in destmotkm,' an epithet <^ a particular^ 
^see ol demons. '": " * • 

"4 jf«« iutr ^fwrnrnJUtk: the wc^ or other esniforoaa wild beaet . 



J^YMF 3.] 



.7 Rescue the captives also, J&tavedas t yea, those whom 
Y&tudbdnas' spears have captured. 
Strike down that fiend, blazmg before him, . Agm I 
Let spotted carrion-eating kites devour him. 
{| Here tell this forth, O Agni:. whosoever is, he 
himself, or acteth as, a demon, . ^ 
Grasp him, O thou most youthful, with thy fuel, t 
to the Man-Seer's eye give him as booty. 
9 'With keen glance guard the sacrifice, O Agni : thoa 
Sage, conduct it onward to the Vasus. 
Let not the fiends, O Man-Beholder, harm tbe^ 
burning against the lUksbasas to slay them. 

10 Look on the fiend, 'mid men, as Man-Beholder : 

rend thou his three extremities in pieces. 
. Demolish with thy flame his ribs, O Agni : the 
Y&tudb&na's root destroy thou triply. 

11 Thrice, Agni, let thy noose surround the demon who 

with his falsehood injures holy Order. 
Loud roaring with thy flame, O JAtavedas, fetter 
him in the presence of the singer. 

12 Agni» what curse the pair this day may utter, what 

rude rough word the worshippers have spoken, 

7 I translate the first line in acoordanoe with Frot Ludwig'e 

suegestion (Der Rigveda, IV. p. 415) that yMvdkSndm stands for 

> IfdtiftMdAdadm. The ^gVeda reading is simpler: *Tesr fhxn the 

' Yatudh&ua, Jitaredas I what he hath seised and with his speips hath 

oaptured.' / ' 

^ To the JfnnrSeef^i eye: the Man-Seer, the Viewer of aB Mankind, 
is Agni himself. 

9 7b Me Va$u$: io the Qods to whom the oblations are made. 
S&vaoa expkins vdeuhhya^ bjr vdxiMmartkAya : * to (the aof^ointUm of) 

. 10 Hie three extremiiiee : his three heads, aeoording to SAyapa. His 
head and shoulders, according to Prof. Qrassmann. Root: his leet. 
Triply : used yaguely, to correspond with the three; upper eztremitiea. 
' 12^ The pair: the married pair ; periuips the saorificer and his wif^ 
The Bishi pravs that eveiy Imty word that may have been ntterea 
br pious people in their anger ma/ be used as a weapon to wound the 

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' Each arrowy taunt sped from the angry spirit,-^ 

. pierce to the heart therewith the Yfttudhinas. 
IS With fervent heat exterminate the demoqs : destroy 
the fienda with glow and flame, O Agni. 
Destroy with fire the foolish gods^ adorers : destroy 
the insatiate fieroely*barning creatures. 

14 l^ay Gknls destroy to-day the evil-doer : may uttered^ 

* curses turn again and strike him. 
Let arrows pierce the liar in his vitals/ and Visva^s 
net enclose the Yfttudh&na. 

15 The^ fiend who smears himself with flesh of cattle, 

with flesh of horses and of human bpdies, 
Who steals the milch-cow's milk away» O Agni,-r 
tear off the heads of such with fiery fury. 

16 Let the fiends steal the poison of the cattle : may 

Aditi cast off the evil-doers. 
llaT the dod Savitar give them up to ruin» and be 
their share of herbs and plants denied them. 

17 The cow gives milk each year, O Man-Beholder : 

let not the Yfttudh&na ever taste it. ^ 
Aj^ni, if one should glut him with the biestings, 
pierce with thy flame his vitals as he meets thee. 

18 Aeni, from days of old thou slayest demons : never 

have Rtkshasas in fight overcome thee. 
Bam up the foolish oix<es, the flesh-devourers : let 
none of them escape thy heavenly arrow. 

)9 Goard us, O Agni» from above and under, protect us 
from behind and from before us ; ^ 
And may thjp* flames, most fierce and never wasting, 
j^Iowlng with fervent heat, consume the sinner. 
■■II _. — ■■ . . ■ ■ . - - . ■ ■ * 

14 Tiq9€f% fM<: the nooM of aU-penrading AgnL 
16 SimitJUfoi9om€/a4€Mi4: if they teke the rnHk and drink it^ 
lei k poison them. Aeooidbg to SAjaoa : let them drink (the ^igreda " 
htmpikmmfm) the poJKm of the oettle (whieh is kept in the houeeX 
Mae poieoDoai ointment need for extenud application only. ^ 







20 From rear, from front, from under, from above us, 
Agni, protect us as a sage with wisdom. 
Guard to old age thy friend as friend eternal: 
O Agni, as immortal, guard us mortals. 

2.1 Lend thou the worshipper that eye» O Agni, where- 
with thou lookest on the hoof-armed demons. 
With light celestiid in Atharvan's manner bum up 
the fool who ruins truth with fUsehood. 

22 We set thee round us as a fort^ victorious Agni I 

thee, a:8age. 
In conquering colour day by day, destroyer of the 
treacherous foe. , 

23 With deadly poison strike thou back the treacherous 

brood of lUksbasas, 
O Agni, with thy sharpened glow, with rays that 
flash with points of flame. 

24 Agni shines far and wide with lofty splendour, 

and by his greatness makes all things apparent. 
He conquers godless and malign encnantments, 
and sharpens both bis horns to gore the ogres. 

25 Thy two un wasting horns, O J&tavedas, keen-pmnted - 

weapons, sharpened by devotion — 
With these transflx the wicked-souled Kimldin, with 
fierce flame, J4tavedas t when he meets thee. 

'26 Bright, radiant, meet to be adored, immortal with 
refulgent glow, 
Agni dnves Il&kshasas away. 

21 Boof-armed: etriking with the hooL Aoooiding to Slja^e^ 
/having nails like hoofs.' 1% AikarmuCM mannktr : like Atharraii the 
t ancient priest who is said to have been the first who ohtiODed fiie ai^ 
offbred burnt oblations. • , ' :. ", 

. 23 This Anttth^p stansa is found also in YIL fit * ^. 

24 Taken fhxn ^greda y. 2. 9. 

25 JTmfi^^seeLyiLl. ^ 
: 26 TskenlromBigTeda TIL 15.10. • '^ 

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TBJf BTMfa or 

[sqox r/M 

IvDRA and Soma, bonit destroy the demon foe I 

Send downward, O ye Bulls, those who add gloom 

to gloom. 
Annihilate the fools, slay them and b^m them up : 

chase them aifay from as, pierce the Voracious 

2 Let siU) Indra and Soma I round the wicked boil, like 

as a caldrpn set amid the flmnes of fire. , 
Against the foe of prayer, eater of gpry flesh, 

the fearful-eyed S^imldin, keep perpetiifd hate. 
8 Indra and Soma, plunge the wicked iii the depth, 

yea, cast them into darkness that hath no support^ 
So that not one of them may ever thence return : so 

may your wrathful inight prevail and conquer them. 

4 Indra aad Soma, hurl your deadly crushing bolt 
. down on die wicked fiend from heaven and from 

the earth, 
r Tea, fiuhion from the big clouds vour celestial dart 
. wherewith ye born to death the waipng demon 

5 Indra and Soma, cast ye downward frt>m the sky 

your deadly bolts pf stone burning with .fiery 
flame, . : 

Eternal, scorching darts. Plung^e the voracious fiendsu 
within the depth, and* let them pass without a 

■ ■ ' ' I ' 

' Tbebjmiiocmdttoiiyiinlyof ateriMof impreoatioiiadiiwtedasit^ 
dcoMNM and evil spiriti^ Riikthim and YitudhAnaa. . . .- 

1 The whole l^ynm la taken, with unimportant Tariante, from ^ig- 
▼eda VIL 104, attributed to the iMnoni JRiabi Vatiahtha. Indra nacT 
Samk : Udtd^d'; addrcmed at a dual deit/. TAe detMm/oe : Bik- 
ahaiaa, Sendi» dtemaoM, who wander about at night, diaturbinff saer(- 
ficaa an*! devout men, enanaring'and eveo devouring human beingi, 
sad geneiall/hoetile to the human, la^ ... 

. 1 SkiwMim: 8eeL7. I. 
a WMomi m mmU: so soddojlT that thej bave iMi time to.aj^^uk 

BYJtir i] 



6 Indra and Soma, let this hymn control you both, 

even as the girth encompasses two vigorous steeds-^ ' 
'' The sdng of praise which I with wisdom offer you. 
Do ye, as Lords of men, animate these my prayers. 

7 In your impetuous manner think ye both thereon : 

destroy those evil spirits, kill the treacherous fiends. 
Indra and Soma, let the wicked have no bliss whoso 
at any time attacks and injures us. 

8 Whoso accuses me with words of falsehood when 

I pursue my way with guileless spirit; 
May hcj the speaker of untruth, be, Indra I like water 
which the hollowed hand compresses. 

9 Those who destroy, as is their woht, the simple, . 

and with their evil natures harm the righteous. 
May Soma give tbein over to the serpent, or to the 
lap of Nirfiti consign them. 

10 O Agni, whosoever seeks to injure the essence of ouif 
. food, kine, steeds, or bodies, ' 

May he, the adversary, thief, and robber, unk to ^ 
destruction, both himself and offiipring. 

11 May he be swept away, himself and children ; may 

all the three earths press him down beneath them. 
May his fsir glory, O ye Gods, be blighted, who in 
the day or night would fain* destroy us. 

12 The prudent finds it easy to distinguish the true and 

false : their words oppose each other. 
' Of these two that which is the true and honest Soma ' 
protects, and brings the fidse to nothing. 

8 Wkbio tuccwm wu: Vaeiflhths himaelf had heen ( 
nkoal j^niotioes. See note on atanaa 18. - 

9 2*0 dUarpeki: that h^ to death hy SBipenti^ hites. 
I>iMtaictnb,'peis6niiled.'- ;"'•'••••'/■-**.••■..••■ 


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[BOOK Tilt 

\% Never jotb Soma aid and guide the wicked or him 

- who falsely claims the Warrior^s title. 
. He slays the fiend and him who speaks ontnily : 
both lie entangled in the noose of Indra. 

14 As if I worshipped deities of fidsehood, or thought 

vain thoughts about the Gods, O Agni 1 
Why art thou angry with us, Jfttavedas? Destruc-^ 
tion fidl on those who lie against thee 1 

15 So may I die this day if I have harassed any man's 

life, or if I be a demon. 
Tea* may he lose all his ten sons together who with 
fifdse tongue hath called me Y&tuclb4qa. 

.16 Hay Indra slay. him with a mighty weapon, and let 
the vilest of all creatures perish, 
The fiend who says that he is pure, who calls me 
a demon though devoid of demon nature. 

17 She too who wanders like an owl at night-time, 
hiding* her body in her ^raile and malice. 
May she fidl downward into endless caverns. May 
press-stones with loud ring destroy the demons. 

IS TU Wmrrio9^$ tUU: the nnk oC a Kshfttrija or prinoe oC the 
* luliteiy Older. Hie fint.eleTen TorMe 'ere ooonderad to be a male* 
dielioooothe JMfaikiwibythe jKiii. To aocooot for the change of tone 
(ni 13 — ^IS] Si^foifA givee an Qnunal renioii of the legend told in the 
MoJMkAnaa of Ung K^lwtdtkapdda being tnnafonned to a BdkMkata^ 
and deroniiog the 100 eons of VatUk^: hen it is said that a 
iMMew, haTing deromed the tUM$ sons» essomed his shapes and - 
Mid to him, <*Iam7asi8h|ha, thonart the Mk$ka9a/' to which 
Vasishtha raplied hj lepesting this vene [stania 13] dedarstoiy of - 
his discriminating between tmth and falsehood.'— Wilson. 

*Thm Irenes may, as Professor Max Miiller supposes, have arisen oat 
of Vasishfha'soontestwith YifTinlit^^anditmaJrhaTe been the lat- 
ter penonsge who broqght those chaiges of heresy, and of murderous 
and dsBsnniswil tihifMiter sgsinst his rifaL'— Muir, 0. & Texts, L p. 337. " 
■ 17 Heie 1^ snalediolm on evil qMrita in genend is resumed and 
eontimedtetheeBAof thehjmn. ^f'^^» ***t ''^fL7 ** iT *iT**fi^malofioDdi 

Bfjfir L] 



18 Spread out, ye Maruts, search among the people : 

•seize ye and grind the R&kshasas to pieces, 
;^ Who fly abroad, transformed to birds, at night-time 
and sully and pollute our holy worship. 

19 Hurl down from heaven thy bolt of stone, O Indra : 

sharpen it, Maghavan, made keen by Soma. 
Forward, behind, and from above and under, smite 
down the demons with thy rocky weapon* 

20 They fly, the demon dogs, and, bent on mischief, 

fain would they harm indomitable Indra. 
Sakra makes sharp his weapon for the wicked: 
now let him cast his bolt at fiendish wizards. 

21 Indra hath ever been the fiends' destroyer who spoil 

oblations of the Oods' invokers. 
Yea, Sakra, like an axe that splits the timber, assaib ' 
and smashes them like earthen vessels. 

22 Destroy the fiend shaped like an owl or owlet^ 

destroy him in the form of dog or cuckoa 
Destroy him shaped as eagle or as vulture : as with- 
- a stone, O Indra, crush the demon. 

23 Let not the fiend of witchcraft-workers reach us : 

may Dawn drive off the couples of Kimidins. 
Earth keep us safe from earthly woe and trouble I 
From grief that comes, from heaven Mid-air 
preserve us I 

24 Indra destroy the demon, male and female, joying 

and triumphing in arts of magic ( 
Let the fools' gods with bent necks fall and perish, 
and see no more the Sun when he arises. 

25 Look, each one, hither, look arouhdi India' 'and 

Soma, watch ye well 
Cast forth your weapon at the fiends : ag^nst the 
sorcerers hurl your bolt 

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HYMN V. ' 


' ^' Upok the strong is boand the strong, this inagia oordi 

this Amulet, 
^ Potent, foe-slayer, served by valiant heroes, happy 

and fortunate defenoe.^ 
2 This Charm^ foe-slaj^er, served by many heroes, strong, 
powerful^ viotonoQs, and mighty, goes bra ve^ 
forth to meet and rain witchcraft. ^ ; - • v 

B With this same Amulet wise Indra routed the 
i - Asuras, with this he slaughtered Vritra^ .j > [ 

. With this he won this pair, bothjEaijth and HeaVen, 
r .( and made the sky's four regions bis possession. 

;4 May this encircling magic cord, tliis Amulet o^ 
Srftktya wood, v : : • 

,;,. Mighty, subduing enemies, keep us secure .on every 
side. * 

JS Tills Agni hath declared, Soma declared it, Bphas- 

pati,'and Savitar, and Indra. 
V . So may these Qods whom I have set before me 
i oppose with saving charms and banish witchcraft. 

6 Whoever for his armour takes an amulet of the 
. ^ Sraktya tree,^ 

Like the Sun risen up to heavep, quells witchcraft 
.;; with superior m^ „ /^ .. , , ; , 

7 With Amulet of Sr4ktya wood, as with a thoughtful 

.1 ^i^li'i'B *i^» ^^ 

' 'In everv fight have I prevailed ; I smite the foes and 

^' •<' RAkshaias;*-' ■'•-•' ■ ' '• " '' •■'* ' '" '•' *'• 

' The h/nm m a obsna to duooompioiy inTM^tiira with an Amulet, of 
onULt^Tik wood. 

or inaa of the milituy and prinoo^ ordoTp ., . . ^ ,.^^ 

, *S BomtedHUAiuroi: otULtS. 17« In tiio IgMgrods Indra> s^^ 
ooly with Uinndairbbri^ shows,. and,' h^^ i v ,« . . . 

4 £Wtt^ i»0otf : wood of tho fiMctjfs t^ 



, t 




8 All witchcraft of Angirases, all witchcraft wrought 

by Asuras, 
All witchcraft self-originate, and all that others have 

May these depart to both remotest spaces, past 
ninety ample water-floods. 

9 May the Gods bind the Charm on him for armour, 

Indra, and Vishnu, Savitar, Rudra, Agni, 
Prajapati, sublimest Parameshthin, Virl^', Vaisv&nara, 
and all the Bisbis. 

10 Thou art the chief of all the plants, even as a bull 

. among the beasts, 
A tiger of the beasts of prejr^ Him whom we sought 
for have we found, him lying near m wait for ua. . 

11 A tiger veriljr is he, he is a lion, and a buU, 
Subduer of lus foes is he, the man who wears this 


12 No mortal beings slay him, no Gkmdharvas, no 

Apsaraises ; 
O'er all the regions he is king, the man who wean 
this Amulet. 

8 AngiroMu: magioal powen were ascribed to this ancieiit hnSXj 6t 
• Qisbis as Solomon was regarded by tbe Jewish Rabbis as the great 

master of all arts of enchantment. Bath rtmaUU tpacn : places beyond 
the limits of heaven and earth. Cf. VL 76. 3. Ninei^ ampU 9§aUr- 
floods : or, literally, naTigable streams, the waters of the ocean of air. 
, * Far over ninety spacious floods thy thunderbolts were oast ahroad * 
(R. y. L 80. 8) : * Casting them forth beyond the ninety .rireri, thou 
dravest down into the pit the godless' (R-Y. L 131. 13). In other 
places (R. V. I. 33. 14 ; X. 104. 8) ninety-nine riTors of the air' axe 
spoken o( both numbers being used indefinitely. ' . 

9 Parawu9k(hm : standing in the highest place, s^pienie; here an 
epithet of Prajipati, the Lord of Life, the Creator. TiT4i: adiTino 
being, erolyed by speculation, identified with Purusha, Frajipat^ 
Agni, and, later, Vishnu. See TIII. 10. 1, note. 

10 Thum: the Srsktya tree of whose wood the amulet is i 


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^ttM Hrum or 


14; Easyapa for&ied and fiBuihianed thee, Kasjapa nused 

and seat thee forth. . * 

' ladra wore thee, and, iivieariog thee, won ia-the 
wrestliog-match with man. . , 

^ 3^he Amulet of boandless might the Gods have made 
a ooat of mail 

IS . Whoever would destroy thee with DtkshA-rites ~ 
saoriBoes, spells, 
Meet him and smite him, Indral with thy liundred- 
knotted thunderbolt. 

16 Verily let this Amulet, oiroular, potent, conquering,' 
Happy and fortunate defence, , preserv^ thy children 
ana Uiy wealth. 

•17 Brave Indra, set before us light, peace and security 

from below, 
»'. 'Peace and security from above, peace and security 

from behind. * 

IB My coat of mail' is Heaven and Earth, my coat of 
mail is Day and Sfun : 
^ A ooat of mail may Indra and Agni and Dh&tar 
grant tome. • 

19 Not all the Gk>ds may pierce, all leajgraed together, 
the vast strong shield which Indra gives, and Agni. 
Mav that great shield on all sides guard my body, 
that to rail eld my life Doay be extended. 

SO Lot the Gods' Charm be bound On me to keep me 
safe fix>m every ill. \ 

Come ye and enter aU within this pilkri the safe- 
' guard of thjpi body, thrice^iefended. 

14 JTafya^Mi: of. L 14. 4, and U. 33. 7. 

15 DUtM^^riia: religkmt obserfsnoet designed to oonaeorate a 
for sooM epeetsl porpoee. / 

16. Addmned to tlie. raoipieoi of the amulet 

19 This and tbe lolknring alania are spoken by the recipient of iba 








•In this let Indra lay a store of valour : ^approach 

ye Gods, and enter it together, • » • 

^ For his long life, to last a hundred autumns, that io 
. full age his days may be extended. • • / 

Lord of the clan who brings us bliss; fiend-shiyer. 
queller of the foe, ^ ^ 

^?y be, the conqueror; ne'er subdued,' may tndta 
bmd the Charm on thee, . ^.""* 

"Bull, Soma-dritoker, he who gives us peace. ■ 

. May he protect thee roundabout, by nighi imd dav 
- on every side. . i . ^ ^^ / y 

, Lit neither fiend of evil name, Allfisa, . Vatsana. 
desire • . v'. 

Thy pair of husband-wooers which thy mother cleans* 
ed when thou wast bom. 

Pal&Ia, Anupal&Ia, Sarku,Eoka, Malimlucha,Palljaka, 
Vavriv4aas iadd Asresha, ^likshagrlva and Praqiilin. 
Approach not, come not hitherwaid : creep not thou 
in between her thighs. r a.u . 

.21 TkupiUar: this protective amulet. ' — t 

32 Portions of thic staoia are taken from ^igveda X. 152. 2. ^ 

' The hymn b an incantation designed to ezohxise various evil apirits 
who beset women. 

'■ 1 AMfa: the meaning of this demon's name is unknown. Vafritptt: 
meamng; pxobably, as Pro! Weber suggests, 'dnnkiqg like a cal^' th^ 
name of a demon who lobs the young mother of her miiy, Huibamd- 
wooer$: the dainties which attract the future husband; thsbraasia 
Cieamed: squeesed diy« 

2 The meaning of* some of these demons' names is oileoure; and 
where the meaning is obvious as in the case of PaUUa (StmwX Maliw^ 
lifcAa (Robber), roi(a(WolfX ^s^b4(^va (Beai^neckedX the spedal 
suitability of the nanie is not apparent: They stand in 'the aoousativs 
oas<^ and must be governed by-some veib as * I banish,' undeistood^iij 

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. .1 Bet, to goaard her^ Baja, that whidi . cbasBS him of / 
evil name. 

^4 Dani&m4 and San&ip4 both are eager to converse with 
hep. f , 

We drive away Arftyas : let San&m4 seek the women-! 
V folk.* 

5 The black and hairy. Asorai and Stambaja and^ 

' Arftyas from this, girl we drive,, from bosom, waist, 
and parts below. 

6 Sniffer, and Feeler, him who eats raw flesli, and him 

who licks his lips, t I 

^' Arftyas with the tails of dogs, the yellow Baja hath 
destroyed. • ( 

f Whoever, in thy brother^s shape pr father's comes ta 
tiiee in sleep,-— 
Let Baja ront* and chase them like ^nnachs with 
woman's head-dress on. 

8 Whoever steals to thee asleep or thinks to harm thee 
when awake,— 
These hath it banished, as the San travelling round 
drives shade away. 

8 J4^: spp«rent]y wiiie ttfong^smelliDg heri} (sea stann lOX hy 
wboM toent the demon ii ohaaed awajae was Aemodeus by 'the fishy 
fame, That diofe him, thouc^ enamooredy horn the qpouse Of Tobit'a 
son' (Ptemdiae Lost, lY. 168). See Apoeiypha. Tobit^ VIII. 3. 
. 4 Dwndakl wi Stmdmd; Dl-iiamcd and Well-namedL llie latter is 
i^ppaiently a good genius who proteeta women, whereas the former inr 
juesthem. Ar4pa$: a dass of malerolent spirits, the female fiends 
beu^ eaUed Aiiyls. See L Sa 4. 

5 Aa»50|^: giowinginadimiporlNishtOrinapiUar. Twifikat 
lonished with A snoot; '....,•..'••' 

. %EimwkoUck»hi$ Up$: r^riMm; so Vlle^ht, Licker, is.the name 
ff ASOieenH^witohicrltealefiendinJL 1S.4. 
i, 8 TktmktdkUhmMii: the puifpooe of the duma being regarded 

BTMN 6.] 



9 Whoever canseth her to lose her oliild or bear un- 
timely fruit,—- 
- Destroy him, thou Plants destroy the dippery fiend 
^ who lusts for her. 

10 Those who at evening, with tbe bray, of asses, danoe 
around the house, Kukshilas, and KusAlas, and 
' Eakubhas, Srimas, Kammas, *^ 

These with thine odour, O thou Plant, drive fiur away 
to every side. 

. II Eukundhas and Eukikrabhas whb dress themselves 

in hides and skins, 
;, ,Who dance about like eunuchs, who raise -a wild 
' clamour in tbe wood, all these we banish fiur away. 

12 All those who cannot bear the Sun who wiums ns 

yonder from the sky, 
i Ar&yas with the smell of goats, malodorous, with 
bloody mouths, the Makabts we drive afiur. 

13 All those who on their shoulders bear a head of 
monstrous magnitude, 

'; Who pierce the women*s loins with 'pain,*-those 
demons, Indra I drive away 1 

14 Those, bearing horns upon their hands, who first of 
^ . ., aU approach the brideis ; , > : - 

• Standing in ovens, laughing loud, those who in bushes 
. i r flash forth light, all these we banish henoe away. 

15 Those who have retroverted to^, and heels and fiicea 

in the front, 

.' 10 JTiiiaAtZatx big4>eUied fiends. Jr«»t2/a«; the mean^ 
Eakubka$: humpbacks. JSrimat: the meaning is nnknownl Ew r umaf : 

: disso nan t.-. ^. .; : ., ^ :'..-'•;■' .^ - 

11 KukwuUkoi: the meaning is nnlmown. JTiiMiiaMati periii^ 
howleis.' • * ' . ' .' .••.:.'*; . ^- *••*.- "^-.i. t>. -.-t.^s -i 

12 Makakoi: the meaning is pnknown. 

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[BOOK vni. 

'-:-; Khalajas SakadhAmajaSy Uraptjas^ all the Ma^ma^, 
ioipotent Kambhamtiahkas, these/ 
Drive thou, O Brahmaoaspati, £ur from this girl with 

4^16 Sightless and with distorted eyes, impotent^ woman- 
't less be they. , 

O Healing Plant, oast eaoh away who, not her has- 
band, would; approach this woman wedded to her 
;.;7 The Bristly-haired, the li^niae-haired, th^ Biter, and 

the Qroper-fiend, J 

^ - - The Greeper-near, the Copper-hued, the Snouty, and 
;, J theSftlada, . ^ c 

With foot and heel kick' over, aa| a hasty cow her 
^18 If one shoold «toacb thy coming babe or kill thine 
infant newly bom, 
The yellow -Plant with mighty bow shall pierce him. 
even to the heart. 
19 Those who kill infants unawares^ and near the new« 
made mothers lie- 
Let PiAga chase' the amc^roos Qandharyas ais wind 
chases ck>ad. 
; 20 Let it maintain the genial seed : let tbe^ laid embryo 
^" • rest secure. 

' Let both strong Healers, to be worn within the girdle, 
^ guard the' 

10 Kk&kdiu: pradiioid on throihin^ilQQri* ^ a k o Mi Am a Ja^: pio» 
dootd froon tht moke of oow^oog. KwmbkamuiMa$ : nioeit similas 
bsbiotes. ' nt masaiiig of U r^ 4 c» audi ifsfMofM is 
» sod thsl ol <i^|i«fifOf (impotont) is uaoerUiii. ' 
19 Pikga: jfSkmi snolhsr asnie ol Bajs. Amatgm OwMamioiz 

•Beenr.S7.-ll. '',:*^--. ■ ••• • ■; -^. 

lO'/iir Beja. Bothmiwg H$al$n: PiAga end Bsjs regiwded as two 

•^"x ?-";". 


KTMS e.) 



21 Prom the Eimtdin, for thy lord and childreni, PiAga 

shield thee well, 
: From S&yaka, and Nagnaka, Tan^^va^ and Pavtnasa. 

iiJProm i}» five-footed^ fingerless,. from the four-eyed,. 
. the double-faced, ^ - 

From the Close-cseeper,» from the^ WormJ from the 
- Quiek-roUer guard her welL 

2a Tboee who eair flesh moooked^ and those who eat the- 
bleeding flesh of men, 
Feeders en. babes unborn,.. long-haired,, fiir from thia 
place we banish these. 

£4 Shy Blinkers from the San^ m slmkaa woma& from 
Aer husband's sice,— 
' Deep, down inta the heart of these let Baja and let 
^ : PiAga pierce.. 

2& PiAga, preserve the ba^ at birth, make not the boj 

a female child. 
; Let not Egg-eaters, mar the germs i drive the Kimt- 
dins far away.. 

^6 Sterilhy^ and iufonts'' dleaibv and weeptng^ that an- 
' nounceth woe, — 
!• .Dear I lay them oa tlie fiend aslthpa wouldst pluck a 
garland from a tree. 

' Si N€iffnak»t nakedl PavUuua^:' haTing-a noee- liko* m. qiear4ie«L. 
The meettinge ot Sdjfaka and. TanffoliKLtjet unknown.. 

. 24 A$ dink^a wonumfioom her kmsbaneT^'Uf: the tialdi Bererenca* 
xi. a daiighter4nrlaw for- her* fAther-ini'lajr wae jfmwtMaL Seo; 
Zimmeiv AltindiBcbes Lehen, p. S3Z. 

» 25 Bgg^^aUrMf fiendk who demcmr the iinbom.babe. Gt IL.26u i^ 
. . 26, Dfor /;: the pJani Bajik ie. addreetecL 

The belief iainonbi wm oommon. among the Jewa aa^tho*Laiina^ • 
''SUoh prsttv pnuikey'^aayi Burton,. *oan Ioi^a play with Itirds^ fi^^ftp, 
heasts, and if all be certain that is credibly reported^ with the spirits' 
of the air, and detdle of hell themselYee, who are as mudi enamound 
and dote (i^ I' may us» that ipord) aa aiy other- cr eatu rea wbaitsoever. 
For if those stories.Jbe true that are written of incubus and auceubu^. 
of nf mphs, lasdyious launs, sa^rn, and. those heathen.gpda.whiGh.t 

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. HYMN VII. . _ 

Thi iawny-ooloared, a&d the jiale, the variegated, 
and the red, . , . : 

V The dusky-tinted, and the black, — ^all Plants we sam*' 
mon hitherward. 

S This man let them deliver from Consumption which 
the Ghxis have sent. 
The fiEtther of these Herbs was Heaven, their mother 
Earth, the Sea their root 
8 The Waters are the beat, and heavenly Plants : 
From every limb of thine have they removed Con- 
sumption caused by sin. ! i 
A I speak to Healing Herbs spreading, and bushy, to 
creepers, and to those whose sheath is single, 
I call for thee the fibrous and the reed-like, and 
branching Plants, dear to the Tisve Devas, power* 
fol, giving life to men. 

5 The conquering strength, the power and might which 
ye, victorious Plants, possess. 
Therewith deliver this man here from this Consump* 
tion, O ye Plants : sb I prepare the remedy. - 

6 The living Plant that giveth life, that driveth malady 

'-— ■' ■ ^ ' . 

derflii^ those ksohrioiis Telchinei, of whom*the PlatonisU tell so many 
liblos; or those luniliar meetings in our da J8, sod oompsoy of ^ 
simI dsril^ then is some probability for it.'-— Anatomy of Melahdioly, 
Ftft 3^ Sect. S; Momb. L Subs. L Prof. Weber. lef en to the Inoubones 
of the BoniMis (PraUer, Roman Mythology, p. %Z1\ and to the Qer. 
sntf Alpdrflokon and Teufelsbohlsofaaft. 

Tho hymn has been ttmnslated, with an eihaustive oommentary, by'' 
WeboiV Indisrhe Stndien, T. pp. S53— 261, and, without oommentaiy, 
l;)r Lodwl^ I>er Bigreda, ni. pp. 52S^-G25. 

IW hjBflb whioheztok the ezeellenoe of oMdieinal heiH isan- 
Itorestoreasiekmaatohealth,^ i' '^v :i'> >• . :^, 

%n$S$m: the 


\l »;n 




Arundhatl, the rescuer, strengthening, rich in sweety 
I call, to free this man from scath and harm; 
-7 Hitherward let the sapient come, the friendly sharers 
i, of my speech, • 
That we may s^ive this man relief and raise him from 
> ,' his evil plight. . ' 

8 Gkrm of the Waters, Agni's food. Plants ever grow- 
ing fresh and new, 
Sure, healing, bearing thousand names, let them be 
all collected here. « 

: 9 Let Plants whose soul is water, girt with Avak&s, 
piercing with their sharp horns expel the malady. , 

10 Strong, antidotes of poison, those releasers, free from 

^ :/ And those that drive away. Catarrh^ and those that 
\ frustrate magic arts, let all thpse Plants: come 
,, it hitherward. / 

11 Let purchased Plants of mightier power, Plants that 
_. are praised for excellence. 

Here in this village safely keep cattle and horses, 
,: man and beast 

12 Sweet is their root, sweet are these Plants' top 

branches, sweet also is their intermediate portion ; 
Sweet is their foliage, and sweet their blossom, com- 
bined with sweetness is their taste of Amrit : food, 
fatness let them yield, with kine preceding. ^^ 

6 ^riHMMatl: a ereeping plant used in medicine ;eaUed also Sil^^ 
Seeiy. 12. 1; V.6; VI.69. 1. . ./ , :. 

7 TU iapieiU: the plants whioh understand Uie core of disease. 

9 Awakdi: Avakiifi a gnssy phmt growing in maahyWd(B|(7» 
Oetandra). See lY. 87. 8. 

10 Frufnm Vanu^ r independent of his power, and able to ward 
off the diseases whioh he sends. CaUnrrki baU&ah/ ^ eaot natnrs 
of the disease is somewhat nnoertaia See.P^ 9.8. r ; . a ^ 

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TBS sTMiira or 


,J3.The86^ Plants that grow upon tiie earthy whatever 

their number and their 8186, — . 
,. I^t these with all their thoasaDd leaves free me from 
Death and misery. 

.U.May the Plants' Tiger^molet, protective,, guardian 
from. the curse, 
Beat off the brood of demons, drive all maladies afiur^ 
from us. 

15 Before the gathered Plants they fly and scatter, aa 
though a uon's roar or fire dismayed them. 
Expelled by Plants, let menVand kino's GopsomptioQ 
pass from ns to the nav^blorivem. ' 

IC Emancipated from the sway of Agni,. of YaiVftnara^ 
go, covering the earthy y« Plants whose ruler & 

17-May these be pleasant to our heart, auspicioQs^ rich 
in store of milk. 
These Plants of the Angirasea which grow on moun- 
tains and on plains. 

18 The Plants I know myself, the plants that with mine 
eye I look npon^ 
Plants yet unknown, and those we know, wherein we 
1 ' find that power is stored, 

)9 l>t all the congregated Plants attend and mark mine 

' That we may rescue this man hereand save him fronk 
severe distress* 

SO Asvattha, Darbha. King of Plants, is Sbm% death- 
less sacrifice : 

' B^ey and Rice are healing batsM, the sons of 
Heaven who never die* 

14 l^^^WHMiid^^ SDcauoediiigiypotMtohsna^ 
' 16 rcn«i|Mrli\- kfaoftIiewoodrli0ietheSoi^ 


VJKTifif 7.]' 



i SI Lift yourselves up, ye Healing Plants, loud is the 

thunder's crash and roar 
^< .1 When with full flow; Paijanya, ye Children of Pfisni I 

blesseth you. 

22. We give the esse^ioe of that stream of nectar io thia 
.^ -^ man to drink: 

< ySo I prepare a remedy that he may live a hundred p 
l^ years. -J 

23^Well doth the wild boar know a Plant, the mungoose 
knows the Healing Herb. 
I call, to aid this man, the Plants wliicfa Serpents 
and Gkndbarvas know. 

24 Plants of Angirases which hawks, celestial Plants 
; which eagles know ; . 

Plants koovni to swans and lesser fowl. Plants known 
;. to all the birds that fly, 

, Plants that are known to sylvan beasts^— I call them 
J \ all to aid this man. 

25 The multitude of herbs whereon the Cows whom none 
. ' . may. slaughter feed, all that are food for goats and 

So many Plants, brought hitherward, give shelter 
and defence to thee 1 

26 . Hitherward unto thee I bring the Pluits that core 
all maladies. 
All Plants wher^n physicifins have discovered 
health-bestowing power. 

27 Let Plants with flower and Plants with bud» the 
fruitful and the fruitless, all, 
Like children of one mother, yield their. stores for 
this man's perfect health. 


SI PfifM\' here maaniiigEhithyUkemotlMrcf plants FoMJtm^^ 
Uie deity of the vain-cloiid. See L SL 1. 

23 Wild hoar: of, 11. 27. % and V. 14. 1. : WM p{gi are eztaoidk 
'narily quick at disooTeriiig and unearthiiig potatoes and aU aorta of 
ediUeroote. TksmimifooH: ^yLl3^.tL ' . . :.:; . ^^^ < • 

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TBX BTlfjrsOF^ 

[BOOK nii.^ 

S6 From the Five*arrowed» from the Ten-Arrowed have 

I delivered thee, 
• ? Freed thee from Yama's; fetter and from all offenoe 

against the GkxlB. 

^ IvDRA the Shaker shake them up, brave, hero, fort* 

'' ' demolisher, . . ^ .. . 

That into thoasand fragments we may strike the 
armies of oar foes I 

2 Let PAtirajja with her breath eorrupt and patrefy 
' :• . that host, j 

And terror smite our foemen's heart wiien Ifire and 
smoke are seen afar. 

S Asvattha, redd those men ; do thou devour them 
qaickly, Khadira I 
Like reeds let them be broken throagh, down-smit- 
ten by a lifted l^ish. 
4 Let Parashihva make them reeds, and let the bul* 
rash strike them down; 
Boahd in a mighty net let them break quickly like an 
arrow's shaft. 

SS Fi9^<arrow0d: tliit And rM-crroiMJ appear to be fjounful epitheta 
' el fe?sr or other MTera diteaw pMraonifiecL 

With thk hTinii nay be oompared 9^gTe^ X. 97, Pialae of HerlM. 
Tnadated by Ludwig, Der Bigreda, IIL p. S04. 

Tlie hTinii eoosiiti of a Mfies of imprecatioiia directed againtt a 
iKwtile amy. - - ■ " \ , :> 

S P4Unj^; iome unidentifialde maUxkHmia plant. According to 
Vwoi. Lndwig^ a species of serpent. 

8 Rmd: tlie Affattha or Ficns Beligiosa is called Burster. or Ben-'* 
dor because it splits asunder the wood, masonry, or stone in whose 
I its seed has germinated and grown. 8m III. 6. 3, 3. Devour, 

rtf « • • Kkadw^ I s.UMa hkadird ; a^ plsy upon the words. The 
Kbadiia Is the Acacia Gatechu, a tree with solid hard wood. 

4 F m rm kdkm : a Idhd of ifeed or rush. £mU: weak and frsgile as 

Pkot Ladwig translates differently: *diser rauhen feinde 

' erheiser.'f^* f/ 




\h, Air was the set ; the poleS: thereof were the great 

quarters of the sky : 
\^ JSakra therewith enveloped and cast on the groiind 

the Dasjus' host. 

. 6 Verily mighty is tiie net of mighty l^akra rich ia 
/ . wealth : ^ 

Therewith press all the foemen down so that not one 

. . of them escape 1 

7 Oreat is thy net, brave Indra, thine the mighty^ 
match for a thoasand, Lord of Hundred Powers I 
Holding them, with his host, therewith hath Indra 
' slaughtered Dasyus a hundred, thousand, myriad, . 
hundred millions. 

8. This world so mighty was the net of Sakra, of the 
:: Mighty One : . ' . • 

With this, the net of Indra, I envelop all those men 
t . with gloom. 

' 9 Great weakness and misfortune, pain which words - 
can never charm away. 
Languor, fatigue, bewilderment, with these I compass 
all the foes. 

10 I give those foemen up to Death : bound in the bonds-^ 

of Death are they. . 
I bind and carry tnem away to meet Death's wicked 

11 Bear them away. Death's messengers I envoys of 

Yama 1 bind them fast. 
More than a thousand be their dain : the dub of 
Bhava pierce them through!' 

5 ^Ubti.o the powerful Indra. fh^ J>Q9gui kctir demons whs 
fought against the Gods. *** 

8 Jfei<^ Indra: mdrtafdld i% in the MahlA>hiiata, t^^ 
wonderful weapon wielded hy the hero Aijuna, and in later 'Sanskrit 
means inoantation, msgio^ tiriekeiy, and delusion in { 

11 AUnni/ see note on ITv 38w 1. ! . 

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r' -^ ^ 


-ftiMttritm of" 


1^ Fdrih* go the SAdhyas in their might bearing one net- 
pole raised aloft. 

' ; One pole the Badras oanji one the Yaras, and the 

18 The Visve Devaff from above shall come depressicfg 
it witk mighti - \ 

And in the midst the Angirasee, slaying the mighiy ' 
hosti shall go. 

14 Trees of the forest, trees that bear flower and fruit, 

and herbs and plants, i 

Qoadmped, biped send I forth that they niay stoike 
•' this army dead. 'I 

15 Gandbarras, and Apsarases, Gods, Serpents, Fathers, 
' Holy Men, 

Seen and unseen, I send them forth that they may 
strike this army dead. 

16 Here spread are snares. of Death wherefrom tl^ou^ 

once within them, ne'er art freed : 
Full many a thousand of the host yonder this horn 
' shall smite and slay. 

17 The Gharma hath been warmed with fire : this Homa 

slayra thousand men. ' , 

Let Bhava, Prijnibdhu, and Sarya destroy that 

18 Their portion be the fire of ^Death, Lunger, exhaus- 

tion, slaughter, fear. ' 

IS Alctiiiof ; MO VIL Ow 1. 

15 8em amdwmm: « Aoooiding to tbe MahlbliiimfA, Sabhipwraii, 
461, thm sra MrsD gnmpiof PltcU or Fathen, four embodied {mOH-- 
^mfomiai) sad Him bodilMS (oloKr^Boi^V^Mttir, O. & TttU^Y. 

P^s9e. ^ 

16 n^m: tht i^ymbdl of power.. 

17 tOmma: thsUbatJonofhotmakoffbndeipMiAny totheAfWns. 
Homm: An oblsftion poqved into the fire ; a bamtoffimng. PfifM^u; 
luKving ipedded aniis; the name of a mythical being, not mentioned 

• " ^ ^tor»*; lee note on IV. as. 1. 

OTMS a) 



With your entangling snares and nets, Sarva and 
Indra I ilay that host. 

19 Fly, conquered, in ahum, ye foes, run driven by the 

spell away ! 
, : Let not one man escape of those when routed' by 
^ ^ Bfihaspati. 

20 bown fall their weapons on the ground : no strength 

be theirs to point a shaft : 
Then in their dreadful terror let theur arrows wound' 
their vital parts. 
Hi Let Heaven and Earth roar out in wrath against 
them, and Air with all the Deities in concert 
Let them not find a surety or a refuge, but torn, 
r away go down to Death together. 

22 The mules of the Gods' car are heaven's four quarten; 

their hooves are sacred cakes, the aur its body. 
Its sides are Heaven and Earth, its reins the Seasons, 
Voice is its hood, its grooms are sky's mid-regions. 

23 Year is the car. Pull Year the seat for driving, Vi^j 
^ the pole, the chariot's front is Agqi, Indra the 

warrior, and the Moon the driver. 

24 Hence conquer, conquer. Hail I be thou the victor I 
. • Let these be conquerors and those be conquered. 

Grood luck to these, ill luck to "those men yonder I 
With the dark-blue-and-red our foes I cover. 

21 the iiebond line ocean slao in VL 83. 3." 
32 Foice; or VAk ; eee IV. L 2. 

23 FfTiy ; or YhA\^ a myetioal beings evolved ly gpedtehtioiL See 
VIII. 10. I, note. ^ 

24 WUh the datlMwB^md^fed: that ia, with two strincpi or thieeds 
of these ooloon which axe to be "need in tlio imiantatiiin. See Kan^ikiU 
Sat«»,XVL19. V ^ 

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fiw Emrs OF. 

[Boot nil 

;,., ;, ;, ^.- , ;.. HYMN.ITC 

WflBHOi were these two. produced? which was that 
. '» . region? From what world, from which earth ha4 
they their being? 
' Calves of Viriy, these two arose from water. I ask 
thee of these twain, who was their milker. 
;'S He who prepared a threefold home, and lying there 
made the water bellow through his greatness. 
Calf of Tlrftj, giving each wish fulfilment, made 
bodies for himself far off, in secret. 
. S Which are the three, the mighty thre^, ^hereof the 
fourth divides the voice, 
This may the Brahman know by prayer and fervour, 
whereto belongs the one, whereto the other. 
■ 4 Out of the Bp^t as the sixth five Sftmans have been 
fiMhioned forth : 
From Bfihati was Bphat formed: whence was the 
Brihatt composed ? 

The hjnm, whioh k a kind of Brahmodytm (aee note at tha end of 
y. IX oooiitts of a mdm of poipoiely onigmatioal questioDt and dark 
'. answon oo oomogonioal, ritual, and metrical doctrine. It is obecuie 
tfaronglioat, and in manj parte I find ifabeolutelj unintelligible. 

1 Tkem two: periiape the Son and Lightning. Vir^: a mytterioue 
Pirine Being or Abstraction, otoIt^ bj epeculation, endowed with 
c r e ati ve and other miraculooe powerii and the ■nbject'^of manj fsnci' 
in] a llego ri ci. See the loUowii^ hymn. 

2 Tkn^bU kom$: heaTco, llnnanieoti and eartht wherein Agni 
4wel]e aa San» lightning;, and fire. 

^ S ^nUflMJ^iA^rikw.'cry the threeBfihati;an^7^^ 
flCAted M raiding^ the metres whioh are regarded as divine beings. 
; ^ jBfikaij the name. of varions S&mans or chanted eongs in the 
Bfihatf metre which consists el thirtj-six lullabies in lour PAda% 





:6.0n nieasore Brih'att'is biaid^ and measoira ontbtf 

measurer: . ; .. 

C \From> magic might came magic mighty from magic 
. might came M&talt 

Vaifvftnara^s- image 'is the sk/ above ttS| «0 far ai 
Agni forced both spheres asnnder. 

Thence from that region as the sixth come praise- 
songs^ and every sixth day hence again go opwanL 

We, Kasyapa I si± present ^ishis, ask thee— for thoii 
hast proved things tried and meet for trial— 

They call Vidlj the father of Devotion : tell her to u 
^ thy friends in all her figures. 

She whom, ad vancing» sacrifices follow, and wheii 
she takes her station stand beside her. 

By whose control and best the spirit moveth, she is. 
VirAj, in highe3t heaven, O flishis. 

Breathless, she moves b^ breaUi of living creatnreaf 
Svar&j precedes, 'Viri^ comes closely after. 

Some men behold her not, and some behold her, 

, Viriy meet^hapad; who, thinks of all existencer ^ 


'5 ifdialt: the name of adirine bein^r aiMociated wtih Tama and 
the Fathezi* But the meianing Jieie is uncertain, the name being; 
perhaps, introduced with punning reference |o the si4 in wU&rdyd^^ 
measure, mdiiir, measurer, ' in the preceding, and si4||< wtdfdpdi^ 
magic power, in the same line^ and intended, as Lodwig . saggestv 
to signify fli^Clar, a. niessurer.' ^ . . • 

6 BfHTf mxtk dap : in ioeremonies performed on each sixth daj.of 
the luni^ forCnigbt. 

7 Kafyapa: aiM celebnitod Rishi of the RiigTeda. See Index of 
Names, Eta Faike$' / • . . her: Virij, or Yiri}, appears sometimes aa 
a male being, identified with Pnmsha, Plrajlpati, and Agni, sometimes^ 
ass female^ the. daughter of one of these deities. See the foUowug^ 
hjmn. '..•■' »."■•'■.,•■• ■■.•-•■•. 

A Swtir^ i br'Snirl^' self4uiniiM>us ; the Supreme Bdng. - 



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Who: liath perceiT^ VirAj's daplioatioo, perceivod 

her seasons and her rule and practice ? 
Who kt^o.wil her «tep8v how oft, how far extended, 

who knows her home and comber of her dawnings ? 
Site her^ who first iX all sent forth her lustre niovds 

onv^trd resting on these lower creatarcs. 
'Exalted power and might are stored within her :, the 

woman hath prevailed, the new-come niother. 
Both Dawns on wings of song, with rich adornmenjt, 

move on together to their common dwelling. 
Sftrya's two wives, unwasting, most prolific, knowing 

' their way^ move, rich in light, together. I 
The three have passed along the path of Orderry- 

three warm libations have regarded offspring— 
One qmckens progeny, one strengthens vigour, and 

bAe protects the kingdom of the pious. 

IBbe who was fourth was made by Agni, Soma, and 

ttishis as they formed both halves of worship, 
Giyatrt, Trish^up, Jagati, Auush^up, Bfihadarkt 
' tightening the sacrifices ' ' ^' 

Five milkings answer to the fivefold dawning, five 
^ seasons to the cow who bears five titles. 

The. five sky-regions made fifteen in number, one 

^ h&eA have thesd to one sole world directed. 

16 Six Elements arose, first-born of Order: tbe six-day 

time is carried by six S&mans. ; 

, i .. . • ■ I — . ■ • >■ 1^ 1 • ■ ■ ■ I ■ "^ 

13 ib<4 2>aifM.* MorniogsndlieriiflterNiglit. 
* 13 riW <i*W/ I)liWI^ SuBlight^ and Night. 

14 Bfihadmrki: ooDtainiDg or forming the great or beet hymn of 
^imis^ 'LighJUjujkg: winniag the lightof heaven for. . 

« 15 Fi9€ 99amm$: instead of the mofe usual sii ; the Dewy and the 
Cold eeasons being oounled together as one. Made ffUm : bj the 
additioQ el intemiedjate spaoes» or multiplication by three. 
"^ 16 ^ <<raieiile .• earth, air, fire» waiter^ ether, and the subtile 
ik A»<4 6roacfeiMf:.heaTen and earth, each of w^Dh is r^g^ 






• >>. 
t • 


rSTMV 9.1. 

TffX ATfflStA'VXDA. 


L> 8ix-yoked tbe ploogb Is, as eacb trace is.niimbered: 
they call both brood ones six;, six^ Earth and 
:^'-/.. Heaven. . ;; 

17 They call the cold months ^x, and six the hot onesu 
V- ' Which, tell us, of the seasons is redandrat? • '^'^ 

Seven sages, eagles, have sat down together: seven 
: . . ^ metres match the seven Consecrations; . 1 

18 Seven are the Homas, seven the logs for horning, 
^'y- seven are the streams of mead, and seven the 

seasons. • 

^ - Into the world have come seven streams of batter : 
those we have heard of as the Seven Vultores. 

19 Seven metres, by four syllables increasing^ each^of 

the seven founded upon another— . ' ' . 
.i* How are the hymns of praise on these supported; and 
how are these impost upon the praise-songs ? 

20 How hath the G&vatri filled out three triads ? On iBTe 

fifteen how is the Trishtup moulded, 
' Jaifatt fashioned on the three-and-tturty f H6w is 
— Anush^ap formed ? how EkaviAffa f ' 

; 17 Seven eagee: the Seren ^ishis. See T. 17. 6. Se9em meine: the 
jeTen generio metres of the Veda. Ciwuflpratfom : dtkekde; sdleinn 
•initiatory or preparatoiy eeremonies. 

'* 18 E<ma$ ; oblations of olarified batter ponred into the fira. Severn 
, VuUuree: this literal translation is unmtelligible. Prolessor Lodwfg 
suggests that the meaning is : as (men) eager after ereiything that k 
)MTenfold; or wishing to torn all things into serene. 
; 20 Triade: or triplets. 'The Siman eonsists of two Terses only^ it m 
4rBt to be ipade to oonsist pi three by repetition of some partol the two 
prinoipal Terses before it can be used as a ehant at a Soma sacrifiea. 
-After a triplet of Terses has been' thus obtained, it is to be ohanted in 
•three turns, each turn containing in three subdiTidons a certain number 
of repetitions.* Haug, Aitar^ya Br&hmapa, IVuisIation, Book IJL 2. 
17, note. These questions on the Tormation of the metres are not 
easily explained or answered, nor are they of any genml impbrtanoeu 
iKfo^iiifa: a Stoma or hymn consisting of twenty^m ;:; 

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TBM BTMsaor 

[BOOT nn* 

tl ISriii Elements sprang up/ first born of Order^i the 
.. I^riefts divine are eight in number^ Indra 1 
Eight are the wombs of Aditi, eight her children : 
for the eighth night is the libation destined. 
22 So planning bliss for yon have I come hither to win 
r your friendship : kind am I, and |;racioua ^ 

Born from one sooroe,. propitious is yoar wisdom : 
knowing full well to m or you it opmeth/ 
!28 To Indra eight, to Yama six, seven to the ^ishis, 

* seven to each : 

. The number five aooompanies waters and men; and 
healing herbs. 1 I : 

«24 The Heifer, all his own, poured forth for Indra conbrel 
and inilk ajt her first time of milking ; 
And he then satisfied the four divisions, the Oods 
and men and Asuras and Rishis. 
^S5 Who is the Co<^? Who is the Single ^ishi? Whikt 

is the laW|^ what are the benedictions ? 
^ What on the earth is the one only Spirit? Which of 
^ tiie number is the Single Season I 

i\ Sigiuim^ the lix of^^ania 16 witii' loto^^ 

and Mind added. XiglU her childrm: the AditTas or aooa of AdiU 
^ L 9. 1, note) an in the ^tigreda (IX. 114. 3) Mid to be tereii. 
In the period of the Brihmaoas thej weie tweWe, as lepreoeoting 
. the eun in the twelve montha of the year. ^A<Aii^; the Aah|ami 
•r eighth lunar daj in eaoh half-month. . 

S3 /: Yiiij ma/ be meant. 

SS Waien: widi reference to the fire riTonof the Panjib. Mm: 
raferring to the Five Kation8» or Races of Aiyans. 

S4 The A{^.*^pefhaM the rainKdoodt the mtik being the rain, and 
eonfrol the power which India derites from the saciifioes which the 
.isrtilising rain enables men to offor to him. 

. 85 7%tSutgU9i9k£: meaning the firrt or chief sage. /^Mi^^m^.- 
p nkikim, hese rendered bj spiriti means a living supernatural being 
daserring wordupi Professor Ludwig here and elsewhere renders, the 
word' bj Festi feast or festiTaL Ttk SingU Seamm : the interoalaiy 
■sootk These questions of the Rishis and Kampala replies are nn> 
JtttsBigible, The Inrmti has been translated br Ludwig Der Bi^predSi 

m.pi439k •: - . ••• ' .' :.. .■'.••-.• ^ .^• • -. 




2i : One is the- Cow; one is the Single Spiilt, one is: the 

law, single are benedictions^ 
^ The Spirit dwelling on the earth is angle : the Single 

^ ^ deasbn never is transcended J. 4 

*'.*■• ■ • " ' '• . ' 

HYMN X.. ..•.'. ..':.,. 
: VirAj at first was This. At birth all feared her ; the 

thoaght, She will become this All, struck terron 
^'2' She rose, the 6&rhapatya {re she entered. . He who 

• knows this becomes lord of a hoosehold, performer., 

of domestic sacrifices^ 

^'3: She JinQunted np, the Eastward iSre she^ntere<l 
He who knows this becomes the Cods' belovM, 
<.. and to his call they oome- when he invokes them* . ' 

4 She mounted np, the Southward fire she entcored. 
) . ;. He who- knows this becomes a fit performer of 

sacrifice/ meet for honour/shelter-giver. ~ ' 

. 5 She mounted up, she entered the Aaseiiibly. He 
~ who knows this becomes polite and courtly/ add 
people come as guests to hisassembly. 

' The hjnm is a glorifioation of the mysticalabetmction Virij. ^ 

1 Fm^' : in l^igreda X. 90. 5. Virij is said to have been born from 
Puruaha (the Primeval Male from whom the; nniVerM was efolred). 
•In A. y. IX. 2. 5, she is identified with Yik, the Word, and, in IX. la 
24, with Yik, Air, Earth, Ptajlpati the Creator, with Death, and the 
lucent of the SIdhyas. In XL 4. 12 she is identified with Prftpa or 
Vital Spirit Virij is also the personified forty-syllable metre ol that 
tiametowhioh miraoulous. powers were attributed. In some Vedie 
passages vir^ is an epithet (ndianti splendid) applied to Ind^^ PjrajA- 
IMiti, and Paramesh(hin the Supreme. iSee Muir, 0. SU Tert^.V., 
'|>p. 369, 370. .r^M.-.theunivene. : •. . .. 7 

2 Tke OMkapaifa fire ike etUered: here Vuij is a mjstetiooi 
fdivine' influenoe oompletiilg the sanctity and effioaoy of the western 
aaored }m the.bous€ibal4^s prinlege pfid duty to "if^tyfi. 

6 Tke AeeemUf: ot the people of the yiUage or hamlet*: ^l .; ». //i ^ 

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TBS HTitmor 

{BOOK nih 

^^Sbermoaiiled Jip/she passed witfain ihe meeting. Hd 

who knows, this become fit for the n^eeting, and 
#.'• : tofai9:hall of meeting oom^ the people. . ; 
7 She mounted up, she entered Consultation. Ayhoso 

knows this is fit to be eonsulted, and to his consul* 

tation come the people. 
rS'She mounted' up, and^. into four divided^ she took 

her station in the air'a mid-region. 

'9 Of her. the Gkxls and men said» This she knowet|)« 
That we may both have life let as ihvoke her. 

10 Thus did they cry to her : ' 

11 Come, Strength I come, Food t come» Charmer 1 comie, 

* Free-giver t 

]j2 Her calf, her srell-belovM calf, was Indra : (}&yatrt 
. was her rope, the cloud her udder. 

13 Two teats ishe had, Rathantara and BphaV two, 
' . . TfljfiAyajfliya and VAmadeyya. 

U With the RathanUra the Oods milked from her the 
.Plants, and all the wide expanse with Bphat. 

% Tlu mseUng: of' the people ef the diBtrict ' On mM< assemblj,* 
sad idmiUt meeHng or ooB^gxeai,' see Zimmer, Altindiiohes Lebeo, 
• jip, nS—lTfi. 
. 11 Jcodts wMih%; *Bat sradhC meaiis tlao food, lit one^own 
porfcioii, the eaorifioiAl portion due to each god, and leitlj, food in 
^ t«neraL*— Ifftz MQller, Vedio Hjmoa, Ptot L p. 56. • 
' ' » At M{r? Viiiit identified with Yik, is in A.y. IX. 3. 5 esHed 
' the Gow, repreeentincr the oieatiTe power of Natnre like the Cow 
AwdhnmMs in Tentonio mythology. See Simrook, £andbnbh der 
Devteohen lljthologi^ pp. 18^ 21ft. 

• 19 JMUmlsrc/ the neme of-tmiiooe Slniene xx ohented Vedio . 
^enei. Sfikai: the name of ohanted Tenet in the fi|ihatt metre cl 
thir^-eirsjUablea.' See nr* 84. 1, note. 

'• n^lU^MOflipm t a SImaa ao oiUed after the beglnnfaig (TajfU^jfii) 
. ^9igfedaL 188.1. FteodlfviNi; theiiame el laiiooa SAmana. Sea 
( IT'.U.l,aotep:.-: -. ".•? ':: -^ - ^^ ;.".v.. » ..-, p. ■ 

^TMX laj 

rns ATnAR7A^tEI>JL 


15 They drew the Waters forth with '\rAmadevya,^with 
- Yajft&yajftiya they milked out worship. 

t&^ For him who kooweth this, Bathantara ponretlroat 
- Plan tis, and Bfihat yieldeth wide expansion.' 

^ 17^. Waters from Y&madevya cdme^ from Tajfiayajftiyii 
' " saorifice. . - "* 

18 She rose, she came unto the trees: they killed her. 
. ' ■' . A year went by and she again existed. 
r^ Hence in a year the wounds of trees heal over, r .He 
who knows this sees his loathed rival wounded.' 

. 19 She mounted up, she came uuto the Fathers: thej; 

killed her: in a month she re-existed. ^ 
.. .., 'Hence men give monthly offerings to the Fathers ; who 
^ ' knows this, knows the path which' they have trodden. 

, 20 She rose, she came unto the iSods : they killed her; 

but in a fortnight she. again was living. .' ^ ** 

.. Fortnightly, hence, meii serve the Grods with Yashat I 

Who knows this knowsthe way which Gods passoveil 

[ 21 'She naounted up, she came to men: they killed her. 
Presently she regained herJife and being. 
.! Hence on both days to men tliey bring and offer-r 
• whoso knows this— near-seated in the dwelling. * 

22 She rose, approached the Asuras r they called hert 

their ory was, Cbme» O M&j^ eon^ thou hither. ' 

) ■ ' . ■'■'.:■. . . * 

: 18 Ph>per recogmtioD of the powerof Vuri( aa lenovatiBg Nature^ 
to repair the injuries which trees maj have auffisrod will he rewarde<^ 
by triumph over a suffiiruig enemy. 

.19 Ifoiukly ofenngi : oblations presented on the day of lull dkxmw 
n^path fokteh thfjf kofft tr<4im.: and, copaequently, *hoir to reach' 
Beayen themselvee; ' » - * ' 

21 BittK daj^B : meaning two eensocntiTe days; ^ ** ' 

22 Tki Antroi •* tjie'fiends wh& fought against the Gods. JfdyAt 
• Minumlous Power, Might of €k>d8^ penKmified. Vhfiehimn Prdkrddir 

a chief of the Asuias^ son of Ptaluida. JhntniMhd Afvya t the nama* 
ol a two-headed Asunu. jL JU.mfiporter : ^g^9amig&ii a wealthj^ 
nan, on whom othecs can depend (or their'liitelihood. ^ - 

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raM srMNsor r: 


I . Her. deto calf was Viroohana Prflhrfidt ; her milking* 

vessel was a pan of iron. 
^. PvimArdbA ArtTva milked her, yea, this MftjA. The 

Asaras depend for life on MiyL He who knows 

this .beoomes a fit supporter. . 

5(3 She mounted up, she Mme unto the Fathera The 
Fathers callea to her, O Food, come hither. 
King Tama was her calf, her pistil was silvern; 
Antaka, Mritvu*s son, milked her, this Svadhl 

' This Food the. Fathers make their lives', sustsiner. 
He who knows this becomes a meet supporter. 

S4 She mounted up, she came to men. They called her, 
Gome unto us, come hither thou Free-giver t 
lEkrUk was her milking-pail, the calf beside her 
Hanu Vaivasvata, Yivasy&n^s oflfspring. 

~ - — — * I " 

» S3 Food: wm note cm itenvi 11. Amtola : the Ender; generallj 
aiuan0ofDettttihiiiMel(,Miiiyi, 4S.2,aiicl Vin. 1.1. Tktir live^ 
'm u Umer : the Mmim depend for their' exittenoe on the obbUonB pr»- 
-Moted to then 1^ their rBlAtiona on earth. A loinewhat dmihur ide!*'' 
led the Greeks and Romane to yimt the tomha of thdr relatiyes at oer^ 
^a& period!, and to oflbr to them saorifioe^ food, a^ yariotis gifts. 

* The parkin oakes baked in Yorkshire in NoiTemher, thesinmel or 
jpoul-inass cakes ol lAncashirs^ the ^^fire$ baked at AU Souls-tide in. 
BdlgioBi, are all reminisoenoes of the food prepared and ofibred to the 
dead aft AU 8oal% the greai day of oommemoration of the departed 

• • • • In ths noitii of England all idea as to the eonnectbn between 
i cakes and the dead is kist, bat the cakes are still anade. This 

\ is atnaiafomatioQ under Christian ininenee of the still earliei^ 
of pattti^ food on the graves,'— a Baring^Gould, Stim^ge 
8arfifa]% pu 87S« 

34 ifenii Vatvoiwaid: tlie serenth Mann, aen of Viyasvin or tho 
8<n^ vigsrded as the progenitor of the present race of homsn beinga 
^t^: cfXLoi Yaii^ or son of Vena (see ^V. VIII. 9. 10^ said to 
Imvs bssQ^the Ant anointed sovereign of men, and to have introduoed 
tfsrafts of hwibandiy into the woikL He is also celled P|ithu, and ia 
^OisfjUshH (Ugveda IL 148 havii^ been itvealedtfl^ 

Jirirjr. 10.] 



\ Frithi the son of TeAa .was her, milkchr : he milked: 
forth husbandry ahd.^ain for sowing/ ' ' 

';. These men. depend for life on. eom and tilUge. : He 
who knows this beoomes a meet supporter, aoccess* 

i ■ .fill in the oulture of biseorn*Iand. . ' .' \ 

25 She rose, she came unto the Seven !^ishis. 'Th%j 

* called her. Come, Rich in Devotion! hither/ 

*- King Soma was her Calf,, the Moon. her milk-pail. 
Bfihaspati Angintsa, her milker, 

* ibrew from her udd6r Player and Holy Fenromr.^ 

Fervour and Prayer maintain the Seven ^ishis. 
" • He who knows this becomes a meet supporter, a pnest 

illustrious for his sacred knowledge. - , ' ^ 
i6 She rose, she came unto the Gk>ds. They called her, 

1 crying, O Vigour, come to us, come hither I' 
^ 'Qod Savitar milked her, he milked forth Vigour. 

The Gods depend for life tipon that Vigour. He 

* • who knows this becomes a- meet supporter. - ^^^' 
27 ;$he rose, approached the Apsaracses andOandharvas. 
^ ' They, called hec, Gome to us, O Fragnint-^nted T 

The son of SAryavarchas, Chitraratba, was her dear 

;\ calf, her pail a. lotus-petal.; .. ', ; '": : \ 

The son of Siiryavarchas, Vasumchi, milked and 

I . drew from her mo^t delightful fragrance. ' :: 

That scent supports Apsaraaes^ and Ghndharvaa.'^ 

He who knows this becomes a meet supporter, 

and round him over breathes delicious oaour. 

I ^- - ■ .- . « . - . ■ ■ ■ J. 

21^ TheJSevm^iihi$:Btutt»dviitL,li^f%^ 
VifTimitim, and JamadsgnL Jngiraoa : iXomXj eonneoted with Angiias^ 
or his deeoendants. ^ 

\ 37 Sikfavarehoi: San-bright Ckitraraikmt Bome on a brilliant 
ear; theKingof the Oandharras. Fiuttnie&tV Budiiuit as » God; 
one of the ehief Qaodhanras. Tkai semi mtpparU: the nsmes oCr 
t&oct of the Apsaxases mentidiied in lY. 37. 3'ace deiived feomfngnuit 
plsnto or sweet soents, and the word Qaodharva Is snppossd» 
eonwwfart jrith-^wHCtor jpentt . . ., . ..^ .1 Z'^ 


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T^r ATnAR7A'VR]>A: 

[BOOK Yiir^ 

is She moonted up» 8b'e oaneio Other People. They 

called her, crying. Gome, ConoealiDenril hither, 
r. ' Her dear calf was VaisraFa^a Kubeia, a vessel nchrer 
tempered was her mUk-paiL 
Bajatauftbhi, ofispnog of Knbera, Toilked her, and. 
from her udder drew coneealmeo^. » 

By that concealment lire the Other People. He wha 
/' knows tfaia becomes a n^et supporter, and makes 
' all evil disappear and vanish. 

89 She moubted up, she came unto the S^rpepts. The 

Serpents called her. Venomous I come higher. 
J Her calf was Takshaka, Vis&la's offspring : a bottle* 

gourd supplied a milking'vesseL 
... Ir&vftn's offspring, Dhptar&ih^ milked her^and from, 

her udder drew forth only poison. 
That poisou quidcena and supports ' the Serpents : 

He who knows this becomes a meet supporter. ' 

30 One would ward ofl^ for him who hath this know* 
ledge, if with a bottle-gourd he sprinkled water. . > 

81 And did he not repel, if in lus spirit be said^ I drive 
thee back» he would repel it« 

52 The poison that it drives away, thai poisoa verily 
' . repels; 

53 The man who bath this knowledge pours its venoo^ 

on his hated foe. 

Stf OiktrPeopU: m eupbemlstib expreetion for certain beihgi wha 
•pptar to be ooniid«red m epiritoof oarknets. So in England fairies., 
am- called lolk# people^ neighboon; in Germanjr, little folk; and in 
9wHaeriand bill people, and earth people. Vai^voffa Kybera: ia 
later Sanskrit, KaTen^ son of Vi|raTa% chief of the spirits of darkness 
and aftorwards ths God of riches and treasore. 
' M rdUkdbi? one of titc principal Nigas w^ Serpents of P&tAla or 
UMimder-woffkL i>Ar»^oNltA(f«f a chief NAga, called AidLiaU or soa 

' 81 The knowledge and the mere wish or tbooght withoujb any 

ertsmal actipii the deadliest p<»son^ , 

39 The same knowledge enables a maa.topoijMMi his enemy secretly^ 

T\ *A-" '] 

.,-'\ i > '•'..'.,'> ' ,. '. , 

y -1 !• V K 


::^ HYMN L 

' !fHi Asvins* Hopev-whip was bora from heaven, and 
earth, from middle air, and ocean, and from fire 
-«' and wind. ^* 

AU- living creatures welcome it with joyful hearts, 

^ ' fraught with the store of Amrit it hath gathered up. 

; 2 They call thee earth's great strength in every form, 

they call thee too the ocean's genial seed. • 

Whence comes the Honey-whip bestowing bounty, 

« there Vital Spirit is, and Amrit treasured. 

3 In sundry spots/ repeatedly reflecting, men view 

upon the earth her course and action ; 
For she, the first-born daughter of the Maruta, 
(" . derives her origin from Wind and AgnL^ 

4 Daughter of Tasus, ^ mother of Adityas, centre of 

Amrit, breath of living creatures. 
The. Hpney- whip, gold-coloured, dropping &tneaE^ 
- moves as a mighty embryo 'mid mortals. 

5 The deities, begat the Whip of Honey : her embryo 

assumed idi forms and fashiona * - ^ 

The hymn is a glorificatioo of the Whip d the Af Tins, and a piayer 
f lor the gift of sweetness, splendour, and strength from them and other 
' deities. 

; • 1 Haney-whip: madkuka^^hdfA mddkumaii (?. V. L SS. Z\ with 
i which the Af?ins are prayed to * sprinkle the saonfioa.* It significi^ 
perhaps, the eaify stimulating and life^ring morning hraeae which 
accompanies the first appearaniM of the Af fins, the Loids of light, 
'who precede the Dawn, and represents hi this hymn all cRatiTi^ 
* Tivifying, and sustaining power. 

S HereofftamandaeUfmi the coming and.cpersiicii of Ihi wondioiis 
|^oney*whip. - . 

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The mother nourishes that tender infant which at its 
birtb looks op all worlds and beings. 

6 Wbo nnderstand^th well, ih^o hath perceived it» 

ber lieairt's aninjured Soma-holding beaker ? 
*Ijet the wise Brahman priest therein be joyful. 

7 He understandeth them, he hath perceived them, her 
j ' breasts that poar a thousand streami^, uninjured : 

. Tliey nnreluctantly jrield strength and vigour. 

8 She wlio with voice upraised in constant damouri 

mighty, life-giving, goes unto her function, 
. Bellowing to the heated three libation^ sudUes with 
streams of milk, and stiU is lowing. 

9 On whom, well-fed, the Waters wait in worship, and 

steers and self-refulgent bulls attend her. 
For thee, for erne like thee down pour the Waters, 
and cause desire and strength to rain upon thee*. 

10 The thunder is thy voice, O Lord of Creatures : 

a Bull, thou castest on the earth thv vigour. 
The Bioney-whip, tb^ Maruts' first-born daughter, 
\ derives her ongin from Wind and AgnL 

11 As at the nioming sacrifice jthe Afvins twun love 
, Soma well, 

I!ven .so may bof^h the Asvins lay splendour and 
f strength within my souL ' .- 

1% As at the second sacrifice Indra and Agni love him 

well, ^ 
7 liet tlie pair, Indra Agni, lay splendour and strength 
1 within my souL 

is As at third sacrifice Soma is the l^ibhus' well-belovkl 
one, . 

I!ven so may they, the ^ibhus, store splendour and 
^ strength within my souL 

10 Lmrdof Crmiurt$x IhrmjJLpatL Thondar is his Toioe inasmuch as 
^ Vstalds the seasoDsble nin which sostaiiis the life of his cveatures. 

IXgr ^^bflir : thj genemtiTe power from which liring beings are prodooed. 
13 fUhkm: the three renowned artisU who by their ezoeUent wcnrk 
1 dhrini^, enrased inperhnmiUi pMen^ ahd becadfte^ entitlect 




44c Fain would I* bring forth sweetness,' fidb would make 
it mine. 
Bringing milk, Agni I have I oome: splendour and 
,• : strength bestoW; on me I' . :r : • . ; 

15 Grant me, O Agni, splendid strength, and progeny, 
- > and lengthened life. "* • 

May the Gods know me as I am, mi^ Indra with the 
$ishisknow, . :: 

:1& As honey-bees collect and add fresh honey to theif 
'• honey store, 7 : 

Even so may both the Asvins lay splendour and 
strength within my souL* . . J 

17 As over honey flies besmear this honey whicl^ the 

bees have made, . - 

So may both Asvins lay in • me splendour and 
strength and power and might. 

18 May all the sweetness that is found in hills- and 

mountains, steeds and kine, 
And wine that floweth .from the cup,— may all -that 
sweetness be in me. 

19 May both the Asvins, Lords'of Lights balm me with 

honey of the bees. 

That I may speak among the folk words fiiU of splend- 
our and of strength. 
^0 The thunder is thy voice, Lord of Creatures: 
a Bull, thou castest strength on earth and heaven- 

To that all cattle look for (£eir existence: with thia 
she nourishes their force and vigour* . - 

to. wonhip. They are called ooneotiveljr ^ibhosfrom |Uhha the eldest 
<d the three brothen^ the others being named sepan^jr VlbhYaa and 
YAja. Serend hjmns of the fifi^eda are addressed ibo these deitieskt 

15 The Uken from Bigveda I. S3. U^ 
so SeestanialL iSIU; theWhipeltheAifiiMi. 

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31 Tbe Whip itself 18 Heaven; Eartb is the handle^ 

the point of jonctnre is the Air's mid-region. 
J. :.; The lash islightning, and the tip is golden. ' '{ 

22 Whoever knows the Whip's seven kinds of honey, 
/. : . becomeshimself a man endowed with sweetness. :^ 

Brfthman and King, the draaght-ox and the milch* 
v., .' cow, barley and rice, and honey is the seventh. 

23 Sweet is the man, sweet are his goods and chattels : 
i\ ^ he who knows this conquers the worlds of sweetnesf. 

24 The thundering^ of Praj&pati in. heaven is verily 
I. : .'manifest to living creatures/ ' ! 

Therefore I stand from right to left invested, and, 
I,..:; • O Prajftpati, I cry, regii^ me 1 

The mah who hath this knowledge is regarded by 
X - living beings /tud the;Lord of Creatures. 

HYMN 11. 

' Kama the Bull, slayer of foes, I worship with moltek 

butter, sacrifice. Oblation. ^ ^ 

"" Beneath my feet cast down mine adver8aries,^with 

, thy gr^t manly power, lirhen I have praised thee. 

' 2 That which is hateful to mine eye and spirit, that 

. . harasses and robs me of enjoyment, 

*' The evil dream I loose upon iny fciemen. May I 

rend him when I have lauded £&ma. 
' S Kftma, do thou^ a mighty Lord and Ruler, let loose 
ill dream, misfortune, want of children. 

SI Tk€ povU of jwneimrt: gdrbkafk (from ^rabk^grakf to take, 
Jto cooeeiTa) ; the reoeptede, meeniiig here the place whera the thongs 
It ettadied to the whip^tock. 

* t$ Cmqmn tk$ woHd$ ^tmeintm: gsiiw admittepoe Into heaTen.' 
^ S4 Fnm rigki le l^ mnded: prddkinopa^AidJ^ ; wearing the 
■Mrifteiel eotd cfer the right ahoiilder and paaeed under the left •xu^ 

The hymn k a glorifioatkNi el'Uina or Lore^ the Ctod ol geneiml 
el aU that ie good.' ' 

1 Tk$ MM ? or,jaie •tmigj.the heroi.^' 

arus i,i; 





— ^ff 


(. ; 

Homelessness,' K&ma t litter destitution,* iip6n the 
sinner who designs my ruin. 

Drive them away, drive th^ra afar, O K&ma ; indigence 

fall on those who are my foemen I 
When they have been cast down to deepest darkness^ 

consume their dwellings with thy fire, Q Agni. 
She, K&ma I she is called the Cow, thy daughter^ 

she who is n^med V&k and Viri^ by sages. 
By her drive thou my foemen to a distance, libiy 

cattle, vital breath, and life forsake them. 

By K&ma's might, King Varuaa's and Indra^s, by 
. Vishpu's strength, and Savitar's instigation, . 
I chase my foes with sacrifice to Agni, as a deft 
' steersman drives his boat through waters. - 

May K&ma, miglity one, my potent warder, give me 
. full freedom from inine adversaries. 
May all the Deities be my protection, all Gods come 
' High to this mine invocation. 
^Accepting this oblation rich with fatness, be Joyful 

here, ye Gh>d8 whose chief is K&ma, ^ 
Giving me freedom from mine adversaries. 

Ye, Indra, Agni, K&ma I come together and cast 

mine adversaries down beneath me. 
When they have sunk into the deepest darkness^ 

O Agni, with thy fire consume their dwellings.' 

Slay those who are mine enemies, O K&ma: headlong 
to depth of blinding darkness hurl them. 

Jleft be they all of manly strength and vigour I Xet 
them.aot have a single day's existence^ \ 

' 5 7^Coif:it^a<aiii&orHma(flUaii;theCowof Plentywhoxie^ 
ereiy thing that is desired. Fdi; Goddess of Speedi ; the Creatita 
Word. Virdji here, apparently, the produotiTe power of Katore. Scis 

yin. 10.' . . : 

^ P SaviUift inUigaUtm ^wyUt^^ iov^ apoii the vofd|^ aa 

^ough it were 'Saritai's laTUig guidanee.' .: . ... ^ ^ .1 i , •. ,.» 

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lli Eimm latE tlain (hoee who! weiiD mine oppobents^iand 

given me ample room to grow and prosper. -. 
.. Jjei the four regions bow them down before mpi 

and let the six expanses bring me &tnes«. 
Xi Lbt them drift downward like a boat torn froni' the 

.' rope that held it fa^t• 
., .There is no tumijiir. back for thoqe whom o^r keen 
'' arrows haVo repelled . . ' ' 

18' Agni averts, ^ndra averts, and Soma : majr. the 

averting Qods avert this foeman. , j 
14 To be avoided by his firi^ndsi detested, »rep^lled, wi^ 

few men ronnd him, let him wander. 
' %Yea,.on the earth descend the lightning^flashes : 

'may the strong Gk>d destroy your adversaries. ^ 
Xi This potent lightning. nourishes things shakeni and 

things piishaken yet, and all the thunders. 
, May Uie 3un, rising with his wealth and splendouri 

drive in victorious might my foemen downward. 

16 Thy -firm and iriply-barred protectioui KAmat> thy 
* "spell, msd^ weapon-proof extended artpour-^ 
With that foemen to a distance. May 

^catUb, yital bteath, and life forsake tbem. [ \^ 

17 ^ar 'from the worid wherein we live, O KAma, 

.drive thou niy foemen with that selfeame weapon 
' Wherewith the Oods repeUed the Bends, and indra 
; oast down the Basyus into deepest darkness. 

18 Am Oods repelled the Asuras, and Indra down to tlid 

. lowest darkness drove, the demons, 
^ So, £4^u^ from this . world, to distant places, chrive 
thou the men who.are mine adversaries.- ' 

. 11 Sut^tqpanm: the four osfdinal points, sad the upper sod lower 
mees; or, soooidiog tp snother sooount, Hesvea, Esrth, Day, Nighty 
Wster, sad Plsnts. ; 

IS Thesteamkrapesled, withsTsiistkm,ffoaiin. ^^'T. / 
UShakm, • • • . wuA«Am.*periahsble sad imperishable ;^liistiue. 
^* 17 WUk iu$ Hffmgm Mim p m / the teit lisi merely ftdks, with that 




BTMK 2.1 

]19 First before all sprang Kftma into/ being. . Qods, 

Fathers, mortal men have nevet matched him. 
Ii Stronger than these art thou, and great ^ for even 
^ KAma, to thee, to thee I offer worship. 

20 Wide as the space which heaven and eartii encompass; 

far as the flow of waters, &r as ^ni, 
, ,. Stronger than these art thou, and great for ever. 
. £4ma, to thee, to thee I offer worship.-. 

21 Vast as the quarters of the sky and regions that lie 

between tbem spread in all directions, vast as 
j , ' celestial tracts and views of heaven. 

Stronger than these art thou, and great for ever. 
. K&ma, to thee, to thee, I offer worship... ^ 

22 Many as are the bees, and bats, and reptiles, and 
; female serpents of the trees, and beetles, ■ .\ j 

Stronger art thoa than these,, and great for ever, 
i Kimift, to thee, to thee I offer worship, i . j 

23 Stronger art thoa than aught that stands or twinkles, 

stronger art thou than ocean, JELAmal Manyu I ;; 
Stronger than these art thoo, and great for ever. 
El&ma, to thee, to thee I offer worship. 

19 Fimh^fortoil: 'Thereafter roeeDenve in the beginnfaig^l>eeif% 
the primal seed and germ of Spirit^ (^igreda X. 139. 4). Simikrlj, in 
Greek mythology Erte or Love is said to hsre been the first of all the 
Gods. See the passage from PUita(Sjmposiimi, eeetaoo 6X quoted and 
translated by Muir, 0. a Terte, v., 40«. 

20 i^ar OS J^f.* shines, or, extends. : . 

22 Bteilei: the meaning of e^^ is obsome. Bf eomparison with 
vdgMdpaU (YL 50. 3) noxioos or troublesome beeets of sobbs kind 
appear to be meant. 

23 Sumd$ or tmmUu: inanimate and animate natore. All that 
stands without the power of moving away, as trees and plants, and all 
oreatures that open and shut their eyelids, as men, beasts, and biids. 
Mamyu: Passion or Ardour personified. See $igveda X. 83, 2—^ 
where llanyu is addressed as a mighty God, identified with Indra, 
Yaruva, and AgnL ; -••.'' :-^- 


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24 Not even VAta is the peer of KAma, hot Agni, 

Chandramas the Moon, nor SArya. 
.. Stronger than these art thou, and great for ever. 

K4mai to thee, to thee I offer worohip. 
95 Thy lovely and aospicioas forms, O E&ma, whereby 

ike thing thou wilt beoometh real, 
/r With these oome thou and make thy home among ns, 

and make malignant thoughts inhabit elsewhere. 


Wk loose the ties and fastenings of the house that 
holds all predons things, 
The bands of pillars and of stays, the ties of beams 
that form the roo£ 

2 All-wealthy Hpuse I each knot and band, each cord 
that is Attached to thee 
I with my spell untie, as erst Bphaspati disclosed 
the cava. 

8 He drew them close, he pressed them fiist, he made 
thy knotted bands secure : 

S5 Tk4 ikmff ikam mlt: or, diooeest Kima, ihe God of Denre, is 
the fulfiUer, m weU as ihe ini^irer, of his wonhippoi' wishes. 

ThehTBui lum been tniMlsted by iloir, 0. 8. Texts, y« 404, and by 
Lodwig^ Der Rigfed% IIL p. 619. 

Tkb ooesdon of thehToui is the oonseoratioii of a newlj built house. 

1 TTs loom <Ae tin: sjmboliiing the removal by pmjer of all malig- 
naat spells and eharms hj which the rarious parts of the house are 
tied and bound. Prof.. Ludwig understands the woids literally as 
aignif/ing the actual dismantling cf a dwelling-house. Fillan: the. 
eonierposts. 8iajf$: the sknting poles which strengthen the pillars. 

t A$€n$ Bfikaipaii: with prajer, or with my spell, as Bphaspati, 
I^yrd of Player, opened therewith the hiding-plaoe of the demon of. 
drofqght See9igTedsL62.S; II. 33.18; 34.2; 17.50.5; VI. 73. L 

9 Bo: tiM hostOe enchanter. Slamghiertr: the Immolator, who 
I the important work of deftly outtiog up the Tietim whose' 




; With lodra's help we loose them' as' a skilful 
Slaughterer severs joints. ' 

4 We loose the bands of thy bamboos, of bolts, of 

fastening, of thatch, 
: We loose tiie ties of thy side-posts, O -House that 

holdest all we prize. 

> 5 We loosen here the ties and bands of straw in bundles, 

and of clamps, 
. / Of all that compasses and binds the Lady Gkmins of 
the Home. 

6, We loose the loo{>s which men have bound withia 

thee, loops to tie and hold. 
Be gracious, when erected, to our bodies, Lady of 
* ' the Hornet 

7. Store-house of Soma, Agni's hall, the ladies* bower, 

the residence. 
The seat of Gods art thou, O Gk>ddess House. 

8 We with our incantation loose the net that hath a 

thousand eyes, 
'^ The diadem, securely tied and laid upon the central 

9 The man who takes thee as his own, and he who was 

thy builder, House I 
Both these, O Lady of the Home, shall live to long- 
extended years. ' • ' 

jobts are to be oaref ally apportioned to the sereral Cktds to whom the 
offering is made. 

5 Straw mi bundUo: with whioh the honse is thatched, or whioh 
line the walls. 

7 Storo-konm^SotM: a chamber in which bnndle^of Soma plants, 
ready for pressings were kept ; secondarily, a pantiy or storeroom in 
generaL AgmCihatl: the chamber in which the dcmestio fire is kept 
up. Tke reMenee^ the men's general llTing^oom. Dr. GriUoihits^ 
this ' schlechte Vers* as being an interpc^tion. ' 

B Tke net thai kaih a thou9and «|r«f .* piobably a coane reed mat^ 
serving as a ceiling-doth. - ^'"'^ 

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^ raxaTiiirsor\^ 

[ifoor 7x 

loTherd let heV oome to meet tbU maa ' Firm/strong- 
ly fastened, and prepiu^ed 
Art thou whose several limbs and jointa we part and 
loosen one by one. 

11 He who eolleoted timber for the work and built thee 

np, O House, 

.^ Made tiiee for ooming progeny, Prajftpati, the Lord 

12 Homage to him I We worship too the giver and the 

. Mansion's lord : { J 

Homage to Agnil to the man who serves at holy 
.^ . rites for thee. 

13 Homa^^e to kine and steeds t to all that shall be bom 

within the house t 

' We loose the bonds that &sten tiiee, mother of mul- 
titudes to eome I 

14 Agni thou shelterest "within, and people with domes- 

tie beasts. 

: We loose the bonds that fasten thee, mother of 
multitudes to eome t 

15 All spaoe that lies between the earth and heaven, * 

therewith I take this house for thy possession, 
. And all that measures out* the air's mid-r^on I 
make a hollow to contain thy treasures. There- 
with I take the house for his possession. 

IC Rich in prosperity,* rich in milk, founded and built 
upon the earth, 

. Injure not thy^ receivers. House who boldest food of 
every sort I 

10 nif aiaii ; the ewn«r of the hooM. 
,11 Prtdipmti: Um buOdsr is a leooiid PrajApftti or Loidoflifoi 
hs boflt thoo lor tho i^LO of jwt^or progeny. 
IS l^pMT.Mhi iiiitititlorol.thi MMirifioo whidi tho h/mn a 




17 Qrass-oovered, clad with straw, the house, liket 

Night, gives rest to man and beast. 
^.;Thou standest, built upon the earth, like a ahe- 
elephant, borne on feet. 

18 I loosen and remove from tiiee thy covering formed 

by mats of reed. 
What Varupa hath firmly dosed Mitra shall ope at 
early mom. 

19 May Indra, Agni, deathless Gtods, protect the house 

where Soma dwells. 
House that was founded with the prayer, built and 
. erected by the wise. 

20 Nest upon nest hath been imposed, compartment on 

compartment laid : 
There man shall propagate his kind, and there shall 
everything be Dom. 

21 Within the house constructed with two side-posts, or 

with four, or six. 
Built with eight side-posts, or with ten^ lies Agni 
r like a babe unborn. - 

22 Turned to thee, House ! Income to thee, innocent, 

turned to welcome me : 
For Fire and Water are within, the first chief door 

of sacrifice. 
28 Water that kills Consumption, free firom all Con* 

sumption, here I bring. 
With Agni, the immortal one, I enter and possess 

the house. 

' 17 9^rm€ mftU: the four oonwrpUIani ruprmsnMng ^ •kpiyakt'a 

18 Vimma: God of the etany firmament; the liesTenst, ni|^t^ 
thstl^ni^t l/Ora: God of daj; the morning son. 

30 CimparimaU: it ie difficult to dedde which of Ha manj mean- 
inga ii%i{k haa here. Ladwig renden it bj ' kerb,* ba^et, ZinuMr hj 
iBehilter,' receptacle, and GriU by * Faehweik,' paneUhig. ' 

33 ThiaataniaianpealedfromIIL12.9. ^.>.^,^^ 

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[BOOtt 11. 

84 Lay 4h6a do oord or nooee od oa: a weighty burthen, 

• .. Withersoever be our will, O House, we bear thee 

like a bride. 

25 Now from the east side of the houoe to the Great 

Power be homage paid t 
Hail to the Gods whose due is Hail I 

26 Now from the south side of the. hoQse, et<^ \ 

27 Now from the west side of the house, etp« 

28 Now from the north side of the house,) etc^ 

29 So from the mansion's every side to the Great 
^ Power be homage paid I 

Sail to the GKhU whose du€i is Hail t 

^ • HYMN IV, 

r Thi Bull, fierce, thousandfold, filled full of vigoUfV 
bearing within his flanks all forms and natures, 
Brihaspati*s Steer, hath stretched the thread, be-> 
stowing bliss on the worshipper, the liberal giver. 
2 He who at first beoame the Waters* model, a match 
for everyone, like Earth the (Goddess ; 
The husband of the cows, the young calves* fktber, 
may he secure us thousandfold abundanoa 

•»^— ^^■^■^— ^~™i ■■^— ^— I ■ I • I I , ■ 

S4 TIm tteim appMun to point to the future nmoral of tbe Iioasa^ 
;biHlt<ailii«^o{tii»ber,bMitbooi,ne()i^Mid«tni«, toaoineoiiMriita^ . 
attoo. AoooidiDg to OiUl tbe meaning is merely, We intend to make 
tlM bovee UNfol at a yoiMig married woman ougitt to be. 

The hjaa. baa been tnuukted by Lodwig, Der Rigreda, in. p. 464; 
by Zfanmerv AltfakUaehaa Lebeo, p. 101 ; aad'by OriU, Hondert Lieder, 
yp. 60^188. 

nel^ymaii » fl^oiifiwdoq b) vtyatieal bo^piageol thetgrpioal 
9Mri«ci*l Sail 

. ) S t ntA t d «JU tknadt a ^gurathre exprearion, tntfumliy oecnrring 
In the Toda, fot^ wimnMinoed tte unintennq>ted eg«ni».o( «a«rtfi«ii 
gmr: «(gwidMi or fMi to^ oflM^iiV p<i<«la. . .•< 

STU» 4.] 



.« Masculine, pregnant, stedfast. fuU of vigoor, the BuH 

sustains a trunk of goodly treasure. 
- May Agni Jfttaredas bear him offered, oa pathways 

traversed by the Gods, to Indrft. 
4 The husband of tie cows, the jomg ealtes* &ther, 

father is he of mighty water^diea 

Calf, after-birth, new milk drawn hot, and biesting^ 
curds, butter, that is his best genial humour. 

^ 6 He is the Cteds* allotted share and handle, — 
ofwaters, and of plants, and butter. _^ 

' i 8akra elected him, the draught of Soma. What 

* his body was a lofty mountain. ^ 

6 A beaker filled with Sbmar juice thon-bearerti firamer 
of forms, begetter of the cattle* 

■■■■■■ Kindly tons be these thy wombs here present, and: 
stay for us, O Axe, those that are yonder. 

' 7 He bears oblation, and* his seed is butter! Thousand- 
fold plenty ; sacrifice they call him. 

'■■ Tlay he, the BoU, wearing the shape- of Indira-, oome- 
unto us, O Gods, bestowed, with blessing. 

^8 Both arms of Varuw and Indra's ^gour, the 
Maruts' hump is he, the Afvins shoulders. 
. They who are sages, bards endowed wiUi wisdom,, 
call him Bfihaspati compact and heighteaed. 

: S iV^aoNt; ladim with bleadnga:. 

4 All that tbe oow prodooaa orij^tea tarn biifc 
• 6 Kindly u> «. ; meanibg, apparentty : Mfcy tbe aaorificial a» of the- 
typical immolator or the TiotiBtaeoura to ua. blea«ngi bothpieeent 

"and future. 

8 T** Jr««-/*-a^; in.?ig«d* VUL «>. 9D tbe M«««« «' 
likened to «brigbUbining bnHa.' -BriMprtf.' *>»*»!* ^^""^ 
jnent of moerdotal rank and digpHy. ^:a»-P^ W»« .*»» S«*<^«f 
the pcicotly oedar^ ' ■ '■> •'• ' • ■•■.'•' ••' • ••• ■• "■'■' 

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i.9'Th6u» Yigorons, reaohest to the tribes of heaven. 

Thee they qail Indra, thee they call Sarasy&iL 
} 7 .Taraed to one aim, that Br4hman ^ves a thoosand 

who offers up the Bull as his oblation* 

10 Bfihaspatiy Savitar gave thee vital viffotir : thy 

breath was brought from Tvashfar and from V&yu. 
t. In thought I <^er thee in air^s mid-region. ' Thy 
sacrificial grass be Earth and Heaven I : 

11 Let the priest joyfully extol the limbs aniid members 

of the Bull It 

- : /Who moved and roared among the kine as' Indra 
moves among the Ghxls. 

1% The sides must be Anumati's, and both rib-pieces 

Bhaga*s share, 
: Of the knee-bones hath Mitra said. Both these are 

mine, and only mine. 
18 The Adityas claim the hinder parts, the loins must 

be BfihaspatiV ^ 

y4ta, the Qod, receives the tail : he stirs the plants 

and herbs therewith. 

14 To Sikrj4 they assigned the skin, to Sinlvftll inward 
The Slaughterer hath the foot, they said, when they 
distributed the Bull. 

9 SatamfA^: a diriiiitj of tha upper region, goArdian of the heaTen- 
ljiniten(oC.*fitherlsheolm]|^t/water^ddieef in iImim 4), and 

11 Zii ik4prmiJo$(fiittf€Xiol: in animal aaoiificei the carren or 
diweotori of the Tiotim are to call out the names of the iereiml par^ 
of the earoaae as thej ditide them, each portion being amigned to a 
•eparate dirinity. See iUgreda 1. 163. la 

12 AmmaiC$: tibe portion of Difine FaYoor penooified. See L 16. 

U My^ .•^ the daaghter ol the Son, ril^ : the Oode who po^ 
Ml the ideal anhe^rpslBoU. SimUfM: Qodden of the Now Moon. ^ 




15) They made a jest of kindred's e«trse : a jar of Bonm 

juice was set, 
!^ :iWhat time the deities, oohren^d, asrigned the Bull's 

. divided parts. M 
. 16 They gave the hooves to tortoises, to Sarttmft scraps 
of the feet: ^ 

His undigested food they gave to worms and thmgs 
that creep and orawL 
ir That Bull, the husband of the kine, pierces the 
demons with his horns, 
Banishes fSetmine with his eye, and hears good tidings 
with his ears. . . 

18 With hundred sacrifices he worships: the fires 

consume him not : 
All Gods promote the Brfthman who offers the Bull 
in sacrince.' 

19 He who hath given away the Bull to Brfthmans firees 

and cheers ms soul. 
In his own catUe-pen he sees the growth and increase 
of bis cows. 

20 Let there be cattle, let there be bodily strength and 

progeny : 
Au this may the Gods kindly grant to him who gives 
away the BuU. 

21 Indra here verily hath rejoi9ed: let him bestow 

conspicuous wealth. 
May he draw forth at will from yonder side of heaven 
a deft cow, good to milk, whose calf b never 

15 2!!^ mad* ajeUi they made light of the aogiy (ppreoations oC 
the God* who were dissatisfied with the portions assigned to them. 

16 ToUriaim: that th^ might lenorate their sheDswith the 
homy material Airaiiid.* the hound of Indra» represented in 9!gvMb 
X. 14. 10 as the mother of Yama's two brindled foor^jed di^ See 
Y. SO. 6. &n^ ofiUfiUi hkkfiUkiki aooording to Ukps^k, the 
oontentsoftheentnOls. Of«IX.7. 10; X9.SS. . :( r ! 

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THE HTMmor^ 


SS Wiih close oonQexion mingle with ibe bows in thia 

oar oattle-pen : • 

! Mingle, the Bairs prolific flow, mnd, Indral thine 

heroic strength I 
S8 Here. we restore this Ball, yoar youthfal leader^ 

sporting with him, go, wander at yoor pleasare* 
. • Ke*er, wealthy ones I may he be reft of <^pring ; 

aad do ye &7oar us with growth of riches. 

" HTMNV. . i . 

. : Snzi him and bring him hither. Let him travel, 
foreknowing, to the regions of the pious. 
Crossing in many a place the mighty darkness, let 
the wat mount to the third heayen above us. 

•Si bring thee hither as a share for Indra ; prince, at 
this sacrifice, for him who worships. 
Grasp firmly from behind all those who hate us : so 
let the sacrificer^s men be siuless. 

9i This itaoM U Ukmk, with Tamtionf, from BigTada TL 28. S^ . 
TIm impngDation of the oowt is the object of th« wkk 
IS The adjdreeted to ihe oows. . 

The hTBui li a gUnitotioiii psrtlj in mfitioil Isngnsgeb of the 
Ssorifioisl Goet. . 

1 Sim: IheTiotim; theCkMit. JUgiom 1/ tJU pfou^; ihe Tiotink 
SMrifioed to the QocU goat iminediAtely to heaten. So, of the sfuvi^ 
fioad Hone : * The Steed is ooomi uoto the ooblert mansion, it oomo 
unto hie father sod hii mother (HeeTon and EairthX Thia day ehall 
hs ^iproaoh the Qoda, moat welcome : then he deoUraa good gifts, 
to him who ofito" (9igTeda 1. 165. 13). TkMJUavm : of. A. Y. X71IL 
9. 46^ where three heaTana are mentioned, the loweat^ the btermedil^ 
and the thirl in which the I^^thera dweli 

f PrMCf ; tha SAri ia the prbo^ a(>ble^ or waalldix hooadiolder whok 
inatitatea the aaoiifioeand lewarda the efficiatfaig prieata; and the 
foatwheQaacrificadia tobethe prince who bringaa reward to the 
•MiiAper ia the^h^^ of bkaalnga fkom the CM to whom the oflbrinir 




'8 Wash from his feet all trace of evil-doing: fore^ 

knowing, with cleansed hooves let him go upward. 

,\' Gazing on many a spot, crossing the darkness, let 

. the Gh>at mount to the third heaveu above us. 
:4 Cutup this skin with the grey knife, Dissector! 
dividing joint from joint, and mangle nothing. 
^Do him no injury : limb by limb arrange him, and 
send him up to the third cope of heaven* . 
,6 With verse upon the fire I set the caldron : pour in 
the water ; lay him down within it I 
Encompass him with fire, ye Immolators. Cooked* 
let him reach the world where dwell the righteous. 

. 6 Hence come thou forth, vexed by no pain or torment. 
Mount to the third heaven from the heated vesseL - 
As fire out of the fire hast thou arisen. Conquer and 
win this lucid world of splendour, 

7 The Qoat is Agni : light they call him, saying that 

living man must give him to the Brahman. 
Given m this world by a devout believer, the Goat 
dispek and drives afar the darkness. ' --* 

8 Let the PafSchaudana Goat, about to visit the three 

lights, pass away in five divisiona' 

4 The oarcaae ia to be moat oarefully oat up sad the jointa neatly 
divided. 'Let not a greedy olumay Immolator, miaaiDg thejoUita» 
mangle thy limba unduly' (Eigveda L 163. 20). 

5 Wiihwene: reciting a f»eA, aaaored Terae or hymn of pimiae^ 
diatingi^ed frot^ th^ idman whioh ia aung or ohaatada and from tha 
f^ipu or aaoiifioial formula. 

6- Aijtn^ui qf4k$fln: or, As Agni out of fire. See atania •• 

7 The Choi ^ Agni: aomewhat aimilar ia the old SCoaadinaTianr 
belief that a viotim* ofiered to a god beoame ineoiporat^ in the god 
ai^d obti^^ a portiq^ of hia di^ip^ pcww- JjNAsiaa ; tha ohief 
prieat who direota the aaorifioe. 

8 PaHekavdana : ofiered with a firefold meaa, or five meaaea, of 
b<^ed ripe, or grain maahed and cooked with rnQk. Tkr0e UgkU: three 
luminouahearena. See atania 1. Jnfim dMdomt: one for each ocKma 
cr am« <i( boiled noe. fmrud : refining to the goati diTidied li^ iva; 

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TBRBJUm orx\ 


. t ;. Qo midst the piooa who have paid their worships aiidi 
.!> * parted, dwell on the third cope of heaven. ' 
9 Rise to that world, O Goat, where dwell the right- 
eous : pass, like a Sarabha veiled, all difficult places. 
' The Gk>at Pafichauditna, given to a Brahman, shall 
^th all fulness satisfy the giver. 

10 The Goat Paftchaudana, given to a Brahman, sets 

the bestower on the pitch of heaven, 
^''' In the third vault, third slcy, third ridge. One only 
Cow omniform art thou, that yields lall wishes^ 

11 That is the third light that is yours, y^ Fathers. He 

gives the Gwt Paftchaudana to the Brahman. 
Gi^en in this world by the devout believer, the Goat 

dispels and drives a&r the darkness. 
18 Seeking the world of jgood men who have worshipped, 

he gives the Goat Paflohaudana to the Brahman. 
Win thou this world as thy complete possession. 

Auspicious unto us be he, accepted I 
IS Truly the Goat sprang from the glow of Agni, in* 

spired as sage with all a sage's power. 
Sacrifice, fiUed, fiUed fuU, offered with Vasha^-this 

let the Gods arrange at proper seasons. 
14 Home-woven raiment let him give, and gold as 

guerdon to the priests. 
So he obtains completely all celestial and terrestrial 

worlds. ^ 

9f^M«Ma:piolMa>l7ioiii9UndQf de«r; SMordiiig.tQ llibtdhsm 
«B ^Ig^ilflgSed siiinuJ, a dsngsrovu «iienqr <>f the 1^ 

10 Ostf Mi^ Cw; tiM Oow of Plentj. 
' 11 I^UOMI^/tlis^higlMrtlieKTan. Saenotdoottonisl. A.*; 

19 A.-.thsasoriiloedgost. i«09tai; l)7the€kid. 

««4 ttffttm eM^0r*toiV^*W0tsd, scoq^ttdLt i:v:. .:.-: -or 




US 'Near to thee, Goat I approach these streams of Soma,' 
divine, distilling meath, bedecked with butter I 

-i' Stay thou the earth and sky and fix them firmly up 
on the seven-rayed pitch and height of heaven. 

,16 Unborn art thou, O Gk>at: to heaven thou goest- 
Through thee Angirases knew that radiant region. 
•P r So ma;y I know that holy world. : 

17 Convey our sacrifice to heaven, that it may reach the 
j... Gods, with that 

Whereby thou, Agni, bearest wealth in thousands, 
{) * and all precious things. 

18 The Goat Pafichaudana, when cooked, transporteth, 

J r : repelling Nirfiti, to the world df Svargail : 

By him may we win worlds which S4rya brightens., 

\ Id The droppings of the Odanas attending the Goat 
which I have lodged with priest or people-^ 
: May all this know us in the world of virtue, O Agni,: 
at the meeting of the pathways. 

20 This Unborn cleft apart in the bednning : his breast 

became the earth, his back was heaven, 
f His middle was the air, hisVsides the regions ; the. 
hollows of his belly formed both oceans. 

: 16 UnJbw% art tkau, OocU: the goat d^ is identified, mystiad- v 
Ij, with the Unborn Spirit (ajd\ and in sacrifioxAl hjmns the two 
meanings are sometimes difficult to distingoish. In ^Ugreda X. 16. 4, 
ii is not absolute!/ certain whether €|/ici{^) means 'goat' or 'uiboni 
(soul) ;' and in stansa 7 of this hymn the word which I have timns- 
Utedby.'CSoat'is^rendeiedbj 'unborn' in the St. Peteiabuig Dio ^ 
tionaiy. See Muir^s note, 0. S. Texts, y. p. 304. ; v; t; 

17 ira&lAal:' power understood. : *•» , / v v 

.18 2VaiK;>or<e<A; remores the saorifioer after death. 

•.19 jtfayatf <iU«ibioi9 Iff .'may the whole sacrifio^eren the partieles 
IftUen on the ground from the messes of boiled fics^ recognise us in ; 
heaTenasthaocjgiiiators.orperfonneraof the^ersinoiiy. V. &. :^ 

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2L His eyes were Truth and Right. The whole together 
was Tnith : Yir^ his head, and Faith his breathing. 
( This GhMtt Paflohaadaoa was indeed a saorifioe un- 

22 A boundless sacrifice he performs, he wins himself a 

boundless world 
Who gives the Gh>at Paflohaudana illumined with a 
primly fee. 

23 Let him not break the victim's bones, let him not 
,: suck the marrow out. .1 

Lot the man, taking him entire j heire, even here 
.: deposit him. 

24 This, even this is his true form : the man uniteth 

him therewith. . 

Pood, greatness, strength he brineeth him v^ho giveth: 
the Uoat Paflohaudana illumed with guerdon. 

25 The five'gold pieces, and the five new garments, and 

the five milch-kine yield bim all his wishes 
j . Who gives the Gk>at Paflohaudana illumined with a. - 
priestly fee. 

26 The five gold pieces are a light to light him, robes 

become armour to defend bis body ; 
He winneth Svarga as, his home who giveth the 
(}oat Paflohaudana iUumed with bounty. 

27 When she who hath been wedded ' finds a second 

husband afterward. 
The twain shall not be parted if they give the Gk>at 

S3 /tfiMMfiaflf •• enhanced in Tslus. ' ^ 

S5 GUi pieeei: mlm^} or gold necklets. theBO and the other 
lentioiied are the dahkit^d or hottorarinm beetowed on the 
bjtfaeinttitiitoroftheeaorifiee. ' : ; • ; ^^ - ' 

tl A meot^hmbmdi aflef the death of tfie firet : ' ^ ^ ' 

srjfjT 5.] 



28 One world with the re-wedded wife becomes the 
second husband's home 
V ^, Who gives the Goat Paflohaudana illumined with 
••?' the priestly feie. 

;'29 They who have given a cow who drops a calf each 
season, or an ox, 
. > : A coverlet, a robe, or gold, go to the loftiest sphere 
of heaven, 

80 Himself, the father and the son, tiie grandson, and 
the father's sire, 
Mother, wife, her who bore his babes, all the belovM 
ones I call. 

31 The man who knows tiie season named the Scorching 

— the Goat Paflohaudana is this scorching season— 
He lives himself, he verily bums up his hated rival's 
-;f fame, : » 

i Who gives the Goat Paflohaudana illumined with 

the priestly fee. 

32 The man who knows the season called the Working 

takes to himself the active fitme, his hated rival's 

active fame. 
The Goat Paflohaudana is this Working season, r 
He lives himself, etc. 

38 The man who knows the season called the Meeting 

takes to himself the gathering fis^me, his hated 

rival's gathering fame. 
T^e G^at Paflohaudana is this Meeting season. 
34 The man who knows the season called the Swelling 

takes to himself the swelling fame, his hated rival's 

swelling fis^me. 

28 OiMwor^: heaTcn after death. ?»t. . ". 

31 Tke Searching : naiddgka; ■ommer, the hot weather befoi^ the* 

A2 Tk4 WMdng: the cold weather. The other diTuiona'of the' 
year in staniaa 33—36 are probabljr fanciful and x»riahla -^: - ' ^ 

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TBS aruira of 

[BOOK I z. 

' . The Goal PafiohacidaQ4 is this Swelling seasoiu- > 

He lives himself, eta 
S5' The man who knbws the season .called the Rising 
takes to himself the rising fame, his hated rival's 
li 1 risingfame« . • 

The Goat Pa&ohaadana is this Rising season. • 
S6 The man who knows the season called Soipassiog^ 
' takes to himself the conquering fiime, his hated 
\<^^ rival's conan;ering'&me. ' j ' . ; ; I 

The (}oat Paflcbaadana is this CSoncjaering season. 
I «^ He livek himself, he verily barns up his hated rival's 

' ' fame ^ ^ - !-■ '^ j 

/, Who gives the (}oat Pafiohaadana illumined with a 
^ '. priestly fee.. / : . .-.^ i; . , - 

%t He cooks the Ooat and the five boiled rice' messes. 
May the^united Quarters,^ all accordant, and' in« 
r ly termediate poifats, accept him from thee. '" 

S8 May these .preserve him for thee. Here I offer to 
J/ «., these the molten. butter as oblation. 

' ' Whoso will know Prayer with immediate knowledge, 
whose members are the stuff, whose spine' the 


t ; J. 

'J .T 

9S Tkem: tbe Qnsiten of thd skj, with the iatonnediate points. 
• The hymn hM been timnriatad bj Lndwig,* Der mg?eda, III. p. 430. 

■ ♦ -. — — • • , • ' . ^ 

Tht hjmn is % glorifiostkm of the hospitable rebeption of guests, 
f^gudad ss klentiflsl wHh seorifioe offend to the CkMls. Stensu 8-^62 
mtvfaipitMe. '..:.*.■.- '■<..•• .-t -.-.-,.- 

ejsib Cbm to liee ; meehinjt here^ embodiM in practjoa Ct- ^kboiare ' 
estenie.^ Tkt9t^f: the material of whioh the ssored Tones an' 
conpossdl Tkunnn: fMoe; diehol/ Ysraesof pnjerandpnisein 
tbs fcoi fai whidi thqr hsfs been nreakd. 

BTUN a.] 



.., Whose hairs are psalms, whose heart is called the 
Yajus, whose coverlet is verily oblation— 

Verily when a host looks at his guests he looks at 
the place of sacrifice to the QtoAs. 4 When he salu- 
tes them reverently he undergoes preparation for a 
religious ceremony: when he calls for water, he 
solemnly brings sacrificial water. 5 The water that 
is solemnly brought at a sacrifice is this same water. 
6 The libation which they bring, the sacrificial victim 
dedicated to Agni and ooma which is tied to the 
post, that, verily, is this man. 7 When they arrange 
dwelling-rooms tliey arrange the sacred chamber and 
the shed for housing the Soma cars. 8 What they 
spread upon the floor is just Sacrificial Grass. 9 With 
the couch that the men bring, he wins for himself 
the world of Svarga. 10 The pillow-coverings that 
they bring are the green sticks that surround the 
sacrificial altar. 11 The ointment that they bring 
for inunction is just clarified liquid butter. 12 The 
food tboy bring before the general distribution 
represents the two sacrificial cakes of rice meaL 
13 When they call the man who prepares food they 
summon the preparer of oblation. 14 The grains of 
rice and barley that are selected are just filaments of 
the Soma plant 15 The pestle and mortar are 
really the stones of the Soma press. 1 6 The win* 
nowing'^basket is the filter, the chaff the Soma dregs. 

3 P^alwu: 9dm4tU; ohanted hjmns or songs. TJk Tqfu$: 
fieial text or f ora^ulft. The sense of the tvo stsnias is inmnplets 
«hoaid hear what folU>V9> or something fimUjur, maj b« vn4entoo^ 

a FwpamUamfir « reUgiom cawiumf: the initiatofj or pnpai*. 
toiy rite ealled Dikshi or Consecration. 7 Saertd tkamhai: Miu; 
IHerallj, seat (of the Oods); a shed erected in the < |» rig e is1 eonr^ or 
endoBore to the east of the PrftohhiavaAfa ehambei^ which has its 
fapp<Nrting beam turned towards the east Bwm^tan: li^t carts {» 
yg)^ tbi ijM^ ar^ brqo|^t to bo pie«eed. , 10 Qtm, ^f^th: whidk 

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the water the pressing-gear. 17 Spooo, ladle, fork, 
atirring-proDg are> the wooden Boma tubs; the 
earthen cooking-pots are the mortar-shaped Soma 
Tessels ; this earUi is just the black-antelope's skin. 
Or the host acts in this way to a Yajam&na's 
Br4hman : when he looks at the farnitare and uten- 
sils he says, More here I Yet more here. 19 When, 
he says, Bring out more, be lengthens his life thereby. 

20 He brings oblations : he makes the men sit down. 

21 As the guest of the seated company he himself 
oiTers up sacrifice. 22 With ladle, with hand, in life, 
at the sacrificial post^ with cry of^ Ladle 1 with ex- 
clamation of Vasha^ I 23 NoW these guests, as . 
priests beloved or not beloved, brins one to the world 
of Svarffa. 24 He who bath this knowledge should 
not eat hating, should not eat the food of one who 
hates him, nor of one who is doubtful, nor of one 
who is undecided. 25 This man whose food they eat 
hath all his wickedness blotted out 26 All that man*a 
sin whose food they do not eat remains unblotted out. 
27 The man who supplies food hatb always pressing 
atones adjusted, a wet Soma filter, well prepared 
religious rites, and mental power to complete the 
arranged sacrifice. 28 The arranged sacrifice of the 
man who offers food is a sacrifice to Praj&pati. 
29 The man who offers food follows the steps of 
Praj&ptiti. SO The fire' of the guests is the Ahava- 
Dlya, the fire in the dwelling is the O&rhapatya, that 
whereon they cook food is theSouthemSacrifioialFire.. 

serro as s . fenos to rastrici tbenageof the fire. 17 Wooden^ Soma 
Hk9: drwfokaiaf^ / kugs wtmeU thst reoeiT* and hold the Soma 
jalee as it flows from the pfws. Bi ii€ k H H U t! op^$ tkm : which k to be 
spieed oo the floor. 

' 18 7<i|^(NPitffui.* a wealth/ householder who institutes saorifioes and 
deftnsTS all the expenses. 22 LadUl...Vaaha\l : exolamationB-of.. 
the oAeiathig priest as he offinm the libation. 26 jS/oMm^ o«i< ; literal^ 
If^ bofBt upk 30 Ak99m^fat the eastern sacrificial firo. ff4tkaptpai 
ths honssholdei^s western sawed firs.. 'Bo^iUktms the Dakshi^AgnL ., 



- 1, 

BTUN 6.] 





'-V ♦ 


u. Now that man who eats before the guest eats up 
the sacrifice and the merit of the house. 82 He 
devours the milk and the sap : 38 And the vigour 
and prosperity : 34 And the progeny and the cattle : 
35 And the fame and reputation. 36 The man who 
eats before the guest eats up the glory and the un- 
derstanding of the house. 37 The mau should not 
eat before the guest who is a Brftliman versed in 
Jioly lore. 38 When the guest hath eaten he should 
eat. This is the rule for the animation of the sacri- 
fice and the preservation of its continuity. 89 Now 
the sweetest portion, the produce of the cow, milk, 
or flesh, that verily he should not eat 
. The man who having this knowledge pours out 
milk and oflfers it wins for himself as mudh thereby 
as he gains by the performance of a very successful 
Agnishtoma sacrifice. 41 The man who having this 
knowledge pours out clariBed butter and offers it wins 
.for himself thereby as much as he gnins by the per- 
formance of a very successful Atirfttra sacnfice. 

42 He who pours out mead and offers it wins for 
himself thereby as much as he gains by the perfor- 
niance of a very successful Sattrasadya sacrifice* 

43 He who having this knowledge besprinkles flesh 
and offers it wins for himself thereby as much as be 

fains by the performance of a very successful Twelve- 
)ay sacrifice. 44 The man who having this know- 
ledge pours out water and offers it obtams a resting- 
place for the procreation of living beings and becomes 

Z\ The mmt : of good works that will be rewarded in hearen. '• ^ 
40 AgniihKma: (pmise of Agni), a protracted eeremony, eiAoidhiJr 
over teferal days, and forming an essential part of the JyotoshfoBoa- 
which, oonsisUng of four or seven dmsions, is considered as the typ^ 
cM form of a whole dass of Soma ceremonies. 41 AUm^t an optt^ 
part of the Jyotishtoma^ sacrifice. 42 Satliramvifa : a long nmfio^ 
i»[crificial session, or Soma ceremony/ conducted by mw • cffieiatog 
priests, and U«ting, according to some authcntMS^ from thirteen to a 
hundied-dayi. See note on L 30. 4* ' i- 1 via j/vj?;^' t it ; .^-^.^ ti 

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fat sTutrs OF 




dear to living beings, even the man who having thia 
' ■ knowledge poors oot water and ofi^rs it. • 

ii For him Dawn tnurmnrs, and Savitar sings the 
* nrelude; Bphaspati ehants with Vigour, and Tvasfatar 
; joins in with inerease ; the Visve I>evA]^ Uke np the 
' cpndusion. He who hath this knowledge is the 
aUding-plaoe of welfare^ of progeny, and of cattle.. 
46 For him the rising San niarmurs, and Early 
Morning sings the prelude ; Noon chants the psalm, 
Afternoon joind in ; the setting Sun takes up the con- 
clusion. He who hath this knowledge is the abiding 
^aoe of welfare, of progeny, and of cajttle. 47 For 
him the Bain-doad murmurs when present, sings the 
. prelude when thundering, joins in when lightening, 
^ - diants the psalm when raining, and takes up the con- 
I erosioQ when it stayA the downpour. He who hath 
.tbia knowMge is the abiding^place of welfare, of 
' ' ]progeny, and of cattle. 48 He looks at the guests, 
Ae atters a gentle sound t he speaks, he sings the 
prelude; he calls for water, he chants the psalm ; he 
ofiera the residue of the sacrifice, he takes up the 
PDDoIosiom ^ 

W hen he summons the door-keeper he gives in- 
•troction. - 50 He (the door-keeper) pronounces the 
sacrificial formula in his answer to what he hears. 
SI When the attendanta with vessels in their hands, 
foreikiost and hindmost, come in, they are just the 
prieats who uutnage the Soma cups. 52 Not one of 


45 TU Gods tbeoMeWMfom k ohdir for thsltbsAj host, snd chant 
MrUasasoBgorpfain. • ihwm mmMMf $ ntten k low aouad, hitio>. - 
w giving thohfOTHMloor, the hyma. Smp$ 0$ pf€lfi4U : aeU 
- "~.^» «f pwcwiloF. Ckmtta: Mte m Udgitar. Mm in: aeU. 

jrtfc#^artWdaolth#T«riS. 48 Not onlj do ths CkNH Iho S«n in. 
^^ivenstsm, sodtho Bsia^ilsiid fom ths hosTt priottllj ehonu, 
lwSeadiboipitshkaotolhis i s pi i M n U s|Mctioi^olth6€tN)t^ 

iorpriMtsladMMfsoltlM.%iMekosisC.iri»ioirtha ' 

STJfJSr 7.] 



them is incompetent to saorifiee, S3 /Or if the host, 

' :• ; having offered food to his guest, goes up to the house, 

- . he virtually enters the bath of purification. 54 When 

^{4 he distributes food he distributes priestly foes; what 

..,^ . fae performs be asks as favour. 55 Hci, having been 

; , invited on earth, regales, invited, in that which wears 

1 , all various forms on earth. 56 lie, having been in* 

\., vited in air, regales, invited, in that whicl^ wears all 

. |! \ various forms in air. .57 BLe bavio^ been invited in 

%,.;the sky^ regales, invited, in that wbjch wears all vari- 

;, .."ous forms m the sky. 58 He, having been invited 

. ; , among the Gods, regales, invited, in that which wears 

. .,,, all various forms among the Gods. 59 He, having 

!. been invited in the worlds, r^ales, invited/ in that 

,^^ which wears all various forms in the ifiForlds. 60 He, 

il liaviog been invited, hath been invited. 61 He gains 

\ this world and the world yonder. 62 He who bath 

( this knowledge wins the luminous spheres. . 

!;.^' ' '■'' :' HYMN VII. .. ' \'- '/'. 

*PrajAfati and Parameshthin are the* two horns, 

- Indra is the head, Agni the forehead, Yama the joint 

of the neck. 2 King Soma is the hrain. Sky is the 

upper jaw. Earth is the lower jaw. 8 Lightning is 

' the tongue, the Maruts are the teeth, Bevail is the 

neck, iSe Kfittikls are the shoulders, the Ghanna is 

juioe is drank. 58 7VU htAh of pwrtfleaUom : the a^ahkfitka^ wator for 
the purifioatioB of the Morifieer and the Merifioiml ▼eesels at the con- 
cluBion of the oeremooy. 54 PritMUy fu* : ihkiki^d; memuDg origi- 
nally a good milek-oow, whioh in tlM earliest times mm tbi ssittl 

' . honoimriiim. >;t^^, .*»■■,•' 

The hymn, whieh is entirely prose,' is a glorifioatfpn of Hm "^ieal * 
Bull and Cow. , . , . . 

' 1 ParaMeikfkm ; Lofd Supreme. In X7. % StitaTsdas (AgsO is m 
called ; iH IX. 3. 11, the title is giTen to Prajipati. B JUvait : one of 
thibtniutrlUoMUyM.' Tke'KfiUu^ the Pldades (a liuoar IfansloiO 
penonified as the nurses of Skands or Kttinlb;^ tbs ,WarX3od| who jp . 

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TBt nrunaor 


;' 'the tboolder-bar.* 4 His oniyeree is VAyii.Svarga 
'^;' is bis world, KrisbQadram is tbe tendons and verte- 
^'' brae. 5 The Sjrena oeremony is the breast, Air is 
• ' the region of tbe belljr, BfibasiMiti is the bump, 
^2 Bfihatt tbe breast-bone and oartilages of the ribs. 
^- 6 The consorts of tbe Oods are tbe nbs, the attend- 
-J'lants are ribs. 7 Mitra«nd VaniQa are the shoulder-^ 
^^ blades, Tvasbtar and Aryaman the fore-arms, Mahft- 
deva is the arms. '■ 8 IndrAql is the binder parts, 
YAyn the tail, Pavamftna tbe hair. 9 Priestly rank 
and princely power are the bips, and strength is the 
^^ 'thigh. 10 DhAtar and Savitar are the two knee- 
bones, the Oandbarvas are the legs, the Apsarases 
^: are bits of the feet, Aditi is the hoovea 11 Thought 
is the heart, intelligence is the liver, law the pericar* 
dium. 12 Hunger is tbe belly, refreshing drink is the 
rectum, modntains are the inward parts. 13 Wrath 
is the kidneys, anger the testes, offspring the genera- 
tive organ. 14 The river is the womb, the Lords of 
the Bain are the breasts, the thunder is the udder. 
. 15 The All-embracing (Aditi) is the hide, the herbs 
are her hair, and the Lunitr Mansions her form. 
.; 16 The hosts of Oods are her entrails, men are her 
bowels, and demons her abdomen. 17 RAkshasas 
are the blood, the Other Folk are tbe contents of the 
stomach. 18 The rain-cloud is her fat, her resting- 

£Iace her marrow. 19 Sitting he is Agni, when he 
ath stood up he is the Asvins. 20 Standing east- 
walrds he is Indra, standing southwards, i ama. 

hfloos callad KIrfclikeya. 4 KrUkifodram : tho woni it uninteUigible. 

6 9M^^* * land of laLihs or Soma saerifioe lasting one day. 

7 Jiak4dtwa/ Great God, an appellation naually given to Rudim or oue 
of tfas Ooda ooonacted with him. In olaaaioJ Sanakrir, and at the 
nreaent time, the title k applied to Siva, ICahideo. 8 Indrdnt: the 
Consort of IndoL PovowdiMi.- the deified Soma juice. 10 Dhdiar: 
tho Ordahier. U The Cow is d6w the stibjeot of glorification. 
17 (Men Folk : a ettphemiiitio.exs^reMion for oertain beings considered 
to bs ^iilts olda^nesa Ct VIIL 10. 28. 19 The Ball is again the 
sobjeeC^ SUtmgt Agni as Saciifloal Fire being atatkmai/. %OIndta:l 




-^ 21 Standing westwards he is Dhitar, standing 

northwards Savitar. 22 When he hath got his grass 

: he is King Soma. 23 He is Mitra when he looks 

about him, and when he hath turned round he is joy. 

J ^24 When he is vokin^ he belongs to the All-Qpds, 

when yoked he is PraiApati, when unvoked he is AIL 

^.; 25 This verily is oroniform, wearing all forms, bovine- 

.. formed. 26 Upon him wait omniform beasts, wearing 

■^ every, shape, each one who hath this knowledge. . 

1"; . . HYMN VIIL;.., ", ';.-., f ; 

Each pidn and ache that racks the head, earache, 

and erysipelas, 
All malady that wrings thy brow we charm away with 
this our spelt 
^ From both thine ears, from parts thereof, thine ear- 

ache, and the throbbing pain,. 
] All malady that wrings thy brow we charm away with 

this our spelL , . v ' 

3 So that Consumption may depart forth from thine 
»' ears and from thy mouth. 
All malady that wrings thy brow we charm away with 
this our spelL .wU . : "i 

KflMdedasWaideroftheEast 95 iftlm: theaU-snrv^TingSiin. 

The kymn is a charm for the cure ol various dissaess and pains 
more or less oonnected, or supposed to be connected, with Consul^ 

1 Bty9ipda$: mlohUdh (dark-red, or purple) ; appatwittr « ^ 
ilanunatoiy dUsease attacking thd head; probiOAy eryslpelai. See Wise, 
Hindu SysteiA of Medidne, p. 270. , .,:•/.. . . . ' "! 

2 From parti tkertqf: ki^kMMy4; what these UiMass are is 
unknown. TkrMmgpam: or the disease tUt causss thrdhbing or 
i^iercing pains in tarious parti of ths bodyi' called oMlfOoi CLYL 
127. 1.' 

C-t.' ^"*/4I^ 

• h:k< vTi'i li. V '1: J -)';'■ 

-jniij." ' 

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-4 39ie' malady that midcea one xleaf, the maliuljr that 

' makes one blind, <> 

z^ . All malady that wrings thy brow we -eharin away ^ith 

this oar spell. 
xi The throbbing |>ain in all thy limbs that r^ndd thy 

frame with fever-throes, I 
^ / All malady that wrings thy brow we charm away with'* 

this our spell. t : >,. 

6 The malady whose awfcd 4ook makes a toaH "^iver 

with alarm, « / 

Eeyer whom every Antmnn brings, we charm away 
with this ont spelL . / I 

7 Disease that creeps aboat the thighs and, after, 

I'eaches both the gfCHns, 
. . Consamption from thine inward parts we charm £way 
with this />ar spell. 

8 If the disease originates from love, from hatred, from 

the heart, 
.^orth from the ^eart and from the limbs we chieurm 
the wasting malady. 
ft iThe yellow Jaundice from tliy limbs, and Colic from 
the parts within, 
And Phthisic itot^ thine inwl^rd soul we eharm away 
with this onr spell. 
10 Let wasting malady turn to dust, become the water 
of disease. 
. I have evoked the poison-taint of all Consumptions 
out of thee. , , 

4 Ih^f: prmmSiam^ ezpUuned in the St. Petenbiug Diotkniaiy as 
a dertim dieeMe, miitt be mi edjeotiTe like andhdm^ blind, and means 
ptobabl/ Either deaf, or dumb. See Zimmer^t note^ Altindlaches Lebcn, 

6 WkomtwmrpA nhn m hnmg$: malarial ferer begine to be preta- 
BeniiUtlie eommeneenierit of the Rain% and fiieqnentlj beeomee 
tpidemie when the Bains ats'overand the Autumn sun b^^ini to diy 
vp'tfae detweifti left hv tfteswoUen «iTe«p, tanki^ and inundationi. 



MYMS 84 

M{ Forth from the hollow let it run,-4Mid rombling sotlnda 

from thine inside. ^ ' J „ '^ '' 'L^^^^- 

,/ I have evoked the poison-taint of all Oonaomptiona 

out of thee. ' ^ '^'^ 

12 Forth from thy belly and thy tangs, forth from, tuy 

navel and thy heart - • •• '^ '^ . 

^ I have evoked the poisontaint of all Consumptions 

out of thee. * ' ' '^' 

18 The penetrating stabs of pain which rend aaund* 

crown and head, ' '' £L^!.A'^ii^om 

V . Let them depart and pass away, free fiom-distose 

and harming not. ' • -'; -^ ^^ ' 

14 The pangs that stab the heart and reiibh^ the breast- 

bone and connected parts, ''' ^ .. 

V Let them depart and ipass away, free from disease 

and harming not. v 

15 The Btabs -that penetrate the sides And i^ieroe tiheir 

way along the ribs, - j- 

Let them depart and pass away, free from disease 
and harming not. 
1'6 The penetrating pangs that pierce ' thy stomach as 

they shoot across, ^ i. j- 

, Let them depart *nd pass aWay, fi«)^ f^^ disease 

and harming not. 
ly ?rhe pains tliat through the bowels creep, disorder- 
inff the inward parts, r , ,^ ..• c 

Let them depart and pass away, frwfrom^sease 
and harming not 

18 The pains that suck the marrow out, and rend and 
' tear the bones apart, , kl. k^«. 

May they speed forth and pass away, free from 
tlisease and harming not. '• _ 

19 Consumptions widi their CoUc pains lirhicbm^^^ 

" limbs insensible— . ' , ' _ ... 

;l have evoked the pbison-kaint ;of all Consumption* 
out of thee. ... • r .-.r^ ''' '-' : 

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TBM BTiars OF 


^'^'o&Lr^'' •b«««e.,,heamatio ache, 

■ ^ ^"T* SS#"« "I*** thy beama hast chased away 


^■JIhT?? ^~*'**'" ''^ *!•!• Jo'^Jy Hotar. hoaiy with 

eld, la the. voracious Lightning. / wiw 

. The thifd is he whoee back is balmed with butter. 

jsr7i/iir 9.] 



2 J The seyen make the one-wheeled chariot ready-: 

bearing seven names the single Courser draws it. 

- *: The wheel, three-naved, is sound and undecaying: 

1 thereon these worlds of life are all dependent. 

8 The seven who on this seven-wheeled car are mounted 

have horses; seven in tale, who draw them onwutL 

> Seven sisters utter songs of praise together, in whom 

the Cows' seven names are held and treasured. 
4 Who hath beheld at birth the Primal Being, when 
She who hath no bone supports the bony? 
Where is the blood of earth, the life, the spirit? 
Who may approach the man who knows, to ask it? 

3 The S€9en : priests, according to Prof. Qnmimspn." Perlispt ths 
Mftnits are meant, who appear in Big? eda I. 6. 1 to be the h a mease r i 
of the bright red steed the Sun. ' In Eigreda VIIL 38. 0,' ^Ths 
Seven' are the MarutSi generallj repreeented se te?en times nine in 
number. Tke OMt^heeled chariot : the Sun. Sevtt^ ntnu$: perhi^ 
the teven rayt of Agni or the Sun. TArti-naved : with reference^ .* 
probably, to the three aeaeons, the hot weather, the rains, and the odd 
weather ; or to morning, noon, and CTening. On thii wheel of the 
Sun all living creatures depend. 

3 The H9€H : according to S&ya^a, the seven solar raya^ or th^ 
seven divisions of the year, solstice, season, month, fortnight, dajr, 
night, hour. The seven wheels of the chariot^ and the seven horses 
may also» according to Siya^a, be .solar rays. According to Dr. Haug^ 
the $i9m'WheeUd car is the Jyotishtoma saoriftoe with its seven divi- 
uons, and Prof. Ludwig thinks thai the six pairs of months and the 
intercalary month are me^int. Severn mtert; probably the seven 
celestial rivers, counterparts of the Seven Rivers of earth. Theses ai| 
emblems of fertility, may be said to bear Me namee o/ ike eeva^ .cow$^ 
that is, each may bo called a cow, symbolising the abundance which 
' tliey produce on earth. S^ya^a explains the eewm eieUre as the solar 
rays, or the six seasons and the year, or the six pairs of months with 
the intercalary month, and the feveit cot^s as the se^en notes of music . 
as employed in chanting the praises of the Sun^^ :'' * 

A Sfu who haih no bone: the boneless female, is probably Prakfiti be. 
Nature; the original source of the bony or substantia] eoe, that|^ 
material and visible worldJ Or Earth and Ifan may be intended.: .-;: a. 

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[fiOOK IX. 

6 Let him wbo knoweth preseotlv declare it. this loVely 
.- Bird 8 eeourelj-fouaded station. . • , 

, JPorth from his head the Cows draw miJk, and ^»«ar- 
iDghis Testorewith their foot have drunk the 
water. . 

C Unripe in mind, in spirit iindisoembff. I ask of these 
the Gods' established places. 
High np above the yearling Calf the sages, to form 
a web, their own seven threads have wov^n. 

7 Here, ignorant, I ask the wise who know it, as one 

who knows not, for the sake of knowledge, 
What is That One, who in the Unbom'i image hath 
stablished and fixed firm this world's six regions. 

8 The Mother gave the Sire his share of Order. With 

thought at first she wedded him in spirit 
She, coyly IcJth, was filled with dew prolific With 
adoration men approached to praise her. 

5 TkMl99df Btrtr$ Meeurdf-foimded ttatum : the p]«oe of the Sun, 
Md bow IM ttaikU in hmrea teoure although spparontly unsupported. 
n« Cmm .• ^ imys of the Sun whioh draw light and vivifyingpower 
ftnom hit head or oiown, and ivabeorb from earth the water whioh theV 
•end down m rain. ' 

« n^j^nrlimg Caffi pcohablj the Sun, in referenoe to his yeariy 
wnse. What the tevrn tkread$ are ie unoertain. SAjapa save they - 
\ the eef en forme or diTisions of a>Soma aaoriftce (the JyotiehtomaX 
or the aeren metree of the Veda. Prof. Ludwig thinlie that the g^enJ 
^••" "g ^ **»• •*"» »• : I (Ui# poet) oontent myself with asking in- 
• o m stMn wgarding the places or timoesofthe Ck)ds in our world: 
but the sages talk ahout matters which are beyond my power of com- 
pcMMWoiL According to Prof. Qrsssmann, ikg^iagu hero aro the wise 
Ge^ sad the $ewm Omuff aro the seven ysar^acrifioes of a sacrificial 

7 Imik4 UmhamUiwm^: fai the form of the Sun, the main type 
^md agent of geneimtioa, who as being the fint of created things is 
??T!!?*?*,!I* ^'* ?*• ^»^ **»• Creator. Cf. 'He (Agni), like the 
Uaboiq, hdds the broad earth up^ and with effeotiTe littevanoe fixed 
tbesl7'({UgrodaI.67. 3). ; ^ ,< ' 

Sn$ MMttrlSuitL f%i air$t HeSTcn. Qf Order j^ihMt H, 
te i^tmtw^ *«f Msmletil preduotioB ^ cMation* JkwprMfier 
ia tli e ' s h s p eellsrtflisii^roin* . \ 

BTMIf 9.] 



9 -^oked was the Mother to the boon Cow's car-pole: 
^ ' r in humid folds of clond the infant rested. 

Then the Calf lowed and looked upon the Mother, 
the C<>w who wears all shapes in three directions. 

10 Bearing three mothers and three fathers, single he 

stood erect : they never made him weary. 
On yonder heaven's high ridge they speak together 
in speech not known to all, themselves all-knowing. 

11 Upon the 6ve-spoked wheel revolving ever, whereon 

all creatures rest and are dependent. 
The axle, heavy-laden, is not heated : the nave from 
ancient time remains unheated. ' 

12 They call him in the farther half of heaven the Sire 

five-footed, of twelve forms, wealthy in watery 
' '•' store. 

These others, later still, say that he takes his stand 
I upon a seven-wheeled car, six-spoked, whose sight 
is dear. 

9 Yoked ua$ tk$ wkotker: Earth undertook the functions of the eow 
who supplies miliL lor saorifioial pnrposes. Tks itifinU : the jonng Snn. 
TMru dirteUom : hearen, mid-air, and earth. 

10 Tkm motken and tkrmfaUAer$ : the three earths and the three 
beaTons. The world is divided, into heaTen, skj or air, and SArth, and 
each of these^ again, is sometunes spoken cl as. threefold. GL* Now 
clear the triple region of the air' (Marlowe's Tamburiaine the 
Greati Aot I. Soene II. Part I.) i/«; the Sun. They: the Gods. J^^tai 
together: oonverM ahout the Sun, ssjs Siya^a. The reading of the 
Athanra-Toda hi the kst p&da is deddedlj better than that of the 
^igveda, * in speech all-knowing but not aU-impeUmg/ . 

11 Tkeflve-^foked wheel : the year with five seasons, elsewhere said 
to be six, or scfcn, in number. See stania 18. 

12 Fwe-fbaied: the five feet of the Sire or Sun are according to 
Siya^a, the five seasons, the dewj and the cold seasons being counted 
as one. The tieelve/erw^m the twelve months. l%e seven wheels aie 
said to be the- solar n^ and the six spokes of mc\. wheel art IJ^ mx 
seaeonsi Vasanta or &Hring^ OrtshmaorSummeTt Vaiehl^ortheRains^ 
Sarad or Autumn» Hemanta or "Vnuter, and oi^tm or the God or 
t>0^ySt^9ODf^Wkoe^$igk*i$elf9r: Instead of laeXiilvAirf^ qualifThig 
rMe^ tt^m^i tlie JgUgT^ hM vMsMMsftei ref effing is tke Sw.* rt* 

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It Formed with twelve spokes, too strong for age to 
weaken, this wheel of during Order rolls round 
* ' hesTen. 

Herein established, joined in pairs together, seven 
r hundred sons and twenty stand, O AgnL ; v 

14 The wheel revolves, unwasting. with its felly: ton 
>!• i7 *^ 7^^^ *o the far^tretching car-pole. ' - 
Girt by the region moves the eye of SArya, on whom 

;. dependent rest all living creatures. 

15 Thev told me these were males, though truly females. 

He who hath eyes sees this, the blind discerns not 
The son who is a ssge hath comprehended: who 
knows this rightly is his father's fether. 

16 OfUieoo-born the^ call the seventh single-bom : 

the six twin pairs are called the ^ishis, sons of 

Their good gifts sought of men are ranged in order 
due, and, various, form by form, move for their 
guiding Lord. 

14 Tm: piobablj the ten region* of space, tho lour oanlinid and 
tfca faw fatsfmedlae pointy vith tho imlth and the niM^ 
iM^ir, the finiiMDent between heaten and earth. 

16 TU9§MwutkmwertmaU$: Pitrf. Wilion obeerree: •This is 
s piece or grammatioal mjstieism; nifiiU; s ray of the son, hen per- 
•onified as a lemal^ Is propeily a noun masculine.' But this is just 
therereneoftheeiplaaatipothatisrequirad. Piof.Ofassmanasug* 
geets that the meaning may be that Night and Morning; both femi^ 
ntn^ have received the name of Day. TA^ ses wile tt a Mpe ; an m- 
teUigenteoo maybe called the parmt of an ignoimnt lather as beinz 
his superior hi knowledge. 

U n«co.^em: the six pairs of mouthy or six reasons of two 
Months each. The rim gUU m is the thirteenth and interaalaiy 
mootholthslanisolaryear: «tiiemoonor kter birth' (|«gveda I. 
2JJX »'*i^^*««dingto8lyapa,raiU^* here means ^^ 
w«p» iOM% but in whaS sense is nnceriala. Omdmg L^rdt their 




17 beneath the upper realm, above this lower, bearing 
;,,::; her Calf at foot, the Cow hath risen. / 

Whitherward, to what place hath she departed? 
Where doth she calve ? Not in this herd of cattle. 

18 Who, that the father of this Calf discemeth beneath 

the upper realm, above the lower. 
Showing himself a sage, may here declare him ? 
Whence hath the godlike spirit had its rising ? 

19 Those that come hitherward they call departing, 
. ; those that depart thev call directed hither. 

,, Whatever ye have made, Indra and Soma! steeds 
draw, as 'twere, yoked to the region's car-pole. 

20 Two Birds with fair wings, knit with bonds of firiend- 

ship, in the same sheltering tree haye found a 
' / refuse. 

One of the twain eats the sweet Fig-tree's berry : 
]w.: the other, eating not, regardeth only. 

21 The tree whereon the fine Birds eat the sweetness, 

where they all rest and procreate their offspring — 
Upon the top, they say, the fruit is luscious : none 
gaineth it who knoweth not the Father. 

17 Ushas or Dawn has risen ' between heaven and' earth, canying 
with her the young Sun her ofibpring. Wktrt dctk iks calt€ f : Where 
doee she bring forth the Sun I TkUkird afcoUU: the visible world 
wherein we live. 

. 18 Ushasisthe mother, but who can say who the father of the 
Sunisf Th€godl%k€9pini: \)i^S%m. 

19 This stansa refers to the planets which change their relatiTS 
position as they revolve. Indra is here the Sun, and Soma the Moon* 

30 Two BirJk with fair w%ng9: acoordina^ to Sftyapa, the vital and 
the Supreme Spirit dwelling in one body. The vital spirit enjoys the 
fruit or reward of actions while the Supreme Spirit is merely a passive^ 

21 In thisstanai the Jku Birds are perhaps the Fathers or SpiritSi^ 
of the Departed who enjoy in heaven.the reward of their actjons oa. 
earth. tromaU ikdr ig^prmg: see fUgveda Z. 64. IV jrhsra thSf 

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%% Where the fine birds bymn ceaselessly their portion 
of life eteroal, and the sacred synods. 

> There is the Universe's Guard and Keeper who^ wise 
hath entered into me the simple. 

How on the GAyatrl the GAyatrl was based ; how 
from the Trish$up they fashioDcd the Trislijup forth f 
^ How on the Jagatl was based the Jagatl— thw who 
know this have won themselves immortal life. 

Fathen are repreMoted sa the cause of the fruitfulnett of the mothen, 
Heayeo and Earth, who gWe birth to Gods and men. ^oiie gaineik it : 
this enjoyment in hearen is not obtained by meritorious actions only. 
Vat knowledge of the Father, the great Primal Cause of being, is also 
noMssary. S&ya^a explains ni;>«nj4^ *ha?ing beautiful wings,' «fine 
birds,' in this and the foUowing stansa itti 'smooth-gliding (raysV 
2%eir ofytring is, he says, the lights and tlu Father is the cheri^ing 
and protecting Sam Prof. Ludwig thinks that stansas 25—22 ai« 
or^nally unconnected fragments inserted together in this l^ymn 
merdy because Jthe word tHparmd^t^ (used, apparently, in rarious senses) 
bM a prominent place in each Terse. Supurmd^fi has been explained 
bj Tarioas sohoUis as two species of souls; rays of light; metras; 
^nits of th^ Dead; priests; Pay and Nigh(^; and the tree on which 
thay rest is the body ; the orb or region of the Sun ; the Sacrificial 
Post; the world ; the mythical World-Tree. A generally satisfactory 
fxplaaatioo of tha thrse stauias is hardly to be hoped for. 
, SS TkeJUu kirtU hers are perhaps the priests, and th4 Uniwen^^ 
QwatPi mtd K^^per may be. the deified Soma, the in^irer of the poet 

Hie hymiv which is a contbuation of Hymn IX., is tal^en, with 
^Biiatioo% transpositions, omisskxiSi and additionsi from ^tigveda I. 

1 FMLWilsoii, foUowing Slyaps^parsphmses this stanxa as folbws: 
^Tbey who know the station of Agni ^pon the earth; the stotion of 
\kju that was lubricated from the firmament, and that station of the - 
Son whioh is placed in heaTcn, obtain immortalily.* He obserres that 
tiie pvpori of the iphrMeology, borrowed from the sereral metm 
04 j^ l^rish^bh, and Jagatt, is not Teiy clear, and that it may be 
aierely an obscure and mystic reference to the text of the Veda, % 
knowledge of whiflhia essential to fine] felioily. The meaning seems to 
be that those w1^ ar^ thoroughly acquMnted with the appropriate re* *" 
''^'^tbat follow the doe employment of each of thesacfod metrea 

aruN la] 


2 ^ith G&yatii he measures out the praise'riBbDg, 
S4man with praise-song, triplet with the Trishttip, 
The triplet with the two or four-foot measure/ and 
with the syllable they form seven metres. 

"3 With Jagatt the flood in heaven he stablished, and 
saw the Sun in the Rathantara S&man. 
04yatrl hath, they say, three logs for burning : hence 
; it exoels in majesty and vigour. 

4 I invocate this Milch-cow good at milking, so thai 

the Milker, deft of hand, may milk her. 
May Savitar give goodliest stimulation. The. cal^bron 
is made hot : he will proclaim it. • 

5 She, Lady of all treasures, hath come hither, y^am* 

ing in spirit for her calf, and lowing. ^ ' \ 
May this Cow yield her milk for both the i^^ns, 
and may she prosper to our )iigh advl^ltage• 

% Tbe Giyatii metre consists of three pidas or diTisions, and thf 
84man or chanted hymn is generally composed of thre^ ficAot or Tersea 
of praise. Triplet : the word vdkd in the text is said to mean either 
tvo or three connected stanzas, that is, a short hymn. Two or fawr^ 
foot mewmre : consisting of two or four pAdas, divisions, or hemistichs. 
The meaning is not clear. With the tyUahle : they form the serea 
generic metres of the Veda with the syllable, which is the chief element 
of metre^ the Giyatrt consisting of eight syllables in a pAda, the 
Trish^up of eleren, and the Jagatt of twelre. 

3 With Jagatt: through the power of this metre. Fe: Uie Creator; 
Brahml, according to Siyapa. '2'he flood: the celestial ocean; the 
waten iiboye the lirmament. Kathantava : a name of Tarious SImana 
Three loge : the three p4das or divisions of the stanai being lanoifnll^ 
likened to pieces of fuel used for the sacrificial fire. 

4 The Milch-cow in this and the two following stanas may be tha 
Cow who supplies milk for the sacrifice. According to Siyapa, tha 
pow may be the rain-doud, her milk being the rain, and her nidlksar 

^'Viyu, UieQpd of Wind^ who causes it to flow. The cal^ Sftya^a says^ 
is the world longing for the rain to falL The ealUrok /in which the 
milk thai is to be offned as a libation is heated. ^•' 

' 6 Ladp o/all Treaturee: as supplying die milk used in the sacrifiq^ 
^hich brings presperity to Uie wordiipper. . The Aqmne: wh^ art 
especially werniipped witii tiie Q^iarma or iHi^ion of hot milk. ; ..-^H^ 

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'j6 The Cow hath lowed after her bliokiog youngliog : 
' she licks bis forehead as she lows, to form it 
.His mouth she fondly calls to her warm udder, and 
suckles him with milk while gently lowing. 

7 He also snorts, by whom encompassed round the Cow 

lows as she closely clings to him who eheds the rain. 
She with her shrilling cries hath humbled mortal^ 
men, and, turned to lightning, hath stripped off her 
covering robe. 

8 That which hath breath and life and speed and mo- 

tion lies firmly stabiished in the midst of houses. 
The living moves by powers of the departed : the 
immortal is the brotner of the mortal. 

9 The old hath waked the young Moon from his slum- 

ber, who runs his circling course with many round 
Behold the Ood's high wisdom in its greatness : he 
who died yesterday to-day is living. 
10 He who hath made him doth not comprehend him : 
. from him who saw him surely he is hidden. 

. 1 Et: pvobsbly Psijaojs, €ho Gol of the rain-oloud. Tk^ C<n»: 
the ekmd. To farm it : or, id order to low : * tie brOlt ihr Qebriill.'— 
OgMMnann. SkrUUny €rU$: the whiniiig lound tuppowd to be made 
hj li^toing. 

S The tubjeetof the first line it apparently Agni. Bjf powtr$: or, 
after the manner. Bndk$t ofi or; sharer of one dwelling with. LIt- 
ing man follows the steps of, or is supported by those who hare gone 
before, and tinallj enjoys a home with them in heaven. Prof. Wilson, 
following Siya^a, tran^tes the seoond line diiTerently : ' the life of . 
the mortal body, cognate with the mortal frsme^' endures immortal, 
(sustained) by (obsequial) ofibrings.' Tlie stanxa is Teiy obseure. 

/ 9 This stansa'is taken from ^igreda X. 66. 6. Siyaya explains it 
diffeientlr, making Indrs, identified with Time, the subject I follow 
PkoC Lodwig's inteipfetatioo whidi is simpler and more rationaL 
Jf4M|r vpimi kirn ; stars of . the asterisms uirough which the Moan 

, 10 lightnings vagarded as the immediate cause of rain, sppesrs to 
be the subject of the stansa. He springs from the bosom of his 
■ibtiher, the dood, with his oounUess oftpiing in the shape of fertilia* 
is^ iBitt4iops^ appears lor a moasent and then is lost to sight. , ^^Z 

STJiK 10.] 





He, yet enveloped in his mother's bosom, sduroe of 
;nuoh life, hath sunk into destruction. 

I saw the Herdsman, him who never stumbles, 
approaching by his pathways and departing. 
' He, clothed with gathered and diflfusive splendouWt 
within the worlds continually travels. 

12 Dyaus is our father, our begetter : kinship is here. 
• ' This great Earth is our kin and mother. 

Between the wide-spread world-halves is the birth- 
: place. The Father laid the Daughter's germ within it 
I bid thee tell me earth's extremest linait, about the 

Stallion's genial flow I ask thee; ,. 

I ask about the universe's centre, and toucping 

highest heaven where Speech abideth. ' . . 
The earth's most distant limit is this altar: this 

Soma is the Stallion's genial humour ; 
This sacrifice the universe's centre : this Brahman 
: . highest heaven where Speech abideth. 
15 What thing I truly am I know not clearly : myste- 
rious, fettered in my mind I wander. 
When the first-born of holy Law approached me, 
then of this Speech I first obtain a portion. 



11 2%« fTmfwMwi ; the Sun who sunreys and guards the worid. - • 

12 Dpmu: Heaven. WinU-halwu: Uterally two bowls or vesseU 
into which the Soma j nice is poured, or the upper and the lower board 
<rf Uie Soma press, and figuratirely an expression for hearenand earth.' 
The firmament or space between theee two is, as the region ol the run, 
the womb of aU beings. The Father is Djaus, and the DaughUr is 
Earth whose fertility depends upon the germ of rain laid in the firma- 

14 TkUalUr: as the place nearest to heaTon, the plsoe where Gods 
Tisit men. Soma : regarded as the principle of life atid fertility. 7U 
StaUum is Dyaus w FaUier HeaTcn who impregnates the douds and 
Esrth. Speech: personified as the Goddess VIk. - ^* 

^\6 TkoJinUom of My Lam: according to Slya^a. the fir^*om 
(perceptions) of the truth. ^ " ' * : ' 

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immoital born the brother of the mortal. 
V«MeIee8 they move in opposite direction.: men 
mark the one and fail to nVaik the other. 

17 Seven germe unripened yet are Heaven's pronCo 

Sdinani^"" **'**'" *^*^ maintain by Vwhnu'. 
Endued with wisdom through intelligence and thonjrliL 
preeent on every side they compaas ns aboat 

18 Upon what syllable of holy praise-hymn, as 'twere 

their highest heaven, the dods re^e them- 

hymn? But they who know it well sit here assembled 
1» They ordering the verse's foot by measure, with the 
half-verse arranged each thing that moveth. 
i-wyer was diffused in many forms three-footed : 
thereby the world's four regions have their being. 
20 Portumite mayst thou be with goodly pasture, and 
may we also be exceeding wealUiy.*^ "^uretana 
Feed on the grass, O Co»v, through all the seasons, 
and coming hitherward drink limpid water. 

-i*4J''!!^'*^^*W*^*"'^«' *•*•»• Sub to hlidaHT Miu>»f>»» 

jrri/iirio.] the atbarva-veda. m 

sr Forming the water-floods the Cow herself hath 

lowedt one-footed or two-footed or four-footed, she^ 

Who hath become eight-footed or acquired nine feet, 

the universe's thousand-syllabled PanktL From 

her descend in streams the seas of water* 

22 Dark the descent: the birds are goldeo-colourede 

Robed in the floods they fly aloft to heaven. 
A^ain from* Order's seat have they descended, and 
. inundated all the earth with fatness. 

23 The footless Maid precedeth footed creatures. Who 

marketh, Mitra v aruQa I this ^our doing ? 
The Babe unborn supporteth this world's burtheq^ 
supporteth Right and watcheth Wrong and False* 
hood. ^ ' ^ 

24 YiH^ is Speech/ and Earth, and Air^s mid-region. 

He is Praj&pati, and he is Mfityu. 

21 Tki Cfne Km-id/ hath towed: the gre&t rain-oloud, regarded as 
Vik, Speech or Sound, has thundered. SAya^a ezplaint omefooUd m 
■ounding from the oloud ; iwo-fooUd^ from cloud and eky $ famt-JooUd^ 
from the four cardinal points ; eight/oated^ from the four points and 
the four intermediate pomts ; the ninefeei being these eight and the 
senitlu The Rigreda has gfmrflh, female buffido, instead of gaiO^ cow. 
PtmkU ; a fivefold metre consisting of five p&das 6f eight syUables 
each, here representing the long roll of the thunder. 

22 Dark Ike d€»U9U : the rays of light descend into the darkness of 
^e earth when wrapped in night, and rise again to heaTcn with the 
moisture which they have absorbed to descend again in the for^l ql 
fertilising rain. See Ludwig. 

23 This stansa is taken, with an unimportant variant^ from flgrscU. 
I. 152. 3. Tke/0otU$$ Maid : Ushas or Dawn, who moves unsupported 
in the sky : Of. ' First, Indra Agnil hath this Maid come footless unto 
those with feet* (^tigyeda VL 59. 6). 2VU BaU UHb<Mrm.' the Sua- 

~ before his appearance in heaven. 

94 Vir^ ; see. A. V. VIIL 10. 1, note. Sddkya$ /'said by T&ska t^ 
be * Gods whose dwelling-place is the sky.' They 4le . named amon^ 
the minor divinities in the Amarskosha, and, as Wilson observes^- 
it would seem that in Siyapa's day the purport of the designation had 
become uncerUin.' See VK. S. 1 ; 79. 2 ; VIIl. 8. 12. . The stania is 
aol taken from the 9iS^«<ls* 

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He 18 the Lord Imperial of the SAdhyas. He rales 
- what is and what shall be hereafter. May he make 
me lord of what is and shall be. 
S5 I saw from far away the smoke of fuel with spires 

that rose on high o'er that beneath it 
' The heroes oooked and dressed the spotted bnllock. 
These were the castoms in the days aforetime. 
26 Three with long tresses show in ordered season. One 
of them sheareth when the year is ended. 
One with his powers the universe regardeth. Of 
one tbe sweep is seen, but not the figure. 
S7 Speech hath been measured out in fokir divisions : 
the Brfthmans who have wisdom comprehend them. 
Three, kept in close concealment, cause no motion. 
Of Speech men speak the fourth division only. 

28 They call him Indra, Mitra, Varaoa, Agni ; and he 
is heavenly nobly-winged QaratmAn. 
That which is One bardd call by many a title : they 
call It Agni, Yama, Mdtarisvan. 

25 n$ nuUse ^ffwl : arisiiig from burning oow-dung. Tkn k^roei :. 
the Gods. This is, periiapi, s figuntiTe detoription of the gathering 
cf the fmin-ckmds. 

86 The throe aro A^i who burne up the vegetetion, the ell-eeeing 
Son, and VAju the InTisible wind. , 

37 Tkrm might» apparontly, mean the throe Vedae ; but theee oan« 
not be aaid to be kq>t %m clom amceattMmt ThefimHk dtvitiam s ordi- 
sarjr knguage. See Wileon'i Translation of the ^igreda&nhitA for . 
SMHia'i ehOMiate eiplanation of the stansa aa interproted by the 
s^olan of hia time. 

98 Omnumdn': the oeleetial Bird ; the Son. All theee namee^ aaja ~ 
tibepoeti aro names of one and the same Divine Beings the One 
Suptsme Spirit under Tariout manifeetationa. 

The original ^igreda hymn eontaina five stanna more. A ywj full 
eommentaiyr— to whioh I am indebted for much faluable aaaiatanoe— 
will be foond hi VoL V. of Ladwig'a Der Rigveda, pp. 445—457. Tbe " 
^jmn hae been diaeuaied also by Dr. Haug» Sits. ber. der philoa. philol. 
aa«e d«r k. Uyer Akademie der WiaMnsohaften, bd. IL hef 1 5. 1876. 

x^ -iv0^v^ 

\:\-i:i-K'i\\W\\\^ '.*-'^^ 


.■ ,; , \y:.: vn-^n lin .not"! '^r,^ I 5- 


\^: ,1". ■ ^ ! ■: [. 

♦f\ L'C.*; 

r'-^.' .'' APPENDICES. . i j:r;! . ;^ui;r - 


■: ,J"l' 

lit IHDIX or Niin% wo- 

;oV/ "-'.ff* OMi r-,; 

l'r'''rr -H.^:;V/^ 

.'. .„^-' -■';■• ■•.■"•; 

1, Jl» 'J'"-^ 

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) • 

• i ^- . 


'' •':'r.x ■ '< .;• ,1 

L APPENDIX. -^7'> 


Book I, IL 8 — 6. 
.3 Paerpera (infantem) detegat : nos uienim aperimiUL 
Laza teipsaiOi puerpeta. To, parturieos t emitte 
earn non carni, ooh adipi, noo medullae adhaerentem. 

4 Desoendat viscosa plaoonta, oani comedeada placenta ; 

decidat placenta. 

5 Diffindo taum urinae dactum, diffindo vagioam, 

difBodo ingoina. Matrem natumque divide, pae* 
rum a pla^nta divide : decidat placenta. 

6 Sicut ventus, eicut mens, sicut alitee volant, sio, 

decern mensiuni puer, cum placenta desoende: 
deacendat placenta. 

Book IV. 4. 8—9. 
i Sicut tui surgentis (membrum virile) tanquam inflam* . 
matum palpitat, hoc iUiid tui ardentiua baec herba 

4 SuFsum (estote) herbarum vires, taurorum vigor. Tu, * 

Indra, corporis potens, virorum niasculum robur 
in hoc homine depone. 

5 Ros aquarum pritnigenitus atque arborum, Somae 

etiam frater es» vatum sacroram masculus vigor es. 

6 Hodie, Agnis I hodie Savitar I hodie dea Sarasvatis I 

hodie Brahmanaspatis I hujus &scinum velut ar« 
cum eztende. 

7 Velut nervum in arcu ego tuum fascinum extendo. 

Aggredere (mulierem) semper indefessus velut 
$ Quae sunt equi vires, muli,^ capri, arietis, atque 
tauriy-illas, corporis potensi in hoc homine depone. 

'3 Puirpera: «at%<f««d«)Ui94^fh»i thsrooiftf, tft'bfia^ oaa 

dMiring to bring forth ; a psrtoriont. 

« Of. 9igT«is y. 78. 8. 

The hjma htm lima tnmtUtedl^ Lndwig, Dcr Rigf«4s» IIL p. 478. 


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' — Book VL 72. 
I Sioot aniniis nig^r ad yolantaiem so extendit, Asara- 
rum arte magioa formas novas effioiens, sio fasoi- 
nam taum, partem oum parte, conjoootum, hie 
hymaas effioiat. 

;S Yelat penis (tayadams) quern ventus permagnum 

fecit, quanttts est onagri penis, tantus penis tuus 

inoresoat. • 

.Z Quantum est onagri membrum masoulinum, elephantii 
j asinique, quantum est fortis equi, tantus penis tuus 
• incresoat i j " 

^BooK VI. 101. ' ' 

1 .Tauram age^palpita, incresce et teipsum extends : 

per totum membrum incresoat penis ; hoc tu caede ' 

.3 Quo debilem stimulant, quo aegrum excitant (ho* 

mines), .hoc, O Brahmanaspatis, hujus penem in 
.. arcus modum extende. 
Z Velut nervum in arcu ego tuum fascinum extendo. 

Aggredere (mulierem) semper indefessus velut 


Book VL 188. 

4 Duas tuas venas, a Diis factas, in qttibus stat vigor 
ririlis, paxillo ligneo in testiculis ob istam muTie- 
rem tibi findo. 
. 5 Ut mulieres mattam (tegetem) facturae arundinem 
lapide findunt, sic fascinum tuum cum testiculis 
ob istam. mulierem findo. 

S TmiffadisaniM : tb# mMuoiDg of the word tdijfddarim in the text ie 
not diflooreiable. Onagri: pira99aUth; the animal called Paraario 
ii pfobabljt aa eoDJectured by von Both, the wild aaa or Onager found 
mt the bnnka of the Indue, and in former timee eren in Southern India. ' 
The aaimal ia mentiooed in ^igreda X. 86. 18, and again in Atharra- ^ 
.XX. 181. 81 :• 

' t Hm: thai i% by virtue of this oharm, or with thia drug. 
8 TW staaaa is ispeated fromjV. 4. 7. 



Book VII. 35. 

2 Hae quot tibi sunt venae atque arteriae harum om- 
nium OS tibi lapide occlusi. 

, 8 Uteri tui summain partem inferam facio : ne tibi 
soboles ne^ue filjus eveniat. Sterilem et infecun* 
dam te facio : lapidem tuum operimentum facio. 

Book VII. 90. 
8 Ut virga abeat et feminis innocua fiat, (virga) mem* 
bri bumidi, membri quod verberat penetratque, id 

3uod tentum est laxa, id quod sursum tentum est 
eorsum tende. 

Inmocua: inoffensiTe. ' Ceet pour dii4va^ le aeul ^eena poenble^ 
indiqu^ par I'eeprit du moroeau, et d'ailleuri la d^Tation par im fd 
(P. W.) n'explique paa la longue. Je oonjeoture un oompoe^ k eoup 
aftr rteent et trta ezceptionel (maia aosti eat^M un iwaQ lait anr 
dodyali *' il devore,'' of. le rapport €/t^ii: ackodk (1' aooentuatioa 
importe peu pour une formation ausei hytt^rog^ne et arbitimire). 
L'aaaimilation du membre viril k une b^ f^rooe qui aaaaille lea feni> 
j.moa eat- drtoua lea tempa et de toua lea lieuz.'— M. Viotor Henij, 
whoee veruon of the obe<nire ataaia I have put into the Latin abova. 

ii i;'i!X. 

.1 \: ,A. 

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'» \- 

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Hymv. ^am^ 

1 . A prayer to Vlohaspatt fordirina fllaminatkNH ajid litlp. 1 

S A oharmi^Dst dysentery •-' - 8 

S A charm against oonttipation and suppreetioii of viiiie..* i 

4 To the WateiSi for the prosperity of cattle ... ... 6 

5 To the Waters, for strength and power •^ ••• 7 

6 To the Waters, for health and wealth ... .- 8 

7 To Indra and Agni, for the detection and destmctioo of 

evil spirits ... ... ... ., - .. 9 

< 8 To Indra, Srihaspati« Soma, and Agni, for the dsstrnotioQ 

of sorcerers ••• ... •.. m. ^ .m •11 

^ 9 Benediction on a King at his inaaguxatioQ ••• ••• IS 

10 Absolution of a sinner after intercession with Vanma ... 18 

11 A charm to be need at chili-birth ••• ... ••• 14 
-12 A prayer to Lightning, against ferer, headache, and cough. 16 

•IS .A prayer to Lightning, for happiness ••• ••• 16 

14^ A woman's incantation against a riral ••• •.• 17 

15 A prayer for the prosperi^of an institutor of sacrifice. 19 

16 A prayer and charm against demons ... ... 80 

17 A churm to be used at Tenesection.... . ... ... 81 

' 18 A charm to avert evil spirits of misfortune and to seonie 

prosperity ... ••• ... .»• ..• 88 
19 A prayer for protection from arrows and for thepunish- 

ment of enemies ... ••• ... ... 88 

80 A prayer to Soma, the Maruts, Mitc% and Varupay lor 

protection ..• ••• ..• ••• ... 84 

81 A prayer to Indra for protectkm •#• •.• .^ 88 
83 A charm against jaundice... ... ... •;• 86 

88 A charm against leprosy ... ... ... ... 87 

' 84 A charm against lepro^ ... ••• ••• . . ... 88 

35 A prayjBr to Fever, as a charm agafaist his a^acks ..« 89 

• 36 A prayer for protection, guidance^ and pros^rity 4m ^ 81 

37 A dumm to obtain invisibility ... ... .... 88 

'88 AprayertoAgnilorthedestructioiiof evil spirits ... 88 

' 39 Acharmtosecuie the vuprsmacyof a detbix)|ied SiuSi 88 

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; SO 
: 31 

' 36 

nnnac or htmms. 


A beoediotioii on a King at Ins oonMomtion ...r ' ,.. 
A pimjer for protection and geneiml prosperity '^ • 
In prAiM of Hearen and Eartli .». 
To the Waten, for health and happineaa ..*>.;. 
A joong man'a lot oKsharm ... ... 

A charm to ensure long life and gloiy to the wearer of 
an amulet ... 


f { 


♦ 6 

« 8 


' 10 


r. 13 


; 1* 









. 36 

. 27 




BOOK II. . • , 
Cnorificatioo of the Prime CauM of all things... 
A charm to ensure success in gambling ^ . .'^ 
A waterHNire charm ..i ..; ;« 

A charm to ensOra health and piosperit^lbT- 

amulet ..\ .... ^ . 

InTitation to^ and prkise of Indra ... 

A ptajer to Agm for pWeotion .... .., . ., 

A counte^charm against ih^preoation and malignity' /, 
A charm ag^nst hereditary disease (iU*«lr#^) ' ... 
A duurm to cure dangerous disease < ... ■'. ,., 
Absdutimi and benediction ,. .. ; .*' 
Counter^^harm, with an amulet^ against an enem/s spells. 
A prs/er for ? engennce on a malicious riyal worshipper. ' 
A youth's InTsstiture ceremony (^widfiam) ... ^,. 

A dftarm to banish Tcrmin and noxious creatures ' 

A chani against fear ... ... .,. * ^ ^.. 

A prayer for general protection ... .../,., 

A prayer to an amulet for health and straigth'' ;,. 
A charm against enemies, goblins,^and other eril aeatuivs. 
Aprsyerto Agni for aid against an enemyv .4...^ .'.. 
Bepetitions of 19, but addressed to V4yu> 
. Chandra, and the Waters instead of Agni 
A diarm against the magic arte of fiends W.- 
A charm against fiends who cause abortion . ..i 
A benedicticn on homeward coming cattle • .•• t 
A dftarm against an opponent in debate ;.r> uv 
A prsyer for a U^s long and happy life w* , 
A benediction en a sick man , ..•..,, Z^.., 
A man's ]p7»charm ... ^, 

A charm sgainst .all sorte of .worms 






^ 51 











;.. I ^ 

If J*. 

wl , JL. 






tofih iii;\ 






. '76 


♦ .\32 ..A charm against worms or bote in cows .-^.u " »- ^* ■^. 
Mir .38 ..A charm against Consumption {paMwui), i V... m, - ••• 

;, 34 .A prayer accompanying an animal sacrifice *.. " >'i v« , 
^ ! , 35 Expiation for an imperfectly performed sacrifice . i.. 

,- 36 A charm to secure a husband for a marriageable gid «•• 

- ^ "^ - • '^ ■ ■- • BOOK-Iil.' ■ •■ "■ ''■-■"^^ • 

^^^'^ 1 A prayer or charm for the defeat and destruction of 
enemies in battle .••' <- ••• ••• 

\ : 2 :A rifaedmeHio or recension of 1 • .. • i .**• '" [u 

* 'J : 3 A charm for the restoration of an expelled King -. .i i.. 
J- V 4 A benediction at the election of a King • ... - ^ ^ ^. 

5 , A King's address tO;an amulet, which is to strengthvn hia 
^^^ authority ...... ... . .... * ••i * 

%, 6 Address to an amulet which is to' secure the defeatol 

•-;> the wearer's enemies .*. .;.;•*.. i- <• . *•• 

: ;i^ 7 A charm with an amulet of buck-horn .to driTC: away 

',\ .,. hereditary disease •' t ' >*.. .- : ••• 

M '. 8 . A charm to secure the submission, lore^ and fidelity* of 
a], . . kinsmen ... ... ;.«k'»' > • j^-^Mi.'i^-ii..* 

'-,, 9 Acharmagainstrheumati8m(eiiWwiiitttt) .... 7v.ur:.^ 

10 A New Year prayer *•• - ••• - '.i.v. :••• 

; 1 1 A charm for the recovery of a dangerously ilck man ... 
- 13 A benediction on a newlybuilt house ' *.. .»:■ ^ ••• 
18 . A benediction on a newly cut water channel ? .i-i :i ..i. 
• ) 1 4 .A benediction on a cattle pen . » .1. m •: -. ;;. vj ^ r. v . •.. 
' 15 A mexY^hant's prayer for success in his business . ' > u .^ 
: 16 -A ^tishi's morning prayer .. > **• ^ ••• 

17 A farmer's song and prayer to speed the plough- * i . *^ 
' 18 A jealous wife's inoantetion against a rival ' ^ ' • i*. 
' 19 A Verification of the office of a King's household priest. 
V 20 A prayer for riches and general prosperity w. . ir ^ ... 
* 21 In honour of fixe in all shapes, to appease Agni of the T^ 
** fimeralpileand to quench the flames of cremation. 113 

22 The taming snd training of an elephant for a King to 
-<i '.• rideon ^' '• ^ '..;•■• ;^' "wi "•»•**:.."" "•'''w^ Ml6 
' ''23 Acharm to remorea woman's* sterility, and to assure'" 
>f .. the birth of boys i.. ••••* • ^ >4»# ^ ^-^ ••- il6 

%i .Asongefharrest .v. ^.;^v '-•'/' W'-'^^^ W. jn^'.'J'#;». IIT 






'■ 91 












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mwt OP HTMIIt. 

[Book IV. 

^\S5 AuMi'ilofe-duurm ••• ••» ••• •«• - 119 

- ft i A ohum to win tlie IftTOor of all aerpenta ».# ••• 120 

^ 87 AohannoonrignlngMioneiny tothoieipento farfmoiib* 








^ 4 




▲ oharmtoohMigo tlie iU-ooMiied birth of twin otltat 
into ft Mewing ••• ••• ••• ••• 

On tho meftnt to obtain inununitgr fcom ttxfttioii in tbo 
next worid ••• ••• ••• i ••• ^ ••; 

A ohtnn to aeeim Vuro ftnd oonoord in ft lunfl/ . /,.• 

A ohftnn for tbo reooreiy of )pne dftngeroml/ ill . . .,••• 

BOOK IV. . , i 
CkMmogonloftl ftnd m jBtioo-thaologleftl doetrinii ' ••• 
To Tbo Unknown God ••• ••• ••• ••• 

A ehftnn agftinet tigan, wolTaa, thiaraa, and olhar 

noiioiia aioaturaa ••• t** ••• 

A^abann to foatofa Tiiila powaF ••• ••• 

A lorar'a daap-obftnn ••• ••• ••• 

A abann to mftka ft poiaonad anow bannleaa 
A tobftnh iiy xoako ft poiaonoua plant innoonoua 
A banodiotion ftt tba oonaaoration of ft King *.. 

• A oharm addreaaad to ft praoioua obtmant for aafat^ ftod 
waaitu ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 

A ehftnn aoeomponjing inveatitura with ftn ftmulet of abelL 142 
•A glorifleation of the aaorifiaiftl Obftnnft or milk-oaldiob, 144 
A ebann to mend ft broken bona ••« * ••• ••• 

A obftnn to reatora ft aiok man to health ••, . ••• 
Aooompftnying the aaorifioa of i he-goftt ... »•• 

A ebann to baaten the ooming of the Bftina »•• 

On the omni pr eaa n ee ftnd omniadenoe of Yftrnp^ ,«• 
A ehftnn to aeoure freedom from Tftrlona avib 
A eoonter-oharm ftgftinat tba ineantfttiona of enemlea ,.. 
A oonnter-obarm ftnd ebarm to aeoure general pn»teotiOD« 
A ehftnn lo^ tba ftoqniaition of anpertmmft^ powera of 
aight ttt ••• •«• f9 *•• 

Glorifteation and benediotioQ of Oowa #•• . . •#• 

AbanadlationonftnowljooneaoffktadKing ••• . t*« 
Magnifieatinn of Agni and prpiyer for hie prptMioD ... 
Ahjmnjof pnij«rjai»dprftiaf.^Indr%_ .^ _,.. 


; 126 

i • 






;J8ooit v.] 

iKDix or HT¥lia. 


: 26 

. 27 



' 84 


•. 86 


, 88 


1 40 

♦I . 

:- '• 1 


• 3 

.' 4 



, ■ 7, 


i H 
; 18 
. 14 
. 16 

. ; n 

. Paoi. 




AbymnofptftyarftndpfftiaatoViriiandSftTltar .-.. 
A hymn to HeftTen ftnd Earth ••• ••• ^ ^^ •^ 

A hymn to the Mftnita ... ••• '..••.—• 

A hymn to Bhft^ft ftnd Sarvft ••• ••• ••• 

AhymntoMitrA-VftraQft... - — ••• ''•^ 

A glorifieftUon of VIk or Speech ..* — -- ••• 

A hymn to Manya or Wmth •- — "•^ 

AbymntoManyu ... — ••• 

A pnyer to Agni for protection and pruaperity 
Glorification of the Tiabttrl aaorifioa ... -. 

Magnification of the Odanft or oblfttion of mflk and riot. 

A charm agftuiat fienda, bumftn enemiea, ftnd other peata. 
A chftrm agftinat Gandbftrraa ftnd Apaaraaaa 
A obftrm f or aucceaa in gftmblmg ... •*• ^ >•• 

A p»yer to wioua deitlea for health, woalth, ftnd 
proaperit^ ... ••• ?- . ... . _ s.^ 

A obftrm agftinat ritalwor^ppara...^^ . - •- .,, i— 

BOOK V. r :* » 

A glorification of TriU ftnd Vftrupft -i- . — 

A glorification of Indra ... •.. "'*^ , *^ 

Apmyer to Agni, Indrm, ftnd other daitiea tor Tietoty 

ftnd proaperi^ .•• ••• '- ' * *•* 

A chftrm agftinat feTcr ftnd other ftilmenta •^ ^^ ••• 

A chftrm to mend ft broken bone •.. m.' • •- 

A pmyer for protection ftnd proaperity ^.. ••• 

. A chftrm to deprecftte Arilti or Mftlignit^ ... ^.- 

A ehftnn for the discomfiture ftnd deatruotion of hoatilo 

prieeU ... ••• " — ••• ,_"••* ^t 

AprayertoHeftTenftndEftrthfdrprotecticnftndaaaiatMCO. 201 

A ptftywr to tho pwaiding daitiea of the four qnftrtew lor ' 

protection ... .- •*• ••• *** 

A dialogue between Athftrrftn and yftm^ft -. 

An AprtorPropitifttoiyPymn .... .••• : ! '^^••* 

A chftrm agftinat anakea ... ••• . »/f* ^ '•^ 

A chftrm agftinat witchcraft ^ ••• * ••• • ••• 

A chftrm for geneinal proapwrtty ^. 

A ehann for the faioreaaa of cattle ... ' •'•_. ''••* 

The ftbduction ftnd mtoTfttion^ ft ltott«MiSi ▼» •- 




' 193 







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» i28 

i; 29 

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- 226. 




"*" 7 

•' 8 

/•'. 9 

' 10 
^' 18 
•' 16 
= M7- 
* 19 

: :jl.. 

Tlw wiektdneis of opprming and lobbing BrlhmAiw .. 
31i6 wiokadiMM of fobbing or inmUting BdUuMM 
AliyiMi4oUi#WMsdniitatai6ouwYiotoiy ...^ \.. 
A hjmn-to the WMvdnim and Tariont doitiMforTietofy 

.Aoham«g»instl^Tor ... / 

A ehwm against pmaitio worms ... ... ' \.. 

A charm-toftualitato conception .,. ...^ "- ... 

AbyanoflnTitationtothcGodi ... ..; 

•AnAprtorlVopitiatoiyHyinn \.. ... 

A Cham to ensuw gcnand piotcction aikl pi^^periiy ^ „^ 
A charm for the deetroctlon of malignant goblina 
• A Cham to restore life and health ... 
A countMNdiam against the incantatioM of an eiieinj 

* "book VL 

In praise ^fSsTitar ... ..; ' _ 


A prayer to Tarious deities for protection and piosperitj. 
A prayer to Tarious deities for protection ... 
A prayer to Agni and Indra for the well-being of a 
V'i^^V^*^ ... ^ ... ^,. 

A prayer to Brshmapaspati for protection firam wicked men. 247 
A prayer to Soma and other Qods for help and piote^ion. 248 
A manVbve-cham 

A man's bTe-charm 

A thanksgiying for life, hearings and s^t ... 

Anfpithalamian charm to ensure the birth of «bcj 

A charm against Tenomotts serpents \ ... 

Homage to Deatii ... ..' V ... 

A charm agftinst ConsomptkNi 

A charm for powerand preeminence 

Amedicinalcharm ... * *.. •••..*. 

Acharm'toensnreconceptioa ... •...'' 

A charm 4o banish jealovuty- «•• ••• 

A pmyer ^or puri6caticn ..; 

A chaim against ferer ... 

A ciiarm to strengthen hair and promote its growth 

l^llieifmts'cNrStorm^klds ' ■ J.-- ' ..; 









' ^253 . 


1256 — 


ortak OP snoia. 



^ 23 

,v 24 

: 26 

V ,27 

•^ -28. 
. 29 



- 32 



' 85 

• 86 



' 39 















To the Waters ..« ^ ••• - ;••• ' ••• ••• . ^^'^ 

TothelUvers .#. ...»•• — ' ... i ... >W 

A charm to rmnotopostnlec or Mtdnloaa swoDingi 

.. (apaohitas) .... ••• . •••' " *•• ' ••• *^ 

To Affliction ... ... — ••• * ••• ^^ 

A Cham to avert misfortune foreshown by tho coming 

ofa4o¥e ..• ... , ••• ;••• ... ^60 

The same ... •• ••• •.. . ••• '*wi 

A Cham to avert misfortune foreshown by tho coming 

of 4 dove and an owl ... ..• ••• ••• **1 

A charm to promote the growth of hair ... •.. 261 

To SArya tlie Sun-Ck)d ... ••• ••• > '- '•- ^^* 

A charm against fiends and goblins . V ••• ^, ... 262^ 

A prayer to Indra for riches ... ••• ^ •^ ^^ 

A prayer to Agni for protection from enemies * ... 268 

To Agni Vaifvlnara ... ••. .••*.,,,. , /** . *^ 

In praise of Agni Vai^vlnara •• ?•• . - . ••• ^^ 

A charm to divert Imprecation personified — //.<>•* ^^ 

A pmyer for surpassing strength and energy ' ^ ,.. ] 265 

A priestfs prayer lor po>wer and j^lory , ... / v» .265 

A prayer for peace and security ••• ' _ ... , ••• ^86 

A prayer for protection, long life, and various blessings. ^266 

A charm to reconcile estranged friends , ^ •^. , v, T* ^^'^ 

The same •- m. •••. _ .,•••. . • ^» ,2^^ . 

A charm to remove disease ... ... ! ^ ^* ^^ 

A prayer for preservation from mental sin and ova . 

promptings... . ... -^ .•••,,.. ., •'• ^^^ 

A charm against evil dreams •'- «•* — ^ ... .269 

To accompany the three daily libations ' ••• ~ *.. 270 

Formulas to be used^ at the three daily libations " ! p. JI7I 

In praise of Agni ... , -*• / *.**.- *** > 273 

A charm for the destruction of vermin.'^ .- ' '^/\*f ^72 

A prayer for purification and forgiveness of siii4 / '^ ' .'•• 278 

A charm against nodous reptiles and Ittseots * . ' ' ••» 278 

A prayer for recovery and pMervationof^liealUi^and ; 

• • security ... * .*• ••^ ... •••.,,, 7* ^^ 

A benediction on a tiewjy ^tpUd King * :.. ^;^ ^ ; U. 575 

A prayef'foif general protection and prosperity ;^^^^ 275 

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i M' 

• .W 

• 70 

. 7S 



. 7« 


; 78 
: 7» 
; 80 




niMk or mum. 



i' • 



Aoharmfgfeltiiitiiuikef .M . .., \U 

A€liMniiforaw<M|ndorbniite .•• ... 

Apriett'tpimjerlorpowarAiMlglofjr .., /** 

A ohftim to protMt.imtUa and mm 
Thewooingola brido ... 

A pmjw for prosperify mad giwtaeM 

ApimjarforpiirifioationMidridm .^ .. 

The»3riiib<aioUlibei»lioooiasMrifioMiIv^ .,. 

1V> pmBoto iiiiMMiiiit7 in Ml Membl/ 

A Morififlial ohMm agiMiMt MiemiM 

A ohftim for tU dMtniotion Mid plimder o# cpoM 
iBowne ... .., .^ ^ ^J^ ^^ 

A oliMm to aooompMiy the ifaaTiiig o# the beaid^ 
A^ri«8tr»pimj«rforpow6rMidgioiy : 
AbmdictioiioQoowMidoalf ... ... .,] 

A priMt'tbeMdIocaoo After meat ... 
A obArm te rattore or iDoreM» viiile po«rer (Appendix) 
A Khig'e €baam to onnoiliare hie diaoonteiited t{«t'f p. 
AKing'eohArmtoaeoiirethe6delifyofhiape(raiIe ... 
AohMrmtoeflfeottheiemotelrfMieiiemy ... .J 

A l yn edietio p oo e Dew4xMii Kehetrija ohild ..7 

A eh^ to bring the eettle home ... .^ ''** 

Ai^ttptialbeiiediotioo ^ .,. ,,, 2 

A ptajr^r for eeeeooeble iMO end pix)^^ ... 

A prayer for help end proteotiob •.. . ... ' ... 

AehMnitofoeiliteteohUd-birth ... 
Adien^towftiabride ..." ... ' _ [" 

A ehatlilligainet earn end piwtalee (apaoiiitae) 
A cheiitl'td aooompaoj the qrmboliea) looaing of aanifr* 
eiel^iotime... .^ ... V ... 

A charm Againet GoneamptioQ i.. 

A gloriAealiao of a newlj eooeeonited Kii« ..« 
Abeoedie y etiaddieieedtoapewHyeleetedgfog .,. 

Aman^lOfielanD ... ^ „, .,.; J 

A charm to eiM a poiaoiied man *^ 


. 276 

► '276 












284 i 


















294 ~ 


to a^Migtheii and hMpiiit a war-hone . .^'Mft 




93 A prayer for proteetSon from poieon ••• ". ••• 

94 A chann to reconcile a King'e diaoontented people ' ... 
'^ 95 A chann to remove dieeaee ••• ••• . v* 

'^ 96 A prayer for deliVerance firom ein and sorrow ... 

^^7 AprayerforthesacoeeeandproeperitjofaKinig •.. 

'98 Praise of Cndra... •.. ••• .,•»•' ••• 

^ 99 A prayer for protection in battle •». •- / - •*' 

loo A charm against poison ••• ... ••» ••• 

.101 A charm to promote Tirile rigonr (Appendix) •*• 

lO'i A man's loye-chann ... ..- ' — 

103 A charm to check the i^^roach ofa hoetilie army ^ j:.. 

104 Thesame ... — ?*• .,,./•'. .*' — 
f 106 A charm to cure congh ..• ..• ^ ^ •-, .: . — 
' 196 A charm to protect a hbnse fixmi fire * *** "^ ' ••• 

107 A charm to protect men and cattle . *•• 

• 108 A prayer for wisdom , ^^ ..-. — f 

109 A charm to heal punctured wounds .«• 

110 A benediction on a new-bom child .M ».»••«• 

111 A charm for insanity ... , ...^ .— . — 

112 A healthrcharm for man, woman, and soik •.«. 

113 A charm to banish the fiend Grftht... .... • ^. 

•114 A pi»yer for pardon of faulta and errors in sacrifidnr ../ 

113 A prayer for foigiyenesa of sins ... ... *^ 

116 A prayer for pardon^d sin against mother, lather; eon,. 

or brother ... . ••• . ... ; ..♦ . ••• 

117 A prayer for freedom horn. debt ... ^^ •«. 

118 A prayer for pardon of cheating at play 

119 A prayer for release from debts incurred without inten- 

tiozLof payment ••• ••» ••• *•• 

\l20 A prayer for pardon of sins and felicity hereafter . , -« 

121 A prayer for happiness in heavea .... .' ..... *•• 

122 Thesame ••• . ••■ / .'m.. *.*. . ; ••• 
' 123 Thesame ..< *** ••• ••: t : *** 

124 AnOmen.flromthes&y .;.. . ••• ; '-^ . /. **• 

125 Glorification of a war^hariot .... ...•.M / •*. 

126 Olorificajfidnof the-war^bnom .... . ^ . ..^ . . ;.. 
' 127 A charm to banish yarious dipeases .• ».. 

128 A charm for lair weather ..▲''. .^^ ' •... • <^ 





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< - 131 

: 133 

.: 135 

^ 136 

^ 137 






ivDai -oiT'irrMifii 

• •'1 



. 10 

A oharm for raooesf and bappiiiMi »^ 

' A wonuui't knr»«hMm .*• ^, 

• The 

A^oMm^UmciitM Munodgiidle Z ..7 Z 

▲ prieet^epimjerforiK>w«rtD]niiii8hwn)og-4om ,., 
A piiest^e falmination agaiiift an eoemr -^..-.^ .> ... 

Adianntopwmotethegrowthalhtdr *J ... 

Theiame .^ ... ..; 

. A wooMoi'e impreoatloii on her imfiathfid lorer 
A wooMo'e knrMhftm ... ... j r... . .[* 

AUeniiigoiiaohild'efinttwoteeth j L 

AbleMiogoncfttUe ,.. 

Aptrnjerteaplenlifdlharveet ;.. ... .., 


Gbrifioatkmolthepowerol'pimjerMidof AgDi .J 


PnieeofAgniMtheSim ... _ ' ^,. 

ToViyu God olthe Wind ... ... ^ _ 

A glorification of nerifioe.;: ... ... ' ' ,. 

A pimyer to Aditi for help and proteotioo ' ... -^ ... 

PtmiMoftheAdityas ... ... ... 

Godspeed to a departing tntreUer ... ... _ 

ApimyertoPAiOianforproteotiooaiid the teooreiy of 
lost property 

A pimyer for the laTour ofSaraaratt 

A pimyer to protect com from lightning and drought 




• 320, 
^ 321 
^ 321 









A prayer for faiflnence at deliberatiye and leligiooa meeting!; 333 

A charm to win enperioritj over foea and rivaW 
AprajertoSftYitarforpnMperity... ' ' ...' '^ ... 
A ohaim to win dlYine lavonr and Meity' ' '•.« ' • '' ... 
Apiajerforpnwperify ... ... ... ^ n. / 

Aprpijerforweelthandehildien .;• 
A prayer forjndn ... * ..^ ' * \^; / ... 

A prayer f<Mrpioaperit7 ..V i.. ;l;' » ... 

A prayer for proeperity and happbctt ■ iU' ^ ... 
Afonemlstenn '"' ^ '• ' ;;i '• -' • - i.:^ ^' •• v..'" ^'^ ... 
To8ftTiter,orTMmiinTefted with SfttilM^ attiibates. 












i took rill 




f 2» 

■: .t 2* . 


■: f 2« 

. : 27 


:^., 2» 


.V SI 

.. S2 

;: ,.W. 

■•..< 8* 

1; :" '. 

.' < '«5 

' S6 


..;*. S8 

.;'- 89 

; ';4o 

c. ,• *1 


•'•■„ 43 

■■'.. 44' 

, 46 


' 47 

. .: 48 

■■'. 49 

' 1: §0 

. ; 61 

,, J. 63 

,.; M 

... 64 

.. 66 

i 66 

• .-,67 

.-. 68 

. x.M 

A charm to banish fiends and tconbleeiTi -,.;. .^^ e:i ; .n 
A prayer for riches ••• .••• ^ y^ '- ;•*••• ^ •' a 

Praise of Vi^u and Varapa .... •*- . - 

Praise of Vishpu ..» •.• n<^. •- 

A prayer to Id&» Goddess of Derotioii ......./ 

Praieeof the sacrificial utensila , ... . ^^^ 

To Agniand Vishnu ... ...• ■ * ••• *: -^ 

A diarm to be used when the eyes are anointed . \ 
A prayer lor the OTcrthrow of enemiea .*• ^ 

A prayer to Agni lor long life ... .^^ 

A prayer for long life, children, and richea ^- . v 

A prayer lor freedom from sin and the otwrthrow 


: iST 









Apfayerfor the prosperity of a Xing and Jus kingdom. 
Acharm to be pronounced by bride and bridegroona 
A nuptial charm to be spoken by the bride ,... . , ..; 

A maiden's loTC-dharm ... •.• . /,***;: f-v 

A sacrificial charm for rain and prosperity ^••.., .^ j 
A prayer for prosperity #•• •.. .,•••, / 

The same ... ... ••• , .;•••' ^:» 

A prayer for deliveiy from sin and sickness ••• ,,,v 
A chajrm against lightning .•• > 

In praise of Indraand Vish^tt. ••• . ••« 
A charm against jealousy... .'••;, ^..< 

A charm for ofi&pring and prosperi^ . . ••« 
A ptayer for wealth and the birth of a son . ..i 
A prayer for prosperity and the birth of a son 
A piayer for children and booty ••• -r 

A gambler's prayer for success in gaming .. 
A prayerfor Briaipati's and Indra's protection . 
A prayer for peace and concord .... - ••• * a 

A charm to recorer a sick man at the point of death . 
A charm to obtwn knowledge of the Veda *.. , . 
A charm to ensure a prosperous journey 
A charm against poisonous bites and stinj^ 
A charm for some physical disorder ,., ; j^,j •••.n.' a 
An invitation to Indra and Varu^a f* ^.^ l.r: *; i -. 
..^ impwMjation ..,;,, :'•••.. .^'f'l. 

•^ -• , -; 

. iC A 

• J 

••f^-^ * A ...- 



..• 34S 

.:. su . 

••• d»^ 

.- 845 
«, 845 
^ 84ft 
^ S4ft 

.« 847 
... 847 
... 847 
... 848 
»..: 848 
... 849 
... 849 
.. : 851 
.«; 851 

...: 861 

.... 362 
... 368 
...- 868 
,„ 864 
..~ 865 
^^ 85S 

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iBooi riA^ 



' 63 


• 67 

• 69 

• 70 

' 78 

: ^* 

^ 75 

















• A purtiiig tnrdler'i addrm to tlie hoom of hit Tllkge. 
A pimjer for Musred knowledge Mii its frafte... 
A pim jer for tlie orarthioir of enemiee 
ApntTerfordeUTenDoelroittAfflioCioD ... 
AohMmtoftTertuieTUoiiMn ... .. 

•AeUniiagMiistimpreoatiooeMidtlirMteiiedeTUe ", 
ApimyertoVAk ... ... 

A priettTe pimjer to tU Agnajro DhidivjA^ ... ' ... 
A pi»jer Ibr ohildmi Mid pn)eperit7 
Apnyerlbrpraperitj ... ... ; ...^ 

AchemtofrattniteMieiiemj'eMffiilkwf ...j 
lapruwofAgiii ... ... / _i ^;, 

AninTitetiontoIndim ... ... ... _ 

An iiiTiUtioii to the AfTine 

A ehMm to oore poetules, aora^ or eorofuloue eweDinge 
(apftdiitM) ... .... 

AUleedng^OQoowg ... 

A chArm to onie eorofnloai puatulet and soiofahi 

An inotntition agahiet an enemj ... ... ' ... 

Achannforaprmoe>prap6rit9r ... 

A hjmn to the New Moon ... ... . -^ 

AhjmntotheFdlMooQ ... Z 

A hjmn to the New Moon 

InprmierolAgni - ... 

ApimyerfordeliTeimnee fttMnsinAndothereTib ... 
A pnijer for proteotkm •..-.. ^ ' 

' A ehenn to eneoie Tiotoij in battle 
The eame ••• ••• ^,. ■ 

A pmjer to Rodra at Agni 
A ehanA to enre a •nake4>ite 
. A piajer for pnrifieation and proeperify 
A eharm againet a liTal in lore . •• ... 

Apmjerforpioteetion ... '^ • 

Tne eame ... ... ...* ^^^ 

A pimjer for eooeeei in battle 
Aehaimtoenraie the obedlenoeof enbjeole 
An hi ea nt a ti on againet an nndeteeted thief 4., 





358 ^^ 









373 • 

374 - 


mm'OP Knoni 





. 97 

Sacrificial formulae *.• - - •••. - • •;•/ ' 




AnointiDg the eaored graea .^ - - ^.. -• 




The preparation of the altar . .•• * • ^.* -> * 1 




A charm against nightmare : ..« ' < «•• ><: 




The same ..» *.. •«. . .*. *. 




A charm to obtain paidon for an indecent aei * 




The ciy of an unemployed priest ».. / ^ ^ «•• f • 




A prayer for prosperity ... ... • ;....^ / 




An initiation formula .... ..^' *•♦.;.- 




A prayer for pardon of sin •••, - 




A charm against Cough . ,.^ ... . ^.. ; ,| 







A prayer for success in gambling .... ' .•.. 

. •.• 



A prayer for success in battle ..• •-".!. 


381 . 


A prayer for ofbpring ••• ••• ..i . < 




A prayer for {HTOtecUon and freedom from sin 




A woman's incantation against a riTal ••• 

. ••• 

382 - 


The same . ... ••• '** , , ••• 




A charm against Misfortune «•• \ •-. 




A charm against Fever ... ^« •— , 


384 • 


A charm to ensure prosperity ^. •-,..- 




A benediction on a warrior '- ... . , 

BOOK vin. Y \ 




A charm to recover a dying man ..• 




The same ... •••. ••• . ••• 




A prayer for the destruction of demons 




Imprecations on demons x.. . ••• 

. *** 



A charm accompanying investiture with an amulet 




A charm to exorcise evH spirits who beset women 




A charm to restore a sick man to health 


408^ . 





An enunciation of ooamogonical, ritual, and metiieal 

doctrine ••• .*• ••• '■••• 


416 ^ 


A <»lniJfii«Hmi of th« mvstical abatrsction ¥ir4i " 


421 . 

I Aglorification of the Afvins' Whip and a prayer for 


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inn ov Bnm, 


: ?"J'^ j*T"***~ ^^ * "^'y >»a* «««» 434 

. 4. A|Jonfio»tionoftli»lgrpio.lMM!ti«c»llmU .^ 4« 

» Agtorifi«.tto.of»«orifi«wr»t.,. ' ."• 

e Aglorifl<»tiooolho«pltobl.»o»ptionof««rti 

7 A^goriflojtfc«o«th.t7plodb«n«doow ...• . ... 463- 

GonsiiiiiplicM . , . • 

... US 

■: ■■■■■ ■-,►.••., .•,,,..,, ;-.,,•; ■•■/ ;,. 

; 458 

■'> '...•: .V. i- * ^r ', ' ;■■ • ^ ' ,' 

« ' i 

;■•' .:;;. .'^ ^\ 

,t.. ,^ 

'-^ 'V^. >.. 

.'^. .'^'^-.V,'. 

A. Hi :\ 

Ibatu, p. «5S. * igni. ni,x,xn, 13, so, 

>bhlp1a?», 48 note. 49, SO note. 31 iiofo, 
Abbwb6kA,lI,l40ito<es»'' 88, 35 note, 36 fiote, 

Ahcolute, The, IT, 88, 87, 88, 40, 48 noie, 

Mnot€$. ' 47 note, 48, 48, 51 

AlMoliUion, 52, 77 nata. nai$, 53, 56, 57, 59, ' 

: iohirya, 379. ' ' note, 61, 62, 67, 68* 

Adder, 32. 76, 78, 81, 85, 90, 

Adding (oame of a ' 94sio<e,96,100, 102, ' 

gobliD), 119. 103, 105 noie, 110, 


361, 362, 451 

Aditi, 12, 39, 68, 90, 
104, 115,189, 831, 
'246, 248, 265, 282, 
289,811, 336,343, 
371, 390, 394, 420, 

Iditja, 107, 185, 191, 
278, 830, 331, 371. 

Ill, 113 fwU, 114, 
115, 120, 121, 123, 
126, 128, 130 xo^ 
131 Molc, 145 naie^ 
149,152, 163,164, 
170 note, 175, 179, 
184, 187 note, 188 
Moltf, 189 n<4$, 191 
note, 192, 193, 198^ 
200, 202 note, 205 

iditjM, 1 2, 14, 15, 81, note, 206 note, 207, 
34, 39, 40, 56, 90, HU, 212, 224, 226, 

91, 111, 115, 121, 
171, 193, 234, 246, 
282, 285, 308, 331, 
887, 890, 414, 420, 

Affliotiou (personified),. 

A^ti, 170, 171. 

AgMtjr*, 73, 184, 170, 
180, 227, 274. 

228, 229, 231-238, 
240,242 note, 243, 
246, 247, 249, 259, • 
260, 262-*-264,266, 
269iiof«, 270, 271 . 
note, 272, 274, 275, 
277,279, 280,282. . 
284, 285 note, 286, 
287 note, 292, 298, • 
296— J98, 301—307, 

342,843; 849,851, 

352,857,860, 861, 


873,374 iiof<^ 376, 
; 879,3<K),38l, 883,- 




. 437,439, 443»444, 

449^ 453» 454, 458, 

460, 462, 464, 466, 

469, 470. 
— — alone origiiially 

immortal, 42 note. 
——at lightniDg, 8»oli^ 

— — as the San, 78 stolen 

188 noU, 328, 87(^ 

416, 458 note. 
-— flight ot, 30 noUp 

827 Mole. 
— • three hornet ol^- 

— kravTid (Fleth- 

oonenmer), 386 note. 
-« identified with' 

K&ma, 118, 264. 
—patron of marriage^ 


^— Lord of SeaaoDa,94 

Aghnyi (oow), 125iiole. 809, 312-314, 818, 

AguijI, 111, 349. 319,327 110^ 828 

Agnayo Dhithp^il^ 76^ note, 830 note, 835 

859 notee. ' ^ note, He, 337, 839, 

— Lord of the. Fito ' 

— Sonofthefiehii^ 

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Agniibtoaia, 451. 
Agrimiltiiri» 106. 
— -gtniioflX. 
Igriealtnritt^ lif* ol 

.47.9». 165. 

maoL or iriiai^ brl 

Imtrakodift. 469. Anus (a peopleX 1 14 fiol^ 
ImUitilM, 7» Aoaaarpa, 68. 

Amrit, AmriU, 6, 98| Aniub|iip, 418, 419. 
100, 126, 188, 141, AnojiyM, 35. > 

153, 167, 178,885, ApMhitaa, S58, 86$ 
14(^867,269,811, lu^tei. Sat Futtolee. ' 
*17* Ipaji (WaUM), 6 im)I«».' 

»fwiIj»Fiw,450. Am6l4,34S. Ap%ml^rg^ 156^157,' 

Abom MaidA, 18 moU Amulet, 88, 84, 89, 817 mate. 858. 
Air,55,801— S08,884» 51, 58, 61, 86, 98, Ap8«Diip4t, 158 nM. 
311, 818, 8B6, 418^ 884, 889, 400-408. Ape, 878^ 

Anoestral Spirits, 66, Apodaka, SOlh 
181 moUi. 8m Apollo^ 48.iio<« 
Fathen. Aprl (•), 805, 807, 838; 

Angaa, 805, 806, 88& 884 mCm. 
Augnr <periouifi6dX Apaaras,188, 

See )AwytL Apeavaaee, 48; 180^ ^ 

'AngirM, 56. 114, 864, 184, 806, 810, 8t7, 
401, 410, 411, 414. 880, 881, 401, 414, 
AuginMee, III, 66, 114, 48^, 454. 
864, 401, 410, 411, Aptya, T87, 191, 270. 
414,445^ See Trite. 

Aoginuie, 869, 485. Aptja% 191. 
Augirata-Teda, III. Apv4, 88. 
, . Auima^ eaerifioe, 75, Ara^i, 82. 
149. SeeSaerifiee. Aram, 869; 
Aiiiiiiala,taerifieHn, AHLUki, 191. 

94 twim. Adki, 82, 19&-20a» 

— ti n% 94, 9S neff, Ariiyet, 4(i4, 405. 
t^ 127. Ardour (pereooiBedX 

61 iMfi^ 296, AA|a, 246. 488 1^ See liaajiu 

S19 MH^ 841, 455. Antaka, 269, 424 Aijniia,418fM<i. 

AU-Swtaber, 61. Antarikshe(ni),87,149 Aijaut, 68. 
Akai^^Ortater, 42 molu. ', Anii<mr, 884, 402, 43X 

mau. Abtolopefoet, 22. Arrian, 208. 

Alnt8htjOod,105iMML ABomati, 199, 25^ 818»Anow (Ughtning), 17. . 

AlfNMekeii,40iliieli. 837, 338, 44a . (penooified), lia 

Alter,S24,357,377,467. Atfomioka, 63. — (oaed in eharma) 
111. AoiipaIll% 408. 46^116. '/ 

421, 430, 469. 

triple, 461. 

Airlvata, 426. 
Aifv, Tiul, 234. 

831, 419. 
AitebiaoD, Dr., 251 
Ajje, 1» noU. 
Ajafringt, 181. 
AkAta (Purpoes^ ] 

Hilled), 81«. 
AlAp^ne, 71, 72. 
Alajt, 458 iieCi. 
AlatAlA, 253. 

AliArs «03« 
AH, 455. 
AIMMi, 18 

INDIZ or HlHB^ cia 

'ATro# (In warX 110. Aat, wild, 474. * 
— (the parU of an), Aitembly (peffBoaiiled)» 

••^i*- (poteoDod), 137, 

^— - (Agui'i, 394. 
«^— . (lodraV, 851. 


«:— (Rndra'i}28,178, 

•«^— (the Brlbnttii^), 


888, 481 

Aeun, 143, 838. 

Atora (s) (God, Gods^ 
800, 304, 884. 

«^-> (fiend, fieode), 44, 
66, 98, "98, 158, 161, 
848,881, 305» 400, 
401,404,420, 483, 

Aenras (kings), 892. 

Arrows of (Mlsil2d-rAanri (sbe-fiend), 28» 

128. 29. 

ArUfioerof the Gods, AfTatdia, 87-^9, 181, 

47, 65 iM>fe*. 194, 195, 85(), 897, 

Arandbatt, 146, 195, 805,410,118. 

196, 877, 800. Af fins, 69, 70, 64, 85, 

Arja (s), 174, 204, 848, 104, 105, 116, 126, 


Arjaman, 14, M^ 88, 
118, 195, 836, 246, 

Aryan, IX, 85, 42, 
111,113,114, 118, 
160, 161, 163,174, 

189, 144, 170, 171, 
193,889,238, 846, 
847, 878, 888, 889, 
801,324,351, 861, 
363, 414, 427—429, 

264. Afrint, 344 

Ai7ans,8,9,118,420.AtliarVan, III, 


Aft&pilas, 36 
AshtakA, 98, 95. 
Asfatenit, 420. 
Asiknt, 186 no(e. 
Asita, 18, 184, 276, 

AsiU /Black Snake), Atbarra^hophiti, 

181. nVIL 

Asmodens, 404 nole. — --? translations Ikom 
Afmba, 408. the, XV, XTI. 

134, 180, 189, 191, 

203-205, 245, 828, 

330, 879, 395. 
Atharfsns,' III, 180, 

Atharran-priest, 245. 


Atbarran-(Teda), Y, VL 
Athalnrava, 245. 
Athanransrveda, IIL 
Athaningirasas, III, 

AUmrrarTeda, III, lY. 
— AnukranuMMfXIT. 
-^Brihrna^a, III, 

•^— Oamentary, XIT, 


^ — S6tras,Xiy. 
«-^— Upanlshada, XY. 
Atiritra, 451. 
Atri, 78, 146, 170; 171, 

Anbrej, John, 82. 
Aniirecht, ProlSBSSor, 

135, 136. 
Ankshs, 79. 
Anksbagandbi, 181. 
Ansteritj (religionsX ' 

320. SeeFenroor. 
Antnnui, 275, 391. 
— fever preralent in, . 

29, 30 note, 456. 
Antnmns, a hundred. 

See Hundred Am* 

Afabbritha, 453. 
ATaU,100 182, 251 

AitoU?a,72. * 
ATOifUng God% 431. 

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Bdklika%S24,SJM. . 
Big%404,407. I' 

Blirigu, 47» 149, 905» 

BbfigvttiigiruMy IIL 

Baitt, 149» 9:^|i 409^ BlidUkfUti, 199, 904 note 

Bnhma (pnytiv diMrm), 

96, 78,jM<et. '. 

Bnibmi <th« pbeAomd- 

.041 Creator), 40,. 

199» 919, 919^ 495 

Bh4tapftli, 69. 

BrahmMbirt, 1191,904, 
990, 981. 


BlriMti4iii&, 990. . ' Bird, tha (tbeSno), 98, Brahiiift.Tada,Iir,iy,7« 

Barfii% 906 Mit. 197, 969, 460, 470. Brabnun (priest), 111, 

Bariag-Qottkl, a, 999, Bifde, the two^ 469. 199, 900, 919^916,. 

984, 499. Birib-ritttl, 99, 67^ . 918, 990, 989, 410, 

Bail^, 91, 961, 979; Bitar, tb«, 406. 498, 449, 444, 467.. . 

999, 990. Bleoi Oflforinga. Be« Brlbmapae, YI, 4fiO 

-^.^dai9ed,994,995. . If iU Obbtiont. noi4. 

^— and riea, 410,490; BliooiD6ald, FroL, XIV, Brabaiaoa (prieeU), 99, 
MeUioin, Xil, 79, IBL XVI, 4, 19, 16-.18, 179, 177, 178,. 991,V 

Baaila, Lord oi; 79. . ' 44, 9«, 66, 104, 998, 919, 976, 440, 441. , 

Baer, 98 nM. : ' 971, 977, 964. BdOnnao (t), 4, 8, 196; 

Beee, 499, 499. ' BlJJU^ Oetandn, 18^ 198, 160, 177, 178,. 

Being; ihelMfiiii^ 189. 291 iiofci. . 

Babar,926fMM. : Boat, 88, SaeBbi^ : 

BeoliBy, Prof., 8. Boati, beoodidftioii ^ 

B«it;T.,129. ' 990 note. 

Biigaigne, IL Abel, Boar, 66, 210, 411. 

187,990. / . Body, parte of 4be^ 74, 
Bbaga, 91, 79, 97, 104» 455—498. . 

.105, 111, 169, 179, Bogft, 91 note. 
199, 292, 946^ 974, Bbileleee, tbe, 469. 

/S85, 289, 901, 906,. Booy, the, 469w 

919,919,251, 965,V 
440,441, 450,451, 

Bdtbmaobood, 90. 

BfahnuHMtpaU, 11 moH,' 
969,985, 993,924^ 
949, 954, 406. 

Brabmatidaiia, 178. 


J94,985,440. . . BoaunOller, Dr. J., 959. 416 i 
BbaimdHia95,.55, 149, Borer, 79. BraaU wood, 909 note. 

171, 919,959.;: >.BoaoteoiMD QO0, the^ Breatb (fetame to tbo '. 
Bh9tet^ 19^ 997,999,: (India), 48, 79. . wiod), 98a 

«4l. ,..j. i . . ( Bba ga), 105. Breatbe, two, 909. . " 

Bhar^ 69.. v; t - ' 'Bonnteona PMbe, 85. Bridal oraolo, 7a 
BImK 59» T5^ 169| Bimbnia (tho; Dirine Bride, wooing of tba^ 7^ 
.171^996,999,-419,^^ B«enoe), 7, 41, 79, ' «79.> 

4>4;i ./..:it^r;\ 189. ; ...; w,y,.j Bright One^ tbe^ ii9. / ' 


ivDEX or irim^ bm. 


Brnutddita, 189, 191. Bullook(oaldionoalled), Oba94s 5a . '. 

Brihanpati, 11, 99, 37, 145. Chandra (the Moon) 

57, 65, 68, 77, 96, Ballooktooth, 9a : 96, 62 nofee, 18a • 

97, 101, 111, 112, Balls (Iudca43oina), €haodfamas(tbo]ioon),. 

114,121,122,130, 99a 494. 

131, 172, 219, 929, Boiiter, the, 419 nois. Chapman, Qoofge^ 110. 

"332, 236, 269,984, Barton, Robert, 118, Chariot, 914. 

299,997, 901^991, 199,407. Chariotoera, 87. 

. 935, 942, 951, 369, Chariot^aeuig; 105nol^ 

879, 381, 400, 415, Cans (offered to the 349. 

425, 434, 438— 44(^ spirits of the dead), Chbalanas, Tl. . { 

452,454. ' 424 note. ChliaodUti (h/mna^ 

Brihat, 176, 209, 416, Caldron (persoBi9ed), 291 nofe. 

422,42a 144,14a Chief Priest, 48, 67, 

Brtbatt,83, 76, 203, Calf- darUng,10C(, 125. 357.* 

416, 417, 422, 454. (Agni). 184. Childbirth (ohaf«9Br^'- 

Bribatsiman, 918, 290. (the Son), 185, !*• ' 

Bristly-hairad<a fiend), 460,46a Chitraratha, 425. - h 

- 40a - — (Vljra), 184. CIao(s), Urd of th% 

Broom (twto), 941.- (Chandra), 18a 988, ' K 

Bull <Agni), 179. — (the world), 465. Clearer, 15a 

-.— (lodta), 25, 144, Canis, Oanioak, 988 Close^>reeper(aieod)b-; 

193, 271, 299, 40a note. *0a 

*— — (Kima), 480. CannabU (hemp), 4a Cloady sl^. Lord of,^ 
. (Lordof the Moon), Canopos, 170 Hole*. 28a 

368. Carpenter, 87 aole. 'Coboim, 461 

— - (Paijanya), 150, Otr-warrior, 357. Cold season, 4l8iiola» -. 

l51,945iio<«. Caste, the third, 951 'Colebrooke, H.T.,^ - 
(Pnalptti), 428, mote. • CoUc, *W» **J- * 

429 ' Castes, foar, 160 MoCt. ColleoUfe Cods, 19. 

^ (the Stto), 262. Cat, 29 ikrfi. ^ Conferenoe (pwauoift. 

-*— (Son, Moon, Hea^ Ottarirb, 409. ' od), 933, 

▼en), 195 noK. Caitlo-waters In Confirmation, 289 ■•<«. 

-__/ the Typical), 453, doads, 959. Conseomtioo. Sea Dlk' . 

^5. • J Cattio.p^ 101,10a- aha ^ 

.*-!- liberation ^ V Celestial Dame^ 111. CodseoraUonbf aXing;,- 
♦389iiott. '-' Chakra,l8a ■ 115, 139, Ua 

— -i saorifidal, 498-^ Chambers's Enojdo* Consort of tha Yeat^* 
, ;^^j^../: .^'.^ •:-^'-,«dia,m---'^'- 93-9a ^ •'»' 

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vmsL or:HAia8» sia 

Cootorte of Um Oodt, €aw,glori0i0ftii<m6r.454; DAkcdiAjrAQas, iOnoie,^ 

lit; SSI, 549, 41(4. bMMdietion of, D^ksbipA, H5, 198,. 

ObiirtolkliolM (iuflnoii. Sd3. 446 nat$. 45S. 

eiiig woatbor), tliS. — - fint priastl/ Ibo, Dakihiolgui, 450. 

Lord of (tho lli,U5noie$.. Dames, Celatti*], 1 11, 

If oooX t»' (ibe tjpioal), 45S, nat4, 206, B49. i 

CotmUatioii (pMrnwi- 454. D*rbhl^ 49, S67, 168^ 

fiod), 4S2, Cowa, 101, lOt, 112, 410. 

GmtiinpUoii, 16, 49, 161,161,249. . Dirila, Xiy,4;i6, 51, 

53^ 74. 99, 127, 142, -~- ooUod GvddoHOi, 54, 67, 109, 159, 388. 
195, 225, 252, 277, 864. DnriiiB, 225 noi€. 

291, 815, 352, 408, imysof light, 165, IH«a (■) 174, 190, 204, 

4H 437, 455-458. 191,460. ^ l374.f . ; 

0oppef4itiod(ft taid), - — ngiom pf tho ]>Afa?riksha, 51. 

^^ okjr, 185. Dial, 224. 

CorroptMNi (poIwmU^Cow.^^rifi«r(•gobMll),l)l»Ju(•), 9, 59, 95, 

Doaj^htor, birth of l^- 
dopreoated, 250,407. 
Dooghtofi, Celostiol, 

Dawo, 104, 233, 262^ 
279,362,399, 418, 
452, 469. 
and Night, 233. . 



Owgh, l^ ]«, Sto.GrtBp,80Mte 


GiMtion, Lmtd o( 138, 

OMttia-MMay, ' 

n isi 


CimtiTC ^iahic, ISS, 

Owr, OMk 4S0, 

4S1. 178, 304, S80, 46& 


CMktor, th^ 41, 4S, 

-!— Cmti*. Poww of, 7«, 96, Ui, 1$»,177, 


193k 401, 460, 4«S. 

YAk, YiiAj, 431. 
-~- Cloud, 466, 469. 
-r- Earth, 1«5. 
-—Dawn, 463. 

— Pnjor, 327, 
-*— Pfifai, 41. 

— of Plcaty, -444» 
' **^ DiDHmi, 105, Noli. 

-r^Kloa'sdaaghttr.Dadhikiia, 145 noli. 

421. Dadhikiivao, 105. 

-: — oiDhloaiof plootj^ Dadhjraoh, 330 moO. 

n, tn^335| 379^ Dadikao, 325 noli. 
«r-^Atharfao*atl03— r Dakaba, ^,40. 

.2W^ i I>iUia'sohildiOQ,39,40. 

Croatnrot, Lord oi; 95, Dawns, the, 105, 246, 

428-430- 338,371. 

OroeporHiear (a ^ondX Dawns, two (night and 

406. uorning) 418. 

Cnekoo^399. Day, 188, 432. 

Cnpid (IndianX 70 •oCi.Daj, Lord oi; 143. 

Day and Night, 6Q, 

DajrandSun, 402. 
Deasil, 349 Moltf. 
Death, (per8onified),36,. 
52—54,64, 88,96, 
180,199, 260, 220, 
223^835, 251,^259, 

mat Oi mma, 


260, 262, 365, 260, Dewy seasoot 418. Dm^yns, 114 M^e. 

279, «86, 291, 296, Dharma, IV. Dmm, 220—223, 315. 

805,314, 320, 851, Dhitar, 78, 9Q, 96. Dual doi^, 170, 26% 

860,378,385,387^ 147.229,230,278,. 355, 3d6iMiM. 

389. 391, 410, 413— . 335, 336, 386, 402, Dttiga, 2. 

415,421,434. 452,455. Damiaii. 404. 

met4engersoft413.Dha»a,195. DdrT4,-303. 

Debt, 309, 310. Dhritarieh^ 436. DvimArdhi lrtfy% 

Decay (personlfled),36. Diee, 43, 154, 216, 423^434. 

Decline, 225, 240, 241, 242, 283, 310, 350, DfipndiTrishtnis3iiole. 

953, 291, 293, 315, 880. 381. Dyans, 72, 205^ 248^ 

387, Dierbaoh, 45. - 255,467.^ * 

Delbrack, Prof, XVL Digvljaya, 192 noli. Dyanehpltar, 247 noi^. 
Demluigat, 41 noU. Dli Consentes, 381jwI«. Dysentery, 3, 4, 82 iMlfa. 
.Demons, of darkn«w, DUtri*^. 382,402, 419, ^ohann to, 3, 4. 

164 noli. 449. Pyn, 172, nels. 

.«.^ofdconght,9,47 Diosoorides, 143. - • 

notei. Diseases, Tarions, 316, £40n(aelasiof QodaX . 

-^Tarions.SeeAsnfms, 317, 455-458. ^ 120. 

Pislohas, Klmtdios, Dispenser, tha^ 79. Bagle(s), 210, 271, 

Yltadhloas, lUksha- Disposer^ tb^ 95, 104, 272, 290, 399. 

aas. - 192. Coleatial(theSanX 

Desire, 119, 135, 433 Disseotor, 443. 160. 

^l^ Distarber,the^ ll9note. Ear, tho (oomos from 

Destroyer, the, 296, DitJ,831. Alr^ 203. 

S3g. Difine Being, the, 47a Earache, 464. 

DestnioUon (personi. Dog (socriaoed by Borth (personified), 8, 

fied), 36, 52.^, Gads), 839. 37,68,91,116,125, 

64, 88, 96, 180, 199, T>og^UT, 288. . 184, 186, 191, 201^ 

259v a«l» 291, 298, Doors, diWne, 206, 233. 20?, 217, 219, 239, 

314, 346, 353, 8«0, Do?e. 2>9-'26l. 

387, 389, 397. ' Dragon, the, 47, 48,99, 

Dofidira, 391 woi^, U% 196« 

DwamW, otU, 1*1, - 
: Dropsy^ 154, 371 maU. 
Drudging goblin, 51, 
118, 119 fiol«i. 

DoTarsbi, 219 nofo^ 
Deras, 34 fio^ ■ 
]>ef atyis, 27« : 
DoTotion, 417. 

Qoddeaa 0^941* 



234, 235, 249, 254, 
255, 262. 291, 311, 
321, 336,342,387» 
399, 411, 421, 430^ 
432, 43^ 463, 46$^ 
mother of •moa^ 

•^oantcoof (alftarX 
857. <^ 


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mm or vhobs, via 

£irtb,1oir«^aDdop^, £rigoD6^ 988, moU. Father (the Sun), 308» : 
390. . ; Erte, 433. 464 fM><tf. 

Bftrtha, tluea, 169. EiysipelM, 405. •*— (thePrimilGftuseX 

EMtwMd firt» 431,450. KttabIitlier,tK78fioli. 464 IMX0. 

SdipM ol the sun, Eternitj, 13, tdnoUt^U. — and Mother (Hea- 
64 iio<«. . Emnenldee, 391 moM. Ten and Earth), 36 

£;Sg-eaten(fiende), 407. Eaphreiy, 159 Mole. note, ^ 

£igfai elenente, 43a Evil eye, 60, 141. Fkihen (Anoestral 

— — narrows, 56. 1 Kxoellenoe (penoni* ', 

diTiueprieeU,430*. fied), 379.. 

— - Sooeof AdiU,43aEierUons (penonifiedX 

' India's number, 300,301. 

Eigfa^footed, 469. 
Eighth night, 43a 
Eighty, 56 noi$. 
Ejatkaa, 837. 
Sk&ha, 303, 454 f!oim. 
EkAshtaU, 94, 95. 
EkartAea, 419. ' 
Elementa, aiz, 418. 
^— eight, 480. 
Elephant, 115, 116, Failobi (penonifiedX 

365, 383, 437. 198. 

^— « taming of, 115. Fairiee, enphemistlo 
Kamcte, 44, 354. names of, 436. 

Xmpjiean, the, 149 FUth, 330; 446. 

Faloon (Agni), 871. 
r, the (Ya- 

mpa), 83 fiofi. 

Eipanses, six, 193. 
Eje^ the (oomes firem 

the snn), 303. 
— — retoms to 

sanX 303, 388. 
—— (preeious trea> 

sore), 141. 
Ejebright^ 159 naU. 

Spirits), XI, 10, 5e, 
181, 134, 188, 317, 
318,889,338, 340, 
360i868, 380, 384, 

89i;309, 313,313, 

333, 346, 359, 386, 

414,417, 433,434, 

483, 448 note, 463. 
the — — monthly offerings- 

to, 433. 
^— -(eaoseof fraitfol- 

less), 464 note. 
— — (embodied and 

bodilem), 414. 
— — Begeot of the 

(Tama), 338. 
Faani, Faunns, 118 noie, 
Farour of the Qods, 33, ' 

Fear (personified), 59. 
— - (the Son), 345, Feeler (a fiend), 404. 
346. * Felieity in hearen, 56, 

Bnejolopadia Britaa* (bringerofSoma), 311—313. 

YIL '. 345 tio<«. Fem,86fioli. 

w, the (Death), Falsehood, 60, 154, 469. Fem-seed, 86 noie. 
385,434. Far^trider (the 8an), Fenronr (religious), 145, 

Epbedra,353,353fu>Ki. 188. 174, 330, 435. 

-— Paohyclade(Sona Father (Hea?en)^ 139, Ferer, 15, 89, 30, 31,— 

plant), 353 tuXs. 173, 803, 305^ 347, 98, 148, 193—195, 
-^--- Distaohjai' 353 367. ^ 384, 835, 341, 353, 

.; .;v :* (IndiaX 355. 355,356,384^456. 

tatrnt or hamsb, iid 


Ferer, hundred agonies 

ot841. ^ 
Fioos Beligioss, 87, 

194, 4ia SeeAfvar 

Field, Lord of the, 51. 
. *— - Queen of the, 55. 
Fifteen regions of the 

sky, 418. 
Finisher, the (DeathX ' 


85, 91. 
— — -Girhapatya, 358. 

See G&rhapatya. 
.— — household, 843, 

. eastward, 431, 

southward, 431, 

._ westward, 431 

note, 343, 45a 
«—- ^ ordeal by, 55 note. 
^ — of the funeral pile^ 

843, 386, 389. 
—— and Water, X, 

Fire^rill, 191, ^06, 

350 noU*. 
Fire-priest, 180, 388 

Fires, various, 113, 
■ 114. 
Firmament (personifi- 

ed), 55, 378. 
First, the (of the New 

Year), 93. 
First Ashfaki, 93-95. 


Five, Baoes, Tribes, Four-eyed do|^ \«K 

Nations, 43, 114, 441 note. ^ ' 

118, 163, 314, 385, Four-footed, 469. 

330, 430. * Four regions, 15, 

— ^ messes of boiled 193, 366, 438. 

rioe, 443 note, 448. Fourth Veda, VL ' 
regions, 8^ 113, Fragile (the interoalaiy^ 

118. - month), 197. 

riyers, 846. Friend, the, 5, 49, 9a 

seasons, 418, 461 Friends, the two, 308. ' 

fwU. ' Frog (used in oharms), ' 

healing herbs, 430. 100^ 375 %9tm, 384. 

sons of man, 114. Frogs - (oompared to ' 

-^-* Waters, 43a Brithmans), 153, 153: 

Five-arrowed, 413. Fuel, 334. } 

Fire-footed (the Sun), Funeral fire^ 843, 386, ''^ 

461. 389. ; ' 

Five-spoked whed, 461.-^ quenohing of ths^ 
Flesh-oonsumer, the 114. 

(Agni), 114, 115, Furies, 391 fu><tf. " 

386, 389. Furrow (personified)^ 

Flood,Child of thsb 16, 106,107. ^ 

17. ,» 

Floods (Waters) 6, 7, Oaia, 854 note. 

313. Gambling, XIII, 48, 43;' 

Florens,Ptofessor,XyL 183, 306, 31% 349, ' 
Footless Maid (Dawn), 380, 381. __■ 

469. ~— oheatiog al^ ZII1» 

Forefathers, 889r 310.* 

Fort-demolisher(Indra),Oamb1ing4x)aid, 34^ 

413. ^383; ^ 

Fortune, 33 note. * Gandarii, 335 wUe. ' 
Fortune^ 33, 79, 95. Gandh&ra, 335 noft. 

otU, 383. ' Gandhiris, 385. 

Fortunes, one hundred Gandharva, ' 41—4^ 

and one, 383. 13^ 181, 183, 184, * 

Four oastes, 160 noU. 363. 
— -divisions of speeoh, Gandharvas, 43, 11^ ' 

47a 176, 180-183, 184^ 

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115, m. W. 411. <3p%l, H9, 1M, - po*6dlim«. ^ - 

XVII. nM, _ 318,557,339. 

QttbliMUiWi^9f 1— •the PpIpww^^ , anH)^?M<>'»iioif.l94.'^ 

<Hr|i«p^tj|k (AgAl), )31fio(«. OrftUt (f •he-fieud), $U _ 

S4S, 311, 164, ith (Mkum,i7,2S%Hl fXV^,m.90^^ 9&0t 

460. 45a 357. . 0rAM,8«orad,2Q6,3H 

Ofn|iiiiKi97,l«Q,4T0L€M4ew% 49, 99, 99. 117, 

OiO^fr^r, 117, 

Gf^oibM, 494 f^Mk 
GftTkbthins 171, 

Ill, 195^ 807. 9(7. Or»MmanD,Prot,7.6^ 
IT5. ?9l. 349, 1«f4. J »07^ M?^ I9a 191, 
^ RlT^ 59t / 346, 393, 469, 4(0, 

49»,4?«. . « 

Great Pfar, 399 «w>K, 



Q&jatil, XVII, 7^ «9» — CoMorti of, 949* OHU, Dr., XV{, 3, 91. 

178, 371^ US, 419. SeeCoDaurt^ofQoap, 3|, 29, ^a, 39. 48^ 

433, 434^ 466. -- Artificer < 47i 

Oeldntr, fVofj 1(71, r* plijdoM^^of,961* 

341. 9W. 893. r-m«de ImmorMll by 

G«omlbratt^.f7, . ; As^H. 49» U(fi U9* 
QmmiX God% 319. 8m 149. 

VifTi D^Tik . ^ ... bj 9^mr. 49- 
Gfpiiii, 139, 3ft9f T- ... by SoflM, 49. 
G«|i»olfBi».«99i««H V 119,146. 
QMdM koi, 61 «t^ — ... Vy^ligioM 4^ 
QfcWMk 199. IH Ut . ToUio, 146t \ 

414.463,466. — priesta oiOl^d,^'. 

01m,lf3, 93,W. 

Ch{iU(s),38.97ii«lii. Gold, 39, 40, 79, }8% 
43M1% mt^ 9\% ^ ^» 936, 983, 314. 

33Q, . 339.444,446,447, 

OkOmm (pKfmilMV ^ omam^nU, 99, 79 

ni,i79. .(K^, 915^ 939. 

CQq^ • (peffoiaM^ <>oodwoiiu^r^w«|rd^ 
111,379, 66,98, 

CMm 111* 9n Q^ G^i^^^^maih . 

44, 60, 61, 67-,-69. 
94. 66, 67, 68, 71- . 
73, 78—80, 83, 39. 
90, 99. 10^104, 
119,1?6,136. 139." 
UU 149, 144, 147, 
164. 166, 168, 169, 
161, 163, 179, 18D, 
184,194, 196,199. 
310, 317, 820, 9%6, 
. 948, 366, 266, 968, 
^ 864, 268, 976, 978. 
980, 999; 386, 987, 
890, 896, 898, 999, 
311,317,318, 39lr« 
994. 897i 939^ ft49i , 
344, 347. 360, 361^ 

437, 438. 


Grobditiiii/Di^.^ 30^93, HenTen, lifb iA, 149^ Berd, th« (PiUwh),9l4 ^ 
.341.: 311, 313. Herdiauuii «h« (AgQi]^ ; 

Gfoper, (i fi«id), i03. tazaUdil iii, 181. 287. 

GoirdiMl (4 Gtoiil^, -— highest, 149, 444 >-^ (the Ban% 467. ^^ 
336i MqU. He#odottt8, 333^ 

Giidrdo6 to pHMi, 877. Heftyen and fiartb (peh Herpee, 886. 
.BeeDabbi^ * ioili6ed), 36» 64-^ Herriok, 8a 

GiteeU, bospiuUty Ui 66, 69^ 60, 69» 86^ Heti (a diM if Gode^ ' 
106,189, 130^ 158, 180. i 

il63| 107. 188. 189, Higheot, Tliitt, ih 
191, 201, S^^t 307, Httlebrandt, Pro£, 73. ^ 
816, 336, 828. 846» Himilaya, 148 HoM. • 
264,866,374, 377, Himie (wiiitenX 96 - 
879, 397. 300, 387/ MM. 
588, 582, 583, 389, Hfam^yagarbbA, 153;,. 
408, 416, 440y 448 Holy Men, 414. — 
MdU, 464. . . HoiDa(t), 414, 419. . 

— lepnratioDO^ 130, Hote,Lordoftbe^884.. 
36g^417i — ^Ladyofthe,436i 

Guggula (bdelllttiii)i 79 

GnggitM (an A^eaMi), 

Gabg^3ft9. '- 

HAit^ obarm lb ttKisng- 

iben, 261, d8U ^ 
Half-yean, 94. 
HandleM (6etida), 88l. 

Hiiuds laying o» of, 1 48. &etkVeiily Hound, tb4^ — — Qaeen of tb4^ X, 
HaHrUd, 862 Hoe* 88S. 98. 

Haril&la^ 27 Hoi^. • 
Hanreit^hooie, 119. 
Batcbet (saorificiat)^ ' 

Heaveiii, tbre^ 169, Homer, 46, 110, 173. * 
443-^44 HoDey, 38, 39, l83, 

B^ifer, tho, 420. 177, 363, 489, 430. 

Heonanta (wioter), 461. Hoii474>eei, 429. 
Bang, i^rot, 419, 469, BeikiUpberee, tbe two^ Hcaej^kip^ 437. 483^ 

470* 37. 43a 

BiTamid, 39 note. tfetup, 46. Boof aHned (d^oioUe), 

Bawk (AgDi), 871* 'Bwiy, M. Vioiori 387, 396. 
Beareo (|ieftODiaed), 328, 330-^332, 334, Horaoe, 864. 

335,. 338, 343^ 346, Hone (laorifieialX 487: 
346, 849, 361, 364, . • iioce. 
366, 567«« 369. 566, Hotar, Hota^ptielt^ 
569, 373, 376^377, IT. 14, 16. 67, 103; 
380-^-338. 114. 166, 174, 807» 

-.^ rather. 148, 311. H4pbaeettit(iheIiMUjui) S>3, 884, 331, 561, 
i-- felicity Id, 66, 47. 568,376,377,468.: 

177, 311—313, 389. HWbert, Geott[6, 380. Botan, teleetH 198^ 
— Lofdol;33A. H3tbv887.6eePkttta. 807^i93» - - x ^^ 

.37,66,68,91, 116, 
' 139, 172, lot, 306, 

247, 860, 366, 363, 
.811,336, 342,430, 

432, 467, 468. 

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HooM (deiiladX 4S5. lornuoi, S7 n^ie, > • 
H«iiMy)Blianiitoiiiaiiga- letenu, %7 noU. 

nt•l^ 856iM<«^ 4S4. l^ 9SS, ML 
HouMbold fin^ 185, 114, 54L 

S42, 811, Z6S, 4Sa I]!, H 19S, 207* 835, 
~— pri«it,109. Sm 941. . 

PorohiU. . Immoktor, 207, 888, 

HoiM»-w«nDiiig^ 97, 98^ 489 note, 448. 
Houses, iSu«w«U ad- Immortalitjr. 885. . 

dnu to^ Z6e. Impeller, the (Kima), 

Bimdred yeen (dura- 119. 
. tioB of life), 8^889. Impreoatlon (penoni- 
«-^— Intiimiie (ditto), fied), 864, 865. 

14, 40, 57, 96^ 98, Inoobi, 407 nof «. . 

888, 408. V Ineabonee, 408 note. 

— — winten • • • • 40» Inoabiu, 407 noi4. . 

8^ 96. ^ Ittdiani, N. AmerioMi, 

•-*— epringe . • • • 96. 267. 

>Powei% Lmrd U; IiidrB,8,9fio<e, 10,18, 

— — lb?eri,93. 
«-^ agonies of ISifer,^ 

«— — pains, 92. 
Bondred-aud-one (an* 

Ind^ samber), 817« ' 
——modes of death, 

86, 67, 96, 891* 
Bandied-aatiimiied, 96 

Bondred-e/ed, 96. 
Bnndied-haDdea, 118. 
Bimdrsd-powered, 96, 
HnsbandKy (introdoeed 

by Ptpitht), 485. 
B/niBS . Anoieiit and 

lfbdeni,106. / ^ ! 
Bjpootisiiig^ 148. - 

18, 20, 23, 25, 81, 
ZH. 86 note, 40, 44, 
46, 47, 55, 69, 66, 
67, 69, 71, 79 noti, 
81-86, 88, 90, 95, 
96, 99, 100 note, 
112—115, 121, 124 
moUt 12Y fiote, 182 
note, 184— 186, 145, 
158 not4, 159—166, 
167 note, 178, 174, 
.182, 187 note, 189 
note, 190 luXe, 191 
note, 197— 201,210, 
812 note, 216, 217, 
221-818, 226, 228 
—282, 284, 237, 

.848,845— 247^ 261» 
26:^ 265^ 266, 269^ 

270, 278,275, 277, 
281, 282, 284jioC«, 

^ .285, 289, 290, 292, > 

' 817, 819, 820 n^ae, 
821, 822, 834, 889, 
843,846—848,350, ^ 
851, 855, 360, 361, 
864 note, 366, 867, 
»369, 37 1,372, 374— 
'887,!390, 397-403, 
412, 413, 415, 430, 
422, 428, 429, 481, 
432, 433iMXe,489— 
442, 453, 454, 468, 

ladravKiiig, 83, 85. 

ludra (and) Agui (as a 
daal deitjX 40, 84, ' 
95, 193, 199, 802, 
319, 385, 887, 890, 

Indra-Soma, 896. 

iDdra-Varu^a, 355. 

lodra'i horses, 46. 

lodra's net, 413. . . 

Indri9t, 32, 111 note, 

Indus, 136, 143, 148, 
175,225, 246,258, 
347 notee. 

Indus (plural of indu, 
a drop), 38K 

Infinit/, 12, 89, 330. ^ 

Initiation, 282, 857. 
notee, t : ; ': -■ *■ . 

Insanit/i 806., .„ j. 

nnxBX ov HA]a% sm 


Job, 38,41, 217,836./Kirttikeja, 454^ 
Karomas, 405. \, 

losanitj, punishment 

of sio, 306. . John, St, 129, 289. 

lutelleot (an elementX Jnhii, 213. 

.420. Jumna, 142 fioe^ ^ 

Intelligence (personifi- Jupiter, 247, 248 mote. 

od), 304. JM,63. 
InLfin, 426. Jwara, 30 note. •/.. 
Iron, 234, 235, 279, Paittik, 30 note. 

,280, 291, 824, 888, Jjaish^haghut, 305. 
. 892L . Jyesb(h&, 805 note. . 

— used as a oharm Jyesh^aghnt, 305 note. 

in Eugland, 20, Jyotts, 48 note. 

Isaiah, 40 note. Jjotisb^ma, 451, 459, 

: 460. . ; 

; IkQhii, XVII, 15, 271, 

418, 419, 464, 465. Ea, 131 note. 
Jsmadagui, 73, 134,1 46, K&baya, 92. . \ 

170, 171, 205, 213, E&bul (river), 225 note. 

227, 235, 274, 821, Kaegi, Prof., 154. 

352. i: Eaksbtvin, 171. 

Jambha, 45, 332. . Eakubhas, 405. 
Jamoni, 142 note. EiUk&njas, 288^ 
JangidM, 45, 46. Eali, 380. 

Japan, oath of Emperor EalmtLsbagrtTa, 122. 

of, 228. Ealmlshap&da, 



Kaskushas, 227. . -. 

Eafokas, 190. - 

Ea^yapa, 18, 74, 146,. 
170, 171, 180,218, 
285, 352, 402, 417, 

51,54, 58, 66, 69,: 
70, 72, 76, 82, 100, 
104, 107, 114,116, . 
122, 183, 288, 258, 

; 277, 289, 328, 336, 
369, 371, 873—375, 
378,383,884, 415^. 


EefaraprabandhA, 217. 

Eefava, XIV, 252. 

EbadiiB, 87, 88| 195,.. 

Ehahnakhi, 153. . 
898 Ehalajas, 406. , ., 

Eha^TakliA, 153. 

68, 81, 82, 94, 103, Ealy&^l, 303, 804. EhoraRminns, 225 noU.. 
116, 130, 162, 164, Eima, 70, 118, 119, Eimfdiii(s) 9, 10, 83, 
174,185,186, 200, 120, 125,264, 480-- 62,160, 170, 895, 

205, 231, 286—238, 434. 

285, 313, 324, 341^ Eandahar, 226 note. 

364, 370, 371, 379, Eankapanran, 358. 
*380,3<)8, 386, 389, Ea^va, 61, 78, 158, 
- 892,893, 395, 398, 171,180, 227,274, 

439,453. 335. : 

Jaundioe, 26, 27, 141, EaQLvas, 64. ; 

456. : Eapota,259. > 

JeiJousy, 254, 847. * . Karait, 208. 

Jivala, 191. 

Earfupha, 9L 

Eimtdinis, 62, C8. , 
Eing, the (Varu^a), 13,- 

85, 154, 219, 280^ 

255,293,431. / 
(Soma^57, 111, 


-r^ (Tama), 309, 818. 
^ (Agui)^ 892, 458.. 

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lim 09 WlMBi INi 

— — «leoeloiiofi9 84i KnrArti, 71. 

«*— eooitdntkm of a» iLufa gimM^ M| SOO 

IS, 110, 840, S7K iiotet. 
— ^ bMiedioiioii Ott A, Kuib(lii» TIlTi 7<^ 

189, 168, 188, 88^ 198—196, 8^ 997| 

^— nttoimtioa of i, 

Sing'i erlli 868 ttoUt 
Xiugi^ th« two» 
Xingt - £aliarija%88l, 

Ko»81M| 405. 
Katais 171, 178. 
Xnyefi, Kttbtiii 



UkthI, 198, 196. 


UMmU 2S. 

Ung, A., 46| 66, 180, 

LMMmPn>r,186, 886. 
Uw, 48, 64, 188, 808, 

Kirk-grim, 889 iMltf. 
Xinhaaae, 808 iiol«. 
Sites, 898. 
Xoplieii, 886110ft. 
KrmTjAd(AgDi),886iipM» 880. 
KfMliviidrMiii 464. «- Qumh of, 880. 
Xrittik&% 468. . Uw-oUerreri, 39, 80. 
XiliAtriji(8X 187| 160,lManit, ^^m. & J. 

168,818, 814,866, 4 Co., XVIIL 

886, 878, 898, 40a Leiid(usedMaoUnD), 
KiboUHAti, 61 fMCi. 30, SI. * 
XalietiijA, 6O1 68, 88, L^pMrd, 140. 

167 Hotel. Loproijr, 87^39, 68. 

Kabon, KaTOf*, 488. Lioker <4 flend), 38. 
KmbhA, 186,846 imM Lioorloi^ 89. 
XohO, 889 m^'tHd. Lift^ dumtioa o£ Seo 
KakibilM, i06. .Hiwdrod yaMM. - 

KakattdbM, 406. - : -^Lordo( 186, 177, 
KttkOnbiiM, 406« 860, 401, 486 nM. 

K«ttAi»|468. - ( «i^Troo 0(188 Mit. 
K«»8>il% 188 HoM. — Wat«r ni, 886, 818 
XM^iMoMikM^ i06i. - Mo<M. SooAttril. 
JLMtlpii Yin. ; r light, Lorii^oT (Uio 

AtflM), 846, 888,' 

497, 439. 
UghtDinc; (ft form Of 

AgulX 80, 81, 67, 

'^-' — (oause of boad« 

ftohe), 16 note, 16r ^ ^ 
«--^ pniyor to, 16, 16w 1 
Lion, 140, 180, 880^ 

338, 401, 410. 
LiviiigitoDO, Dr., 800. 
Logo8,|tbo, 189, 869 
' ^noteft . . 
Lokap&lat, 86 ttoU. 
Loird SuprtNno, 486, 

Lotoa, 177 noU^ 889, 

Lore, the God of, 119, 

480. BooKimft« 
Locino, 389 note. 


Lunar llftusk»l% 469. 

MaoDo8aU>, Dr» G., 16. 
Uftodoooll, Ptot, XVL 
IIAOO (BMNiaoiia), 841. 
lUdaoft, 119 note. 
Mdd&Vftil, 858. ^ 
If ftddooor, tbo^ 119 note. 
Ilagftdbftt, 386, 836 

SlagbftTftn (IndraX 48, 

.79/jBl, 110, 877t 

: 848, 860, 873, 89«. ; 

mm ov UAum^WKk' 



irou), 109 note. / 
UftbabliAmtft, 817| 

818, 898, 418,il4r 
MubAdto, 464. - 
Miih&doTft, 464. 
Mab&rridhlM, 334, 886. 
Mahl, 198, 807, 9^ 

Mfthfdbftra, 41, 48, 88, 

Mftitift, 101 notek 
Hale, the Prittie?8l, 

431 note. 

Malignity (penonifiod), M&tftll, 417. 

88, 198| 814, 389» MAtarifraQ, 191 note, 
Haliralaeha, 403. 203, 313, 886, 470. 

Man (penonifiod), 889 MAtiripatti, 191. 

note. MaUdMnaker,8l3,87a 

«**— fiither Of mao^ Ma^maf as, 406& 

kind, 843 note. MijA, 433. 

•_ a eaorifiotal nni' Mead, Meath, 6, 171. 

mal, 76, 94 notei. ModbAUthi, 6. 
Mau4)0holder, the; 898. Meeting, 483. 
Man-seer, the, 898. Men, deified, IZO, 804. 

Ifaiiyn, 178, 174, 874, Mighl of O^s; ^481 ^ 
488. MitlUi;/ Olass, 109. 8e0 • 

Marlowe, 461* Kshatrlja. 

Marriago(npholderof), Miltoti, 61, 169, 807, 
836 note. 880,404. 

Mari,81. Mind, 420. 

Mamts, 1, % 38, 81, — ^ AgiUtoir Of the,- 
41, 66, 6^, 81'^8, 119 note. 

86,97,108,110,146| Lord of the, 877. 

161^163, 168, 171, Mieobief (personifiedk - 

173, 187, 198, 888, 866. 

838, 881,346, 266, Mi0ei7(peiiotttfled),269.* 

967,261, 370,876, Misfortane, 33* 86, 68, : 

895, 398, 803, 814, 88, 180, 19% 199, 88% 

318» 389, 343, 849, Mif ra. Pandit MathnrA 

866, 366, 886, 898, PnuAla, 368. 

487, 438, 489, 468, Mitbr*, 6. n* - - : 


Mitra,6, 13, 16, IS, - 
84, 81, 47, 49, 67, - 
68, 86, 88, 90, I04| 
103, 114, 116,180, 
168, 170, 171, 306, 1 
813, 346, 848, 298, 
394,808, 814, 843^: 
487, 440, 464,^466, 
469, 470. 
838, 889, 868^ 898, 
469. : 

M4nayao,0ode ofthe^ notet. . Mitraa, throe^ 34II. ^ 

137. Merchant (Itadxa), IO81 Milt oblation, 19, 66w ^ 

Mindragora, 66 note. • ^^^ trfttotliitg, lOi. Moksha, lY. ... 

Mandrake, 46, 66 notes. life of a, XI--XIII Moly; 46, 66.notes. C 

Manea, 10, 66/ 181| ^-^^ fiiayer of % 108, Moiii4ruWillHim% ^ 8i^ 

846. BeoFatbeia. - 104. M;^ XYL 

MAamatha, 119 notei Meifttf, 66, 9^, 184> MOi^(sX 93, 188. : 
Mannns, 348 note. 818, 464. . Mokith, iho thSfCeonth, 

Mann, 86» 99^ 187| t48^ MotfoO (mystio powen ' 197,. 198 ii04ii^ 469, 
870,424. • • • ^ oO,lW8otei ; .- 468.c-^ . :*.,..: 

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onxn Of MAMMp na! 

Ifootbi^ 94, 90» 178. 
Mooo^A se, 6S, 70^ 

1S8, ia5» tf8» Sa5» 4S1, 433, 434, 445. 

S56, S90» S9S, 3ie, M^tmm, SS4, 325. 

394, 415^ 435, 433, MAk, 50 note. 

463. 3l4UaMkrii«9l, 50, 305 

~ New, 30, 65, 333, uo(€$. 

347, 367-^363,440 lluUUo, 177 noie. 


340, 370, 383, 387, Night {peraoniftad), 5;.: 
390,391,398, 414, 94, 188, 195, 23^ 
— — of New Mooo,367»'> 

of Full Moon, 377. 

i— and Mornings 306^ 
462. - ^ 
Ntlagalas&li, 353w f 
NilimpM, 120. - 
FqH, 65, 348, If flller, Pkoll Muz, Yi; Nioe feet, 469. 

— WMiDg^ 348fiol«. 
Ifoning, 418, 453. 
Moroiiig^, 105, 370. 

MoMiuito, 35X 
llothflr or Iho Ck)d% 


323, 411. I 
Maiya gnM, 4. s 
-r- or tho worid, 115 MAnulofAi, 393 noff. 

Yll, 1, 3, 9, 14, 34, Nine Titol ain, 234. '. 
36, 81, 128, 131, Ni^et7vaier41oodi,40L 
133, 136, 149, 154, Ninely-iino diito^ 401. 
188, 248, 252, 254, note. 
262,279,398,432. Nirftla, 253. 
MuDgooM^ 209, 321^ NiqriU, 36, 52, 53, 64, 

58, 180, 199,. 359, 
279, 358, 360, 397, 
• 445. 
NirokU, 1, 2, 9, 58 

(oarth)46a Nadaviicav, 227. nate$. 

llotbon, Iho (Waton), Nadir, 120, 122, 144, NiUtiit, 331. ^ k< 

6. 159, 186, 303 notfit. NiTidi, 231. 

llooiitaiiMi-oloiidib NAgaa, 426. Noon, 452. 

228. Nagiiaka,407, .. Nonnao, H., 22a 

llri^o, 139, 177, 178, Nala(poooiof), 380Miti Noma, 239 mote. 

Nfishad, 15a 

. Obutiov, (penoniSodX 
^' 336 noie. 

228, 335, 340, 330^ Naladt, 181 
360,387,424,469. NaiAob^ 34a 

Ifioka, 63, 242, 24a NIrada, 219. 

Ilndgak, 171. Nafi^aAsa, 2Sa 

llnir, Dr.J., YII, XY, Niivbada, 15a 
11, 13, 88; 83»»11Q, Natoi^ 41, 433, 431, Ooean, iho oeleeUal, 
119,135, 186,188» 459fiolM. ^ 117,133,36a , 

133,146,149, 154, Powmof, 1, 11 Ooeana, two (air and 

160, 163, 169, 176, noiei. waur), 153^ 445. . 

183, 300, 203, 204, Notorrodra,413,414. ' Odana, 176—178, 445. 
.205, 314, 317, 220, Now Tear, 93, 94. .. Odin, 4a . , 
326, 239-r-241,^ 260, NoW Zealanden, Gene- Cm, 235, 468 nOa. :. 
264^310,311,331^ 8iiorih%354.: a Omeo, 314. : u 

mm or xaibi^ na 


Onmifie, the^ 76, 318. 
Omniacient, the, 304. 
Onager, 474. 
One, the, 460, 470. 
-Spirit, 421. 

PalQaka, 40a Feaheni, 2 note 354. -r 

;Pallobiadana,443—44aPearI, 142, 143 note, t 
Pandit, Shankar Panda* Perkduat, 3 fiote; 
* rang, XIY, 29. PeterMO, Pftill, 13a < 

. Paois, 164. PhUter, 3ia 

— - Sapreme Spirit, Panjib, 136, 346, 251, Phthisic 5a See Ooo* 

470. 420iio<e«. ' aomption. 

w.— law, 421. Pankti, XYII, 4, 469, Physicians of the Qodi^ 

Cow, 420, 421, Panther, 265. 351. 

444. ParamitmA, 172 note. of Death, 25L ^ 

Oneandahandred,92, Parames^hin, 401, 421 Pleroera, 120. 
217, 383, 391. See note, 453. . PiU, 181. - i 

Hundred and one. ParafiiHline, 205 note. Pindar, 100. 
Oneday sacrifice, 303 Parasvio, 474. . . Piiiga, 406, 407. 

note. Parents, the (Heayea Pippal, -Peepal, 87, 

One-footed, 469. and Earth), 307. note. See Af fatUuu 

Oue-wheeled chariot^-— the Umyeisal Pi^oha(s) 20, 40, 61, 

(ditto), 254 note. 179, 180, 182, 236-r - 

Piujanja, 3, 4, 107,115, 838, 262, 38a 
128, 145, 150^152, Pis^i, 20 Mote^ 
246, 265, 288, 296, Pif Acht, 20, 58 1 
345, 346, 411, 46a Pifichnt, 20 i 
Parkin cakes, 424 note. Pischel, ProC, XYi; 
122, 132, 177, 206, Parva, 86, 87,. 19a 105, 257. 

212, 256, 313, 330, Parthians, 225 note. Pknets, 463. 
353, 393, 418, 420, PamshihTa, 412. . 
460,462,469. . Panisbvt, 13^ 251. 
— — Son of, 42, 313* Passion (perBonified)^ 
Orion, 288 note. See Manyn. • 

Other People (spirits). Past and Futore, 6a 

426,454. . Pa9upati,7a 

Onianos, 37, 254 note. P&in, 66, 108, 15a 
Owl, 260, 261, 398,399. Pitila, 426 note. 
Owlet, 39a P&(h&, 66, 108 fM>te. 

0&- Caldron, 145, Ua Pavaniina, 127,, 145, 

(the Sun), 45a 
Ophthalmia, 458. 
Ordainer, the, 78, 95, 

335, 337, 454. 
Ordeal by. fire, 55 note. 
Order, 42, 54 note, 60, 

Plants, 36, 37, 44, 53, 
857, 387, 39(^ 408— 

King of (Soma), 

5a 134, 328, 293^ 

.^ (Indra), 15a. 

(Agni) 1, 153, 

24a ■ 

Celestial, 117, 

PaitpaULda, 29 note. 
Palila, 40a ., 
]^ali9i,.86 note. v 

179, 197, 255, 45a 194,^ 268 note, 40% 

Pavana, 36 note.' - 41L 

Paflnasa, 40L megijoal. difficult 

Piyu, 392 note. ; to obtain, 210 iwte. ^ 

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Prifttl^Mr«l, 64. 
TtWhU '^34 lioM, 4S0ft 

^ptha, 4t4i 
. ^r0t>iti4tof7 liy!iiill» 
PkmTargy*, Ittf AoCii S05 iiotft; 
IV»>ijiWy Ik ^ro8peritj(ipefMftiiMV 

Pk»jer, U» 76» 166^ R 

3^7, 4M, 464, 446. ^taoUoo, 306. 
'^-'^Iidhlo^ 11, 61, ^roteotrM (4 pU^)/ 
67,66,77,161,361, 606. I 
414. >telmB,>36, 166. 

thiUld<6)0. farohito, 11, 109, lUI^ 



Plal«i lOSi 461 Vramandioti 161. 

Pkii» I66» MiMlitt, 406» . 

Pl6MaaliiM6 (pefiftlit* Pi44% 431» 

•fi«d),S70. •' »ra9AT%46«. 

PMul«i^ Ui«» 466. PkmttoUr, 466; 
Ptetity, Lor4 ^4 SI7» ^iiluiHAr, 461 

PUdj, 67, 141 
Ploogb, lot, 107, 661, 

Pkwghiog; 96, 106, 

107, 601 n(4i. 
Ploqgh MoMdAj, 107. « 
Pldi^-ttOMjr, 107 Pra7eri,tb«Y«<Uo( IT. 667. 

nM. i hM 696,394. Puiifieir (AgAi)» 610. 

Pludghir ktkdM^ Preisiug4t6ftM (d6t64d),ParttmtihA, 171. 
INrie8tMMlo6]droo,141 114,641 PAnit, 114 imM. 

Poiu*% iiiUfiiiedkto, Pfidikd, 61 111. PufttBbl^ 41, 630, 40l, 

364. IViett, floUMhdld, 10ft. 417,411. 

Paiioo,ortiiak6i, 606, Sad PorohiU. PiihisU43dkto; 41, 619 

i09,360,67l ^^iiid^r6ddetil,lll n&is. 

-~ on Anoni, 167. Priatli, iefM, 161 P6»h6D, V, ll, l4i 10, 
^~- ettlled 6odi, 61 61, 66, 91, lOI, 104^ 
91 361, 606 MOM. 106, 111 171 134, 

liMUk; 800, 660, 331 341 Idl, l64, 

696il0<4. 607,631641646. * 

PriMUj lb#.' B66 &4k^ Pii8tiil«,190,666^S61 ' 
P4Udhi, 691% 
F&tin^ju, 411 
146, 146, 177, 360,^rittftl OattM of b«i6g, Pdiudro, l9l. 
«ltl, 660,861366,' 464. Pytbott, 46 noil 

111 666, 636, 667, Primiitil ua^ 431. PythoM (eloudi), 161 * 
•»11 661 667, 401, P»lm6 06116^ 41. ' "' M$. ' ' ' 
417, 411, 481 461 PtiwMy Pl>«6r, 61 

466,461466,461 Ptifol, 41, l4l US, Q0AftnmttBiVtiV,S61 
PMjili4ti% 41 ' ' 411. QoarUn of ihe ftky, 

n«k|tt^tfl '^^ ' Ptifoibikl 414. . ^ 861446.B04lmibilii 

PMoapiil^ 834. 
Pimbbia, 161. 
Pi6jlpiitl,41716ll0l tbi^l 

111 111 111, lift. Primal Baidg, 461 

OoMH tl)6 (Vik), 111 BimAyapN )7Q i|i4«i 
171. : Baal 181 ' 

-*^oftb6 4ald,61 it)^(,641 « 

of riTaia, 361 Batbaqtiira(mX 4H 

^'^'.^pftbaboma^ll,: 433,461 

-•^---ofGoda,941 Riii,91 

Wr-T of nan, 641 Bata, K^off «l tK 66 

QuiokHToUar (6atid)>U)7. note. 

- -^RaTaiit 661 

l^enm; Qn CkacloU Jlk?t, 861 ao<a. 
taoittg. ;/ Ragiooa af ika ik^ 

Back (Cramp), 6Qi 
Radiaui (aolaaajOf Ooda) 
l«0. ^.. . 

Bain, U>vi$ rof tba, 464. 
Bain-olopd. SaaPiuji^ 

Baiu-God, 645. . 
Baioa, tha, 6/61 - 
. 160rtr-l61 161 / 
Bainy Season, 176. 

Bijaot,37»' -. . 
B4jan7a(a), 161 114 

.-r»611 165. Saa 

BijattA>'a, 169 «oM. 
Bajataulbbi, 476. 
B4kl 119 iKK^ 341 

four )1 41 61 
111 191 . r 
^fi»^ 61 64,111. 

aU» Ul, U4rl61 

: 460. 

laa 461 

-irm Wardara at Ra» 
geoU of (ba, 61 81 
181 161 601 . .. 

B^ona of tba aartllft. 

Baleaaara (two atara^* 
5190,805,611 - 

Bandar, tha (Fiona • 
Baligioaia 411 

Basulva, 119. 

Baratt, 441 

B4kaha9a(a}, 1 41141 BbenmatUfo, 41 91, , 

151 361 3fil 871 141, 166 iia«f^ 461 

393— 69169S...401 Ig^bbn. |70 naK 871,. 

454. ; ; 439iio<ii 

^UalMiat, 391 Qibhn% 67, 870 nate^. 

BakabobA (AgnO, 898 304, 416. 481 

941. QWm. aSl. U$, 4tt 

Btuiv 170.S0S 90tm: SM KBk«r|b,.^ -.^-^QI.;T»7,T]Li 

mgkt, 44m 4«». - 
t, «-», u, R «4^ 

98.39,91, 99, 94, 
91. 41. 41^4. 46, 
4r. 61. 99. 9«. W» 
41,64. 69,6»-Tl, 
79-78, 78w W. »3k 
99. SO^ M-96. 89,- 
109, 109->108. 110, 
111, U4, IW, IIT, . 
laT. 119. 130^193;. 
. 137, 139, US, 148, 
. 149, 149-*) 94. IM,^ 

170-^174. 181, J8?. 
l»«C»OJ, j|07,«I.- 
919. 914, 917. 220,. 
927, 999, 930, 999. 
999. 948, 990, 996,. 
957,259. 260.902. 
969, 970-974. 976.- 
280, 917. 989, 990^ 
901. 909, 9)9. 919. 
991, 997^992, 999.- 
936, 999. 94<ik 942; 
a49^>361. 994. 995.- 
961 -.9^6. 96% 969. 
980, 981. 9H. 988^ 
996, m, 401. 403. 
4H 427. 499. 489, 
499,n443. 449. 418 
«-444.4W«47«t ? 

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mm ov 9AMMf wftOt 


«klii(eX 18, 48» 5«, 

77, 164^ 170^ 17S, 

185^ SOS, 251,987, 

304,319,880, 370, 

378, 401, 417—490, Rodni, 84, 171, 198, 

494,499,468. 989,985,414. 

*.— tmn, 146» 170, BimI^ 159. 


€d«tkl,819. ^Aoat,W%nM. 

skill to tlM Godib fUohtpati, 858 note 

905. ' 8Mied Girdk, 819. 

Bidijapadt, 99. -^ GrMi, 906, 877, Qrasf, itor^d. 

9ito,49, 181 449. poiit,165,907,849. 

Bifalworaliippen,185, Koowkdg^ 9, 887,— wiOwi, 957. . 

186, 900^ 860. « 858, 857. SftdAoTM, 58, 59| 61, 

Birni, 99, 100^ 958. Sjllsbl^ 985. 148. 

iTi^ 946; itfin, SioriflM (penonUUd), fikdai, 419. "^' 

168^ 169, 171, 179, fikorifioiU hall, 75 noU, 
197,998, 955,969,' 949. 

968,976,977,994, hone, 187, 449 

394,887, 846,864^ Mo^ 
378, 401, 454. — — impleinonU doid* - 

— - Agoi,87l ' od,841. - 

— TioUm doifiod, 75^- 
76, 150,449, ' 

— - ftoimal^ 75* 

— fire^ 48, 76, 78, 

-i- 00!^ 480. 
— Ignlsa, 410. See 

186, 946, 889. 

BiforwGod, 848 


965, 976. SidbyM, 899, 867, 414, 

— of Mi animal, 75, 469,470. 
76. —— Regent of tho, 491, 

*^orabnn,845. 470. 

— ^ oT a oow, 899. SainJa, 189, 951 tiolei. 
BiTor-Ooddeei. Sao 8a- -— * of a dog^ 899. Sekadbftoia, 816 note. 

nsvatt or a ^joat, 149, Sakadbftmijae, 406. 

Bobin Ooodfellow, Y, 15a ^akambbara, 994. 

69, lI8ifolee. of a ram, 194. ^akra, 197, 144, 189, 

Bodarf (Oooaort of Ba- — fiuilts fn perro^ 87% 899, 418» 489. '« 

dim), 849. manoe oi, 808, 879. Salt, 864. 

Bodha, 188 MOle. — ^ goeo to beaven, I^Ha, 406. 

Boebiiok,89. 819,813. ^Alikka, 177. 

,97,494. • . — ^ • thnnderbolti SamA (balf-jear), 40, 
66fMM. 71,890,891. 48 hoIm. 

Both, TOO, VI, Zm, ano^7,808iio<«.$4mA,98,99. 

XT, 18, 48, 118^ 154, — - TwolfoAj, 451. Mma, Siman, SAmani, . 
906,99(^996. ^ 8aeri6eial bull, 488— 56^ 981, 416, 419, 
Biidfa,91,51, 59^67, 449/ * 499, 448 nOt, 449, 

88^75^104^115,169, ^ goO, 449-448. 465« - : 

nmsx OP tiAUEB^ ixa 


Slman (Voda), III, YL Satyri, 187 noi4. Serpents, 190, 1 91 , 950^ 

S&mAtiDgen, 56. Saatrioie^t, 88. 414,416. 

SimaYed*, 7, 8» 46^ SaTitar, 99, 81, ZZ, 87,Sesamam, 51. 

834, 884. 43, ^5. 68, 80, 90, Set&la, Sevak, 100 moU. 
Saml, 88 ao<e, 950, 961. 91, 96,97, 108,119, Se?en (an indofiniU 
114,140, 166,167, nnmberX841. < 

193, 931, 933, 945, Idityae, 490. 

SAinoaoe, 191 

Samikba, 119fiole. - 

Saphaka, 177. •,: 

SapUvadhri, 170 ael^ 


l^afabba, 444. 

I^arad, 461. 

' Siran^ 997. 

Saiasrio, 845, 44a 

SaramU (RiTor), 186, 

f 946 mHa. 

— (Godde«e)ai9, 
170, 198, 199, :f08, 
907, 936, 939, 980, 
938, 946, 961, 967, 
994,997,800, 839, 
341, 845, 854, 859. 

257, 266, 974, 977, 



889, 849, 863, 886, 

894, 400, 401, 495, 

431,440,459, 455, 

SAjraka, 407. 

48, 58, 67, 78, 79, 

89, 109, 186, 149, 

161, 169, 179,189, 


917, 999, 830, 886, pathwaji, 188. 

863, 869, 393—395, prieeta, 458, 459. 

398, 441, 459—46% — ^iihi^ 146^ 913, 

464— 47a 966,359, 371,419, 

— oowi^ 459. 
'— oooeeotatlon% 419. 
^— divleiona of tho ' 

jear, 459. < 

— Homai, 419. 

— Hotan, 165. . 

— Marnta, 459. . 

— motfOi, 419, 460^ 

— months of Agni^ 


SarasTatts, three, 80a SoandinsTisn mjtbo* 495. 

Sari, SAriki, 101 
Sarpa, 63. 
§T7t^ 59, 169, 

388,414,415. - 
SarvaTid, 304. 
SatAnika, 39, 40. 

40, 146, 176. 
Sattra, 35, note. 
Sattrasadas, W noU. 
Sattrasadya, 4ftl. 
Satjinn, 17<k, ' -^'^ 


logy, 41, 443 noU$. ^— RiTsrs, 136, 946^ 
Scberman, Dr. L., XVL 979, 355, 3^9. 
Soorpion, 909 noK, 354. — * stges, 419. 
996, Sorofala, 365. * — sisters (ri? 
- Sea, 57, 125, 391, 335. 459. 

— (personified), 391 — solar tay^ 

of air, 191,311. 459. 

Seasons, 90, 94, 95, — steps, 905 noCt; 

934, 936, 978, 4 1 5. — streams of butter, 
»— fimoi/iil names of; 419 ; of mead, 419. 

447,448. sweetnemes, 43a 

— ^— Lord of ( Agni);94.— tamo animals, 94. 

Lords of, 94. — threads, 46a - 

9erabhk,9erabhaksi69. — ^ vheels 45a ' 

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mMor luMfl, Mft 

Smw; tU 1IUM Kodbn. M, IIS, U8» 0is (pokM. 4<K ^ 

biubIiw. 4M. i l'», M«, «4T. »— twmi't minilMr, 

^ tbo «rfpl«^ 1, 1 aindbadTtiM.! 4«a 

SmiJi>ldb(wtb,0C. Kngle 9ishl. 410. Sis^y tin*. 4I& 
SMW-wbMl^ mr,1A9. •-^ imoo (liit«r«d*- 8Utb (tajr. 4t7. 
8*«fidb«.9en*dU]M.«S. 17 month), 4)0, 4«l. SkMid*, 499. 
8MtiA|^BiAiiiiM«>, -«^ Spirit, 4S4. 4«|. Bkj (panpnifie'lX <&% 

89. . . -Sint^il^ aff, tt», tut, 453. S«« HeatM. 

«Mktr,«lMai>dn)>4ia» 847,848.4401 Slwglitmcmr, 480. 440. ; 

8lwk«^MHV 88. SinhMk 54, 880, 848. BUrm, supentiUoa . 

Sbmbur P«Bd«Mif SMw oonmittwl ^ •mong tb«, 384 MM. 

Paodtt, XIT, 88. otkw*^ inwUt«Mpt| SlMp, 136, 888. 

8baTiiig(ngn«(i»«Ma> fbr, 98« « Sleap-«h«nn, 188. 

lag), a»a ^ 9lpila, 9lp<ll8, 881. Sleeplcai, 388. 

SMI, aamlat <4 1 4S-» Sip»TitDali»% 887« Slambarlew, 898. 

144. . - 8ipa4ra> 810, SmMbon^ (!)• (Mitrnti) 

Ship^ 178, 194, 819. Bin, ) 07. II Wi(«. 

..1,. 9t Bhagiw 79. 8i(«^ tl«i (Btvm), 480. 8iia]n-oliMiit«r% 809 
SehiMnMnt to luniili Siring 888 «H<«. . NO^ 

ria, 80, 148. fifing. >78 wx^ 481. 8mk«4, t«rmn» vmrn 

8i«gw«t«ia. M MM. Sia«.SiMOO,9l7.. ot; 808, 809. 8T8. 

qUiMlit, 198, 198, til Sktor oC privrtvultw, -^ ^Un» of, OHd M 
. MM, 800 MMk 409 877. •«!>»»«, «t 

Sittan (Hfi^wa tad — » p«wd«riD|; tnnk^s 

StrtlO. 191* toTifiUv, 38 mM. 

. ~«« (W»t««i 8. Saiffer (% (kind), 408L 

9il& (ttvmw p«mtti> Sooaty (• S^nd)^ 408, . 
MX 107, 108. Snowy flill(aX 19*. 
CRlWNMk,Ki^86,481Si^^S96MM. \ 197. : 

Sia, 84, 891, 808, »I9. SU •kma^ib 418. ■.< lfA«lit«in(*X 198, 

.««B»Mt«l,M9. >* wpMMb 19^ 148. 194. 857, ^97. 

— ^UM oToonMiMp- 481. .Soomt«, 808 mM- " . 

tifln, 408. , . -«- wM «aiit|i% 41l«i.8ogdi«m, 815 MM. 
?«i^ p(V« fcriHiidoa -"^^voMoaA^ifUH. SoWmm 401 MM. 

«4S78. «9. ... Soma (tk» Qod), 1,5, 

.,M«ii^fcf(Man bot»mtlM,4|9. 8, 

..ttm,m,90»* 809..—^ NgioMb Ul. 144 

811.8411844 888.. 189^ 480, 
- 87U fr4 179. SSI -^-o- aMNM 491.- 

SikigiUi, 858. 
mm, 885. 


8fi,M.07. 7a 74 
848491. 84 94 
104 I.M. U4 IS4 



xsm or itiidto, ftioK 


lit( 130, 1«4> 1I5» SoQtbeni fire, 4tl,4504 Storm-Codi, 1,. %%:^ 

173,179, IS6, 188» Somos (Death aad 171, 256.86elCanilg. 

194, 197, 302, SI3, Destraotioo), 360. Suooabae, 199 nau. 

313, 316, 317» 333, Speech, 303, 337^ 467, Soooubot, 407 noCc 

324, 338, 333, 33^, 469, 470. Sadhaa^Nm, 370. 

337, 846—348, 366, -«- Godot, I, 171, S&drm, 160, 161, tU^ .: 

373, 374, 377, 378, 173, 431. Sugarcane, 38, 39. 

383, 384, 293, 396^ Goddess of, 106, Sakra, 374. 

399, 303, 328, 330, 113, 139, 803* SamiDer, 375, 39L 

336, 344, 346, 368, Speckled Coir, the Son (the God), 5, 13; 
' 369,383,387,396— (dead), 4L 26,37, 41, 43, 48, 

400,426, 433, 449, Spikenard, 181 noie, 64,65,70, 73, 78,. 

453»4d5, 463. 301» 

Soma (the Moou), 256. Spirit (Father of Yikl 
•— «ldeDti6edwiththe the Word^ 139.. 

pUat^ 368. Spotted Hag, 23. 

•-— (the jaioe),/Mwn«t. Spreuger, Dr., 338. 

SoQia-can, ihed foiv Springi 275, 391. . 

4494 . Sraktya, 54, 400» 401. 

SociiaMmp% prieetfl who • noU, 

manage, 453. Srimaa, 406. .'driuker, the (In* Sril^ayaa, 318. 

dra), 1 1, 35, 55, 403. Stallion, the (rabj 
Soma, the plaut,ldenti* clond), 153. ' 

fied,252,353. (Heaven) 465^. 

80, 104, 105, 113, 
123, 138-130^ 133, 
137, 140, 160, 1648 
168, 183, 185, 187, 
188, 191, 197, 33T, 
336,373, 373,304, 
328, 334, 339, 344, 
353, 372, 440 noU, 
466, 463, 470. 

Snn ^ Apollo and Odin,- 
4^ 139 notes. 

Soil and Moon, 6O9. 
334,386,390. . 

<>-^ (Som oCAditi): 

San, genii who r^gnlat« ' 

the, 160.. 
Sana,. 107. 

8oma,theheaTenlj,43,. 4684 

190. St. John's Wort, 66» 
•«— rape o( 371, 345. Stamh^jas, 404. . ; 
sacrifiee, 35, 76, Stars, 250, 334. ' 

77, 419 fiotes. regent of, 29L. 

Song (deified), 353. Sterilitj,oharm against, Souimi, 404;. 
Sorcerer, 10, 11, 59, 116. Sanlight (penonified), 

155,157,158. Stinginess (personified), 418..: 

^NTterees, 12, 23, 59, 31 S&nriO, 111, 379.. 

157, .351. Stoma, 41 9 note. Snpagpih (varionslj ts< 

Son1,theSapreme,173 Stone(thanderbolt),16, pUin^), 464.. ^ 

note. 31, 396, 399. Supporter, the^l04Mels. 

SoalHnass oake^ 434 — of Viotoij, 34. Suprana Beings 417, 

»?^"; .-.. - . nok. '.:/ 421..:-. . :; 


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maaivrnAMMBf na 

Sapfama'Fiftf Oiota^ Svilra, 12S.' ' 

.*41. " Swim, 411. i ' 

SopreoM Spirit, 463, 9jrA?&t?% T7t. • ' 

470. Sjrllable, the/i65,46a 

8aprem« God, 43. 9jr«iM» ^^* • 
Sapreme Sell; Soul, or 

Spirit, 17. TlBUtA, S09, 

8Ai» (th« Sao), S78; Tadnri, 153. 
84ri (instiiotot oT a 1i:^ro4t% 209, 316. ^ 

.inerifioeX 64, 109, Ttittirfja-Btibiuava, 

.340,443 noU. 339. 

8Ai7«, 36, 36, 60, 63; Takmaii,:30, 93, 353! 

Third caste .0^' eUAp' 

351 naU. 
--^ heaven, 194, 897| 

313, 443—444. 

light, 444. 

— — world, SI09. 
Thirteen creatures, 1 19. 
Thirteenth month, 463. 
Thirty realms, 363. * 
Thousand-eyed (Impro* 

cation), 364. 

(Indra), 160. - 

68, 111, 135, 160, n4>ie$. See Fever. ' ^ (Miseiy), 259. 

.179, 183, 186—188, Takshaka, 436. (Variiva'a envoys)/ 

.303, 303, 308, 314, TaUsA, 253, 355. 154. ^ 

J33, 338, 341, 350, Tangalva, 407. Bhava and ^arva, 

.363, 365, 890; 395, Tandnapit, 306, 233. 169. 

.800, 303, 304, 339^ Tarkshya,105 naU$7%. Thread of life, 313. 

.333, 339, 353, 368^ T4nh^gha, 338* of sacrifice, 438. 

.370, 379, 418, 434, Tastava, 309. Three, thc^ 418, 187, 

445, 463. Tanviliki, 353.: 470. 

r— wives of (Night Tai on new-comers to <— ^— the mighty, 4fl6. 
and Morning) 418.* heaven, 134, 309—— daily libations, 

84tya, Lord Sapreme^ naiet. 

841. '. Tslohines, 408 fioltf. 

86i7ly70^78^9,301, Ten deoadss of life, 85. 

440. ■' — -^' kinds of wood, 

8Af7avarehif% 435. t : amnlet ol^ 51 noU* * 
Sofmta, 37,30, 64iiol«i — — regions of space^\ 
Sntiimaa, 83 nek. 463. 

Sntttdrf, 136 noA. Ten-arKowed, 413* • 
8Tadkl,434. < Ten-headed, 136. .' 

Svaja, 133, 376 iidls. Ten-month child, 116^ — ^heavens^ 159, 385, 
Svihl, 60, 390, 398, 331. 386, 46K ' ^ : 

.;369, 378/ ; TettfeUbahlschaft^408 lights, 443. ^ 

Svarlj, svarit, 417. noUr :iegS)465. >- 

SfMfga; 75^ 76,.* 176, Tentonio- mythology, «--^ lunar years, 37^. 
%177,31S, 445,446»- 433..— ^ ^— • Mitras, 34a" ^" - 

449, 450^ 454. ;i ^^ Tbeophrastn% 4»i^ ' -'-* pathways^ 14i;'' 

146, 190 noU, 37a, 

371 fM>te, 418, 438w 
-— distances, 385. 
earthy 159, 256, 

397, 461. ' 

— * fire-receptacles,~ 

Ooddesses, 193,' 




Thr^ seasons, 459.' ' Trilyamiu^ 303. ' Twe1v4hdiy aaerifioe,' 

steps, 41. Treasure(s), fiord of, 451. .. 

-^ — steps of Vish^n, . . 3 mU, 326. Twelve^poked yc!ar,178^ 

339,84a I. Tree, the Celestial, 133. 463. : ' 

— stridesof theSun, — of Life, 133 note. Twin calves, birth o(' 
65 note. . Trees, 40, 249. 414. 132.. 

Tities, Lord of — -^ Holy, 54 note. Twins, birth o( 183^ 

(Agni), 285. - Triads, 419. : 133fiol«s. \. 

Vedas, 470. Tribes, the Five^ 43, Twd^ooted, 469.. ! 

-T^— words, 347.. 114. See Fire Races. T^, 348 nci$. 

—^worlds, 55 noUp -—Sovran of the. 111. •• • 

. 187, 347. Trikadmkas, 48 nels. Udoitae, IV.845nol^' 

Threefold heaven and Trikii(a, 143 note. 453. 

:' earth, 418 fiols. Triple air, 461. UdWLohana, 301. ' ' 

«i — homeofAgni,416. Triple-peakedmountain,Ugrajit, 310. 
Threenaved, 459. 143. Ugrampafyi, 310. T 

Three-peaked mountain. Triple seven, the, 1, 3, Ulysses^ 45 jmIc..'"." 

143. : . 33. Unborn, the,. 445, 460*' 

Three-threaded amulet. Triplets, 419 note^ 465. — — spirit, 445 nofc 

' 334. TrishUgha, 238 note. Universal Gods, 13^ 571 

Thunder, God of, 3. Trishtup, XVII, 9, 371, 58, 85, 377. See Vif- 
TbniiderboU- sacrifice, 418,419,465. vedevas. ' 

330. Trifiras,7. _ Soul, 173 jioft; \ 

Thuuder-storm, charm Tri9oka, 171. Upabdi, 63. ,* 


Trita, 187v 188, 191 UpajIkAs, 44, 30a 

note, 370, 307. Upanayana(m) 857^. 

Truth, 97, 446. 379 notes. 

— — and Fiilsehood,60. Upaoishads, VIH XV, 
Tuv^ika, 404.' 46a . ; .. 

Turvasas, 1 1 4 note, ' Upholder (of maniageX 
Trashjar, 7, 47, 65, 68, 378, 335 iM>let. 
90,137, 173, 207, Upoha, 119 noie. "' 
330, 333, 233, 246, Ursa Mijor, 371 iioia. 
270, 374, 287, 295, Urugfttt, 406. -. 7 
324, 336, 364, . 440^ I^pdas, 406. . 
452, 454. U|ini,i7L - 

Toga v!rilis, IX, 58 fio<s.Twelve Adityas, . 13, Ushas, 104, ll>5, . 138; ' 
roft6ises,441. ..--. 420 notes. 135, 463,. 469;- See ^^ 

Tcmdesmen, 251 Mote^ Twelve months, 461. ;• Dawn.. ^ , % ^ v* 

. against, 16. 
Tiger, 133, 134, 

180,306,401. . 
Tiger-amulet, 410." 
Tiger's day, 306. . - 
Tiger-sltin, 140. 
Time, 466. 

Tirafohir&ji, 131, 376. 
TiUns, 66 note. .. 
Tin, 348 note. 
Tobit, 404 note. 

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TiCBAIPATI, 1» S. . 

TAdhi7afVft» 170, 17L 
TVkiii j% 434; 

YaifimfMM, 426. 

TMfHom (AgniX 61, 
103, 118^ 114, I64» 
'179,364, 370,374, 
279, 384, 385, 810, 
580, 386, 401, ilO^ 

(YampaX !*• 

Tai|}r»(tX 160 mM, 
314, 351 nou. . . 

TaiUh^fTt^ 317, 3ia 

Taiaaft«4tim, XIY, 
Zm, 335^ 343, 359. 
361, 366. . 

TalTamta, 309, 889, 

Vaja, 370, 429 

Vij^p^ys, 111 


Tijin, 396 iM>C«. 
VAk, 106, 113, 


^xma OP vijcBi, ne. 

Varuvifc, 5, 13-^14, 15 VMbAf, 14, 232, 377, 
»o<#, 2(^ 32, 24, l», 423, 444, 461. 
30, 31 SiXe, 36iM»te, VasUhlim, 104, 146^ 
'37 fi^ 38, 53, 54, 170, 313,353,396^ 
67—69, 88, 85, 86, 398 n^U$, 171. 
88, 90,99, 104, 105 VMUkthas, 105«ofdL . 
moU^ 111 iKXe, 114, YMOsbpati, 3. 
115, 12(^ 131, 13a YIUtoBbpAti, 284^ 
noU^ 133 note, 134, Yatoruebi, 425. 
152-155, 163 note, Ya8a8,.34, 56, 81, 171, 
170, 171, 173, 174, 206, 233, 282, 284^ 
186, 187 fwU. 189, j 285, 289, 366, 376» 
303 fM>te, 208 ttote, ' 387, 393, 414, 42r. 
205 npu, 207 note, YftU, 68, bb, 81, 82, 
308, 213, 319, 224, 112, 120, 302, 203 
228, 230, 246, 248 noU, 265, 395, 39C^ 
mU, 355, 356, 365, 434, 440. 
269 noU, 373, 282, YatMi>a, 403. 
984, 292-294, ^6, YamT&sM, 403. 
298, 302» 311, 819, Yijm, 36, 53, 55, 6^ 
339, 369—371, 874, noM, 65, 76, 90, 97, 

879, .382, 4Q9, 431, 
437, 439, 454, 469, 
ItO, -^ King of W4ton, 
171, 173, 203, 213, 870. 
337, 359, 416, 421, «— • nooaes or mmtm 
422 mokh 378, 431, o( 53--54, 154, 298, , 
469. 311, 87^ 871. . 

107 noli, 112, 166^ 
167, 184, 186, 1^7 
iMte, 228. 249, 274, 
279,282, 324,328, 
362iio(tf, 385 fwu^ 
386, 440, 464, 464^ 
465^ 470. 
Yada (bnook of gtMsX 

Y«l«»47« ,— — omoiprttMoot-of, 341 iio<«. 

Yimadon^ 176 fiol«. 158,154. Yoda, 3, 9 fio^. 

YAmadefya, 176, 433, ^— tiokoeM tent lij, — — tbe Fourth, YL 

423. 80, 154, 165, 371 Yadaa, 1T8, 470. . 

Yaoaapati,307, 383,410. note, 409, 883. -—tha three aueient. 

Yaraaa, 138, 391* // •-— ^pieeo^eiiTojeo( 111,470. 

Yaimvifatt, 138. ' ;. 154. Yedi, 306 ncie. > -^ 

Yarah% 461. 7 Ttfo^M, HLftofi. . Yeioa, 31. . 
YinM^ (Bftina), ,96 Yantvaa, 85. o . Yena, 41, 129, 19<^ 
.,,.., Yaeinta,46l.v. »> ^ ^484fMX^ 436. : . 

i ^ 


YenesectioD, 31. 340, 347, 348, 401, 

Yerities, the, 48. 431,468. 

Y^rae (deiaed), 353. Consort of; 348. 

Yibhidaka, Yibbltaka, YiebUri, 176, 177. 
380fio<«. Yisfuvas, 426 note. 

Yibb?ao,270,429iio<df: Yifva, 394. 
Yicbritau,50,305iiotea TiSfajit, 308. 
Yidham4,23. . 
Yidb4tar, 95. 
YtgiUnce, 240, 386. 


165 wU, 174, 187 

noU, 292, 330, 831, 

Yfitra-tlayer (ludra)^ 

26, 201, 366. 
Yaloao, the Indian, 47 


Yigoar, 425. 
Yibalba, 253. 
Yibavya, 192 noU. 
Yikankata, 200. 

Yifvakarman, 76, 77, Yaltore (name of{-m 

312, 313 noU. worm), 336. 

Yif vambbara, 61. ' Yaltore^ 399, 419. 
YiiHmitra, 146,170, 

213, 852, 398 notef ; Wakipul,'386. 

171. WalUs, H. W., 13^ 

TifT&iiara, 145. 133, 159, 173. 

Yile4bt, 23, 404 nofei. Yif f&vasu, 42, 43. Wanderer, the (the 
Yilesteuga, 844 no<«. Yif?e Devas, Yif?o San) 335. . 

Devils Yi9?edeTai, Wandering etan, 856.^ 

12, 58 note, 61 note, War-chariot, 314. 

108, 114, 171 note, WarderGod, 86. 
'270, 319 note, 339, Warders of the regioQ%- 

359, 408, 414, 452. XII, 35, 36. 
Yttabatya, 217 note^ War^ram, 320—333, 

218, 331 note, 333. 365, 315. 

War-God, 458. 
•.~- two, 60, 96. War4M>c«^ 295, 396. 
tpuit, 421 fiote, Warrior, 365, 398. See 

427. Kahatriya. 

— — breath, MYenfold, Watobfolnees (pcfeoni-' 

56. ^ fied), 386. 

Yitaati, 186 note; Water, 100, 483. 

YifasT&n, 309, 389NOte^ «-«- and fire, 99. 

Yiligf, 209. 
Yilobita, 455. ^ 
Yimada, 171. 
Yindhjan Mountains, 

170 naU. 
Tip&s, 136 noU: 
Yiper(s), 33, 122,276. 
Yirij, 106, 401, 415, Yital airs, 234 note. 
, 416—418,421^^28, 

Yiigil, 116, 321. 
Yiroohana Prabr4di, 

Yisaljaka, 455. 
Yi9apba,91. 424. 

Yisb4, Yisbitakt, 382. YiTpbi, 74. 
YishA^akl, 268. Yoice, 415. 

^Yishkandha, 20, 45, Yritja, YIL 

46, 91 note, 92, 141. YpabA 25 note. 
Yisbfu, 55, 61 notef, Yfishadati, 33 note. 

HI, 113, 122, 192, Yritra,35 note, 26, 47, 

ofUfe^ 235^312 

Waterflood, (MBipring of 


Waters, the^ 6—8, 80/ 
31, 37,38, 40, 44, 

330, 246, 336, 389, 99 nol^ 113, 443, 153, 334, 33t^ 346; 

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nnnz op vamMp wta 

S57, S58, 97$, S77, Wiotor, 171, 891. ' Tajot text, 858. 
878. S8I, 895, 814, Wise, Dr., 81, 26, 87, Tijji, U note. 

871, 878, 885, 886, 
890, 409, 48^ 488, 

-~ befort erifttioB,' 
188 note. 

80, 64, 78, 74, 858, Taktbma, 58, 74, 187/ 
894, 815, 455, 45a 141, 887 notet. «m ' 
Witcboraft, 157, 810, Coosomption. 
311, 888, 141, 848, Tftma, 18, 85, 86, 56,' 

400, 401. 

r OffifpriDgor(AgiiiXWitohet, U, 49,161, 

158, 846. 888. 

Wealth, Loid oC 79. Wiiard, 811, 899. 
Waapoot (a alan of Woden, 89 note. 

GodaX 1^- Wolf; 800, 828, 886. 

Weatberi>rophet, XII, Wood, Rev. J. O., 800. 

816, 817. 
Weber, ProCA., V,VI, 

XY, el jNUfMM. 
Wel&re (ponootflidX 

98, 181, 128, 184, 
143, 176, 186, 308, 
828, 289,340,860, 
261,269, 880,291, 
896,298, 805, 818» 
|880;8S8, 851,886,' 
889,418, 417,420, 


Weatward fira, 481. 
White aat% 44^ 

Word, the CreatiTO, 1 29, 

171, 859, 481 fioCif. dogs of, 160, 889^ 

World-ereatora, 178,. 886, 441 note. 

830. borae 0(196. 

World -proteetor, 86, — ^ meiaeDgen df 
869. 889, 418. 

800 WoridTVee, 188 n^ Taomui, 143. 

464 nau. Yiska, 107, 889, 469. 

Wbitn^, Prot, V, VI, Worlda, the three^ 56 YatI, 47. 
XIII, XIV, XVI, 85, Hold, 187, 847. YAtna, 30. 

180, 196, 373, 801, Worm (a fiend), 407. Y4tadbioa(a), 9—13, 
884. Wormi^ 71—78^ 386, 

Wide-atrider, the (Viab. 387. 

90, the Snn), 55. Wrath (peraonified). 
Widow, ro-manrtageoi; 178, 174. 

446, 447. Wrigbt,Mr.W.H.,XIV. 

Wild an, 474. Wrong, 469. 

WiUoo, ProC H. H.,. Xbexv, 336 fiofo. 

190,370, 898,898, 
. 463. 464, 466, 469,-Yadub, 114 iiola. 

470. Yajfiijajfiijra, 433, 428. consort of, 98-^95. 

Wind (personified), 58,' Y^jor^eda, 858 note. model of, 98. — 

. JOa^ 349, 885, 487, Yi^o^ 448 note, 449. parU of, 384. ; 

488. . YijusHritoal, 118 noli. New, 98, 94. . 

Wiii^m,8S8» : : Yigda(Vada),IIL;. TMrnera, 13K .: 

190,310, 387,363, 
— tranaformationa* 
o( 899. 

— <— flying, 893. 

Yitndb4ol(8), 11, 88, 

59, 160, 387, 
' Year, the (personified); 

niDBX OP VAms, na 


Yean, 94, 95. Zenith, 132, 144, 159, . 143, 149, 154, 156, 

three lunar, 375. 186, 308, 469 note$. 160, 168, 196, 814, 

YeT&sha(s), 337. Zeos, 173, 347, 348 217, 318, 836, 386, 

Yojaoam, 818 nols. fcolet. 241, 853, 361, 368, 

Yttgaa, 890 wt4. > . Zlfflmer,Prof.H., XVI, 375, -878, 805, 806, 

YApa, 848 nole. 4, 17, 18, 75, 83, 85, 816, 831—834, 888, 

95, 108, 104, 118, 886, 89i; 407, 437/ 

ZAaUBua,Dr.T.,XVI. 119, 126, 136, 140. 438,458, , 

•• ''-.r.cAi 0' ..r 

- : r.. 1. , \ri .V,- *i • . 

• ' ..>i ■ '* ' •.- ^ • ; 1 I'll' V 'i-' u • ^. » 

I '. •• 

,i^ Ai ,ii,: 

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i U > 

• V • 

• M • 

• 41 • 

• 49 t 

• 7S • 

• 8S • 

. • M t 

• lU # 

• m • 

• lai • 

• 17S • 

• 181 • 

• 185 • 

• 187 • 

• IM • 

• 198 • 

• tS8 • 

• S58 • 

• t88 • 

• 808 • 

• 888 • 

• 408 

• 408 • 

• 411 • 

• 487 • 


I 1 d note ftad ^un^uihvib fie lSttu-uih|^ 
'18 ftvmbdair ffwtf Poroliite fiePunhtt^ 

8 ' f«Mf fordS >brie* ; 

14 IhNik iMiMr rmd UfiAiiMUtm fie MiwtorfnJMhjg 

7oliioi« rmd ^UnaX >br immortal 

7 fMcfbMif /brhMr 

18 Iraili Wkm ffwtf Up«l /m- iiidiitawfe frwd V^ iad 

8 Ikvm bdloWMMl Mj^MiidMitilM i | 
f frpm Inltnr nwtl ilniiffiifttjVdfMW?dM 

• Ikvm tNOmr altar Worid. «cU TIm kgnid M|ii thiki th* ckplumi 

fi^ produoMl £ftM& almTii^ of tlM ilMh of llArltAii^a Um mif- 
diapillmofAditi. 8«e Mwi', 0. & TWctab IT. pw 18 

• oIImU f^mCdtfol /M-dao 

• read Oul firOu 

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